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What are WordPress block themes?

WordPress block themes
WordPress block themes

WordPress block themes are a new approach to designing and building websites within the WordPress platform. These themes use blocks, which are individual elements like text, images, buttons, and more, to create web pages. This method makes the design process more intuitive and flexible, allowing users to drag and drop different blocks to arrange their content. Block themes are part of the Gutenberg editor, which is now the standard editor in WordPress. By using block themes, you can build a website without needing to write any code, making it accessible to everyone, from beginners to experienced developers.

Tip: Experiment with different blocks to see what combinations work best for your content. Don’t be afraid to mix text, images, and multimedia to create engaging pages.

Do: Use the flexibility of block themes to create a unique layout that suits your needs.

Don’t: Overload your page with too many different types of blocks. This can make your site look cluttered and hard to navigate.

What are block themes in WordPress?

Block themes in WordPress refer to themes that are designed to work with the block editor, also known as Gutenberg. These themes allow you to build your website by adding and arranging blocks directly within the WordPress editor. The blocks can be customised to fit your specific needs, whether you’re adding a text paragraph, an image gallery, or a call-to-action button. This block-based approach simplifies the website creation process and gives you more control over the layout and design of your site.

Tip: Take advantage of the pre-designed block patterns available in many block themes. These can help you get started quickly with a professional-looking layout.

Do: Explore the different blocks available to understand their functionality.

Don’t: Stick with the default settings. Customise each block to match your site’s style and needs.

Should I use block themes?

Using block themes can be highly beneficial for most WordPress users. They offer a user-friendly way to create and manage your website, with an emphasis on flexibility and ease of use. If you prefer a more visual approach to building your site, where you can see changes as you make them, then block themes are a great choice. They are especially useful for those who do not have coding skills, as they eliminate the need to edit HTML or CSS. However, if you have specific needs that require extensive customisation beyond what blocks can offer, you might still need to use custom code or a classic theme.

Tip: Try a block theme on a test site first to get comfortable with the new workflow before switching your main site.

Do: Make use of the visual editing features to create a site that looks exactly how you want it.

Don’t: Be afraid to switch back to a classic theme if you find block themes don’t meet all your needs.

Are block themes faster?

Block themes can be faster than traditional themes because they often use more efficient, modern code. This can lead to quicker load times, which is important for keeping visitors on your site and improving your search engine ranking. To maximise speed, choose a block theme that is well-coded and optimised for performance. Avoid adding too many third-party plugins, as they can slow down your site. Use image optimisation tools and keep your site’s content clean and organised.

Tip: Regularly check your site’s performance using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to check  it remains fast.

Do: Optimise images and use a caching plugin to improve load times.

Don’t: Add too many unnecessary plugins, as they can slow down your site.

WordPress block patterns
WordPress block patterns

What is a block in WordPress?

A block in WordPress is an individual piece of content that you can add to your page or post. Each block serves a specific function, such as a text paragraph, an image, a video embed, or a button. The block editor allows you to easily add, move, and customise these blocks to create the layout you want. This modular approach makes it simple to design pages with a variety of content types and styles, without needing to know any code.

Tip: Familiarise yourself with the different types of blocks available and how they can be used to edit your content.

Do: Use the block search feature to quickly find and add the blocks you need.

Don’t: Forget to customise each block’s settings to better fit your content.

What is the difference between classic and block themes?

The main difference between classic and block themes lies in their flexibility and ease of use. Classic themes are built around a more rigid structure, where the design and content are less flexible and often require knowledge of HTML and CSS to customise. Block themes, on the other hand, use the Gutenberg block editor, allowing you to build pages by dragging and dropping blocks. This makes it much easier to customise your site’s layout and design, offering more creative freedom and reducing the need for coding.

Tip: If you’re transitioning from a classic theme to a block theme, take some time to experiment with the block editor on a test site.

Do: Embrace the flexibility of block themes to create dynamic and visually appealing layouts.

Don’t: Assume that block themes will automatically improve your site; they require thoughtful design and customisation.

Benefits of WordPress Block Themes

Block themes in WordPress offer several benefits that can greatly improve your website’s functionality and user experience.

