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Top 100 WordPress website design trends for 2024

Top 100 WordPress Website Design Trends for 2024
Top 100 WordPress Website Design Trends for 2024

Key takeaways

  • Stay updated with trends to improve user experience and SEO.
  • Minimalist design, dark mode, and bold typography are popular.
  • AR, AI, and machine learning enhance functionality.
  • Emphasize security with measures like 2FA and SSL certificates.
  • Custom illustrations, vibrant colour schemes, and 3D elements are in demand.

Overview of WordPress popularity

WordPress is one of the most popular platforms for creating websites, valued for its ease of use, flexibility, and power.

Importance of staying updated with trends

Keeping up with WordPress design trends helps improve user experience, boost SEO, and stay competitive.

Overview of WordPress popularity

WordPress has been around for years and has grown to become one of the most popular platforms for creating websites. It’s easy to use, flexible, and powerful, making it a top choice for both beginners and experienced web designers.

Importance of staying updated with trends

Keeping up with the latest trends in WordPress website design is important. It helps improve user experience, boosts SEO, and gives you an edge over your competitors.

Design trends

1 – Minimalist design
Less is more with minimalist design. Clean, simple layouts that focus on content are becoming more popular.

2Dark mode
Dark mode is easier on the eyes and gives a modern, sleek look to websites. It’s a trend that’s here to stay.

3Bold typography
Using big, bold fonts can make a statement and grab attention. It’s a simple way to make your site stand out.

Small animations can make a big difference. They can guide users and make interactions feel more engaging.

53D elements
Adding 3D graphics and effects can create a more immersive experience. It’s a trend that’s gaining traction.

This trend features frosted-glass effects that look elegant and modern. It’s a stylish way to make your site pop.

Neumorphism combines elements of skeuomorphism and flat design. It creates a soft, almost 3D look that’s very appealing.

8Asymmetrical layouts
Breaking away from traditional grid layouts, asymmetrical designs can add interest and variety to your site.

9Voice search optimisation
With more people using voice search, it’s important to make sure your site is ready. This can improve accessibility and user experience.

10Augmented reality (AR) features
AR is becoming more common on websites. It can provide users with unique and interactive experiences.

11Artificial intelligence integration
AI is being used to create smarter, more responsive websites. It can help personalise user experiences and automate tasks.

12Machine learning applications
Machine learning can help analyse user behaviour and make data-driven improvements to your site. It’s becoming an important tool in web design.

Functionality trends
Functionality trends

Functionality trends

13 Headless WordPress
Headless WordPress separates the back end from the front end. This allows for more flexibility in how content is displayed.

14 Progressive web apps (PWAs)
PWAs offer a mobile app-like experience on websites. They’re fast, reliable, and work offline.

15 AI-powered chatbots
Chatbots can help with customer service and engagement. They’re becoming smarter and more useful.

16 Personalisation
Customising the user experience can make your site more engaging. This can be done with dynamic content and user-specific recommendations.

17 Voice user interface (VUI)
Voice interfaces are becoming more popular. They can make your site more accessible and user-friendly.

18 Lazy loading
Lazy loading helps your site load faster by only loading images when they come into view. This improves performance.

19 Infinite scrolling
Infinite scrolling keeps users engaged by continually loading new content as they scroll. It’s great for content-heavy sites.

20 Dynamic content
Using dynamic content can make your site more engaging. It can be tailored to each user’s interests and behaviour.

21 AMP (accelerated mobile pages)
AMP makes your site load faster on mobile devices. This can improve the user experience and boost your search rankings.

22 Blockchain integration
Blockchain technology can add security and transparency to your site. It’s an emerging trend to watch.

Visual trends
Visual trends

Visual trends

23 Custom illustrations
Using custom illustrations can give your site a unique look. They can make your content more engaging and visually appealing.

24 Gradient backgrounds
Gradients are back in style. They can add depth and interest to your site’s background.

25 Abstract art
Abstract art can make your site look modern and creative. It’s a trend that’s gaining popularity.

26 Retro aesthetics
Retro design elements are making a comeback. They can give your site a nostalgic and unique feel.

27 Organic shapes
Using organic, flowing shapes can make your site look more natural and less rigid.

28 Colour blocking
Colour blocking uses bold, contrasting colours to create a striking look. It’s a simple way to make your site stand out.

29 Monochrome palettes
Monochrome colour schemes are clean and sophisticated. They can give your site a timeless look.

30 Text overlays on images
Combining text with images can create a powerful visual impact. It’s a popular trend that’s easy to implement.

31 Split-screen design
Split-screen layouts can organise content in an interesting way. They can be used to highlight different sections of your site.

32 Animated backgrounds
Animated backgrounds can add a dynamic element to your site. They can be subtle or more noticeable, depending on your style.

