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10 ways to get the best WordPress design

Top features of the best WordPress design
Top features of the best WordPress design

1. Choose the right theme

2. Customise your theme

Once you have chosen a theme, personalising it can make your website stand out. You can use the WordPress Customizer tool to make changes such as adjusting colours, fonts, and layouts. For additional tweaks, modifying the CSS allows for more precise control over the appearance. If you need to make more extensive changes, using a child theme can help you safely experiment without affecting the original theme files. Learn more about WordPress theme customisation here.

3. Focus on typography

Typography significantly influences the readability and overall appearance of your website. Selecting the right fonts involves considering readability, consistency across different sections, and finding complementary font pairs that work well together. Tools and plugins like Google Fonts and Typekit can help you manage typography in WordPress, ensuring your text looks professional and is easy to read. For more details on typography, see this article on typography in web design.

Best WordPress design practices for 2024
Best WordPress design practices for 2024

4. Optimise images

Images can greatly enhance the visual appeal of your website, but they need to be optimised to avoid slowing down your site. Properly sizing images to fit the space they occupy, compressing them to reduce file size, and using responsive images that adapt to different screen sizes are key practices. Plugins like Smush and ShortPixel can assist in optimising images for better performance. More tips can be found in this guide to optimising user experience.

5. Use colour schemes effectively

Colour is a powerful design element that can influence the mood and readability of your site. Choosing and implementing a cohesive colour scheme involves understanding colour theory and using tools like colour palette generators to find colours that work well together. It’s also important to consider colour contrast to make sure your site is accessible to all users, including those with visual impairments. Explore more about modern web design principles to help with colour choices.

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6. Incorporate white space

White space, or negative space, refers to the empty areas around elements on your page. It helps to create a balanced and focused layout, making your content more readable and engaging. Using white space effectively involves avoiding clutter and giving your content room to breathe. This can be seen in well-designed WordPress sites where white space is used to guide the viewer’s eye and improve overall readability. This beginner’s guide to WordPress development can provide further insights.

7. Create a user-friendly navigation

Good navigation is essential for helping visitors find what they are looking for on your site. Designing effective navigation menus involves using clear and concise labelling, logically organising menu items, and considering the use of mega menus for larger sites. Plugins like Max Mega Menu can enhance your navigation, making it easier for visitors to explore your content. Read more about creating custom layouts in WordPress.

Guide to achieving the best WordPress design
Guide to achieving the best WordPress design

8. Ensure mobile-friendliness

With more people accessing websites on mobile devices, having a mobile-friendly design is more important than ever. Achieving a responsive design means using themes that adapt to different screen sizes and testing your site across various devices to make sure it looks good and functions well everywhere. Tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test can help you check your site’s mobile compatibility. Learn more about responsive design with WordPress.

9. Implement effective call-to-actions (CTAs)

Call-to-actions (CTAs) guide visitors towards desired actions, such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase. Designing compelling CTAs involves using clear, action-oriented language, strategically placing them on your site where they are most likely to be noticed, and using contrasting colours to make them stand out. Well-designed CTAs can significantly improve your site’s engagement and conversion rates. For inspiration, see these case studies of successful WordPress website designs.

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10. Keep the design simple and uncluttered

A simple, uncluttered design makes it easier for visitors to navigate and find information. Prioritising content hierarchy ensures that the most important information stands out, while avoiding excessive use of widgets and plugins keeps your site clean and fast. Regularly reviewing and updating your site content can help maintain an organised and efficient layout. For more ideas, read about professional WordPress design.

By following these ten tips, you can achieve an impressive WordPress design that not only looks good but also functions well. Experimenting with different elements and continuously improving your design will help you create a site that stands out. Feel free to share your own tips and experiences in the comments below.

Additional resources

For further learning and tools mentioned in this post, check out the following resources: WordPress Customiser guide, Google Fonts, Smush, ShortPixel, colour palette generators, and Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test. These resources can provide additional support in your journey to creating the best WordPress design.

Examples of the best WordPress design
Examples of the best WordPress design

FAQs about best WordPress design

How do I choose the best theme for my WordPress website?

Choosing the best theme for your WordPress website involves considering several factors. Firstly, ensure the theme is responsive, meaning it adapts well to different screen sizes, including mobile devices. Next, look at the customisation options available; a good theme should allow you to adjust colours, fonts, and layouts easily. Compatibility with popular plugins is also important to enhance your site’s functionality. Additionally, opt for themes that receive regular updates and have reliable support. For a detailed guide, check out this article on choosing the right WordPress themes.

How can I make my WordPress site load faster?

Optimising your WordPress site for speed involves several steps. Firstly, optimise your images by compressing them without losing quality; plugins like Smush and ShortPixel are helpful for this. Secondly, choose a reliable hosting provider and consider using a content delivery network (CDN) to distribute your content more efficiently. Minimising the use of heavy plugins and themes can also reduce load times. Lastly, enable caching on your site to speed up the loading process for returning visitors. For more tips, see this guide on optimising user experience.

What is the importance of typography in web design?

Typography plays a crucial role in web design by enhancing readability and setting the tone for your site. The right choice of fonts can make your content more engaging and accessible. When selecting fonts, consider readability, consistency across different sections, and complementary font pairs. Tools like Google Fonts and Typekit can help you find and implement the best typography for your site. For an in-depth look at typography, read this article on typography in web design.

How can I improve the navigation on my WordPress site?

Improving navigation on your WordPress site involves creating clear and concise menus that guide visitors to the information they need. Use logical organisation for menu items and consider employing mega menus for larger sites. Labels should be straightforward and easily understandable. Plugins like Max Mega Menu can help enhance your navigation, making it more user-friendly. For more detailed advice, see this guide on creating custom layouts in WordPress.

Why is mobile-friendliness important for my WordPress site?

Mobile-friendliness is essential because a significant portion of web traffic comes from mobile devices. A mobile-friendly site ensures that visitors have a positive experience regardless of the device they are using. To achieve this, use responsive themes that adapt to various screen sizes, and test your site across different devices to ensure it looks and functions well everywhere. Tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test can help you check your site’s compatibility. Learn more about responsive design with WordPress to enhance your site’s mobile experience.

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.


Kyra Pieterse


Kyra is the co-founder and creative lead of MaxiBlocks, an open-source page builder for WordPress Gutenberg.

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