Modern visual editing

One of the key advantages of block themes is modern visual editing. With block themes, you can see exactly what your site will look like as you build it. This makes the editing process straightforward and intuitive. You no longer have to guess how changes in the backend will appear on the frontend; instead, you can make adjustments in real-time and see immediate results. 

Tip: Regularly preview your site on different devices to see if it looks good everywhere.

Do: Use the drag-and-drop feature to arrange blocks easily.

Don’t: Forget to save your changes frequently to avoid losing your work.

WordPress block template library
WordPress block template library

Accessibility for all

Creativity and innovation

Block themes provide a flexible framework where you can experiment with different designs and layouts. This encourages creativity and innovation, allowing you to create unique websites that stand out.

Tip: Explore different block patterns and templates to spark your creativity.

Do: Customize blocks to fit your brand’s style and message.

Don’t: Stick to default settings; personalize your site to make it unique.

Modern efficiency

Building and editing your site with block themes can be faster than using traditional methods. The intuitive new interface and pre-built block patterns reduce the time and effort required to create a fully functional website.

Tip: Use block patterns for commonly used sections to save time.

Do: Take advantage of keyboard shortcuts to speed up your workflow.

Don’t: Overcomplicate your design with too many elements; keep it simple and efficient.

Improved performance and speed

Block themes often use cleaner, more efficient code, leading to faster load times. A faster website not only provides a better user experience but also ranks higher in search engine results.

Tip: Optimize your images and use a caching plugin to improve site speed.

Do: Regularly test your site’s performance using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights.

Don’t: Use too many heavy plugins that can slow down your site.

WordPress block theme home pages
WordPress block theme home pages

New editing options

Block themes give you more tools and features to customize your site exactly how you want it. From adjusting the layout to tweaking the design elements, you have a wide range of options to make your site look and function perfectly.

Tip: Use the custom CSS option to further personalize your blocks.

Do: Explore the block settings thoroughly to unlock all customization options.

Don’t: Ignore the customization options; they can create a more unique design..

Better creation experience

The intuitive design of block themes makes building your site more enjoyable and less frustrating. The ability to see changes in real-time and the ease of use contribute to a smoother creation process.

Tip: Familiarize yourself with the block editor interface to make the most of its features.

Do: Utilize pre-designed templates to kickstart your design process.

Don’t: Get overwhelmed by the options; start simple and build complexity gradually.

Blocks for everything

From text to multimedia, you can find a block for any content type. This versatility means you can add a wide variety of content to your site without needing additional plugins or custom code.

Tip: Use multimedia blocks to create engaging content that captures visitors’ attention.

Do: Mix different content types to create a dynamic and interesting site.

Don’t: Overload your pages with too many different blocks; keep it balanced.

Code-free editing

Block themes allow you to create and manage your site without writing any HTML or CSS. This is especially beneficial for users who are not familiar with coding, as it simplifies the website building process.

Tip: Use the block settings to customize your site without touching the code.

Do: Take advantage of the visual editor to design your site.

Don’t: Worry about not knowing how to code; block themes are designed for code-free editing.

WordPress theme home pages
WordPress theme home pages

Pre-designed WordPress block patterns

Pre-designed block patterns can save you time by providing ready-made layouts that you can customize to fit your needs. These patterns help you quickly set up common sections of your site, such as headers, footers, and call-to-action areas.

Tip: Use block patterns as a starting point and customize them to match your branding.

Do: Explore the available patterns to see which ones fit your needs.

Don’t: Use block patterns as-is; customize them to make your site unique.

Accessibility features

Block themes come with built-in accessibility features, ensuring that your site can be used by everyone, including those with disabilities. These features help you create a more inclusive website.

Tip: Use accessible colour schemes and fonts to improve readability.

Do: Regularly test your site with accessibility tools to meet standards.

Don’t: Ignore accessibility guidelines; they are important for all users.

Improved response times

Optimized code in block themes leads to faster load times and better performance. This improves your site’s SEO ranking.

Tip: Regularly monitor your site’s load times and optimize as needed.

Do: Use performance testing tools to identify and fix any slow elements.

Don’t: Neglect performance optimization; slow sites can affect your ranking in the SERPS.

Dynamic design capabilities

Block themes allow you to easily update and change your site’s layout and content. This dynamic design capability means you can keep your site fresh and up-to-date without much hassle.