User experience (UX) trends
User experience (UX) trends

User experience (UX) trends

33 Mobile-first design
Designing for mobile first ensures that your site looks great on all devices. It’s a must in today’s mobile-driven world.

34 Accessibility
Making your site accessible to everyone is important. It ensures that all users can navigate and enjoy your content.

35 Fast load times
Fast-loading sites provide a better user experience. Optimising your site for speed is important in 2024.

36 Interactive content
Interactive content keeps users engaged. This can include quizzes, polls, and interactive graphics.

37 Custom cursors
Custom cursors can add a fun and unique element to your site. They’re a small detail that can make a big impact.

38 Storytelling
Using storytelling techniques can make your content more engaging. It helps connect with users on a deeper level.

39 One-page websites
One-page websites are simple and easy to navigate. They’re perfect for small projects and portfolios.

40 Interactive forms
Interactive forms can make the process of filling out forms more engaging. This can lead to higher completion rates.

41 Scrollable text blocks
Scrollable text blocks allow you to present a lot of information in a small space. They can be used for testimonials, FAQs, and more.

42 User onboarding
Good onboarding processes help users get started with your site. This can improve their overall experience.

SEO trends
SEO trends

SEO trends

43 Core web vitals optimisation
Optimising for core web vitals can improve your site’s performance and search rankings. It’s an important aspect of SEO.

44 Schema markup
Using schema markup can help search engines understand your content better. This can lead to improved search visibility.

45 Content hubs
Organising your content into hubs can improve navigation and SEO. It helps users find related content easily.

46 Long-form content
Long-form content tends to perform better in search results. It provides more value to users and can cover topics in depth.

47 Video content
Video content is becoming more popular. It can boost engagement and improve your site’s SEO.

48 Image optimisation
Optimising your images can improve your site’s load times and SEO. This includes compressing images and using descriptive file names.

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49 Local SEO
Focusing on local SEO can help you attract more local visitors. This is important for businesses with a physical location.

50 Voice search SEO
Optimising for voice search can help you reach more users. This includes using natural language and answering common questions.

51 Structured data
Using structured data can improve your site’s SEO. It helps search engines understand your content better.

52 AI and machine learning
AI and machine learning are changing SEO. They can help you understand your audience better and improve your content.

Security trends
Security trends

Security trends

53 Two-factor authentication (2FA)
Using two-factor authentication can make your site more secure. It’s a simple way to protect your users’ information.

54 SSL certificates
SSL certificates are essential for securing your site. They protect data and improve your site’s SEO.

55 Regular backups
Regularly backing up your site is important. It ensures that you can recover your data if something goes wrong.

56 Firewall protection
Using a firewall can protect your site from attacks. It’s an important layer of security.

57 Malware scanning
Regular malware scans can keep your site safe. They help you detect and remove threats before they cause damage.

58 Security audits
Conducting regular security audits can help you identify and fix vulnerabilities. It’s a proactive way to protect your site.

59 User role management
Managing user roles and permissions can improve your site’s security. It ensures that only authorised users can access certain areas.

60 Database security
Protecting your database is crucial. This includes using strong passwords and regular updates.

61 Password policies
Implementing strong password policies can help keep your site secure. This includes requiring complex passwords and regular updates.

62 Content delivery network (CDN)
Using a CDN can improve your site’s speed and security. It distributes your content across multiple servers, reducing load times and protecting against attacks.

Design trends (continued)
Design trends (continued)

Design trends (continued)

63 Parallax scrolling
Parallax scrolling creates a sense of depth and movement. It’s a visually engaging way to present content.

64 Hover effects
Hover effects can add interactivity to your site. They provide feedback to users and make the site feel more dynamic.

65 Whitespace utilisation
Using whitespace effectively can improve readability and focus. It makes your site look clean and organised.

66 Interactive infographics
Interactive infographics can make complex information more digestible. They engage users and make data more interesting.

67 Data visualisation
Using data visualisation techniques can help present information clearly. It makes data more accessible and engaging.

68 Virtual reality (VR) features
VR is becoming more accessible on websites. It offers unique, immersive experiences for users.

69 Interactive maps
Interactive maps can provide valuable information in an engaging way. They can be used for locations, data visualisation, and more.

70 Custom 404 pages
A custom 404 page can turn a potential negative experience into a positive one. It can guide users back to your site and provide useful information.

71 Typography animation
Animating your typography can draw attention and add a dynamic element to your site. It’s a simple way to make your text stand out.

72 Blending photography with graphics
Combining photos with graphics can create a unique, visually appealing look. It’s a trend that’s gaining popularity.

Functionality trends (continued)
Functionality trends (continued)

Functionality trends (continued)

73 Multi-language support
Supporting multiple languages can expand your audience. It makes your site accessible to a wider range of users.

74 Advanced search features
Advanced search features can improve user experience. They help users find what they’re looking for quickly and easily.

