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The Importance of Adding a Navigation Menu in WordPress: How to Create and Structure Your WordPress Navigation Menu

WordPress Navigation Menus Trends
WordPress Navigation Menus Trends

Key takeaways

Updated 14 July 2024

WordPress navigation menus offer web designers the ability to create custom navigation menus using the built-in Menu Editor, accessible in the WordPress admin area under Appearance » Menus. This feature allows users to create their own menus, starting with a default menu that lists current WordPress pages. Users can add posts, pages, and custom links to a menu using intuitive drag-and-drop functionality. Navigation menus can be displayed in various areas of a WordPress site, such as sidebars and footer areas, using widgets.

WordPress supports multiple menus, allowing the use of different navigational menus, such as header and footer menus. You can add a navigation menu to various areas of your site. Designers also have the option to add CSS classes to menu items and modify their appearance with custom styles. Additionally, dynamic navigation menus can be created using WordPress hooks and filters to add items to specific menus.

WordPress website navigation: Add navigation menus

Imagine a website as a national park. To navigate, you need a layout or map. The WordPress navigation menu functions like a map, showing users where to find information. The clearer the instructions, the easier it is for visitors to locate what they’re looking for.

A well-designed WordPress navigation menu is essential for a website’s success. It’s not just about aesthetics; it makes it easier and faster for users to find information, increasing the likelihood that they’ll stay on the site rather than leaving in frustration. A visitor’s experience often hinges on how effective the navigation is.

Navigation menus have had to adapt as websites have become more sophisticated. Basic menu items have evolved into more comprehensive structures to handle the additional information on websites. WordPress menus have also adapted to different screen sizes. What fits on a 4k monitor needs to be adjusted to make sense on a mobile screen. It’s all about how the visitor views the site.

The website has to intuitively adapt to the visitor’s screen size. Navigation elements need to guide visitors to the pages the website owner wants to promote, whether it’s a product, service, or information. Today’s websites need to balance organising content clearly, working well on all devices, and looking good, ensuring the navigation fits with the site’s overall design.

Introducing WordPress navigation menus

WordPress Navigation Menus
WordPress Navigation Menus

The history of website navigation menus: From humble links to dynamic interfaces

Early days: Navigating by text

Tech’s impact on navigation design

Technological advancements have significantly shaped navigation menus. The ability to easily add and customize menus has been a major development. Key players include:

WordPress and navigation menu milestones

WordPress Navigation Menus settings
WordPress Navigation Menus settings

Navigating the navigation: Types and their uses

The design and implementation of navigation menus vary widely, each serving different purposes and catering to various user needs.

Header menus

Header menus are typically horizontal and located at the top of a website. They’re the first element users interact with, making them important for first impressions. These menus are usually placed at the top centre or top right of a webpage and are easily visible when the site loads. Almost every website uses a header menu for its primary navigation, including corporate sites, e-commerce platforms, blogs, and educational sites.

Footer menus

Footer menus serve as a secondary navigation area, offering links to information not prioritised in the header menu, such as contact information, privacy policies, and social media links. They should be simple and not overwhelm the user with too many links. Footer menus often include items omitted from the main navigation, providing a second chance for users to find what they’re looking for without cluttering the primary navigation space.

Sidebar menus

Sidebar menus are versatile and used in blog layouts for categories and archives, in e-commerce sites for product categories, and various other needs. They can be made sticky (fixed on the page as the user scrolls) or collapsible, especially useful in responsive designs where screen space is limited. WordPress makes this easy with a drag-and-drop feature.

Dropdown menus

Dropdown menus expand from a main menu item to display sub-menu items, allowing for a clean, organised navigation structure that doesn’t overwhelm the user with choices upfront. They appear upon hover or click, providing a smooth navigation experience without navigating away from the current page. On mobile devices, dropdown menus often transform into accordion menus or integrate into the site’s hamburger menu for usability on smaller screens.