Tip: Regularly update your content to keep your site engaging.

Do: Experiment with different layouts to find the best fit for your content.

Don’t: Let your design become stagnant; regularly refresh it to keep it appealing.

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Using fewer plugins

By offering a wide range of built-in blocks and features, block themes reduce the need for additional plugins. This helps keep your site running smoothly and reduces the chances of conflicts and security issues.

Tip: Only install essential plugins to keep your site lightweight and fast.

Do: Use the built-in features of your block theme to minimize plugin use.

Don’t: Overload your site with unnecessary plugins; it can cause performance issues.

Future-proof your website

Block themes adopt the latest technologies and standards in web design, ensuring your site remains relevant and up-to-date. This future-proofing means your site can easily adapt to new trends and updates in the WordPress ecosystem.

Tip: Stay informed about updates and new features in block themes.

Do: Regularly update your theme to take advantage of new improvements.

Don’t: Stick with outdated themes; upgrading can give better performance and security with newer technology.

Using WordPress block themes offers many benefits that can greatly improve your website’s functionality, performance, and user experience. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, these themes provide the tools and flexibility needed to create a stunning and effective website. For more detailed information and resources, check out the following links: blocks template, best WordPress block themes, block themes, block template, Gutenberg block styles, and WordPress block patterns.

WordPress theme settings
WordPress theme settings

How to use block themes in WordPress?

Using block themes in WordPress is straightforward. First, select a block theme from the WordPress theme repository or from developers like MaxiBlocks. Once you’ve installed and activated the theme, you can start using the block editor to create your pages. Click the “+” button in the editor to add blocks, then drag and drop these blocks to arrange them on your page. Customise each block by adjusting its settings in the sidebar. For more detailed guidance, explore resources like the WordPress block templates and block theme WordPress pages on MaxiBlocks.

Tip: Start with a simple layout and gradually add more blocks as you become comfortable with the editor.

Do: Save your changes frequently to avoid losing your work.

Don’t: Overcomplicate your design initially; keep it simple and build from there.

How do I use the block editor in WordPress?

The block editor in WordPress, also known as Gutenberg, allows you to create content by adding and arranging blocks. To use the block editor, start by creating a new page or post. Click the “+” button to add blocks, then choose the type of block you want to add, such as a paragraph, image, or video. You can drag and drop blocks to rearrange them and use the sidebar settings to customise each block’s appearance and functionality. For tips and tricks on using the block editor, check out gutenberg block styles.

Tip: Use the preview function to see how your page looks before publishing it.

Do: Experiment with different block settings to find the best look for your content.

Don’t: Ignore the block editor’s built-in help tips and guides; they can be very useful.

Where to find WordPress block themes?

You can find WordPress block themes in the WordPress theme repository, where you can browse and preview different themes before installing them. Additionally, developers like MaxiBlocks offer specialised block themes that come with unique features and customisation options. For some of the best block themes available, visit best wordpress block themes.

Tip: Read reviews and ratings before choosing a theme to make sure it meets your needs.

Do: Preview themes to see how they will look with your content.

Don’t: Rush your decision; take your time to find the best theme for your site.

WordPress theme design
WordPress theme design

Resources for WordPress block themes

To get started with WordPress block themes, there are many resources available online. Tutorials, forums, and official WordPress documentation can provide valuable insights and tips. A good starting point is the WordPress block theme page on MaxiBlocks, where you can find detailed guides and examples.

Tip: Join online communities and forums to learn from other WordPress users.

Do: Follow blogs and social media accounts that share WordPress tips and updates.

Don’t: Ignore the official WordPress support forums; they can be very helpful.

Popular WordPress block themes

For those looking to explore popular block themes, here are some recommendations. For free options, check out the best WordPress block themes in 2024. If you’re interested in premium themes, look for ones that offer additional features and dedicated support. Reading reviews of popular block themes can help you make an informed choice, and comparing the features of top themes to find one that fits your needs.

Tip: Test several themes on a staging site before committing to one.

Do: Look for themes that are regularly updated and supported by their developers.

Don’t: Choose a theme solely based on its appearance; consider its functionality and performance as well.

