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WordPress block templates: a comprehensive guide

Updated 15 July 2024

Best WordPress block templates
Best WordPress block templates

Key takeaways:

WordPress block templates are changing the way WordPress web designers are able to create dynamic and responsive sites

WordPress block templates are a further move towards codeless web design. They offer a new approach to creating and organising web content. WordPress block templates, as the name implies, organise blocks. Blocks in turn can be used to manage text, images, videos and whatever else may be appropriate for the website content. 

WordPress block templates have offered new ways for web designers to create their websites. Block templates consist of block template parts such as headers, footers and content template parts. Together they make up block templates. 

WordPress block templates – a shift in web design

WordPress block templates were introduced with the release of WordPress 5.0 in 2018. Block templates are pre-designed layouts that are made up of a combination of blocks, similar in concept to building blocks. They tend to be reusable components of content that can be easily arranged and customised to create a new page or post layout. 

Block templates offer a more user-friendly way of designing and building WordPress websites, making it easier for web designers to create complex layouts without having to know how to use code. With block templates, it’s easy to simply select pre-designed templates that will fit in with the general purpose of the website, customise the content and layout, and publish the page or post.

The development of block templates in WordPress has not been an overnight success story. Before the introduction of block templates, WordPress users relied on page builders and themes to make custom page layouts. However, these solutions brought with them their own set of difficulties. Web designers needed to have extensive coding knowledge and for inexperienced web builders they were not always user-friendly. 

With the release of WordPress 5.0, also known as “Gutenberg”, the name being a play on the printing press inventor, the block editor was introduced. This new tool gave web designers the ability to create and arrange blocks of content more easily. The block editor was a significant improvement over the traditional WordPress editor, but it still required users to create their own layouts from scratch. 

The introduction of block templates in later versions of WordPress has further simplified the process. WordPress block templates provide web designers with pre-designed layouts that can be customised without too much fuss. 

One of the main advantages of using a WordPress block template is that its easy to use. Web designers do not need coding skills, nor do they need design training or any type of creative work experience and above all other benefits they are able to build websites more quickly making the process a better return on investment of their time.

Block templates are easily customised which means that branding and design preferences can be added without problems. In addition, blocks are easy to rearrange, designers can easily add or remove content, and make as many changes as they wish to their layout as and when needed. Block templates are most often optimised for mobile devices and search engines, making websites fast, responsive, and search engine friendly.

Gutenberg and the WordPress editor

Block themes and the full site editing experience

Exploring the new site editor and full site editing feature

No longer confined to posts or pages, users can now design and customize their entire website directly from the dashboard. This editor provides a live preview, ensuring that changes are immediately visible. Users can navigate between different parts of their site, from headers to footers, tweaking designs and layouts in real-time. It’s a modern experience, reducing the back-and-forth between design and preview modes

Free WordPress block templates
Free WordPress block templates

How block themes differ from traditional WordPress themes

The role of template parts in constructing a full site

Template parts are the backbone of block themes. Think of them as reusable sections or modules that can be consistently applied across different areas of your site. Common template parts include headers, footers, sidebars, and post-content areas. The beauty of these parts lies in their modularity. Once designed, a template part, like a custom header, can be applied across all pages, ensuring a consistent look and feel. Furthermore, any change made to this template part is universally reflected, eliminating the need for repetitive edits. It’s a dynamic system, streamlining the design process and enhancing site-wide consistency. New blocks are continuously introduced, expanding the design possibilities. For instance, with the introduction of the block editor, we’ve seen innovative blocks like the Query Loop, enabling dynamic content display, or the Site Logo block, allowing easy brand integration. Each block comes with its set of customization options, granting users the freedom to tweak designs, layouts, and functionalities to their liking. 

At the heart of the block theme system are the blocks themselves. Each block is a standalone entity with a specific function. From text and images to videos, widgets, and custom elements, blocks cover a vast spectrum. New blocks are continuously introduced, expanding the design possibilities. For instance, with the introduction of the block editor, we’ve seen innovative blocks like the Query Loop, enabling dynamic content display, or the Site Logo block, allowing easy brand integration. Each block comes with its set of customization options, granting users the freedom to tweak designs, layouts, and functionalities to their liking.

Custom block template and block markup: the blend of HTML, PHP, and JavaScript

Layouts in the block editor: structuring web content

Customizable WordPress block templates
Customizable WordPress block templates

Customizing your website

Adjusting the content to make it your own

Widgets and custom post types

Plugins can introduce new widgets, enable custom post types, and add many other features that extend the editor’s capabilities. Whether you need special content layouts or additional e-commerce functionalities, plugins can provide solutions that are tailored to your website’s requirements.