Mega menus

Mega menus are large dropdown menus that display multiple columns of links, organising a vast number of items under broad categories. They are ideal for e-commerce sites and large-scale websites, facilitating quick navigation across many sections or products and reducing the number of clicks needed to reach a destination. Design best practices include keeping the design clean and clear, using categories effectively, and ensuring the menu stands out visually from the rest of the page content.

Mobile navigation menus (hamburger menus)

The hamburger menu (typically represented by three horizontal lines) has become a standard for mobile navigation. Tapping the hamburger icon reveals the site’s navigation menu, often as a full-screen overlay or a slide-in menu, allowing for a compact yet accessible navigation experience. Modern trends include animating the icon into a close (X) button once opened, using clear labels alongside icons for clarity, and considering the ease of reach for thumb navigation on larger devices.

Each type of navigation menu has its unique role and best practices for implementation. The choice of which to use depends on the website’s content, design, and user needs, often employing a combination of types for optimal navigation across different sections and devices.

Tips for WordPress Navigation Menus
Tips for WordPress Navigation Menus

Navigation menu trends over time

The evolution of website navigation menus has paralleled broader trends in web design and technology, adapting to new user behaviours, devices, and design preferences.

From text-based to graphical user interfaces

In the early days of the internet, navigation was purely text-based, using hyperlinks within lines of text to guide users through websites. This approach was functional but limited in terms of design and user engagement. The introduction of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) marked a significant shift, allowing designers to use visual elements like buttons, icons, and tabs. This not only made navigation more intuitive but also opened up new possibilities for branding and visual design.

The rise of mobile-first design and its impact on menu structures

Trends in animation, colour schemes, and interactivity

Subtle animations have become a popular way to enhance the user experience, guiding attention and providing feedback. For navigation menus, this might include smooth transitions, hover effects, and animated icons. The use of bold and distinctive colour schemes has become a way to make navigation elements stand out, contributing to the site’s overall look and enhancing usability. Interactive elements, such as mega menus that expand to reveal images or additional content, have become more common, making navigation a more engaging experience.

Predictions for future navigation menu trends

Designing WordPress Navigation Menus
Designing WordPress Navigation Menus

Navigation menus styling tips

Creating visually appealing and coherent navigation menus for a positive user experience. Here are some styling tips, best practices for design, customization techniques using CSS and JavaScript, and examples for inspiration.

Best practices for designing visually appealing and coherent menus

Tips on using CSS and JavaScript for customization

Examples of well-styled WordPress navigation menus for inspiration

Minimalist designs: Look for WordPress themes that offer minimalist navigation menus, focusing on typography and spacing. These menus often feature clean lines, ample white space, and a restrained colour palette, emphasizing ease of use and sophistication.

Creative use of colours and fonts: Some WordPress sites use bold colour contrasts and unique fonts in their navigation menus to stand out. This approach works well for brands looking to make a strong visual statement.

Interactive elements: Websites that incorporate subtle animations or interactive elements within their navigation menus provide a dynamic user experience. For example, hovering over a menu item might reveal additional information or change the item’s appearance, encouraging user engagement.

Mega menus with images: E-commerce sites often use mega menus to display a wide range of categories and products. Some innovative examples include high-quality images or icons next to menu items, making the navigation both useful and visually appealing.

Vertical navigation: While less common, vertical navigation menus can offer a unique user experience, especially for creative portfolios or editorial sites. These menus might stick to the side of the page as the user scrolls, ensuring constant access to the navigation.

By studying well-designed WordPress navigation menus, you can gather ideas and inspiration for your own projects. The goal is to create a navigation menu that not only looks great but also enhances the usability and overall user experience of your website.

Managing WordPress Navigation Menus
Managing WordPress Navigation Menus

Troubleshooting navigation menus

Navigating through issues with WordPress navigation menus can be challenging, but most problems have straightforward solutions. Here are some common issues and debugging tips for menu responsiveness, alignment, and functionality problems.