75 Appointment booking systems
Appointment booking systems are essential for service-based businesses. They make scheduling easy for both users and businesses.

76 Event management systems
Event management systems can help you organise and promote events. They make it easy to manage registrations, tickets, and more.

77 E-commerce enhancements
Improving your e-commerce functionality can boost sales. This includes better checkout processes, product recommendations, and more.

78 Membership sites
Membership sites can create a community around your content. They offer exclusive content and benefits to members.

79 Learning management systems (LMS)
LMS can help you deliver educational content. They make it easy to manage courses, track progress, and engage with students.

80 Advanced comment systems
Advanced comment systems can improve engagement. They offer more features than basic comment systems, like upvoting, threading, and more.

81 Social media integration
Integrating social media can boost engagement and reach. It makes it easy for users to share your content and connect with you.

82 Custom user dashboards
Custom user dashboards can improve user experience. They provide personalised information and make it easy to manage accounts.

Visual trends (continued)
Visual trends (continued)

Visual trends (continued)

83 Flat design
Flat design focuses on simplicity and usability. It’s clean, modern, and easy to navigate.

84 Realistic textures
Using realistic textures can add depth and interest to your site. They make your design feel more tactile and engaging.

85 Geometric patterns
Geometric patterns can add a modern, structured look to your site. They’re versatile and visually interesting.

86 Vintage elements
Vintage design elements can give your site a unique, nostalgic feel. They’re making a comeback in web design.

87 Duotone images
Duotone images use two colours to create a striking effect. They’re a trendy and visually appealing way to present photos.

88 Layered images and text
Layering images and text can create a dynamic, engaging look. It’s a popular trend that adds depth to your design.

89 Custom icons
Using custom icons can give your site a unique look. They can be tailored to fit your brand and make navigation easier.

90 Image masking
Image masking can create interesting, creative effects. It allows you to blend images in unique ways.

91 Textured backgrounds
Textured backgrounds can add depth and interest to your site. They’re a simple way to make your design stand out.

92 Vibrant colour schemes
Using vibrant colours can make your site more engaging. They draw attention and create a lively atmosphere.

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User experience (UX) trends (continued)

93 Heatmaps and user analytics
Using heatmaps and user analytics can help you understand how users interact with your site. This information can be used to improve user experience.

94 Feedback forms
Feedback forms can provide valuable insights into user experience. They make it easy for users to share their thoughts and suggestions.

95 Live customer support
Offering live customer support can improve user satisfaction. It provides immediate help and answers to user questions.

96 Easy navigation menus
Easy-to-use navigation menus are essential for a good user experience. They make it easy for users to find what they’re looking for.

97 Breadcrumbs
Breadcrumbs help users navigate your site. They show the user’s location and make it easy to move back to previous pages.

98 Interactive tutorials
Interactive tutorials can help users learn how to use your site. They provide step-by-step guidance and improve user experience.

99 Gamification elements
Adding gamification elements can make your site more engaging. This can include points, badges, and leaderboards.

100 Push notifications
Push notifications can keep users engaged with your site. They provide timely updates and information.


To wrap up, staying on top of these trends can help you create a modern, engaging, and user-friendly WordPress site. It’s important to keep learning and adapting to the ever-changing web design landscape. For more information and resources, check out some recommended blogs, courses, and tools.

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WordPress can handle different types of websites, from blogs to e-commerce stores, making it a versatile platform. Choosing the right theme is crucial for achieving the desired look and functionality. The cost of a domain name typically ranges from £10 to £15 per year, and while and offer different levels of flexibility and customization, provides more control. In 2024, WordPress has introduced several new features to stay competitive and relevant. It continues to be used for a variety of websites, including blogs, business sites, and e-commerce platforms. Starting with WordPress involves installing the platform, selecting a theme, and adding plugins to extend functionality. Various tools are available for customizing a WordPress website, including themes, plugins, and page builders. For more information, check out Is WordPress good for designing websites?, How do I design my own WordPress website?, How much does it cost to design a website on WordPress?, Is WordPress website design free?, Is WordPress still used in 2024?, Does anyone still use WordPress?, and WordPress website design.

WordPress theme

FAQs: WordPress website design

What are the top WordPress website design trends for 2024?

Why is minimalist design popular in WordPress websites?

Minimalist design focuses on clean, simple layouts that emphasize content, making websites easier to navigate and more visually appealing.

How does dark mode benefit a WordPress website?

Dark mode is easier on the eyes, reduces glare, and gives a modern, sleek look to websites, enhancing user experience especially in low-light environments.

What is glassmorphism in WordPress design?

Glassmorphism involves using frosted-glass effects that look elegant and modern, adding depth and visual interest to the site.

How can bold typography improve my WordPress site?

Bold typography grabs attention and makes a statement, helping key messages stand out and improving readability.

What are micro-animations and why should I use them?

