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WordPress navigation menus with WordPress full site editing (FSE): A beginner’s guide

Updated August 6, 2024
Creating a well-structured WordPress navigation menu is crucial for a user-friendly website. This guide simplifies the process using WordPress Full Site Editing (FSE), making menu setup and customisation accessible even for beginners.

Key takeaways

  • Full Site Editing (FSE): A new feature in WordPress that allows for cohesive editing of the entire site using blocks.
  • Navigation Menus: Essential for website usability, helping visitors easily find important pages.
  • Menu Setup: Simple drag-and-drop interface in FSE for adding and arranging menu items.
  • Customisation: Extensive options for styling menus, including fonts, colours, and custom CSS.
  • Management: Easy updates and responsive design support ensure menus stay functional and up-to-date.

How do you create and customise navigation menus in WordPress using Full Site Editing (FSE)?

Manage Submenus in Your WordPress Navigation menus with Gutenberg
Full site editing menus

Introduction to WordPress navigation menus with WordPress full site editing 

Section 1: Understanding WordPress full site editing (FSE)

Section 2: Introduction to WordPress navigation menus

Section 3: Setting up navigation menus in WordPress with FSE

To start setting up navigation menus with WordPress FSE, designers must first access the site editor. This is where it is possible to create, edit, and manage all aspects of a site’s layout and design. To access the site editor, select the WordPress dashboard and look for the site editor option.

Once in the site editor, creating a new menu is straightforward. Add pages, posts, categories, and custom links to the menu by simply dragging and dropping them into place. This visual approach makes it easy to see how the menu will look as it is being built.

Section 4: Customising navigation menus with FSE

Using the new navigation block in WordPress FSE, it is easy to add and customise menus with ease. The navigation block allows the adjustment of the layout of the menu, the choice between horizontal and vertical orientations, and the changing of the order of menu items.

Styling menus is also easy with FSE. Easily change the fonts and colours to match the site’s design, add icons or images to menu items, and even apply custom CSS for more advanced customisation. These options offers the flexibility to create a menu that fits the site perfectly.

Section 5: Managing and updating navigation menus

Section 6: Troubleshooting common issues

Sometimes, there might be issues with the navigation menus, such as missing menu items or styling conflicts. If the menu items do not show as expected, one can check the visibility settings and ensure they are set to display correctly.

Styling conflicts can occur if there are conflicting CSS rules. These may be resolved by inspecting the CSS and making adjustments as needed. If there are problems with saving or publishing changes, double-check the internet connection and make sure login is working.

Step by steps

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Click on Appearance, then Editor.
  3. Congratulations! You’re now in the FSE interface. Think of it as your website’s editing playground.

Understanding the interface

On your left, you’ll see essential settings like “Navigation.” On your right, a live preview of your website awaits your editing touch!

Taming the navigation beast

Click on Navigation to unleash its potential:

  1. Arrange and remove: Click the three dots next to the page and choose “Move up” or “Move down.” Easily remove a page by clicking “Remove”. To edit the page itself, click “Go to…”.
  2. Design and link: Click the pencil icon to open the block editor. This is where the menu’s colours, fonts, and more can be changed. It is also possible to edit link text and make them open in new tabs.
WordPress navigation menus
Add a menu item

Adding, editing, and rearranging menu elements

  1. Adding new links: Click the “+” button, type the name of a page, post, or even an external website, and select it. Adding a new link is as easy as that.
  2. Creating links for unmade pages: Type the name of the new page to be created into the search bar and click “Create draft page.” WordPress will build it, ready for editing later.
  3. Editing links and settings: Click the page, then the link icon, and finally the pencil button. It is now possible to change the link, open it in a new tab, and more. Click “Save” to keep the changes.
  4. Adding more than links: not just pages! Click “+” and explore blocks like “site logo” or “site tagline” to add personality to the menu. scroll down or click “browse all” to see all options.
  5. Rearranging like a pro: Select a block and use the arrow icons to move it left or right. It’s as easy as rearranging furniture in a website’s living room.
  6. Removing unwanted guests: Click the element you want to delete, then the three dots on the block toolbar, and finally “delete.”.

WordPress navigation submenus with WordPress Full Site Editing (FSE)

For websites with many pages, submenus will make it easier for visitors to navigate their way around. Here’s how to create one:

  1. Click “+” and choose the “Submenu” block.
  2. Select a page or URL to be the parent menu (e.g., your “Blog” page).
  3. Click “+” again (below the parent menu) and add links as needed. Now your website visitors can easily navigate your blog categories!

Remember to save!

Mastering Navigation Menu Design MaxiBlocks
WordPress site editor

If you’re exploring WordPress web design and want full control over your site’s layout, WordPress full site editing is the perfect tool to help you achieve a highly customisable website. One of the key features to focus on is mastering WordPress navigation menus, which allow you to easily manage and customise the menus across your site with full site editing. Whether you want to build simple or complex menu structures, full site editing makes it easier than ever to arrange your site’s navigation exactly as you want.

As you design, you can also explore free WordPress themes like those offered in the WordPress block themes collection or use WordPress block templates and Maxi Blocks to bring your creative ideas to life. With full site editing, every part of your site’s layout, including menus, headers, and footers, can be customised.

Additionally, tools like Gutenberg blocks and WordPress dashicons can help add extra design elements to your menu structure and overall layout. Whether you’re managing a small blog or a complex website, WordPress full site editing lets you make dynamic changes without needing to dive into coding, making it an excellent choice for users of all levels.

For those looking for a professional touch, a WordPress website designer can help you make the most of your navigation menus and overall site design. If you’re concerned about WordPress website design cost, using tools like Maxi Blocks can help keep costs down by allowing you to create a professional-looking site on your own.

FAQs: WordPress navigation menus in Full Site Editing

What is WordPress Full Site Editing (FSE), and how does it relate to WordPress navigation menus?

How can I access the WordPress Site Editor to edit my navigation menu?

Can I add, edit, and rearrange menu elements in WordPress FSE?

Yes, within the FSE interface, you have the flexibility to add, edit, and rearrange menu elements with ease. You can include new links to pages, posts, or external sites, create placeholders for future pages, and adjust the arrangement of these elements to suit your site’s structure and design preferences.

Is it possible to create a submenu in WordPress navigation menus using FSE?

Absolutely! Submenus can be created to organize your site’s content more effectively. Use the “Submenu” block within the FSE to designate a parent menu item and add child links underneath. This is particularly useful for sites with extensive content, allowing visitors to navigate your site’s sections effortlessly.

Can I customize the appearance of my WordPress navigation menu in FSE?

How do I ensure my WordPress navigation menu is user-friendly?

What is a WordPress block theme, and why is it important for FSE?

What are WordPress navigation menus?

How do I create WordPress navigation menus?

Can I have multiple WordPress navigation menus on my site?

How do I edit WordPress navigation menus?

Can I use custom links in WordPress navigation menus?

How do I add a dropdown to WordPress navigation menus?

How do I style WordPress navigation menus?

Are WordPress navigation menus responsive?

Can I add icons to WordPress navigation menus?

How do I display WordPress navigation menus in widgets?

How can I use WordPress block templates with my navigation menu?

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.