Common issues with WordPress navigation menus and their solutions

Menu not appearing: If your menu isn’t displayed, first check if it’s correctly assigned to a menu location in WordPress under Appearance > Menus > Manage locations. If it’s assigned correctly, the problem may be theme-related. Try switching to a default WordPress theme to see if the problem persists.

Broken dropdown menus: If dropdowns aren’t working, it’s often a JavaScript issue. Check for JavaScript errors using your browser’s developer tools. Conflicts with plugins or scripts added by your theme can cause these errors, so try deactivating plugins one by one to identify the culprit.

Menu items not aligning properly: Alignment issues usually stem from CSS conflicts. Inspect the menu using your browser’s developer tools to identify and correct the CSS rules causing alignment problems. Adjusting margins, paddings, or flexbox properties can often resolve these issues.

Menu too long for mobile screens: If your menu doesn’t fit on a phone screen, switch to a design that works better on mobile, like a hamburger menu. You can also tweak font sizes and spacing with media queries or use a vertical menu to ensure everything is visible and usable on smaller screens.

Debugging tips for menu responsiveness, alignment, and functionality problems

Use browser developer tools: The developer tools in browsers like Chrome and Firefox are invaluable for debugging. Use the inspect feature to examine HTML structure and CSS properties, and the console to check for JavaScript errors.

Check for plugin conflicts: Plugins can sometimes cause issues with navigation menus, especially if they load their own scripts or styles. Deactivate plugins one by one to identify if a plugin is the source of the problem, then seek an alternative plugin or contact the developer for support.

Responsive design testing: Use tools like Google Chrome’s Device Toolbar to simulate your site on various devices and screen sizes. This can help identify breakpoints where your menu may not display correctly, allowing you to apply targeted CSS fixes.

Clear caching: Sometimes, changes to your menu or CSS might not appear due to caching. Clear your site’s cache from any caching plugins, your browser cache, and, if applicable, your hosting provider’s cache.

Validate HTML and CSS: Errors in your HTML or CSS can cause layout and functionality issues. Use validators like the W3C Markup Validation Service and CSS Validation Service to find and correct errors in your code.

Consult theme documentation and support: If you’re using a premium theme, consult the theme’s documentation for specific menu settings or known issues. Theme support forums or contact channels can also offer solutions tailored to your theme’s unique features.

Troubleshooting WordPress navigation menus often involves a mix of technical and design skills. By systematically identifying the source of the problem and applying the appropriate fixes, most issues can be resolved, resulting in a functional and visually appealing navigation menu.

Responsive WordPress Navigation Menus
Responsive WordPress Navigation Menus

Accessibility tips

Ensuring that all users, including those with disabilities, can use and navigate your website effectively is crucial. Here are essential guidelines and practical tips for enhancing accessibility in WordPress navigation menus.

Importance of making navigation menus accessible

Guidelines for keyboard navigation, screen reader compatibility, and ARIA roles

Keyboard navigation: Ensure that users can navigate the menu using only the keyboard. Typically, users will use the Tab key to move from one item to the next and press Enter or Space to select an item. This is essential for those who cannot use a mouse or touchscreen.

Screen reader compatibility: Use HTML tags such as <nav>, <ul>, <li>, and <a> to create navigation menus so that screen readers can understand the layout and convey it to users. Ensure the text for your links is clear and descriptive, as screen reader users may rely on this text to navigate without seeing the rest of the page.

ARIA roles and attributes: Use ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) roles and attributes to enhance the accessibility of navigation menus, especially for complex structures like dropdowns. For example, aria-labelledby can connect menu items to their labels, and aria-expanded can indicate whether a submenu is open or closed.

Practical tips for improving navigation menu accessibility in WordPress

Use accessible themes: Choose themes designed with accessibility in mind. Look for themes that explicitly mention adherence to WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) or have passed accessibility-ready reviews by WordPress.