Advanced techniques (continued)

To get the most out of your block themes, consider some advanced techniques. Optimising WordPress block themes for performance can improve your site’s speed and user experience. Using custom CSS with block themes allows you to personalise your site’s look further. Integrating third-party plugins with block themes can add new functionalities. Creating responsive designs with block themes so your site looks good on all devices. If you run into problems, knowing how to troubleshoot issues in WordPress block themes is essential.

Tip: Regularly monitor your site’s performance and make adjustments as needed to keep it running smoothly.

Do: Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix to check your site’s performance.

Don’t: Overuse custom CSS without testing its impact on your site’s load time.

Build like a pro

SEO and WordPress block themes

Improving your site’s SEO is important for attracting visitors. Block themes can help by offering built-in SEO features. Follow best SEO practices for WordPress block themes to make your content easily discoverable. Adding schema markup in WordPress block themes can help your site’s search engine visibility. Using Yoast SEO with WordPress block themes is a popular way to manage your SEO. Creating SEO-friendly layouts with block themes will also improve your site’s ranking.

Tip: Always use descriptive titles, meta descriptions, and alt text for images to boost your SEO.

Do: Install and configure an SEO plugin like Yoast SEO to help manage your SEO settings.

Don’t: Ignore the importance of mobile-friendly design, as it significantly impacts SEO.

User experience and design

Designing a user-friendly website is important for keeping visitors engaged. When designing WordPress block themes, focus on creating a clean, easy-to-navigate site. Following best UX practices for WordPress block themes can improve the user experience. Testing the usability of your block themes so they are easy to use. Accessibility features in WordPress block themes make your site usable for everyone. Enhancing user experience with block themes can keep visitors on your site longer.

Tip: Use clear, concise headings and well-organised content to make your site easy to navigate.

Do: Regularly test your site on different devices and browsers to get a consistent experience.

Don’t: Overlook the importance of accessibility features, such as alt text for images and keyboard navigation.

WordPress theme styles
WordPress theme styles

How to find an e-commerce WordPress block theme

Look for WooCommerce support
Make sure the block theme you choose supports WooCommerce. This is essential for adding shopping cart functionality, product pages, and checkout processes.

Check the WordPress theme repository
Start by browsing the WordPress theme repository. Use search terms like “e-commerce block theme” or “WooCommerce block theme” to find themes specifically designed for online stores.

Visit theme developer websites
Developers like MaxiBlocks offer specialised block themes with e-commerce features. Check out their websites to explore more options and see live demos of the themes in action.

Read reviews and ratings
User reviews and ratings can provide valuable insights into how well a theme performs in real-world scenarios. Look for themes with positive feedback from other e-commerce site owners.

Preview and test themes
Most themes allow you to preview them before installation. Take advantage of this feature to see how the theme looks and feels with your content. Some themes also offer demo sites where you can see the full functionality.

Check for customisation options
Look for themes that offer extensive customisation options. Being able to tweak colours, fonts, and layouts will help you create a unique shopping experience that matches your brand.

Look for built-in features
Some block themes come with built-in features like product galleries, customer reviews, and special offer sections. 

Check support and updates
Choose a theme that is regularly updated and comes with reliable support. This helps that your site remains secure and compatible with the latest versions of WordPress and WooCommerce.

Tip: Once you’ve found a few themes that you like, test them on a staging site before making your final decision. This allows you to see how they perform with your specific content and plugins.

Do: Take your time to explore different themes and see which one best fits your needs.

Don’t: Rush the process; a good theme is the foundation of your online store and can impact its success.

For a great starting point, check out these resources: best WordPress block themes and block themes. These links provide excellent options and additional guidance for selecting the perfect block theme for your e-commerce site.

WordPress Performance and security
WordPress Performance and security

Performance and security

Keeping your site running smoothly and securely is essential. Securing WordPress block themes helps protect your site from threats. Following performance optimisation tips for WordPress block themes can improve your site’s speed. Ensuring compatibility of block themes with updates is important for maintaining functionality. Being aware of common security vulnerabilities in WordPress block themes can help you avoid issues. Using the best security plugins for WordPress block themes adds an extra layer of protection.

Tip: Regularly update your WordPress core, themes, and plugins to protect against security vulnerabilities.

