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How to build and sell your first Block theme with WordPress

Block theme with WordPress
Block theme with WordPress

Building & selling your first block theme: A step-by-step guide

Creating your WordPress block theme

Research and inspiration:

  • Trendspotting: Visit design blogs and theme marketplaces. What elements are popping up everywhere? Is it bold minimalism or playful retro vibes? Identify trends that resonate with you and could translate well into blocks.
  • Customer whispering: Don’t underestimate the power of forums and social media groups. Listen to the woes and desires of potential users. What features are they constantly hunting for? What limitations are driving them crazy?

Design and development:

It’s time to bring your theme to life:

Testing and feedback:

No website is perfect without thorough testing. Here’s where the magic (and sometimes mayhem) happens:

  • The great glitchy button: I once spent hours agonizing over a seemingly simple button that refused to centre properly. Turns out, it was a rogue line of code hiding in a completely unrelated block! Testing throws curveballs, but it also helps you polish your theme to a shine.
  • The unexpected usability expert: During user testing, a grandma with zero website-building experience pointed out a confusing menu structure. Her honest feedback exposed a blind spot in my design and made the theme much more user-friendly.
Exploring WordPress block themes
Exploring WordPress block themes

Preparing for sale

You’ve poured your heart and code into your Block theme – now it’s time to unleash it on the world! But hold on there, partner. Before you hit publish, there’s a crucial step: preparing your masterpiece for sale.

Your theme’s manual

Imagine a brand-new sports car with no steering wheel or instruction booklet. That’s what your theme would be like without proper documentation. Sure, it might look sleek, but users will be left stranded, frustrated, and unable to unlock its full potential.


  • Make it detailed: Provide step-by-step instructions on using every block, customization option, and feature.
  • Use screenshots: A picture is worth a thousand words (or maybe a thousand lines of code). Include clear screenshots to illustrate your instructions.
  • FAQ: Anticipate common user questions and provide clear, concise answers in a dedicated FAQ section.

Demo content: Show, don’t just tell

People are visual creatures.  Don’t just tell them your theme is awesome, show them!

Licensing and pricing: The big decision

Ah, licensing and pricing. This can feel as thrilling (and anxiety-inducing) as picking your favourite flavour at a new ice cream shop. There are so many choices!

Selling on marketplaces


Profile setup: First impressions matter

Let’s be honest, our first attempts at anything rarely win awards. My very first seller profile picture on TemplateMonster, bless its heart, was a grainy selfie taken in questionable lighting. Needless to say, it didn’t exactly scream “professionalism.”  Craft a profile that showcases your skills and experience. Use a high-quality headshot and a clear, concise bio that highlights your design expertise.

Marketing assets

People are bombarded with themes. Make yours stand out with captivating visuals.

  • Eye-catching previews: Design preview images that showcase the beauty and functionality of your theme.
  • Video: Create a short, engaging video walkthrough that demonstrates how easy it is to use your theme and its key features.
  • Customer support: Responsive customer support is the heart and soul of online sales. Answer questions promptly, address concerns thoughtfully, and be a helpful resource for your users. You never know when you might get an unusual request like the time a customer asked me if I could modify their theme to display their cat’s Instagram feed. (Spoiler alert: I made it happen!)

Submission guidelines

Community engagement

ThemeForest has a thriving community. Participate in forums, answer questions, and offer helpful advice. This builds trust and establishes you as a credible Block theme developer.

Promotions and Discounts: Strategic Salesmanship

Strategic promotions can be a great way to boost sales. Consider offering introductory discounts or participating in marketplace sales events. However, be mindful of over-discounting. Your theme has value, so price it accordingly!


Creating a winning profile

Stand out from the crowd with a profile that’s both informative and engaging.  Avoid overused phrases like “highly motivated” and “results-oriented.”  Showcase your personality and passion for Block theme development. Maybe even throw in a fun fact or two to make your profile memorable.

Pitching your theme

When pitching your theme to potential clients, understand their specific needs. But don’t go overboard creating custom pitches for every single job. Develop a core message that highlights the strengths and versatility of your theme, then tailor it slightly to address the client’s project requirements.