Accessible menu plugins: If you use plugins to enhance your menus with features like large dropdowns or mobile-friendly layouts, ensure these plugins are designed with accessibility in mind. Many of these plugins already consider accessibility, supporting keyboard navigation and compatibility with screen readers.

Custom menus with accessibility in mind: When creating custom menus in WordPress, use the correct HTML structure and ensure they work well with both keyboard navigation and screen readers. If you add custom CSS or JavaScript, ensure these changes do not interfere with keyboard navigation or screen reader compatibility.

Testing for accessibility: Regularly test your navigation menus using accessibility tools such as the WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool and manual testing with screen readers like NVDA or VoiceOver and keyboard navigation. This helps identify and fix potential issues that automated tools might miss.

Provide skip links: Skip links are hidden links that become visible when focused (usually through keyboard navigation) and allow users to skip directly to the main content, bypassing lengthy navigation menus. This feature significantly improves the experience for keyboard and screen reader users.

Making your website accessible is not just about complying with legal regulations or ethical principles; it’s about giving everyone the same opportunity to access and use your website, regardless of their abilities.

WordPress Navigation Menus tutorial
WordPress Navigation Menus tutorial

Using plugins for navigation menus

WordPress plugins offer a powerful way to extend and enhance navigation menus, providing advanced features and customization options beyond what is typically available through themes alone. Here’s an overview of some popular plugins for navigation menus and a discussion on the benefits and potential drawbacks of using these plugins for menu customization.

Popular WordPress plugins for enhancing navigation menus

Max Mega Menu: This plugin transforms your existing menu into a user-friendly, accessible, and touch-ready mega menu. It’s great for sites that require extensive navigation structures, like e-commerce or large content sites.

UberMenu: UberMenu is a highly customizable mega menu plugin that allows for advanced content and layout options, including columns, maps, images, and forms within the menu. It provides responsive design, mobile optimization, and integration with the WordPress Customizer for real-time edits.

WP Responsive Menu: Designed for improving mobile menu experiences, WP Responsive Menu helps you create highly customizable slide menus for mobile devices without coding. It supports swipe gestures and offers various styling options to match your site’s design.

Superfly Responsive Menu: Superfly focuses on creating space-efficient vertical push/sliding/static navigation, icon toolbar, or fullscreen menu, making it ideal for creative and modern websites. It offers various animation effects, background options, and display triggers.

Benefits of using plugins for menu customization

Enhanced functionality: Plugins can add advanced features to your menus, such as mega menus, sticky menus, animations, and icons, which might not be available in your theme.

User-friendly interfaces: Many menu plugins come with drag-and-drop builders, making it easier to design complex menus without coding knowledge.

Responsive and mobile-optimized: Good menu plugins offer responsive designs that adapt to different devices and screen sizes, ensuring a seamless user experience across all devices.

Customization and branding: With extensive customization options, plugins allow you to tailor your menus to fit your site’s branding and design aesthetic precisely.

Potential drawbacks of using plugins for menu customization

Adding items to WordPress Navigation Menus
Adding items to WordPress Navigation Menus

Standard menus vs. mega menus

The choice between standard menus and mega menus in web design significantly affects navigation, user experience, and the overall look of a website. Here’s a comparison of both, along with factors to consider when choosing the most suitable option for your WordPress site.

Comparison of standard and mega menus


Standard menus: Typically simpler and more straightforward, standard menus feature a list of links arranged horizontally or vertically. They are clean, minimalist, and focus on direct access to primary sections of a website.

Mega menus: More complex and expansive, mega menus display multiple options through columns, images, icons, and sometimes even widgets. They showcase a wide range of content and sections at a glance, suitable for websites with extensive content categories.

User experience

Standard menus: Offer a quick and easy way to navigate websites with a smaller number of sections.

Mega menus: Provide immediate access to several subcategories and content areas from a single point, reducing the number of clicks needed to reach specific information. However, they can overwhelm users if not organized properly or if the menu is too crowded.