Do: Use a security plugin like Wordfence or Sucuri to help protect your site.

Don’t: Use weak passwords or neglect regular backups of your site.

Community and support

Support is vital when building a website. Joining forums for WordPress block theme developers can provide valuable insights. Finding support for WordPress block themes is easier with a strong community. Engaging with top WordPress block theme communities can help you learn from others. Getting started with WordPress block theme development can be easier with community resources. Contributing to WordPress block themes can improve your skills and help others.

Tip: Participate in online WordPress communities and forums to stay updated and get support.

Do: Share your experiences and tips with others in the community.

Don’t: Be afraid to ask for help when you encounter issues.

Future trends

Staying ahead with the latest trends in block themes is important. The future of WordPress block themes looks promising, with many new features and improvements. Upcoming features in WordPress block themes will make building sites even easier. Predictions for WordPress block themes in 2025 suggest continued growth and innovation. AI is influencing WordPress block themes, offering new possibilities for design and functionality. Keeping up with trends in WordPress block theme design so your site stays current.

Tip: Follow WordPress blogs and news sites to stay informed about upcoming features and trends.

Do: Experiment with new features and technologies to keep your site modern and innovative.

Don’t: Ignore new trends and updates; staying current is key to maintaining a successful website.

WordPress theme

FAQs about Gutenberg Block Styles and WordPress Block Themes

What are WordPress block themes?

WordPress block themes are themes that use blocks to create web pages. These themes work with the Gutenberg editor, allowing users to drag and drop blocks like text, images, and buttons to arrange their content. This method makes designing and building websites more intuitive and accessible to everyone, from beginners to experienced developers.

How do I style Gutenberg blocks?

You can style Gutenberg blocks by using the block editor’s built-in settings or adding custom CSS. This allows you to change the appearance of individual blocks by adjusting fonts, colours, and layouts. Tools like MaxiBlocks offer various options to help you style Gutenberg blocks easily.

How can I customise Gutenberg blocks?

Customising Gutenberg blocks involves using the block editor’s settings or custom CSS to tailor each block to your needs. This can include changing text, images, and other elements within the blocks to better match your website’s branding. MaxiBlocks provides an easy-to-use interface for customising blocks without needing any coding knowledge.

Which is better, ACF or Gutenberg blocks?

Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) and Gutenberg blocks both have their strengths. ACF is great for creating custom fields and complex data structures, while Gutenberg blocks offer flexibility for content layout and design. MaxiBlocks enhances the functionality of Gutenberg blocks, making them a strong choice for many users.

Is Gutenberg the future of WordPress?

Gutenberg is considered a significant part of WordPress’s future, with ongoing updates and new features continually improving the platform. The adoption of Gutenberg block styles and block themes WordPress is increasing, indicating its growing importance in web design and development.

What is the Gutenberg styling API?

The Gutenberg styling API allows developers to create custom styles for Gutenberg blocks. This API provides a way to define styles that can be applied across different blocks, ensuring consistency and ease of use in your website design.

How does the Gutenberg block styles API work?

The Gutenberg block styles API lets developers register new block styles or modify existing ones by adding code to the theme’s functions.php file. This helps create unique block styles that can be reused throughout your site.

How can I create additional block styles for the Gutenberg list block?

Creating additional block styles for the Gutenberg list block involves adding custom CSS or using the block editor settings. You can define new styles in your theme’s functions.php file or directly within the block editor. MaxiBlocks offers tools and tips for creating and managing these styles.

What are custom block styles?

Custom block styles are unique styles that you create for specific blocks on your site. They allow you to personalise your website and make it stand out by providing more tailored and unique appearances.

What are the main benefits of using block themes in WordPress?

Block themes offer greater flexibility and ease of customisation compared to traditional WordPress themes. They provide more control over individual blocks and layouts, making it easier to create a personalised website. MaxiBlocks offers a range of block themes that cater to different styles and functionalities.

How can I customise a single block theme to fit my website’s branding?

Customising a block theme involves adjusting global settings for colours, fonts, and layouts. MaxiBlocks provides tools to help solve common issues like alignment and responsiveness, allowing you to create a professional-looking website that matches your brand.

What is the difference between a block template and a regular template in WordPress?

