
Website template: Business Page BSP-PRO-03


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus hendrerit. Pellentesque aliquet nibh nec urna. In nisi neque, aliquet vel, dapibus id, mattis vel, nisi. Sed pretium, ligula sollicitudin laoreet viverra, tortor libero sodales leo, eget blandit nunc tortor eu nibh.

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Strength lies in unity

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Strength lies in unity

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How to customise your WordPress business homepage using the MaxiBlocks template

Why you should use a premade WordPress homepage template

Using a premade WordPress homepage template can save you significant time and effort when building a website. Instead of starting from scratch, templates provide you with a ready-made structure that you can customise to reflect your brand. For businesses that need to create an engaging, professional site quickly, a WordPress website design template like the ones offered by MaxiBlocks is the perfect solution.

These templates also guarantee that your website will look great across different devices, as they’re built with a responsive WordPress design in mind. Whether you’re new to building websites or an experienced WordPress website designer, using a template gives you a strong foundation to build on.

Types of websites that can use a WordPress homepage

This versatile template from MaxiBlocks can be adapted for various types of businesses:

  • Corporate websites: Highlight your team, services, and accomplishments with a structured layout that makes navigation easy for visitors.
  • Creative agencies: Showcase portfolios, projects, and team members in a visually dynamic way that draws attention to your creative work.
  • Tech startups: Focus on product features, customer testimonials, and growth metrics to appeal to investors and customers.
  • Consultancies: Emphasise expertise, client success stories, and services with a clear call to action for new clients to get in touch.

No matter your industry, a WordPress Full Site Editing theme from MaxiBlocks can be tailored to match your brand’s specific needs.

Section-by-section guide to customising the template

Hero section: Make a great first impression

The hero section is the first part of your website visitors will see, making it a critical point for grabbing attention.

  • Edit the headline: Replace the default text with a statement that reflects your brand’s unique value. For instance, a consultancy might write “Expert solutions for business growth” to communicate their services effectively.
  • Change the image: Use an image that speaks to your audience. For example, a creative agency could feature a portfolio highlight, while a startup could use an image that captures their product or service in action.
  • Call to action: Update the call to action button text, such as “Discover Our Work” or “Get a Free Quote”, to prompt visitors to explore more.

Services section: Showcase what you offer

This section lets you detail your services or products with accompanying icons and text descriptions.

  • Replace the icons: Choose relevant icons from the WordPress icon library to match each service.
  • Edit service descriptions: For each service or offering, write clear and concise descriptions. A marketing agency could list services like SEO optimisation, social media marketing, and content creation.
  • Use case: A consultancy might include services such as strategy development, project management, and business analysis.

Visualisation section: Present your key concepts

This section uses minimalist icons and descriptions to highlight important business concepts or services.

  • Customise the icons: Update the icons to reflect your business values. For example, a startup might highlight innovation, growth, and product development.
  • Update descriptions: Tailor the text to explain each service or idea. A financial consultancy could use this space to describe investment strategy, market analysis, and risk management.

Testimonial section: Build trust

This section is designed to feature a client testimonial, helping build trust with potential customers.

  • Replace the testimonial: Add a real client review that showcases the value of your work. For example, “Their expert team helped us increase our online presence and boost sales.”
  • Update the client image: Add a photo of the client giving the testimonial to humanise the review and make it more relatable.

Blog/news section: Keep visitors engaged

You can highlight recent blog posts or company news in this section, encouraging visitors to stay updated.

  • Update article previews: Feature your latest blog posts or news articles, complete with engaging images and brief excerpts.
  • Use case: A creative agency might highlight blog posts on design trends or case studies of recent projects, while a tech startup could share updates on product development.

Team section: Humanise your brand

This section is a great way to introduce your team and make your business more approachable.

  • Add team member images: Upload professional images of your team members to showcase the people behind your business.
  • Edit the names and roles: Include each person’s name, title, and area of expertise. For example, John Doe – Lead Developer or Jane Smith – Marketing Specialist.

Footer section: Keep important links handy

The footer should include all the essential links that visitors might look for, such as contact information and key pages.

  • Update the footer links: Add important pages such as About Us, Services, Blog, and Contact. Make sure your privacy policy and terms of service are easy to find.
  • Add contact information: Include an email address, phone number, or location so visitors can easily get in touch with you.
  • Use case: A tech company might also link to social media profiles or other platforms where users can engage with the brand.

Examples of what you can include

  • For corporate websites: Highlight services and team members, and use the testimonial section to build credibility with potential clients.
  • For creative agencies: Showcase your portfolio and recent work in the service and blog sections to give visitors a taste of your style.
  • For tech startups: Feature product development updates in the news section and use testimonials to emphasise customer satisfaction.
  • For consultancies: Present your services in a clear, structured layout and use client testimonials to showcase success stories.


A premade WordPress homepage template from MaxiBlocks is a powerful tool for quickly and easily building a professional website. Whether you’re creating a website for a corporate business, creative agency, or startup, you can customise the template to reflect your brand’s personality and needs.

From updating WordPress block templates to editing key sections like services, testimonials, and team profiles, the flexibility of these templates ensures your website stands out while remaining functional. If you’re just getting started with WordPress, using a template offers a smooth and structured approach to web design, ensuring you have a stunning website in no time.

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