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Website design for beginners: Let’s get started!

Examples of innovative website designs for 2024
Examples of innovative website designs for 2024

Key takeaways

  1. Responsive designs: It is important for a website to work on all devices, especially with the rise of mobile browsing. A responsive design, regrettably often treated haphazardly, should adapt to different screen sizes, so that viewing of a website is easy. 
  2. Accessibility: Websites need to be accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities. Using tools like ARIA and following accessibility best practices can help users navigate and interact with the site. It is also according to the law and website owners will not be at risk of expensive lawsuits. 
  3. Marketing and SEO: Integrating SEO, search engine optimisation, into the design and content of a website is important in particular if there is no budget available for ad spend. Combining SEO into a marketing strategy can be an effective way to increase relevant traffic to a website.

Introduction to website design 101 – a beginner’s guide

1. Website design pre-production and wireframes

The importance of pre-production planning

Creating wireframes

Top tools for website design for beginners
Top tools for website design for beginners

2. Responsive design: What it is and why it’s essential in today’s mobile-first world

Understanding responsive design

Mobile-first approach

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3. Accessibility – welcoming all

Making a website accessible means designing it in a way that everyone can use, including people with disabilities. It’s about giving all users the chance to enjoy and interact with the content, whether they’re navigating by touch, voice, or keyboard. For example, someone with visual impairments might use a screen reader, while others might rely on keyboard shortcuts. If a website isn’t built with these needs in mind, it can exclude a large group of possible users, which is unfair and limits the website’s reach.

Accessibility also plays a role in how easily people can find and interact with information, regardless of their abilities. This includes using proper text sizes, clear contrasts between colours, and making sure images have text descriptions for those who can’t see them. It’s not just good practice—it can also help with search engine rankings and legal requirements in some countries. Ultimately, an accessible website makes it easier for everyone to use, creating a better experience for all visitors.

Using ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications):

Best practices for accessibility

Common mistakes in website design for beginners
Common mistakes in website design for beginners

4. CMS, page builders, and themes making life easier for web developers

Using page builders

Customising themes

Build like a pro

5. Pre-made designs: page templates, patterns, and blocks for speedy website build

Benefits of using page templates

Incorporating design patterns

Incorporating design patterns into a website is an effective way to improve user experience by following familiar layouts and structures. Design patterns are tried-and-tested solutions that help guide users through a website in a way that feels intuitive. These patterns include things like placing the navigation bar at the top, using a search bar in a prominent location, or placing the call-to-action buttons in spots where users naturally look. By using these common design elements, users won’t have to spend time figuring out how to navigate the site, as they will already be familiar with the way things are organised.

Another advantage of using design patterns is that they can reduce the chances of confusion or frustration, which can occur when a site is overly complex or unconventional. When websites follow recognisable patterns, users are more likely to stay engaged and find what they are looking for quickly. This not only improves the overall experience but also encourages users to spend more time on the site. Incorporating design patterns allows for a balance between creativity and practicality, making the website both user-friendly and visually appealing without reinventing the wheel.

Utilising blocks in content management

Step-by-step website design for beginners
Step-by-step website design for beginners

6. Full Site Editing (FSE) and drag-and-drop features for super quick editing

Full-site-editing (FSE)

Drag-and-drop editing

Integrating design and content

Integrating design and content is essential for creating a website and full site editing tools make this process much simpler. These tools allow website builders to combine the design elements, such as colours, fonts, and layouts, directly with the content like text, images, and videos, all within the same editing platform. This integration helps maintain a consistent look and feel across the entire website, as developers can adjust both the design and content in real time. There’s no need to switch between different tools or platforms, making it easier to see how everything fits together.

The main benefit of full site editing is the control it gives over the entire site, allowing changes to be made holistically rather than focusing on individual sections in isolation. It also avoids the possibility of missing sections of a website that are in the end not edited to fit in with the rest of the site. This means that content can be adjusted to fit the design, and vice versa, without disrupting the flow of the site. For instance, text can be resized or rearranged to suit the overall layout, ensuring that everything looks balanced and professional. Full site editing tools also encourage a more fluid design process, where content and design can evolve together, resulting in a cohesive and well-structured website.

Build like a pro

7. Working with images and video video for website that appeal

Optimising images for web

Optimising images for the web is all about making sure they look great without slowing down the website. Large, high-quality images can take a long time to load, which can frustrate visitors and cause them to leave the site. To avoid this, it’s important to compress images so they take up less space while still maintaining good quality. There are simple tools like TinyPNG or online image compressors that can reduce the file size without a noticeable drop in image clarity. This helps keep the website running smoothly while still showcasing sharp, eye-catching visuals.

Another useful technique is choosing the right image format for the job. For example, JPEGs are great for photos because they compress well, while PNGs work better for images with transparency or simple graphics like logos. Additionally, modern formats like WebP offer even better compression rates and are becoming more widely supported across browsers. By compressing and selecting the right format, it’s possible to strike a balance between fast load times and good image quality, keeping the website looking good and working well.  

Embedding and hosting videos

Designing around visual content

Designing around visual content, like images and videos, is all about creating layouts that highlight these elements without overwhelming the user. One effective strategy is to give visuals plenty of space to breathe, using clean, simple layouts that allow the images or videos to stand out. Large, high-quality visuals can grab attention, but they need to be balanced with enough white space to keep the page from feeling cluttered. Placing key visuals at the top of the page, or in sections where they naturally draw the eye, helps guide users through the content while keeping them engaged.

