Contact forms arrive: 13 pages, 32 patterns, and 43 new icons | Issue #30


August 29, 2024

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Hello Creators 👋

It’s been a productive 3 weeks at MaxiBlocks. We’ve focused on giving you the tools to create better contact pages and forms. Let’s look at what’s new.

New totals this week:

  • Page templates: 222
  • Block patterns: 2,296
  • Icons: 14,329
WordPress block pattern contact

Light contact form pattern

👑 13 New contact page templates (222 total)

We’ve made 13 new contact page templates. These cover a range of styles, from minimal to complex. Whether you’re a freelancer or a large company, you’ll find a template that fits.

These templates save time for developers and designers. They also help beginners create professional-looking contact pages without coding.

WordPress Gutenberg block pattern contact

Dark contact form pattern

⛺Setting up a form

Contact forms require setup to ensure submissions land in your inbox. Add a contact form to your website in 15 minutes using MaxiBlocks and Fluent Forms.

  1. Install Fluent Forms plugin
  2. Import the JSON Form files
  3. Configure your form for reliable delivery
  4. Add the imported form to a MaxiBlocks pattern or page
  5. Test your form (do not skip this step)
Add the imported form to a MaxiBlocks pattern or page

Choose a form after import

🏠 32 New contact form patterns (2,296 total)

To go with the contact pages, we’ve added 32 contact form patterns. These come in light and dark versions. You can use them on contact pages or anywhere else on your site.

The patterns range from simple email capture forms to complex multi-field forms. This variety lets you choose the right form for your needs, whether it’s lead generation or detailed customer inquiries. In a future update we will add email subscribe forms.

🎨 2 New icon patterns (2,296 total)

⛲ 43 new icons (14,329 total)

We’ve expanded our icon library with:

  • 29 Abstract icons
  • 14 Squiggle icons

These aren’t your typical icons. They’re shapes you can use in creative ways. Try using them as masks in MaxiBlocks’ background layers feature (Container Maxi) or decorative elements.

Coming soon: Blog Patterns and MaxiBlocks Go Theme

We’re working on new blog-related patterns, including:

  • 25 Blog heroes
  • 7 Blog stories
  • 10 Comment thread designs
  • 6 Pagination designs
  • Archive and single post templates

These will make it easier to create attractive, functional blogs with MaxiBlocks. It’s built and tested, but we’re fine-tuning how it’s displayed in our demo library.

Additionally, we’re in the process of getting the MaxiBlocks Go theme approved through the review system. Once cleared, it will be available for everyone to use.

New to MaxiBlocks?

Discover the power of efficient WordPress design with MaxiBlocks. Our plugin includes:

  • 14,300+ icons
  • 100+ style cards
  • Customizable pages and patterns

Get started:

  1. Or install from your WordPress dashboard:
  • Go to Plugins > Add New
  • Search “MaxiBlocks”
  • Install and activate
  • Add Maxi blocks or insert cloud patterns

That’s all for this week’s big update. We look forward to seeing your designs!

Happy creating,
Christiaan, Kyra and the MaxiBlocks team

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4 responses to “Contact forms arrive: 13 pages, 32 patterns, and 43 new icons | Issue #30”

  1. Radek avatar

    Oh man! Well done, I really enjoy your work! Thank you so much. You are all great.

    1. Christiaan avatar

      Ahh… thank you Radek! Appreciate the kind words. Let us know what we should add next.

  2. Keith avatar

    Really enjoying what Maxiblocks is bringing to the table. It’s reassuring knowing I can create some sites that look nice and unique with the plethora of templates in the library that don’t look like the typical templates in most block based libraries. I’m hoping you all make plans for adding tabs to the library, I tend to use them often and end up adding Greenshift just for the tabs block

    1. Kyra Pieterse avatar

      Thanks 😻 Yes tabs is on the to do list 🫡

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