ARIA labels, 3 Medical themed pages, 45 landscaping icons | Issue #20

May 16, 2024

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Hello Creators👋

This week’s update includes several significant improvements:

  • Added ARIA label support in the advanced settings tab to enhance accessibility for users of assistive technologies
  • Fixed bugs related to Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) and beta theme testing
  • Overhauled the pagination system to enhance the theme

Accessibility with ARIA Labels in MaxiBlocks

We’ve added a new feature in MaxiBlocks that allows you to add ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) labels to any foundation block, enhancing web accessibility for users with different abilities, especially those using screen readers.
Here’s how to use this feature:

Adding ARIA Labels in MaxiBlocks

Select your block: Click on the foundation block you want to edit.

Navigate to the advanced tab: Switch to the ‘Advanced’ tab in the block settings panel.

Locate the ARIA Label section: Find the ‘ARIA label’ section.

Set the target: Use the dropdown menu to select the target element inside the block that needs an aria-label. 

Define your label: Enter a clear, descriptive label in the ‘ARIA Label’ input field. This text should clearly describe the function or content of the block to assistive technologies.

Save your changes: Save to apply the ARIA label to the selected block.

In the screenshot below, an ARIA label is being added to a text block. Entering “my label” ensures that screen readers will provide this description to users, improving the content’s accessibility.

wordpress accessibility plugin

Accessibility with ARIA Labels in MaxiBlocks

Benefits of using ARIA Labels

Improved user experience: ARIA labels provide crucial context, making web navigation easier for users with disabilities.

Compliance: Adding ARIA labels helps comply with accessibility standards like WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).

Inclusivity: Ensuring all users can access and understand your content creates a more inclusive web environment.

MaxiBlocks’ ARIA label feature is a simple yet powerful tool for enhancing your website’s accessibility. Take advantage of this functionality to make your web content inclusive and accessible to a wider audience. Start using ARIA labels today for a more user-friendly website!

3 new medical-themed homepages added (173 pages total)

Pediatric wordpress homepage template

The featured Hero pattern with the “Fossil” style card applied

Pediatrician PN-PRO-01

Healthcare Clinic HECC-PRO-01

Laboratory Testing LYTG-PRO-01

New icons: 45 Landscaping icons (14,073 total)

Uses for landscaping icons

Here are some real-life examples of how these icons can be used on different sections of a website.

Landscaping service page

  • Service listing: Use icons such as “Grass cutting”, “Hedge”, “Pruning”, and “Lawnmower” next to the corresponding service descriptions. This helps users quickly identify services visually.
  • Service categories: Group services into categories (e.g., “Maintenance”, “Design”, “Installation”) and use icons like “Fountain”, “Landscape Design”, and “Shrubs” to represent each category.

Online store

  • Product categories: In an online store for gardening supplies, use icons like “Fertilizer”, “Watering can”, and “Gardening Gloves” to visually distinguish between different product categories.
  • Product highlights: On individual product pages, use icons to highlight key features, such as “Paving” for paving stones or “Sprinkler” for irrigation systems.

Blog or informational website

  • Blog post thumbnails: Enhance blog posts about gardening tips with relevant icons, like “Cleanup” for posts about autumn cleanup or “Fertilizer” for articles about plant nutrition.
  • Resource guides: Create guides or how-to articles and use icons such as “Aerator”, “Shed”, and “Well” to break up the text and make it more engaging.


  • Feature sections: Use icons to highlight key features of your landscaping business, such as “Sustainable Practices” with a “Tree” icon, or “Custom Designs” with a “Landscape Design” icon.
  • Call to action: Pair icons with calls to action, like “Schedule a Consultation” with a “Calendar” icon or “Get a Quote” with a “Calculator” icon.

Contact page

  • Service map: If you have a map showing the areas you service, use icons like “House” or “Fence” to represent different service zones or types of work done in those areas.
  • FAQ section: Use icons to categorize common questions, such as “Cleanup” for seasonal maintenance questions or “Lawnmower” for equipment-related inquiries.


  • Project showcase: In a portfolio section, use icons to represent different types of projects, like “Fountain” for water features, “Swing” for outdoor play areas, or “Paving” for driveway and walkway projects.
  • Project details: On individual project pages, use icons to list out services provided, like “Trimming”, “Shrubs”, and “Lawnmower” to give a quick overview of the work done.

New Blog Hero patterns coming soon

We’re designing a new pattern-type for blog hero sections to be included in the upcoming MaxiBlocks theme. These 50 pre-designed patterns will offer various layouts with titles, images, author information, and dates, making it easy to create unique and engaging blog posts. The patterns can be linked to featured images for a cohesive look. Stay tuned for the release of these blog hero patterns in a future update. Sneak peek below…

That wraps it up! Enjoy the weekend and see you next time.

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