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Concert WordPress template

Concert WordPress template
Concert WordPress template

Your dream website with open-source magic! (Forget expensive builders!)

Hey there, website whiz!  Building a website can feel as intimidating as trying to decipher a David Bowie lyric on first listen. There’s a fantastic alternative to those pricey website builders that lock you in like a bad karaoke duet: open-source website builders! ️

Think of it like this: open-source builders are like the friendly neighborhood band jamming out in the park, sharing their music (and website-building knowledge) with the world.  This translates to tons of benefits:

  • Freedom! (Think “dancing like nobody’s watching” with your website design) No limitations or vendor lock-in. It’s your website, your way!
  • Cost-effective: (Like skipping the overpriced concert merch) Open-source means free (or very affordable) – perfect for budget-conscious website warriors like yourself.
  • Endless customization: (Like a killer guitar solo) Open the code hood and tweak things to your heart’s content. Want a website that looks like a vintage mix-tape? 

Popular open-source heroes:

Building a website for your next concert event with this pre-designed concert homepage template, ready to rock with your customizations.  

This website explodes with energy, perfectly capturing the excitement of the upcoming music festival (or concert series).  A fiery orange background sets the stage for bold white and black text, while thematic graphics keep the vibe firmly rooted in music and entertainment.  Let’s dive deeper into each section.

The hero sections detail

  • Background colour: The background is a bold, vivid orange that spans the entire width of the header. 
  • Central text: Centrally located in the header is a large, white, all-caps text that reads, “A great fun experience every year.” The size of the font ensures immediate visibility and impact, with the word “fun” notably larger and bolder than the other words, emphasizing the enjoyable nature of the experience. This typographic choice suggests that the event is not only an annual occurrence but also one that is eagerly anticipated for its enjoyable and lively atmosphere.
  • Graphical elements: Flanking the central text are graphic illustrations that resonate with the musical theme of the event. On the left, there’s an image of a vinyl record, while on the right, there’s a classic cassette tape. Both are iconic symbols of music and could suggest a blend of nostalgia and contemporary music experiences offered at the event.
  • Additional decorations: Beyond the central graphics, there are additional music-themed illustrations such as a boombox and headphones scattered across the header. These elements are faded in comparison to the central text and images, providing a subtle backdrop that does not overpower the main message.
  • Decorative accents: The decorative accents include what appear to be small speaker icons and abstract circular designs, resembling sound waves or vinyl records, reinforcing the musical theme. These icons are rendered in black, offering a stark contrast to the orange background and creating a visual link to the other black elements in the header.
  • Overarching theme: The combined elements of the hero header convey the overarching theme of the event. The bright background, bold text, and classic music imagery collectively suggest that this is an established, not-to-be-missed annual musical event that offers more than just live performances but an immersive and fun experience.

Design tips

  • Background colour: Just like our example, a bold and vivid orange background can be a great way to grab attention and evoke the energy of your music festival. Remember, MaxiBlocks lets you easily customize your template’s background color to match your chosen theme.
  • Central text & graphical elements: MaxiBlocks’ intuitive tools can help you create impactful headers like the one in our example.  Use a large, white, all-caps font for the main message and consider making key words like “fun” stand out with increased size or weight. Flanking your text with thematic graphics, like vinyl records or musical notes, further reinforces the musical theme.

Pro tip: Take it a step further!

  • SVG power: Instead of static images, explore MaxiBlocks’ extensive SVG shape and icon libraries  to create unique and scalable graphics for your header.
  • Storytelling: Consider adding a short tagline or anecdote about a past festival experience using MaxiBlocks’ text blocks. This personal touch can make your website more relatable and engaging.

Bold intro text

  • Repetition: The phrase “It’s more than music!” is repeated multiple times across the width of the webpage just below the hero header. This technique of repetition is a powerful way to reinforce the message, ensuring it sticks in the viewer’s mind.
  • Typography: The tagline is set in a bold, capitalized font, making a confident statement that’s hard to miss. The text is white, which pops against the orange background and creates a vibrant contrast that draws the eye.
  • Placement and layout: The repeated taglines are evenly spaced and horizontally aligned, giving a sense of rhythm and movement that mimics the musical theme of the event. The layout is clean and organized, which aids in readability and adds to the overall aesthetic appeal of the design.
  • Graphic elements: Each repetition of the tagline is accompanied by small, white graphic symbols on either side. These include a vinyl record, a headphone, and a cassette tape – classic icons associated with music. These symbols are more than decorative; they reinforce the idea that music is at the core of the event while hinting at a broader experience.
  • Message conveyed: The tagline “It’s more than music!” suggests that the event offers a rich, multi-dimensional experience. It implies that attendees can expect not only live performances but also other forms of entertainment or engagement that transcend a typical concert or music festival.
  • Background: The tagline is overlaid on a section of the orange background that serves as the hero header’s lower segment. The consistency in colour maintains a strong visual connection between the headline and the tagline, suggesting that they are part of the same overarching message about the event.