Micro-animations are small, subtle animations that enhance user interactions and guide users through the site, making the experience more engaging.

What role do 3D elements play in WordPress design?

3D elements create a more immersive and interactive experience, making the site visually appealing and engaging for users.

What is neumorphism and how is it used in web design?

Neumorphism combines elements of skeuomorphism and flat design to create a soft, almost 3D look, adding a unique and appealing aesthetic to websites.

Why should I consider asymmetrical layouts for my WordPress site?

Asymmetrical layouts break away from traditional grid designs, adding visual interest and making the site look more dynamic and unique.

How can voice search optimization benefit my WordPress site?

Optimizing for voice search improves accessibility and user experience, as more users rely on voice commands for search queries.

What are the benefits of integrating AR features in WordPress websites?

Augmented Reality (AR) features provide unique, interactive experiences that can enhance user engagement and make the site more memorable.

How does AI integration enhance WordPress website functionality?

AI can personalize user experiences, automate tasks, and create smarter, more responsive websites, improving overall functionality and user satisfaction.

What is headless WordPress and why is it trending?

Headless WordPress separates the backend from the frontend, allowing more flexibility in how content is displayed and improving site performance.

What are Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and how do they work with WordPress?

PWAs provide a mobile app-like experience on websites, offering fast, reliable performance and offline capabilities, enhancing user experience.

How do AI-powered chatbots improve user engagement on WordPress sites?

AI-powered chatbots provide instant customer support and interaction, improving user engagement and satisfaction.

What is the importance of lazy loading for WordPress websites?

Lazy loading improves site performance by loading images only when they come into view, reducing initial load times and enhancing user experience.

How does dynamic content enhance a WordPress site?

Dynamic content tailors the user experience based on individual interests and behaviors, making the site more engaging and personalized.

Why is AMP important for WordPress sites?

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) improve load times on mobile devices, enhancing user experience and potentially boosting search rankings.

How does blockchain integration benefit WordPress websites?

Blockchain adds security and transparency, which can be particularly beneficial for transactions and data integrity on WordPress sites.

What are the latest visual design trends for WordPress in 2024?

Latest visual trends include custom illustrations, gradient backgrounds, abstract art, retro aesthetics, organic shapes, and vibrant colour schemes.

What is WordPress website design?

WordPress website design is the process of creating and building a website using WordPress, which includes designing the layout, structure, and visual elements to ensure it is user-friendly and visually appealing.

Why should I choose WordPress website design?

WordPress website design offers user-friendliness, high customization, SEO-friendliness, and extensive plugin and theme support, making it a versatile option for any website.

How do I start with WordPress website design?

To start with WordPress website design, you need a domain name and web hosting. After acquiring these, install WordPress, select a theme, and customize your site through the WordPress dashboard.

What role do themes play in WordPress website design?

Themes in WordPress website design are collections of templates and stylesheets that define the appearance and display of a WordPress website. They can be free or premium, offering various layouts and design options.

Can I customize themes in WordPress website design?

Yes, themes can be customized in WordPress website design using the WordPress Customizer, theme options, or by editing the code directly. Many themes also come with drag-and-drop builders for easier customization.

How do plugins enhance WordPress website design?

Plugins enhance WordPress website design by adding new features and functionality, such as contact forms, SEO tools, security enhancements, and more.

How do I select the right theme for my WordPress website design?

When selecting a theme for WordPress website design, consider your website’s purpose, required features, preferred design style, and customization options. Look for themes with good reviews, regular updates, and reliable support.

Is responsive design important in WordPress website design?

Yes, responsive design is crucial in WordPress website design to ensure your site looks good and functions well on all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Most modern themes are responsive by default.

How can I improve the SEO of my WordPress website design?

Improve SEO in WordPress website design by using an SEO-friendly theme, installing an SEO plugin (like Yoast SEO), creating high-quality content, optimizing images, using proper headings, and ensuring fast loading speeds.

How do I integrate e-commerce into my WordPress website design?

Integrate e-commerce into your WordPress website design by using plugins like WooCommerce, which allows you to create an online store, manage products, handle payments, and more.

Is security a concern in WordPress website design?

Security is a crucial concern in WordPress website design. Ensure you follow best practices such as keeping WordPress core, themes, and plugins up to date, using strong passwords, and installing security plugins.

Can I migrate my existing site to a new WordPress website design?

Yes, you can migrate your existing site to a new WordPress website design. There are plugins and services available that help with the migration process, ensuring your content and SEO are preserved.

What is the cost of WordPress website design?

The cost of WordPress website design varies depending on factors like premium themes, plugins, custom development, and hosting. It can range from being very affordable to more expensive for advanced customizations.

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.


Kyra Pieterse


Kyra is the co-founder and creative lead of MaxiBlocks, an open-source page builder for WordPress Gutenberg.

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