Website design with WordPress block templates and MaxiBlocks

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Explore Over 2,000 Patterns, 164 Layouts, and 14,000+ Icons with MaxiBlocks!👇

Maxi Block pattern

Introduction to website design with WordPress core block templates and MaxiBlocks

What are block templates?

Block templates are pre-built collections of blocks used to define default initial states within the WordPress Gutenberg editor. They can have predefined attributes, placeholder content, and can be static or dynamic. These templates are different from template files, which are PHP files such as index.php, page.php, and single.php, and work the same way with both classic and block themes, according to the WordPress template hierarchy. These files are entirely made of blocks. Block templates offer several advantages:

Installing MaxiBlocks

Installation of Maxi is a straightforward process:

  • Navigate to the ‘Plugins’ section in your WordPress admin panel.

  • Click ‘Add New’ and search for ‘MaxiBlocks’.

  • Click ‘Install Now’ and then ‘Activate’ once the installation is complete.
Maxi Block scroll effects

Exploring the features of MaxiBlocks

Maxi Block scroll effects

Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Start with a plan: Before you start building your website, have a clear idea of what you want to achieve. 

  • Experiment: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different templated layout block options. The more you test, the better your understanding of what works and what doesn’t.

  • Customize: Make use of Maxi’s customization options to make your website truly unique. Remember, your website is a reflection of your brand, so make it stand out!
What are some good premium WordPress templates
Advantages using MaxiBlocks

Advantages of using MaxiBlocks

Customizing a pattern template with Style Cards

The plugin enables website creators to further customize their site’s appearance through the use of design cards. These cards are able to change the colours, fonts, links, and hover effects so that everyone who visits your site has a similar experience. Applying one of these cards will give your website an instant makeover, providing it with a customized look or unique brand identity.

Unleash your creativity with the best page builder free WordPress
Advantages using MaxiBlocks

What are style cards?

Use style cards to quickly and customize your web pages. They change colors, fonts, links, and hovers to give a consistent look across all the blocks the website.

  • Style cards allow you to change multiple design aspects of your website with just one click.

  • There are 100+ different style card variations available. You can choose a style card that matches your brand identity or the aesthetic you’re aiming for.

  • If you like certain aspects of a style card but not all, it allows you to modify the style card to your own preference and save it as your own.

  • Style cards are designed to be easy to use. You simply browse through the available style cards, choose one that you like, and apply it to your templated page.

Add interactivity and user-friendliness to your block theme

Flexbox Controls

Flexbox, or the Flexible Box Layout, is a feature of MaxiBlocks. It’s a CSS layout model that allows you to easily design a flexible responsive layout structure. With Flexbox controls, you can precisely align and stack contents inside a container. This ensures your website is optimized for all screen sizes, from 4K displays to tablets and mobile devices.

Flexbox enables efficient distribution of space within the container, responsive stacking options, and control over the visual order of items without changing the HTML source order. In essence, Flexbox gives you perfect layout control and enables the creation of more intricate and dynamic layouts. All MaxiBlocks responsive layout were created with flexbox and carefully templated components


Breakpoints in responsive web design enable a website to respond and optimize for various device widths. Maxi offers six breakpoints for 4K, laptop, tablet, and mobile devices.

By using these breakpoints, you can ensure a consistent application of your custom styles across different screen sizes. This allows for a more responsive and user-friendly design, as your website will be properly displayed and functional on a variety of devices.

MaxiBlocks offers interactive elements, Flexbox controls, and breakpoints to make your site responsive on all devices. 

Incorporate SVG icons and shapes into your WordPress block templating

Incorporating SVG icons and shapes into your designs can improve the look and feel of your design while offering a better user experience.

SVG icons and shapes

Creating unique visuals with SVG shapes

With SVG shapes, you can develop designs for your website by directly placing and updating them within your code, examining the required attributes and supported values. These shapes can divide sections on the page, serve as backgrounds, and decorate existing elements in style. Moreover, they enable you to craft unique visuals that really stand out at the forefront. You can layer and combine SVGs, or animate them, to bring a dynamic, interactive flair to your work. The possibilities with this type of design are endless!

Using SVG icons effectively

Maxi offers a wide variety of SVG icons to elevate the user experience on your website. From headers and footers to the main focal point of your design, these icons can add visual appeal, benefit navigation, or provide decorative elements. Utilizing SVG icons can create an interactive and more intuitive experience for users.

Customizing SVG icons in real-time

Customizing an SVG icon in MaxiBlocks is a simple process:

  • Within the editor, choose the icon you want to customize.

  • You can browse through the available icons or search for a specific icon using relevant keywords.

  • Once you’ve selected an icon, look for the editing options or settings related to the icon.

  • To change the colour of the icon, click on the colour swatches or select a custom colour.

  • If your icon is a line, you can edit the colour and line thickness in the icon’s sidebar settings.

The MaxiBlocks editor empowers you to personalize your icons without the need for external software or convoluted procedures. The SVG icons and shapes present a wealth of choices, enabling you to craft dynamic visuals for your content. You can leverage these icons to design visually appealing and inventive creations for your website.

How MaxiBlocks boosts workflow with fast, customizable web templates
MaxiBlocks Template library

FAQ’S about FAQS templating

Widgets are small elements that perform specific functions. You can add these to your site’s sidebars, footers, and other widget-ready areas. They include features like recent posts, search bars, and custom HTML. Widgets can be added and configured through the ‘Appearance’ > ‘Widgets’ section in the WordPress dashboard.

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.