3 New homepage templates, 25 ribbon icons and 7 practical use cases | Issue #21


May 23, 2024

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Hello Creators 👋

New homepage templates (176 total) 

Homepage templates or Piano Lessons

Piano lessons hero image

Piano Lessons POLS-PRO-01

Personal Chef PLCF-PRO-01

MaxiBlocks shape SVG

MaxiBlocks SVG shapes 

Makeup Studio MPSO-PRO-01

25 New ribbon icons (14,098 total)

7 Practical use cases for ribbon icons

  1. Labelling sale or discounted items: Ribbon icons can be used to clearly mark products or services that are on sale or being offered at a discounted price. This quickly draws users’ attention to promotional offerings.
  2. Indicating new or updated content: Attaching ribbon icons to recently added blog posts, articles, product listings, or features can help returning visitors easily identify new content they haven’t seen before.
  3. Highlighting important announcements or alerts: Placing a ribbon icon next to critical site-wide announcements, such as changes to terms of service or privacy policies, can ensure users don’t overlook this important information.
  4. Designating required form fields: In online forms or surveys, denoting mandatory fields with a ribbon icon can provide clear visual indication to users which information they must provide to proceed.
  5. Showcasing awards or recognitions: Websites can display ribbons next to products, services, or content that have received special awards, high ratings, or noteworthy recognitions to establish credibility and trust.
  6. Indicating subscription-only or premium content: Ribbon icons can signify which content or features are exclusively available to paid subscribers or premium members, differentiating these from free offerings.
  7. Encouraging desired actions: Strategically placing ribbon icons next to key calls-to-action, such as “Sign Up Now” or “Download the App”, can subtly encourage users to take those desired steps.

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