Massive update: 34 New patterns, 11 homepages, 4 about pages & MaxiBlocks Go theme | Issue #29


August 6, 2024

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Hello Creators 👋

Let’s see what’s new:

WordPress hero block pattern

Hero block patterns

🎨 34 New block patterns (Now 2,262 total)

Our pattern library continues to grow, giving you more design flexibility:

8 Hero Patterns (320 total)

These new hero patterns feature eye-catching designs to make a strong first impression. From bold typography to immersive visuals, each layout captivates your audience and effectively communicates your key message.

10 Image Patterns (328 total)

These versatile image patterns showcase your products, services, or portfolio in a visually appealing way. With various layouts and styles, you can find the perfect design to complement your website’s aesthetic and highlight your content.

icon and image wordpress block pattern

Image and icon block patterns

10 Blog Patterns (56 total)

These blog patterns provide design options to present articles and news in an engaging, reader-friendly format. From classic grid layouts to contemporary designs, you can find a pattern that suits your blog’s style and enhances content readability.

WordPress blog pattern

Blog block patterns

4 Accordion Patterns (8 total)

These accordion patterns efficiently organize and present large amounts of information in a compact, user-friendly manner. Perfect for FAQs, product details, or content benefiting from a collapsible structure, these patterns keep pages clean and easily navigable.

Wordpress block pattern

Accordion block patterns

2 Footer Patterns (130 total)

These footer patterns provide a professional and organized way to display important information and links. With clear navigation and well-structured layouts, these patterns improve your site’s usability and overall user experience.

Each pattern comes in light and dark versions, giving you flexibility for any design theme. Check out the demos to see how they can help you design faster.

🏠 11 New homepage templates (209 total)

These templates offer a great starting point for a wide range of industries. They’re designed to be easily customizable, allowing you to quickly adapt them to your clients’ specific needs.

Studio SOP-PRO-01

Studio SOP-PRO-04

Co-working COG-PRO-01

Portfolio PFOP-PRO-01

Conference CNFP-PRO-02

Children’s Party CSPY-PRO-01

Architecture ARCP-PRO-06

Restaurant RTP-PRO-05

Hotel HTLP-PRO-02

E-learning ELG-PRO-01

Event ETP-PRO-03

⛲ 4 About us WordPress page templates (18 total)

These new About Us page templates offer a variety of design options to effectively communicate your brand story, values, and team. Each layout features engaging visuals, well-structured content sections, and a focus on building trust with your audience.

About Page ATP-PRO-12

About Page ATP-PRO-14

About Page ATP-PRO-15

About Page ATP-PRO-18

MaxiBlocks Go theme

We have submitted the MaxiBlocks Go theme, a WordPress full site editing solution, to the repository. Once approved, the theme will be publicly available, allowing you to intuitively design and customise your entire website using the site editor and MaxiBlocks’ full functionality and library.

More information on the MaxiBlocks Go theme is coming in our next update, so stay tuned!

New to MaxiBlocks?

Discover the power of efficient WordPress design with MaxiBlocks. Our plugin includes:

  • 14,200+ icons
  • 100+ style cards
  • Customizable pages and patterns

Get started:

  1. Or install from your WordPress dashboard:
  • Go to Plugins > Add New
  • Search “MaxiBlocks”
  • Install and activate
  • Add Maxi blocks or insert cloud patterns

That’s all for this week’s big update. We look forward to seeing your designs!

Happy creating,
Christiaan, Kyra and the MaxiBlocks team

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