Design tips

Typography that rocks!: MaxiBlocks lets you choose the perfect font for your tagline.  Bold, capitalized text, like in our example, makes a confident statement and grabs attention.  Remember, MaxiBlocks works seamlessly with Gutenberg ([keyword Gutenberg template library]), giving you access to a wide variety of free fonts.

Pro tip: Make it personal!: People connect with stories. Use MaxiBlocks’ text blocks to share a short anecdote about how a memorable music event was enhanced by its atmosphere or community.  This personal touch reinforces the message that your event offers more than just music!

Overview of the 13,410 free SVG icons and shapes
SVG icons and a WordPress theme

The line-up section

  • Heading: The word “Line up” is displayed as a heading for this section, indicating that the information below will detail the event’s scheduled performers. It’s set in a bold, capitalized font that stands out clearly against the page’s background.
  • Dates and times: Each listed performer is associated with a date and a time slot. In this placeholder design, “24” appears to be the designated day for all the listed performances, which likely indicates that the actual date is yet to be determined. Performance times such as “11 AM – 6 PM” suggest the event’s operational hours or perhaps the duration of individual performances.
  • Band names: The placeholders for the “Band name” indicate where the names of the artists or groups will be displayed. This text is bold and prominent, ensuring that visitors can easily identify the performers.
  • Genre tags: Next to each band’s name is a space for the genre of music they represent, allowing visitors to quickly discern the type of musical experience they can expect from each act. The tag’s presence helps in navigating the lineup according to personal musical tastes.
  • Styling: The section follows a simple, grid-like layout with a series of rectangular blocks, each containing the date, band name, genre, and performance time. This structured format aids in readability and makes it easy for visitors to scan through the information.
  • Interactive elements: Accompanying each band’s details is a play button icon and a “listen now” call-to-action, implying that visitors can sample the music of each act. This interactivity not only engages visitors but also serves as a prelude to the live performances, potentially increasing interest and excitement.
  • Colour scheme: The use of black text against a white background for the band details ensures clarity and legibility, while the consistent use of the orange colour for the “listen now” buttons maintains the site’s vibrant theme and draws attention to the interactive elements.
  • Design consistency: The line-up section, with its orderly arrangement and clear demarcation of each act, follows the webpage’s overall design aesthetic. It conveys information efficiently while upholding the energetic and fun look and feel that the event promotes.

Tips for a killer lineup section

The line-up section is your website’s star player – it’s where visitors discover the amazing artists performing at your event.  MaxiBlocks makes it easy to create an engaging lineup just like our example.  Here’s how:

  • Clear & concise: Use bold headings like “Line Up” to announce the performer info.
  • Schedule at a glance: Maximize clarity with dedicated spaces for dates, times, and band names.
  • Genre gradients: Include genre tags so music fans can easily find their favorite styles.
  • Grid: Utilize MaxiBlocks’ grid layout to display artist info in a clean and scannable format.

Pro tip: Interactivity is king!

MaxiBlocks lets you add “Listen Now” buttons with play icons next to each artist.  This lets visitors sample music and get hyped for the live performances!

Bonus tip: Spotlight the local scene!

Showcase local or up-and-coming artists alongside established acts. Use MaxiBlocks’ text blocks to share their stories, adding a personal touch and fostering community spirit.

Building trust with quotes and testimonials

The Quotes section of the webpage is designed to feature personal testimonials or notable remarks about the event, enhancing the overall credibility and appeal. Here’s a detailed description of this section:

Pro tip: Share the experience!

Go beyond quotes and consider featuring short snippets from event blogs or social media posts about the experience.  These personal stories, incorporated with MaxiBlocks,  can truly resonate with potential attendees and paint a vivid picture of the fun and positive aspects of your event.

