Fresh templates & icons inside Full Site Editing (FSE) | Issue #07

January 18, 2024

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Hey everyone!👋

Build in public update

Throughout this week, we have been intensively working on the MaxiBlocks theme, focusing on perfecting the Full Site Editing (FSE) experience.

Similar to the ‘Theme Builder’ in traditional page builders, FSE provides the tools to create and extend elements like headers, footers, and blogs across your entire website.

We’re digging deep to make the whole theme experience smoother and speedier.

Freshly added templates 🎨


2 Multi-purpose home pages

1 About page

Tip: Newly added pages show up first when you browse the library.

Missing some icons? 📩 Let us know! 

WordPress news 📰

Looks like the guys are making the WordPress core faster 🚀

Performance tracking issue (WP 6.5)

What we shared 📤

Ever seen a leaf sheep? Just because they’re cute 😍

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