Suitability for different types of websites

Standard menus: Ideal for smaller websites, blogs, portfolios, and business sites with a limited number of pages or categories. They help maintain a clean and uncluttered look, focusing the user’s attention on a concise range of options.

Mega menus: Best suited for large e-commerce sites, news websites, educational platforms, and any site with a broad array of topics or products. They enable users to understand the site’s scope at a glance and directly access deep or nested content.

Decision factors in choosing between standard and mega menus for a WordPress site

Best practices for WordPress Navigation Menus
Best practices for WordPress Navigation Menus

Top 10 do’s and don’ts for navigation menu design and implementation

Here are the top 10 do’s and don’ts to guide you in designing and implementing navigation menus for your website.



Overload your menu: Avoid cluttering your navigation menu with too many items. Too many choices can overwhelm users and make it harder to find information.

Use jargon or creative labels: Stick to clear, concise language that your users will understand. Avoid using internal terms or overly creative labels that might confuse users.

Neglect mobile users: Don’t design your menu solely for desktop users. Ensure it is equally effective on mobile devices.

Forget about hover states: Interactive elements like hover states provide visual feedback to users, indicating that an item is clickable. Omitting these cues can diminish usability.

Use inconsistent styling: Consistency in your menu’s styling helps reinforce your brand and aids in usability. Avoid changing styles, colours, or fonts arbitrarily within your navigation menu.

Place items arbitrarily: The order of items in your navigation menu should be deliberate, reflecting the importance or logical flow of your content.

Ignore testing and feedback: User testing can uncover issues you may not have anticipated. Gather feedback on your navigation menu and be willing to make adjustments based on user input.

Make it difficult to return to the homepage: Users often expect to click on the logo at the top of the menu to return to the homepage. Ensure this functionality is in place and intuitive.

Rely solely on dropdown menus: While dropdown menus help organise content, they can be tricky to use on mobile devices. Consider other options or ensure your dropdowns are easy to navigate on smartphones and tablets.

Forget to align with your site’s goals: Your navigation menu should align with your site’s primary goals, guiding users toward key actions or content. Don’t let your menu become an afterthought.

By following these do’s and don’ts, you can design navigation menus that not only look great but also enhance the usability and overall user experience of your website.

Customizing WordPress Navigation Menus
Customizing WordPress Navigation Menus

Step-by-step on creating WordPress navigation menus

Accessing the WordPress menu editor

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Appearance > Menus. This is your main hub for creating and managing menus.

Adding, organizing, and removing menu items

Create a new menu:

  1. Click on Create a new menu at the top of the page.
  2. Enter a name for your menu in the Menu Name box and click Create Menu.

Adding items:

  1. On the left-hand side, you’ll see boxes that list your site’s content, like pages, posts, categories, and custom links.
  2. To add an item, check the box beside it and click Add to Menu.

Organizing items:

  1. Drag and drop the menu items to rearrange their order.
  2. To create a dropdown menu, drag a menu item slightly to the right of another item. This makes it a sub-item.

Removing items:

  1. Click on the arrow next to a menu item to expand it, then click Remove to delete it from the menu.

Customizing menu settings for display locations

How to create WordPress Navigation Menus
How to create WordPress Navigation Menus

Navigation menus are super important for making a website easy to use and look good. They’re the main way people get around your site, so how they’re designed and work matters a lot for a good experience. In this guide, we talked about different kinds of navigation menus, from simple ones to big mega menus, and gave tips on how to design them well, make them easy for everyone to use, and set them up in WordPress.

FAQs on WordPress navigation menus

What are WordPress navigation menus?

WordPress navigation menus are tools that allow website owners to create and manage the primary navigation menus of their site. These menus help visitors navigate through different sections and pages of the website, providing a structured and user-friendly browsing experience.

How do I create WordPress navigation menus?

To create WordPress navigation menus, go to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Appearance > Menus, and click on Create a new menu. You can then add menu items from pages, posts, custom links, or categories and arrange them in your preferred order. Save your menu and assign it to a location, such as the primary navigation area.

