WordPress navigation menus with wordpress full site editing (FSE): A beginner’s guide

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Full site editing menus

Ever feel lost on your own website?

You’re not alone! But worry no more, because WordPress Full Site Editing (FSE) empowers you to take control of your navigation, making it clear and user-friendly. This guide, designed for absolute beginners, will equip you with the knowledge to edit your navigation menu like a pro!

Step 1: Enter the FSE arena

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Click on Appearance, then Editor.
  3. Congratulations! You’re now in the FSE interface. Think of it as your website’s editing playground.

Understanding the interface

On your left, you’ll see essential settings like “Navigation.” On your right, a live preview of your website awaits your editing touch!

Taming the navigation beast

Click on Navigation to unleash its potential:

  1. Rename, duplicate, or delete: See those three dots next to your menu name? That’s your control panel. Rename your menu, create a copy, or say goodbye if needed.
  2. Arrange and remove: Want to move a page up or down? Click the three dots next to the page and choose “Move up” or “Move down.” Feeling ruthless? Click “Remove” to banish it. To edit the page itself, click “Go to…”.

Design and link magic: Click the pencil icon to open the block editor. Here, you can change your menu’s colours, fonts, and more! You can even edit link text and make them open in new tabs.

WordPress navigation menus
Add a menu item

Adding, editing, and rearranging menu elements

Remember, your menu’s location depends on your theme. It might be at the top, side, or hiding until you click something.

  1. Adding new links: Click the “+” button, type the name of a page, post, or even an external website, and select it. Voila! New link added.
  2. Creating links for unmade pages: Don’t have a page yet? No problem! Type its name in the search bar and click “Create draft page.” WordPress will build it for you, ready for editing later.
  3. Editing links and settings: Click the page, then the link icon, and finally the pencil button. Now you can change the link, open it in a new tab, and more. Click “Save” to keep your changes.
  4. Adding more than links: not just pages! click “+” and explore blocks like “site logo” or “site tagline” to add personality to your menu. scroll down or click “browse all” to see all options.
  5. Rearranging like a pro: select a block and use the arrow icons to move it left or right. it’s like rearranging furniture in your website’s living room!
  6. Removing unwanted guests: click the element you want to delete, then the three dots on the block toolbar, and finally “delete.” poof! it’s gone.

Submenu mastery

For websites with many pages, submenus are your friend. Here’s how to create one:

  1. Click “+” and choose the “Submenu” block.
  2. Select a page or URL to be the parent menu (e.g., your “Blog” page).
  3. Click “+” again (below the parent menu) and add links as needed. Now your website visitors can easily navigate your blog categories!

Remember to save!

Click the “Save” button in the top right corner. Now, your navigation masterpiece is live for the world to see!

changing website styles with FSE
WordPress site editor

FAQs: WordPress navigation menus in Full Site Editing

What is WordPress Full Site Editing (FSE), and how does it relate to WordPress navigation menus?

How can I access the WordPress Site Editor to edit my navigation menu?

Can I add, edit, and rearrange menu elements in WordPress FSE?

Yes, within the FSE interface, you have the flexibility to add, edit, and rearrange menu elements with ease. You can include new links to pages, posts, or external sites, create placeholders for future pages, and adjust the arrangement of these elements to suit your site’s structure and design preferences.

Is it possible to create a submenu in WordPress navigation menus using FSE?

Absolutely! Submenus can be created to organize your site’s content more effectively. Use the “Submenu” block within the FSE to designate a parent menu item and add child links underneath. This is particularly useful for sites with extensive content, allowing visitors to navigate your site’s sections effortlessly.

Can I customize the appearance of my WordPress navigation menu in FSE?

How do I ensure my WordPress navigation menu is user-friendly?

What is a WordPress block theme, and why is it important for FSE?

A WordPress block theme is designed to work seamlessly with the Gutenberg block editor and Full Site Editing features. It enables you to use blocks not just for post content but for the entire site’s layout and elements, including navigation menus. Using a block theme is crucial for taking full advantage of FSE capabilities, offering unparalleled flexibility in website design and structure.

What are WordPress navigation menus?

How do I create WordPress navigation menus?

To create WordPress navigation menus, go to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Appearance > Menus, and click “Create a new menu.” You can then add pages, categories, and custom links to your menu and arrange them as desired.

Can I have multiple WordPress navigation menus on my site?

How do I edit WordPress navigation menus?

Can I use custom links in WordPress navigation menus?

Yes, you can use custom links in WordPress navigation menus. In the Appearance > Menus section, you can add custom URLs by selecting “Custom Links,” entering the URL and link text, and clicking “Add to Menu.”

How do I add a dropdown to WordPress navigation menus?

How do I style WordPress navigation menus?

You can style WordPress navigation menus by adding custom CSS in the Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS section. Many themes also offer styling options for menus in the theme settings. Alternatively, you can use plugins that provide advanced styling options for menus.

Are WordPress navigation menus responsive?

Most WordPress themes are designed to ensure that WordPress navigation menus are responsive and work well on mobile devices. If your theme’s menus are not responsive, you may need to use a plugin or custom CSS to improve their responsiveness.

Can I add icons to WordPress navigation menus?

Yes, you can add icons to WordPress navigation menus using plugins like Menu Icons or by adding custom HTML and CSS. These plugins make it easy to integrate icons from various icon libraries into your menu items.

How do I display WordPress navigation menus in widgets?

How can I use WordPress block templates with my navigation menu?

WordPress block templates allow you to save and reuse predefined block layouts, including those for navigation menus. This can be particularly useful for maintaining consistency across your site or when you want to apply the same navigation structure to multiple areas of your website. Simply create or edit a block template with your desired navigation layout, and apply it wherever needed.

By understanding and utilizing these features within WordPress Full Site Editing, you can create efficient, beautiful, and user-friendly navigation menus that enhance your site’s functionality and visitor experience.

WordPress itself

Official Website
wordpress.org – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex
codex.wordpress.org/Main_Page – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory 
wordpress.org/themes – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.