Another approach is to make sure that the visuals are well-integrated into the overall design. For instance, images can be paired with short, descriptive text to add context, while videos might be featured in a prominent spot where they can be easily accessed without disrupting the flow of the page. It’s also important to consider how the layout will work on different devices—visual-heavy designs need to be responsive, so they look just as good on mobile as they do on desktop. By focusing on both aesthetics and usability, the design can make the most of images and videos, creating a visually appealing and user-friendly experience.

Essential website design principles for beginners
Essential website design principles for beginners

8. Marketing and SEO to get the visitors to come

On-page SEO best practices

On-page SEO best practices are essential for helping a website rank higher in search engine results and making it easier for visitors to find relevant content. One of the key elements is using the right keywords. These should be naturally included in headings, meta descriptions, and throughout the page’s text to signal to search engines what the page is about. It’s also important to ensure that each page has a unique title tag and meta description, as these are often the first things people see when a website appears in search results. Properly structured headings (H1, H2, etc.) also help both users and search engines understand the flow and importance of the content.

Another crucial part of on-page SEO is improving the overall user experience. This means making sure that the site loads quickly, is mobile-friendly, and is easy to navigate. Search engines prioritise websites that are fast and accessible on all devices. Internal linking is also useful, as it helps guide users to other relevant parts of the site while encouraging search engines to crawl more of the pages. Alt text for images, proper URL structures, and well-placed calls to action all contribute to effective on-page SEO, ensuring that both search engines and visitors can easily navigate and understand the site’s content.

Content marketing integration

Tracking and analytics

Build like a pro

9. Domain name purchase and hosting the final touch

The right domain name

Choosing a domain name is an important step in setting up a website, as it’s the first thing people notice. A good domain name should be easy to remember, relevant to the site’s purpose, and simple to type. It’s a good idea to keep it short and avoid complicated spellings, as this reduces the chance of visitors getting it wrong when searching. Including keywords related to the business or content of the site can also be helpful, as it makes the domain more relevant and easier for people to understand what the site is about at a glance.

Another tip is to choose a domain extension that fits the site’s purpose, such as .com, .org, or While .com is the most popular and widely recognised, other extensions might work better for certain industries or locations. It’s also worth checking if the domain name is available on social media platforms to keep branding consistent across the web. Choosing the right domain name takes some thought, but with some creativity and possibly the help of AI, it’s possible to find something memorable, relevant, and perfect for building an online presence.

Understanding hosting options

Setting up domain and hosting

This process is an essential step in getting a website online. Once a domain name has been chosen, it needs to be registered through a domain registrar. This process reserves the domain for a set period, usually a year or more, and makes sure no one else can use the same name. After the domain is secured, the next step is choosing a hosting provider to store the website’s files and data. The domain and hosting are then linked so that when someone types the domain name into their browser, they’re directed to the correct website.

Connecting the domain to the hosting account is usually a simple process. Most hosting providers offer easy-to-follow instructions for setting up a domain, and many even include domain registration as part of their hosting package. Once connected, the website can go live and be accessed by anyone on the internet. It’s also important to regularly renew the domain registration and hosting service to keep the site active. Setting up domain and hosting may seem technical at first, but most providers offer clear guidance, making it a smooth and straightforward process.

How to start with website design for beginners
How to start with website design for beginners

Final thoughts

Website design for beginners: Tips and tricks
Website design for beginners: Tips and tricks

FAQs about website designs

What is the first step in website design for beginners?

What tools do I need for website design for beginners?

Do I need to know coding for website design for beginners?

How do I choose a good colour scheme in website design for beginners?

In website design for beginners, choosing a good colour scheme involves reflecting your brand or purpose while being visually appealing to your audience. It’s important to use colours that complement each other and provide enough contrast to make text readable. Tools like Adobe Colour can help you find harmonious colour palettes.

What makes a website mobile-friendly in website design for beginners?

In website design for beginners, a mobile-friendly website adapts to different screen sizes and devices. This is achieved through responsive design, which uses flexible grids and layouts. Testing your website on multiple devices ensures it looks and works well on mobiles and tablets.

What is the difference between UX and UI in website design for beginners?

In website design for beginners, UX (user experience) design focuses on how a website works and how users interact with it, aiming for a seamless and enjoyable experience. UI (user interface) design, on the other hand, deals with the visual elements of the website, such as buttons, typography, and colours, to create an attractive and intuitive interface.

How important is website speed in website design for beginners?

In website design for beginners, speed is crucial because it affects both user experience and search engine rankings. A slow website can lead to users leaving before the page even loads. Optimising images, using efficient code, and utilising caching techniques are ways to improve speed.

What is a domain name in website design for beginners and why is it important?

In website design for beginners, a domain name is your website’s address on the internet, such as “”. It’s important because it’s how people find your website. A good domain name is short, memorable, and relevant to your business or brand.

How do I optimise for search engines in website design for beginners?

In website design for beginners, search engine optimisation (SEO) makes your website more visible to search engines like Google. This involves using relevant keywords, creating quality content, optimising meta tags, and improving website speed and usability. Regularly updating content and gaining backlinks from reputable sites also boost SEO.

How can I ensure security in website design for beginners?  

In website design for beginners, security is ensured by using strong passwords, keeping software updated, and installing an SSL certificate to encrypt data. Security plugins or services that monitor your site for malware and vulnerabilities are also helpful.

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.


Kyra Pieterse


Kyra is the co-founder and creative lead of MaxiBlocks, an open-source page builder for WordPress Gutenberg.

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