A block template is a predefined layout of blocks used to create consistent designs across your site, whereas regular templates are traditional page layouts that do not offer the same level of flexibility. Block templates simplify content creation and ensure consistency.

How do you apply custom Gutenberg block styles to improve your WordPress site’s appearance?

Applying custom Gutenberg block styles can be done using CSS or the block editor settings. This allows you to create specific styles that improve your site’s visual appeal and ensure a cohesive design. MaxiBlocks offers tools to make this process easy.

What are some creative uses for Gutenberg block patterns in modern web design?

Gutenberg block patterns can be used to design unique sections for your site, such as hero sections, testimonials, and call-to-action areas. They provide pre-designed layouts that simplify the design process and enhance your website’s appearance. MaxiBlocks offers a variety of block patterns to help you build visually appealing layouts.

Which block themes in WordPress are best for e-commerce websites?

The best block themes for e-commerce websites offer extensive customisation options and are optimised for speed. They often include features like product galleries, shopping carts, and checkout pages. MaxiBlocks provides block themes WordPress that are ideal for creating professional online stores.

How can WordPress block patterns simplify the web design process for beginners?

WordPress block patterns provide reusable layouts that beginners can easily insert and customise. These patterns help maintain consistency and speed up the design process. MaxiBlocks offers a range of WordPress block patterns that are perfect for those new to web design.

What are the key features to look for in a block theme for WordPress?

When choosing a block theme WordPress, look for features such as customisation options, responsiveness, and compatibility with popular plugins. MaxiBlocks provides block themes that meet these criteria, ensuring a smooth design experience.

How can WordPress block templates improve the efficiency of website development?

WordPress block templates provide predefined layouts that you can quickly apply to your pages and posts, saving time and ensuring consistency. MaxiBlocks offers a variety of WordPress block templates to simplify your development process.

What makes a WordPress block theme different from traditional WordPress themes?

A WordPress block theme provides more control over individual blocks and layouts compared to traditional themes. They are designed to work with the Gutenberg editor, making them a modern choice for website design. MaxiBlocks offers a range of WordPress block themes that take advantage of these features.

How can Gutenberg templates be used to create consistent layouts across a WordPress site?

Gutenberg templates provide reusable block arrangements that you can apply across multiple pages and posts, ensuring a cohesive look throughout your site. MaxiBlocks offers tools to create and use Gutenberg templates easily.

What are the advantages of using a WordPress pattern library for web designers?

A WordPress pattern library provides pre-designed block layouts that can be quickly inserted into pages and posts, saving time and helping maintain consistency. MaxiBlocks offers a comprehensive WordPress pattern library that can be a valuable resource for designers.

What are the best practices for creating reusable Gutenberg templates in WordPress?

Creating reusable Gutenberg templates involves designing layouts that can be easily customised and applied to different parts of your site. MaxiBlocks provides tools and tips for creating effective Gutenberg templates.

How can the Gutenberg template library help in rapidly developing WordPress websites?

The Gutenberg template library offers ready-made templates that you can quickly apply to your site, speeding up the design process. MaxiBlocks provides a robust Gutenberg template library to help you build your site efficiently.

What are the top considerations when choosing the best WordPress block theme for your site?

When choosing the best WordPress block theme, consider design flexibility, customisation options, responsiveness, and performance. MaxiBlocks provides some of the best WordPress block themes that meet these criteria, ensuring a smooth design experience.

How do web design page blocks improve the modularity and flexibility of website layouts?

Web design page blocks allow you to create and rearrange sections of your site easily, making it simple to update and customise. MaxiBlocks offers a variety of web design page blocks that enhance your site’s functionality and design.

What trends are emerging in WordPress block themes for 2024?

Trends in WordPress block themes for 2024 include a focus on performance, accessibility, and advanced customisation options. MaxiBlocks stays ahead of these trends by offering innovative and flexible block themes that cater to modern web design needs.

How has the introduction of block themes influenced modern WordPress website design?

The introduction of block themes has significantly influenced modern WordPress website design by providing more flexibility and control over individual elements. MaxiBlocks offers tools and resources to help designers create stunning websites using block themes.

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.


Kyra Pieterse


Kyra is the co-founder and creative lead of MaxiBlocks, an open-source page builder for WordPress Gutenberg.

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