Plugins in the repository

Top WordPress block templates in 2024
Top WordPress block templates in 2024

Crafting a blog or online store with Gutenberg blocks

Utilizing starter templates for easy website creation

Exploring the directory to find various templates and styles

If you’re unsure about designing from scratch, the directory offers a collection of templates and styles. You can browse different categories to find something that resonates with your vision or the purpose of your site. These themes can be customized further, giving you a perfect balance between convenience and uniqueness.

Starting with a blank slate and transforming it into a professional-looking site

With the editor, directory of templates, and the flexibility to start with a blank canvas, you have all the tools you need. Take your time to explore and play around, and soon you’ll be crafting professional and authentic websites with confidence. Whether it’s a blog, online store, or personal portfolio, making the most of WordPress is within your reach.

FAQs on WordPress block templates and related topics

What is a block template in WordPress?

A block template in WordPress is a predefined layout of blocks that can be used to create consistent content structures. These templates can be applied to pages or posts, ensuring that certain blocks are always included and arranged in a specific order.

How to create a block pattern in WordPress?

To create a block pattern in WordPress, you need to go to the Block Editor (Gutenberg), arrange the blocks in the desired layout, select the blocks and click the three-dot menu, choose “Add to Reusable Blocks” and save. Optionally, you can register the block pattern programmatically in your theme or plugin using register_block_pattern.

How to make a block template?

To make a block template in WordPress, follow these steps: create a new PHP file in your theme, define the template structure using the register_block_template function, specify the blocks and their arrangement, and apply the template to a custom post type or specific pages.

How to use WordPress block themes?

To use WordPress block themes, install and activate a block theme from the WordPress theme directory, use the Site Editor to customize the theme’s layout, add and arrange blocks as needed to design your site, and save your changes and preview the site to see the block theme in action.

What’s the main purpose of building block templates?

The main purpose of building block templates is to create consistency in content design across different posts and pages. WordPress Block Templates help the content creation process, maintain uniformity, and make it easier for users to create complex layouts without needing extensive design skills.

What is the purpose of blocks in WordPress?

Blocks in WordPress are used to create and manage content in a modular way. Each block represents a different type of content (e.g., paragraph, image, video) and can be easily added, rearranged, and customized, providing flexibility and control over the layout and design of posts and pages.

What is the difference between a widget and a block in WordPress?

The main difference between widgets and blocks in WordPress is their usage and flexibility: Widgets are used to add content and features to widget areas (e.g., sidebars, footers). They are typically more static and used for site-wide elements. Blocks are used within the Block Editor to create and customize content on individual posts and pages. Blocks offer greater flexibility and a more dynamic content creation experience compared to widgets.

How to customize WordPress block templates? 

Can WordPress block templates be shared across different sites? 

Yes, WordPress block templates can be shared across different sites. You can export the template code from one site and import it into another, or use a plugin that supports the sharing of block templates between multiple WordPress installations.

How do WordPress Block Templates improve content management?

WordPress block templates improve content management by providing a consistent framework for creating and organizing content. They reduce the need for repetitive design tasks, create uniformity across different posts and pages, and make it easier for users to maintain a cohesive look and feel on their website.

Are WordPress block templates compatible with all themes? 

WordPress block templates are generally compatible with most themes, especially those designed with block editor support. However, some older themes may not fully support block templates, so it’s important to use a theme that is compatible with the latest WordPress block editor features.

How to export and import WordPress block templates? 

To export a WordPress block template, you can copy the template code from the theme’s PHP file or use a plugin that provides export functionality. To import a template, paste the template code into the appropriate file in the new site’s theme or use an import feature provided by a plugin.

What are the best practices for designing WordPress block templates? 

Best practices for designing WordPress block templates include keeping the layout simple and intuitive, using reusable blocks for consistency, testing templates across different devices and screen sizes, and documenting the template structure for future reference.

How to troubleshoot issues with WordPress block tTemplates? 

To troubleshoot issues with WordPress block templates, check for syntax errors in the template code, make sure that all required plugins and themes are up to date, test the template with different blocks to identify the problem, and consult the WordPress documentation or support forums for guidance.

How can developers extend the functionality of WordPress block templates? 

What resources are available for learning more about WordPress block templates? 

Resources for learning more about WordPress Block Templates include the official WordPress documentation, online courses and tutorials, WordPress community forums, and blogs that focus on WordPress development and design.

Additional resources

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.