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Adding a button to your MaxiBlocks menu

Spruce up your MaxiBlocks menu with a button! Learn about adding a button to your WordPress Navigation menus

Adding the button block

  1. Search and insert: In the search bar, type “Button Maxi” and click on the block to add it to your column.

Customizing the button text

  1. Click and edit: Directly click on the newly inserted button block.
  2. Enter your text: Type in your desired button text. For instance, you can use “Say Hello” or any other relevant call to action.

Optional: Adjusting button layout

  1. Select the column: Click on the breadcrumbs above the button block to select the entire column.
  2. Access advanced settings: In the right-hand sidebar, scroll down to the “Advanced” settings section.
  3. Enable flexbox: Click the toggle next to “Flexbox options”.

Setting button dimensions

  1. Select the button: Click directly on the button to select it.
  2. Open size settings: In the sidebar, scroll down to the “Canvas” settings section and click the toggle next to “Open height and width panel”.
  3. Adjust width: Under “Width”, choose “Fit content” to eliminate extra space around the button.
  4. Set specific width (optional): Switch to the “Settings” tab and open the “Height and width panel”. Under “Width”, enter a specific value (e.g., “120px”) to set the button’s desired width.

Optional: Adding padding

  1. Access padding settings: In the “Settings” tab, open the “Margin and padding panel”.
  2. Adjust padding: Under “Padding”, modify the “Left” and “Right” values to your preference. For example, you can use “20px” for both sides.


WordPress Navigation Menus
Add a button to the menu

What is the benefit of have a button in your wordpress navigation menu?

1. Prominent calls to action (CTAs)

  • Focuses attention: Buttons visually stand out from regular text links, making your most important CTAs noticeable.
  • Drives action: This prominence helps direct visitors to key actions you want them to take (sign up, make a purchase, contact you, etc.).

2. Improved conversion rates

  • Psychological impact: Well-designed buttons can create a sense of urgency or excitement, further motivating visitors to click.

3. Enhanced user experience (UX)

4. Flexibility

  • Link to anything: Buttons can link to individual pages, posts, external sites, sign-up forms, product pages – the possibilities are vast.

Examples of effective button use

  • Free trial or demo: If you offer software or a service.
  • Shop now: For e-commerce sites.
  • Book a call: Great for consulting businesses.
  • Subscribe: For blogs and newsletters.
  • Donate: For non-profit websites.


  • Compelling button text: Use action-oriented language (e.g., “Start Your Trial,” “Get a Quote”).
Add a button to the menu
Add a button to the menu in WordPress navigation menus

FAQs about adding buttons to your MaxiBlocks menu and WordPress navigation menus

How do I add MaxiBlocks buttons to a pre-built navigation pattern in WordPress?

Can I customize the MaxiBlocks buttons to match my theme?

What if the MaxiBlocks button I added doesn’t align properly with my navigation pattern?

If the MaxiBlocks button doesn’t align properly, you can adjust its alignment using the block toolbar. You can align the button to the left, center, or right. 

Are there any limitations to the types of buttons I can add with MaxiBlocks?

MaxiBlocks offers a variety of button types and styles. 

How do I ensure the MaxiBlocks buttons are mobile-responsive within my navigation pattern?

Can I add multiple MaxiBlocks buttons next to each other in my navigation pattern?

Yes, you can add multiple MaxiBlocks buttons next to each other. Simply insert a new button block for each button you wish to add. To ensure they are evenly spaced and aligned, you might want to use a container block, like a Columns block, to group your buttons together.

Is it possible to add a MaxiBlocks button that links to an external website?

How do I update or remove a MaxiBlocks button from my WordPress navigation menus?

To update a MaxiBlocks button, simply click on the button in the editor and make your changes. To remove it, select the button block and use the block toolbar or the keyboard shortcut to remove it.

Can MaxiBlocks buttons include icons along with text?

Yes, many MaxiBlocks button blocks allow you to add icons along with text. Look for the icon option within the block settings. You can choose from a variety of icons and adjust their size and position relative to the text.

What are WordPress Navigation Menus? 

Are there any best practices for using MaxiBlocks buttons in WordPress Navigation Menus?

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.