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7 easy ways to monetise your Block Themes in WordPress

Innovative WordPress block themes
Block Themes in WordPress

Key takeaways:

Introduction to understanding monetisation with block themes WordPress

  1. Setting up an online store for your Block Theme in WordPress
  2. Advertising strategies for your WordPress Block Themes business
  3. Affiliate marketing as a Block Theme developers
  4. Selling products or services around WordPress Block Themes
  5. Membership and subscription models for Block Themes businesses
  6. Donations and crowdfunding strategies for WordPress Block Themes developers
  7. Monetising your Block Themes expertiseĀ 

Monetising your Block Themes in WordPress

Understanding monetisation

1. Setting up an online store for your Block Themes in WordPress

In today’s digital age, selling digital products online has become a popular way for creators, designers, and developers to monetize their work. With the rise of WordPress block themes, setting up an online store for digital products has become more accessible and user-friendly than ever before. In this article, we’ll briefly discuss the process of setting up an online store for digital products using block themes, catering to both beginners and experienced users.

1.1. Set up an online store for digital productsĀ 

WordPress block themes
WordPress block templates

1.2. Add digital products

Once Woo is set up, you can start adding digital products to your online store. Navigate to the products tab in your WordPress dashboard and click on Add New. Fill in the product details, including title, description, price, and file upload for digital products. You can add more products as you develop them. Make sure to have good graphics to showcase your products and possibly add a range of videos to demo your block theme.

1.3.. Customise your online store

1.4. Test and launch your online store

Before launching your online store, thoroughly test the shopping experience from the perspective of a customer. Place test orders, verify payment processing, and ensure that digital products are immediately available for download. Make this process as easy as possible.  In particular make sure your check out process is user friendly and that all processes are easily understood.  Once you’re tested everything and are happy that all is working well you can launch your product to potential customers.  At this stage your promotion and marketing strategy will be important.  

2) Advertising strategies for your WordPress Block Themes business

2.1. Google AdSenseĀ 

Google AdSense stands out as one of the easiest additional ways to earn money from block themes. Placing display ads on the website where you sell your themes from could be lucrative if the site attracts a high volume of visitors. However, if the traffic is low it will be difficult to earn much money as AdSense usually pays a very low commission on each display ad that is clicked and pays nothing if visitors only view the ad without clicking through to the advertiserā€™s website.

Setting up Google AdSense on your block themeā€™s website involves registering for an AdSense account, obtaining ad codes, and embedding these codes into your websiteā€™s layout. You have full creative control as to where on the page you might want to place the ad and you can determine where the most visible and most likely place might be for the maximum number of click-throughs.

Building a fully responsive website with WordPress block themes
Block compatible WordPress themes

Pros and cons of Google AdSense


  • Ease of use: Google AdSense provides a user-friendly interface for managing ads and tracking performance metrics.
  • Payouts are automated: No need to set up accounting systems. Googleā€™s AdSense handles all of that sending money through to your bank account in a predetermined way.Ā Ā 
  • Wide reach: AdSense connects you with a vast network of advertisers for you to choose from, increasing the likelihood of relevant ads being displayed on your site.
  • Automated optimization: AdSense utilises machine learning algorithms to optimise ad placement and maximise revenue potential.


  • Revenue share: Google retains a portion of the ad revenue generated through AdSense which affects your overall earnings.
  • Limited control: While you can customise ad settings to some extent, you have limited control over the specific ads displayed on your site.
  • Ad blockers: Some website visitors may employ ad-blocking software from their side which means that it will not be shown any ads. This reduces the visibility and effectiveness of AdSense ads.Ā 

2.2. Direct advertising for Block Themes sites

Direct advertising involves collaborating directly with companies and individuals who might think that advertising on your website could be worth the exposure of their product or service to your block theme user base. For instance, hosting companies might be interested as they operate in a highly competitive environment.  In this way you would bypass third-party ad networks. This approach can offer greater control and potentially higher revenue rates. It does come with a fair amount of extra work and the risk of not finding suitable advertisers.

2.3. Finding brands to advertise to your users:Ā 

Identifying direct advertisers for your block themes eCommerce site requires proactive outreach and networking within your niche. You can sell access to your existing audience of users to advertisers interested in reaching your target demographic. Being able to speak directly to their exact customer base at a reasonable cost will be attractive to certain brands.

2.4. Managing direct ads:

Once you’ve secured direct advertisers, you’ll need to manage ad placements, scheduling within your block theme as well as controlling the invoicing and payment side. Consider creating dedicated ad blocks or sections on your websiteā€™s pages where advertisers’ content can be integrated without disrupting the experience of your users. It will also be easier to sell the advertising as advertisers will know where their ads will be seen.

2.5. Value proposition:

One of the problems facing owners of websites is the question of advertising rates and the perception of value for money. How much should you charge for the ads to be included on your website? Is it easier to gauge your possible advertising rate by the ease with which you can sell your ads or should you determine a price range and keep the options open by allowing advertisers to negotiate a rate they might be comfortable with. It of course will also depend on how large your user base is as to whether advertisers will want to get involved. Whatever the situation, pricing is always a sensitive topic and will require careful handling.

