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20 things to consider with UX/UI design for WordPress

Key considerations for UX/UI design for WordPress
Key considerations for UX/UI design for WordPress

Choose a responsive theme

A responsive theme is vital for making sure your site looks good and works well on all devices, from smartphones to desktops. It’s important to pick a theme that adapts to different screen sizes and resolutions. Testing the theme on various devices and browsers helps ensure that everyone who visits your site has a good experience, regardless of how they access it. Compatibility across major browsers is also important to reach as many users as possible.

Prioritise load times

A slow-loading website can drive visitors away before they even see your content. It’s important to focus on optimising your site’s load times by using techniques like image compression and efficient coding practices. Tools are available to measure how quickly your pages load and highlight areas where improvements can be made. Faster loading not only keeps visitors on your site but also improves your search engine rankings.

Simplify navigation

Good navigation helps users find what they’re looking for without frustration. Design clear and straightforward menus so that visitors can easily move through your site. Adding breadcrumb trails can also help users understand their location within the site and navigate back to previous pages. Important pages should be easy to find, so think about where you place these elements.

Focus on readability

The readability of your content affects how easily users can engage with your site. Choose fonts that are easy to read and make sure they are large enough for comfortable reading. Good contrast between text and background is also important to avoid straining the eyes. Breaking text into smaller, more digestible chunks makes it easier for readers to scan and understand your content.

Optimise call-to-action buttons

Call-to-action buttons are important for guiding users towards taking specific actions, such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase. Design these buttons so they stand out from the rest of the content, using colours and sizes that draw attention. The language on these buttons should be action-oriented, clearly indicating what users will get by clicking them. Positioning buttons where they are most likely to be seen can also increase their effectiveness.

How to enhance UX/UI design for WordPress websites
How to enhance UX/UI design for WordPress websites

Incorporate high-quality visuals

High-quality visuals can greatly enhance the appeal of your site and make your content more engaging. Choose images that are relevant to your content and align with your message. It’s also important to optimise these images so they don’t slow down your site. Using visuals effectively can help communicate your message more clearly and keep visitors interested.

Implement accessibility features

Making your site accessible means considering the needs of users with disabilities. Adding alt text to images helps those using screen readers understand what the images depict. Ensure that your site can be navigated using a keyboard alone, which is important for those who cannot use a mouse. Pay attention to colour contrast to accommodate users with visual impairments, ensuring that all content is easily readable.

Design with consistency

A consistent design helps create a cohesive and professional look for your site. Use a consistent colour scheme throughout the site to reinforce your brand and make the site feel unified. Maintaining uniform typography and spacing also contributes to a polished appearance. Consistency in design elements, such as buttons and icons, helps users become familiar with how your site functions.

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Create a logical content hierarchy

Organising your content in a logical hierarchy makes it easier for users to find information quickly. Use clear headings and subheadings to structure your content and guide readers through the page. Breaking text into bullet points or numbered lists can help with readability. Designing a layout that is easy to scan helps visitors locate the information they need without unnecessary effort.

Make forms user-friendly

Forms are often necessary for tasks like signing up for newsletters or making inquiries. Design forms to be as simple and straightforward as possible, with clear labels and instructions. Providing helpful error messages when users make mistakes can prevent frustration and improve the completion rate. Features like auto-fill can also make the process quicker and more convenient.

Incorporate social proof

Social proof, such as testimonials and reviews, can help build trust with your visitors. Displaying positive feedback from previous users or customers can reassure potential users of the value and reliability of your service. Case studies and success stories also add credibility. Including trust badges and security icons can further assure users that their information is safe.

Test for different devices and browsers

Testing your site across various devices and browsers helps identify any issues that might affect its performance. Different devices and browsers can display your site differently, so checking for inconsistencies is important. Make adjustments based on your findings to ensure that all visitors have a good experience, regardless of how they access your site.

Focus on content accessibility

Accessibility isn’t just about physical disabilities; it also includes making content easy to understand and navigate. Use clear, descriptive link text so users know what to expect when they click. For multimedia content, such as videos, provide transcripts to make the content accessible to those who are deaf or hard of hearing. Ensuring that all content is easy to navigate helps all users, not just those with specific needs.