Gutenberg pattern library
Gutenberg pattern library

The news and blog section

  • Individual post blocks: There are four rectangular blocks, each representing a different article or blog post. These blocks are placed in a 2×2 grid layout, which allows for an organized and clean presentation of multiple entries.
  • Thumbnail images: Each block contains a large thumbnail image that visually represents the content of the article. These images are vibrant and colorful, featuring concert scenes, audience engagement, and artistic performances, which capture the dynamic essence of the event.
  • Article titles and excerpts: On the bottom portion of each image, there is an overlay with text that provides the title of the article and a short excerpt or teaser of the content. This text gives visitors an idea of what the article is about and entices them to read more.
  • Dates and read more buttons: Every block displays a date, presumably indicating when the article was published or the event date it pertains to. Additionally, there is a “Read more” button on each block, inviting the user to click through to the full article. The button is designed in white against a semi-transparent black background overlaying the image, making it stand out and easy to identify.
  • Consistent design elements: The use of orange for article titles ties back to the site’s main colour theme. The semi-transparent overlay helps maintain readability of the text over the detailed images.
  • Content variety: The content of the images suggests a variety of topics and angles of coverage. For instance, one image with a DJ performing hints at articles about the performers, another showing a crowd with raised hands might relate to audience experiences, and so on.

Keeping your audience engaged

Your website’s “News & Blog” section, like in our example, is a goldmine for keeping visitors engaged. Here’s how to make it a vibrant hub of activity:

  • Fresh is best: Regularly update your blog with new articles and posts using MaxiBlocks.  This keeps visitors coming back for more and builds anticipation for your event.
  • Show, don’t tell:  Use high-quality, eye-catching images as thumbnails, just like in our example.  These visuals should capture the energy and excitement of your event and entice visitors to delve deeper.
  • Storytelling: Go beyond basic summaries.  Use MaxiBlocks’ text blocks to craft compelling stories about past events, featuring artist experiences, audience perspectives, and behind-the-scenes glimpses.

Pro tip: Open the mic!

Encourage user-generated content!  MaxiBlocks makes it easy to integrate photos, stories, or even short videos submitted by past attendees or even artists performing at the event.  This user-generated content adds a fresh perspective and strengthens the sense of community around your event.

Content section

The “It’s more than music!” section is a content-rich area of the webpage designed to provide visitors with an understanding of the unique aspects of the event beyond the musical performances. Here’s a detailed analysis of this section:

Using templates in the Gutenberg editor in WordPress
WordPress block templates

Highlighting your event’s uniqueness

The “It’s More Than Music!” section, like our example, is your chance to truly showcase what makes your event special.  Here are some tips to bring this section to life:

  • Show & tell:  Use a captivating image as your backdrop, just like the concert crowd in our example.  This visual should capture the energy and community feel of your event.
  • Tell your story:  Explain the experiences, activities, and atmosphere that sets your event apart.  This is where you flesh out the “more than music” concept!

Pro tip: Authenticity sells!

Go beyond generic descriptions. Share behind-the-scenes stories about what inspired the event or the unique experiences you offer.  This personal touch resonates with potential attendees and creates a deeper connection.


The middle section of the page is dedicated to sponsors, labeled “Awesome sponsors” and represented by the logos of prominent companies like Cisco, Google, Microsoft, Netflix, Vimeo, and Coca-Cola. This area showcases the support from well-known brands.

Trust with sponsorships

The “Awesome Sponsors” section, like in our example, allows you to showcase the support of well-known brands, adding credibility to your event. Here’s how to leverage sponsorships effectively:

  • Strategic placement:  While prominent, your sponsor logos shouldn’t overpower your event’s message.  MaxiBlocks makes it easy to find the perfect balance.
  • Quality over quantity:  Carefully curate your sponsors.  Choose brands that align with your event’s values and target audience.

Pro tip: Think local!

Alongside established brands, consider featuring local sponsors or partners.  Use MaxiBlocks’ text blocks to share their stories.  This personal touch strengthens community ties and demonstrates broader support for your event.