2.6. Sponsored content opportunities for block themes in WordPress sites

Sponsored content presents an alternative monetization avenue for block themes eCommerce sites. In this instance brands and service providers pay for their promotional articles or features to be embedded within your websiteā€™s content such as a blog post or a dedicated page for just such features. 

2.7. Approaching brands for sponsored content:

Approaching brands for sponsored content requires pitching compelling partnership proposals to brands whose marketing objectives align and resonate with your audience. Highlighting the unique value proposition of featuring their brand within your block themesā€™ user base will attract advertisers to your site. 

2.8. Ethical integration of sponsored content:

The potential of WordPress block themes
WordPress pattern library

3. Affiliate marketing as a Block Theme developer

3.1. Introduction to affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing operates on a simple premise: you promote someone else’s product or service, and when a new customer makes a purchase through the unique affiliate link issued to you as the marketer, you earn a commission. This commission can vary depending on the affiliate program and the specific terms agreed upon.

For affiliate marketers, this presents a low-risk way to monetize their online presence. They can include their affiliate link on a website, a blog, their social media platform, or when sending out to their email list. Instead of creating and selling their own products, affiliates focus on driving traffic and conversions for existing products or services in exchange for a slice of the revenue.

As much as this might be perceived to be an easy way to make money, heavy lifting is still required. The hard slog that is required to be a successful affiliate marketer needs to focus on creating a large follower base via ones own efforts. Areas where this can be achieved are through sign ups to newsletters, collecting subscribers to a YouTube or TikTok channel, regular readers to blogs.Ā  Publishing interesting content on an own website, or via services such as Substack may entice people to visit regularly. It is hard work to generate content on any or all of these platforms that will appeal to an audience. For instance In the case of popular topics such as beauty products or cooking, there are thousands of competitors.Ā 

Out of hundreds of affiliates to websites it is a given that only about 2% of those signing up to become affiliates will ever earn any commission and of those 2% only a very few will be able to make a reasonable amount of money every month. Not all can be Mr Beasts!Ā 

3.2. There are two sides to this coin

3.3. Finding suitable affiliate programs

3.4. Integrating affiliate links into your content

Navigating the transition to WordPress block themes
Block templates

4. Selling products or services around WordPress Block Themes

4.1. Creating and selling digital products such as WordPress Block Themes

4.2. Offering services and consulting through Block Themes

Block themes can also serve as an introduction to offer further services such as consulting on how to solve issues and problems, developing and selling training courses for new users and production to build a website for clients. Developers can highlight their expertise, create a portfolio of work, and add an itemised services page to their web site. Whether it’s web design, development, content creation, or marketing services, block themes provide a professional and polished presentation that instils confidence in potential clients.

4.3. Exploring further eCommerce options with Block Themes

The development process of WordPress block themes
WordPress block themes

5. Membership and subscription models for Block Themes businesses

5.1. Introduction to membership and subscription models for Block Themes

Membership and subscription models involve granting users access to exclusive content, features, or services in exchange for a recurring fee. In the context of block themes, this could mean offering premium themes, advanced customization options, or ongoing support to subscribers. These models foster a sense of community and loyalty among users while providing developers with a reliable source of income.

5.2. Setting up membership options on WordPress Block Themes

Setting up a membership option to sell WordPress block themes typically involves using plugins or integrated features that assist with user registration, subscription management, and content restriction. Developers can create tiered membership plans with varying levels of access and benefits, allowing users to choose the option that best suits their needs and budget.

There could be different approaches. For instance, if your block themes cater to a niche market of customers who are willing to pay for premium features then a subscription-based model might be appropriate. On the other hand if your themes appeal to a broad audience with low budgets then offering a free version with optional paid for pro features, libraries, upgrades or extra support could be more effective. It all depends on your business strategy.

5.3. Benefits of membership and subscription models for developers selling Block Themes

  • Recurring revenue: Membership and subscription models provide a steady stream of income for developers, as users pay regular fees to maintain access to premium features, content or security updates.
  • Enhanced user engagement: By offering exclusive perks to members, such as premium themes, plugins, designer templates, community forums and white glove support, developers can build a friendly community of users.Ā Ā 
  • Predictable cash flow: Unlike one-time purchases, subscription-based revenue models offer regular income which makes it easier to plan and budget for future development projects and expansion.
  • Customer retention: Subscribers are more likely to remain loyal to a platform or service they’ve invested in, reducing churn and increasing customer lifetime value over time.

5.4. Managing memberships and subscriptionsĀ 

WordPress block themes: The new standard for site building
Block themes WordPress in 2024

6. Donations and crowdfunding strategies for WordPress Block Themes developers

6.1. Incorporating donation plugins for a Block Themes fundraiser

6.2. Crowdfunding projects and initiativesĀ 

6.3. Building community support and engagement

Donations and crowdfunding efforts find their base in community support and engagement. Developers can cultivate a dedicated following around their block themes by fostering close interactions, asking for feedback, and challenging users to help and provide advice in the decision-making process. By actively listening to their ā€˜tribeā€™ and addressing their needs and preferences, creators can build a sense of ownership and belonging within the community, which will result in support and participation.