Top principles of UX/UI design for WordPress
Top principles of UX/UI design for WordPress

Design for ease of maintenance

Choosing themes and plugins that are regularly updated helps keep your site secure and functioning properly. Planning for future updates involves designing with scalability in mind, so your site can grow as needed. A clear content management strategy will make it easier to keep your site fresh and relevant over time.

Implement search functionality

A search bar can significantly improve the usability of your site by helping users quickly find specific information. Place the search bar prominently so it’s easy to find and use. Make sure that search results are organised and relevant, and consider adding filters or sorting options to help users narrow down their search.

Build like a pro

Use clear and consistent branding

Branding helps create a strong identity for your site. Incorporate your brand colours and logo throughout the design to maintain a cohesive look. The tone and voice of your content should also reflect your brand’s personality. Consistent branding helps reinforce your identity and makes your site more memorable to visitors.

Integrate multimedia thoughtfully

Multimedia, such as videos and audio, can add depth to your content but should be used thoughtfully. Ensure that multimedia elements don’t overwhelm or distract from the main content. Controls for multimedia should be easy to use, and compatibility across different devices is important for a smooth experience. Testing these elements ensures they work well and contribute positively to your site.

Pay attention to microinteractions

Microinteractions are the small details that can make a big difference in how users interact with your site. Subtle animations, such as button hover effects or feedback messages, can provide useful cues and enhance the overall experience. These interactions should feel natural and not distract from the main tasks users want to accomplish.

Monitor and analyse user feedback

Collecting and analysing feedback from users can provide valuable insights into how well your site is performing. Implement tools to gather feedback and regularly review the data to identify areas that need improvement. Making adjustments based on this feedback helps keep your site relevant and responsive to the needs of its users.

Common mistakes in UX/UI design for WordPress
Common mistakes in UX/UI design for WordPress

FAQs about UX/UI design for WordPress

How to design a WordPress website from scratch?

Designing a WordPress website from scratch involves several steps, including choosing a domain and hosting, installing WordPress, selecting a theme, customising the design, and adding content. For a detailed guide on this process, you can refer to How to Design a WordPress Website from Scratch.

What should I include in my WordPress website design portfolio?

A WordPress website design portfolio should showcase your best work, demonstrating your skills and versatility. Include a variety of projects that highlight different design styles and functionalities. Be sure to provide context for each project, such as the client’s requirements and your design approach. For more tips, check out WordPress Website Design Portfolio.

How much does it cost to design a WordPress website?

The cost of designing a WordPress website can vary widely based on factors like the complexity of the design, the number of pages, custom functionalities, and the designer’s experience. On average, you might expect to pay anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand pounds. For a detailed breakdown of costs, visit How Much Does It Cost to Design a WordPress Website?.

What is the best WordPress design agency?

The best WordPress design agency for you will depend on your specific needs, budget, and the type of website you want to create. Look for agencies with a strong portfolio, positive client testimonials, and experience in your industry. For recommendations, you can explore What is the Best WordPress Design Agency?.

What is MaxiBlocks?

Key Features of MaxiBlocks:

  1. Custom Blocks: MaxiBlocks offers a variety of custom blocks that can be used to add different elements to your website, such as advanced image galleries, sliders, buttons, and more. These blocks are designed to be easily customizable, allowing users to tailor them to fit their specific needs.
  2. Responsive Design: The plugin ensures that all designs and layouts are fully responsive, meaning they will look great on any device, whether it’s a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.
  3. Drag-and-Drop Interface: MaxiBlocks provides a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, making it easy to arrange and rearrange content on your website. This feature is particularly useful for users who are not familiar with coding but still want to create professional-looking websites.
  4. Pre-built Templates: The plugin includes a collection of pre-built templates that can be used as a starting point for your website design. These templates can be fully customized to match your brand and style.
  5. Integration with Other Plugins: MaxiBlocks is designed to work seamlessly with other popular WordPress plugins, enhancing its functionality and providing more options for customization and optimization.
  6. Regular Updates and Support: The developers of MaxiBlocks regularly update the plugin to ensure compatibility with the latest versions of WordPress and to introduce new features. They also offer support to help users with any issues or questions they may have.

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.


Kyra Pieterse


Kyra is the co-founder and creative lead of MaxiBlocks, an open-source page builder for WordPress Gutenberg.

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