Building relationships

Upwork is about more than just landing one-off jobs. Focus on building long-term relationships with clients. Deliver exceptional service, communicate effectively, and go the extra mile. You might be surprised where it leads. My very first repeat client on Upwork ended up being a bakery owner who needed ongoing help customizing their website for seasonal promotions.  It all started with a simple Block theme purchase!

Getting started with WordPress block themes
Getting started with WordPress block themes

Marketing your theme

Content marketing

Content marketing is a powerful tool for attracting potential buyers. Here are some ideas:

  • Blog like a boss: Share valuable content related to your theme. Write tutorials on using specific blocks, showcase creative layout ideas, or discuss the latest Block theme trends.
  • Social media: Don’t underestimate the power of social media! Share engaging snippets about your theme, answer user questions in real time, and participate in relevant online communities. (Just a heads-up from a past me: learn the difference between a trending hashtag and a brand name before enthusiastically tweeting #YourAwesomeThemeName…unless your awesome theme name is something super generic like #Lamp. In that case, maybe rethink the name too ;).

Email marketing

Email marketing allows you to connect directly with potential customers. Here’s how to get started:

  • Building your list: Offer incentives like free cheat sheets or discount codes in exchange for email signups.
  • Crafting captivating newsletters: Don’t just bombard inboxes with sales pitches. Share valuable content, offer helpful tips, and highlight new features or updates to your theme.

Speaking of emails, let me tell you about a time I tried to get clever with an email campaign subject line.  Big mistake.  My attempt at humour (“Is Your Website a Hot Mess? We Can Help!”) landed me in a few spam folders and resulted in a much lower open rate than usual. Lesson learned: keep subject lines clear, concise, and professional.

SEO and paid advertising

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps your theme rank higher in search results. Here are the basics:

  • Keyword research: Research relevant keywords that potential customers might use to find Block themes.
  • Content is King: Optimize your website content and theme description with those keywords.

Paid advertising can also be a powerful tool, but be mindful:

  • Target the right audience: Don’t waste money on showing ads to people who wouldn’t be interested in your theme.
  • Track your results: Monitor the performance of your ads and adjust your strategies as needed. (Pro tip: Don’t accidentally set your ad to target people searching for “blocks” as in building blocks for children. Let’s just say I learned that lesson the expensive way).
Mastering WordPress block themes: Tips for advanced users
Mastering WordPress block themes: Tips for advanced users

FAQ: How to build and sell your first Block theme WordPress

What is a block theme WordPress?

A block theme WordPress is specifically designed to take full advantage of the Gutenberg editor’s block functionality, allowing users to easily customize and arrange their content with blocks.

How do I start creating a block theme WordPress?

Do I need to know how to code to create a block theme WordPress?

Yes, knowledge of HTML, CSS, PHP, and JavaScript is necessary to create a WordPress theme. Familiarity with WordPress theme structure and the Gutenberg editor’s block system is also important.

How can I ensure my theme stands out in the marketplace?

Focus on creating unique features that address specific user needs, ensure your theme has a clean and modern design, and offer comprehensive documentation and support. Regularly update your theme with new features and improvements.

Where can I sell my block theme WordPress?

You can sell your theme on marketplaces like ThemeForest, TemplateMonster, or Creative Market, or on your own website. Each platform has its own submission guidelines and commission rates.

How should I price my block theme WordPress?

What kind of documentation should I provide with my theme?

Your documentation should include installation instructions, detailed guides on using each feature of your theme, customization tips, and troubleshooting advice. Screenshots and video tutorials can enhance your documentation.

How can I market my block theme WordPress?

What are the most common challenges when selling a block theme WordPress?

Common challenges include standing out in a crowded market, providing ongoing support and updates, handling customer feedback and requests, and ensuring compatibility with a wide range of plugins and WordPress versions.

How can I handle customer support for my block theme WordPress?

Offer multiple support channels such as email, forums, or live chat. Be responsive, helpful, and patient with customer inquiries. Create a knowledge base or FAQ section to help users solve common issues on their own.

Can I offer customizations and additional services for my block theme WordPress?

What legal considerations should I keep in mind when selling my block theme WordPress?

Ensure you have the right to use any images, fonts, or third-party plugins included in your theme. Consider copyrighting your theme and clearly state the terms of use, licensing options, and refund policy.

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.