Photo Gallery

The Photo Gallery section is a visually compelling part of the webpage designed to showcase the vibrant atmosphere and memorable moments of the music event. Here’s a detailed description of this section:

  • Layout: The photo gallery is arranged in a grid layout at the bottom half of the webpage, with each image given its own distinct space. This layout presents a clean and organized visual array of photographs, allowing each one to stand out on its own while still being part of a collective narrative.
  • Photographs: There are six images featured in the gallery, each capturing different facets of the music event. The photographs are dynamic and filled with motion, highlighting the energetic ambiance of a live concert. They show a variety of scenes, including wide-angle shots of the audience, close-ups of performers engaging with the crowd, and artists in action on stage.
  • Colour and lighting: The images are rich in color and contrast, with stage lighting playing a significant role in setting the mood. Vivid purples, blues, and pinks from the concert lights bathe the performers and the crowd, creating a lively and immersive visual experience that reflects the event’s atmosphere.
  • Consistency: Despite each photo depicting different scenes, there’s a consistent visual theme that ties them together — the essence of a live music experience. The consistent use of lighting and color across the photos helps to unify the gallery and convey a cohesive story about the event.
  • Interactivity: While not explicitly indicated in the description, photo galleries often function as interactive elements on a webpage. Visitors would typically be able to click on each photo to view it in more detail, perhaps with a caption or a story that adds context to the image.
  • Positioning on the page: The gallery is positioned after the “It’s more than music!” section and before the contact information, acting as a transition from the descriptive content of the event to the call-to-action prompting user engagement. It serves to visually emphasize the points made in the text, showing real-life examples of the event’s atmosphere.

Captivate with a vivid photo gallery

The Photo Gallery, like in our example, offers a powerful way to showcase the electrifying atmosphere of your music event. Here’s how to create an immersive gallery that captivates visitors:

  • Show:  Carefully curate your photos. Capture wide audience views, close-up artist interactions, and dynamic on-stage performances.
  • A story in pictures:  Arrange your photos in a grid layout using MaxiBlocks, ensuring each image has its own space to shine. This allows visitors to easily scan the gallery while still experiencing a cohesive visual narrative of the event’s energy.

Pro tip: Open the gallery!

Make your gallery interactive with MaxiBlocks!  Allow visitors to click on each photo for a closer look. You can even add captions or short stories using text blocks, providing additional context and a personal touch. Consider incorporating photos submitted by attendees alongside those from professional photographers. Sharing these stories strengthens the sense of community and authenticity around your event.

Artist profiles

Two artist profile placeholders are next to each other, featuring a DJ and a drummer. They include social media icon links and a place for the name.

Spotlight your artists

Artist profiles, like the placeholders in our example, are a great way to introduce your performers and build excitement. Here’s how to make them shine:

  • Showl:  Use high-quality images of the artists alongside their names.
  • Social connection: Include social media icons using MaxiBlocks, allowing visitors to connect with the artists directly and learn more about their work.

Pro tip: Go beyond bios!

Instead of just names, use MaxiBlocks’ text blocks to share interesting anecdotes about the artists or their music. Consider adding a section inviting potential collaborators to submit project ideas.  This fosters engagement and strengthens the connection between artists, attendees, and your event.


Contact Information: The final section provides practical information on how to “Drop us a line or stop by our office” with a street address and contact details, followed by social media icons for Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, allowing visitors to connect with the event on various platforms. The footer contains legal information and copyright details, set against the same vibrant orange background, ensuring the website’s design remains consistent from top to bottom.

Your website’s vibrant footer

The footer, like in our example, serves as the closing act of your website, leaving a lasting impression on visitors. Here’s how to make it a functional and engaging space:

  • Connect & engage: MaxiBlocks lets you easily add clear contact information and social media icons (like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter) just like in our example.  This makes it simple for visitors to connect with you and stay updated about the event.
  • Accessibility matters: Ensure your contact details are easy to find and read.  Use MaxiBlocks’ text blocks with a larger font size or a contrasting color for better accessibility.

Pro tip: Open the conversation!

Consider adding a call to action in your footer, perhaps inviting visitors to submit feedback or share their stories about the event using MaxiBlocks’ forms or text blocks.  This fosters a sense of community and encourages interaction beyond the website.

Design consistency is key: Maintain the website’s overall design aesthetic in the footer. MaxiBlocks lets you easily maintain the orange color scheme or other design elements used throughout the page.

The overall design is lively and interactive, capturing the spirit of a music festival with visual and textual elements that emphasize community, energy, and a rich, immersive experience beyond just the music.

Building a festival website: Freedom, flexibility, and fun with open-source tools!