Can I customize the look of WordPress navigation menus?

Yes, you can customize the look of WordPress navigation menus using the Customizer found under Appearance > Customize. This tool allows you to change colors, fonts, and layout options. For more detailed customization, you can use custom CSS or install plugins that provide additional styling options for menus.

How can I add custom links to WordPress navigation menus?

To add custom links to WordPress navigation menus, go to Appearance > Menus in your WordPress dashboard. In the menu editing screen, there is a section labeled Custom Links. Enter the URL and link text for the custom link, then click Add to Menu. Arrange the new link in your menu structure and save your changes.

Are there plugins available to enhance WordPress navigation menus?

Yes, there are several plugins available to enhance WordPress navigation menus. Plugins like Max Mega Menu, WP Mega Menu, and UberMenu offer advanced features such as mega menus, drag-and-drop builders, and additional styling options. These plugins can significantly enhance the functionality and appearance of your navigation menus.

How do I organize items in WordPress navigation menus?

To organize items in WordPress navigation menus, navigate to Appearance > Menus in your WordPress dashboard. From there, you can drag and drop menu items to reorder them. You can also create sub-menus by dragging items slightly to the right beneath a parent item, forming a hierarchy.

How can I add icons to WordPress navigation menus?

You can add icons to WordPress navigation menus by using plugins like Menu Icons by ThemeIsle. This plugin allows you to add icons to your menu items directly from the menu editor, enhancing the visual appeal and usability of your navigation menus.

Can WordPress navigation menus be different on each page?

Yes, WordPress navigation menus can be different on each page by using plugins like Conditional Menus. This plugin allows you to set different menus for different pages, posts, or custom post types, providing tailored navigation experiences for different sections of your website.

How do I create drop-down menus in WordPress navigation menus?

To create drop-down menus in WordPress navigation menus, go to Appearance > Menus. Add your main menu items first, then drag sub-items slightly to the right beneath a parent item. This will create a nested structure that displays drop-down menus when the parent item is hovered over.

How can I include categories in WordPress navigation menus?

You can include categories in WordPress navigation menus by going to Appearance > Menus in your WordPress dashboard. In the menu editor, look for the Categories section, select the categories you want to add, and click Add to Menu. Arrange them as needed and save your menu.

What is a website navigation menu?

A website navigation menu is a set of links that helps users navigate through different sections and pages of a website. It is typically located at the top or side of a website and includes links to important pages such as Home, About, Services, and Contact.

What is the difference between navigation and menu?

Navigation refers to the overall system or process that allows users to move through different sections of a website, while a menu is a specific element within that system. A menu is a collection of links used to navigate the website, usually displayed in a list or grid format.

What is a menu used for in WordPress?

In WordPress, a menu is used to organize and display links to various pages, posts, categories, and other content on your website. Menus help users navigate your site more efficiently and can be customized to fit the design and structure of your site.

How do I access the navigation menu in WordPress?

To access the navigation menu in WordPress, log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to Appearance > Menus. From there, you can create, edit, and manage your site’s menus, including adding new items, rearranging existing items, and assigning menus to specific locations.

Further resources

  • WordPress Codex and Developer Resources: The WordPress Codex offers comprehensive guides on menu management and theme development, while the WordPress Developer Resources provide in-depth documentation on coding standards and APIs for more advanced customization.
  • WPBeginner: A leading resource for WordPress beginners, WPBeginner features tutorials, tips, and how-tos on enhancing WordPress functionality, including navigation menus.
  • Smashing Magazine: Known for its high-quality articles on web design and development, Smashing Magazine publishes tutorials and case studies on WordPress development that often cover navigation and UI/UX best practices.
  • W3Schools: For brushing up on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which are for customizing menus beyond WordPress defaults, W3Schools offers easy-to-follow tutorials and examples.
  • WordPress Support Forums: The WordPress Support Forums are a great place to ask questions and share knowledge about navigation menu customization and other WordPress-related topics.

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.