Image patterns sneak peek. FSE – Theme Builder tweaks & new home page templates | Issue #09

January 26, 2024

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Hi everybody👋

wordpress navigation menu

Fresh pro templates 🎨

5 New page layouts

Page count: 143 pages

19 New block patterns

Pattern count: 1,980 patterns

New line icons 🏢

A set of 30 new line shape icons added 👌

This is a new category of icons. We converted shape icons into line icons so we can control the line width better. Line width can have a dramatic impact on the feel of a design.

Try them and let us know what you think of this new category – yah or nah?

Icon count: 13,564

WordPress news 📰

What’s new at WordPress with Matt Mullenweg, CEO of Automatic and co-founder of WordPress

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