Donations and crowdfunding strategies offer valuable ways for sustaining the development of block themes on WordPress while finding that the community support and engagement will grow. Incorporating donation plugins, launching crowdfunding projects, and prioritising community-building efforts, developers can secure the resources and support needed to create innovative and impactful block themes that their user will appreciate.Ā 

MaxiBlocks WordPress block themes
Block templates + Block themes WordPress

7. Monetizing your WordPress block themes expertise

The WordPress ecosystem is constantly evolving and changing to keep up with technology and trends such as AI. In similar fashion developers need to update their expertise, skill set and knowledge to keep up to speed and remain competitive. They are of course not the only ones faced with this constant need for up-skilling. Their users and the WordPress industry in general face the same problem. It is impossible to stand still. Developers and web designers need to acquire new knowledge and expertise.  WordPress block themes developers and experts are finding innovative ways to use their knowledge and skills to generate further income. By tapping into the block theme user base for a market for their training courses and workshops individuals can monetize their expertise directly. They can add consulting services, educational events and provide exclusive content to this market.  In this section, we’ll explore practical strategies for monetizing block themes expertise.

7.1. Offering consulting services via a Block Themes Business

7.2. Hosting webinars, workshops, and online coursesĀ 

Webinars, workshops, and online courses offer valuable opportunities for sharing knowledge and expertise with a wider audience. WordPress block theme developers can promote and host these educational events directly on their websites, using integrated tools such as event calendars, registration forms, and payment gateways. By including multimedia and interactive elements, developers can offer engaging presentations and courses that will appeal to people wanting to learn how to develop themes or use themes for web design. 

7.3. Providing premium content and exclusive access with Block Themes

Exclusive content and membership programs are another effective way to monetize expertise on block themes. Theme developers can offer premium content, such as in-depth articles, tutorials, or resources, accessible only to paying subscribers or members. By utilising membership plugins and customising access levels, theme business owners can serve a gated community of enthusiastic supporters, providing value-added benefits such as discounts, early access to content, or private forums for support, discussion and networking.

Monetizing expertise and knowledge on block themes and how to make the most of this web design tool offers a valuable way for developers and professionals to capitalise on their knowledge and skills. Whether it’s offering consulting services, hosting educational events, or providing member only content, experts on block themes can offer valuable services to block theme users or those wishing to learn how to use them.Ā 

Final thoughts on Monetising your Block Themes in WordPress

The above 7 easy ways to monetise your digital product is only the beginning of your path to creating a thriving business in the WordPress community. Keep an eye out for new opportunities that might present themselves, in fact even think of new ideas that nobody has thought of yet. Developing a block theme was the hard part. Making money from it will hopefully be easier. Start your journey using the above business ideas and you will be well on your way to making a good living.

Block themes WordPress
Block themes WordPress

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) – Block themes WordPress

What does monetizing my WordPress Block Theme mean?

Monetizing your WordPress Block Theme involves finding ways to generate revenue from your theme. This could be through direct sales, subscriptions, affiliate marketing, donations, and more, turning your theme development efforts into a profitable business.

How can I set up an online store to sell my Block Theme?

You can set up an online store using WordPress and WooCommerce. After installing WooCommerce, add your Block Theme as a digital product, set up payment gateways (such as Stripe and PayPal), and customize your storeā€™s appearance using WooCommerce-compatible themes.

What are some effective advertising strategies for Block Theme developers?

Effective advertising strategies include using Google AdSense for passive ad revenue, seeking direct ad sales for more control and potentially higher income, and exploring sponsored content opportunities to integrate promotional articles on your site.

How does affiliate marketing work for Block Theme developers?

Affiliate marketing involves promoting other companies’ products or services and earning a commission for every sale or action completed through your unique affiliate link. You can join affiliate programs related to your theme, such as hosting services or WordPress plugins, and promote these to your audience.

Can I sell additional products or services related to my Block Theme?

Yes, beyond selling your theme, you can offer related products like plugins, custom add-ons, or services such as installation, customization, and support packages to add value for your customers and increase revenue.

What are membership and subscription models, and how can they benefit my Block Theme business?

Membership and subscription models involve charging customers a recurring fee for access to exclusive content, updates, or services. This model provides a steady stream of income and fosters a loyal community around your theme.

How can I accept donations or start a crowdfunding campaign for my Block Theme?

You can accept donations by integrating donation plugins like Buy Me a Coffee on your site or launching a crowdfunding campaign on platforms like Kickstarter, offering special rewards to backers.

What are some ways I can monetize my expertise in Block Themes?

How do I choose the right monetization strategy for my Block Theme?

Consider your target audience, the unique value your theme offers, and your long-term goals. Experiment with different strategies to find what works best for your theme and audience.

Where can I find resources to learn more about monetizing WordPress Block Themes?

Explore WordPress and WooCommerce documentation, online courses on digital marketing and eCommerce, and communities and forums where other theme developers share their experiences and tips.

WordPress itself

Official Website
wordpress.orgĀ – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress CodexĀ – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme DirectoryĀĀ – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.