Open up a world of creative possibilities:

Personalization made easy

Unlike restrictive website creation tools, open-source solutions empower you to tell your event’s unique story.  Share behind-the-scenes anecdotes, incorporate user-generated content, and showcase local artists – all thanks to the flexibility of open-source tools.

Free WordPress themes and block templates

Ready to rock your website?

Wordpress theme
WordPress theme

If you’re new to WordPress or looking to create a website for an event like a concert, the Concert WordPress template is an excellent starting point. You can explore how to set it up using the WordPress getting started guide, which covers all the basics of using the WordPress website builder and open source website builder options. Once you’re familiar with the essentials, dive into free WordPress themes or try using the Concert WordPress template to give your site a professional, event-focused design.

For customisation, you can enhance your concert site using WordPress block templates and MaxiBlocks to create a unique layout. If you need more control over your design, WordPress full site editing is a great feature to utilise, and you can further improve your design using Gutenberg blocks and WordPress dashicons to add visual elements specific to concerts or events.

If you’re looking for flexibility, the WordPress website builder is a highly recommended tool for creating event sites like concerts. Whether you’re building the site yourself or working with a WordPress website designer, you’ll find it easy to use. You can also browse free WordPress templates or explore the customisation offered by WordPress free themes.

To make sure your site looks polished, follow favicon size guidelines and use WordPress icons like dashicons WordPress. If budget is a concern, WordPress website design prices and WordPress website design cost are affordable, especially when using free WordPress templates and design tools like Maxi Blocks.

Hiring WordPress web designers can give your concert site a professional edge, especially when using advanced features like WordPress page builders. However, if you prefer the DIY route, drag and drop website builder open source tools make it easy to create a responsive, concert-ready site without needing to code.

Whether you’re using WordPress blog design services, working with WordPress website designers, or exploring free website development software, you’ll find that creating a stunning Concert WordPress template is simple and affordable.

FAQs about creating a website with MaxiBlocks and a concert WordPress template

What is MaxiBlocks?

MaxiBlocks is an open-source library packed with pre-designed elements like patterns, icons, and homepage templates, enabling you to customize your website effortlessly.

Can I use MaxiBlocks with any website builder?

MaxiBlocks is designed to work seamlessly with WordPress, leveraging the Gutenberg block editor for easy drag-and-drop functionality.

Is there a cost to using MaxiBlocks?

MaxiBlocks is free to use, making it a budget-friendly option for personalizing your website.

How do I access MaxiBlocks?

Can MaxiBlocks be used for commercial projects?

Yes, MaxiBlocks is suitable for both personal and commercial projects, offering a wide range of designs for various niches.

What types of designs can I create with MaxiBlocks?

From music festival homepages to professional business sites, MaxiBlocks offers thousands of patterns and icons to cater to diverse design needs.

How do I customize a theme in MaxiBlocks?

Use the intuitive tools within MaxiBlocks to change background colours, add textual content, and place graphical elements, tailoring the theme to your preferences.

Can I add my own images to MaxiBlocks themes?

Absolutely! MaxiBlocks allows you to upload and incorporate your own images, enhancing the personal touch of your website.

How does MaxiBlocks integrate with WordPress?

MaxiBlocks utilizes the Gutenberg editor in WordPress, enabling you to easily drag and drop blocks to build your site.

What is the Gutenberg template library?

How often is MaxiBlocks updated?

The MaxiBlocks team regularly updates the library with new features and designs, ensuring your website can stay fresh and modern.

What if I need help with MaxiBlocks?

MaxiBlocks offers support through their website, where you can find FAQs, contact information, and forums for community assistance.

Can I contribute designs to the MaxiBlocks library?

Yes, as an open-source project, MaxiBlocks welcomes contributions from the community, including patterns, icons, and templates.

How does MaxiBlocks benefit my SEO?

By enabling you to create a visually appealing and fast-loading website, MaxiBlocks can improve user experience, which is a key factor in SEO.

What makes MaxiBlocks different from other website builders?

Its open-source nature offers unparalleled flexibility and freedom, allowing for deep customization without the cost associated with premium builders.

Do WordPress block themes support full-site editing?

Can MaxiBlocks be used to create a portfolio website?

Yes, with its wide array of customizable templates and elements, MaxiBlocks is ideal for showcasing your work on a portfolio website.

What are the system requirements for using MaxiBlocks?

MaxiBlocks requires a WordPress installation, which can run on most web hosting services with PHP and MySQL support.

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.