
WordPress pattern: Pure Testimonials Dark PTLD-PRO-35

What our clients say!


“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus hendrerit. Pellentesque aliquet nibh nec urna. In nisi neque, aliquet vel, dapibus id, mattis vel, nisi. Sed pretium, ligula sollicitudin laoreet viverra, tortor libero sodales leo, eget blandit.”

Name Surname

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus hendrerit. Pellentesque aliquet nibh nec urna. In nisi neque, aliquet vel, dapibus id, mattis vel, nisi. Sed pretium, ligula sollicitudin laoreet viverra, tortor libero sodales leo, eget blandit.”

Name Surname

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus hendrerit. Pellentesque aliquet nibh nec urna. In nisi neque, aliquet vel, dapibus id, mattis vel, nisi. Sed pretium, ligula sollicitudin laoreet viverra, tortor libero sodales leo, eget blandit.”

Name Surname

Build like a pro

Elevate Your WordPress Site with a Stunning Testimonial Section

Picture this: a sleek, three-column layout that captures everyone’s attention. This modern design showcases client testimonials in a balanced, visually appealing manner, allowing your audience to connect with the satisfied voices of your customers. Each testimonial is paired with a captivating client portrait, adding an authentic touch. Below each testimonial, there’s a “View case study” button, which invites visitors to explore the success stories behind your products or services.

Why Choose This Testimonial Section?

Eye-Catching Layout

  • Multi-Column Design: By using a three-column format, you maintain symmetry and equal spacing, ensuring a polished look suitable for any page.
  • Responsive Adaptability: This layout seamlessly transitions to a single-column view on mobile devices, offering a consistent user experience across all screens.

Engaging Elements

  • Interactive Buttons: Each section includes a clear call-to-action button, urging users to explore detailed case studies.
  • Modern Typography: Clean, sans-serif fonts enhance readability while establishing a visual hierarchy to guide visitors’ attention.

Striking Visual Impact

  • High Contrast Design: A blend of dark backgrounds with bright images and text not only captivates attention but enhances readability, making your testimonials pop.
  • Clear Visual Hierarchy: Bold headlines draw attention to client experiences, followed by engaging images that lead to action buttons.

Thoughtful Accessibility

  • Enhanced Readability: High-contrast colours align with accessibility standards, ensuring all visitors can easily read and engage with your content.

10 Elements to Use in Your Website Testimonial Section

1. Customer Testimonial

Include genuine feedback from customers who have benefited from your product or service. These testimonials should be relatable and concise, capturing the essence of the customer’s experience. This approach not only humanises your brand but also builds trust with potential clients.

2. Personal Quotes

Feature direct quotes from customers. It provides authenticity and makes their testimonials more personal. Quotes give readers insight into real-world applications and the emotional impact of their experiences.

3. Client Portraits

Coupled with testimonials, client portraits add a personal touch to the feedback provided. Adding a face to the words makes the feedback feel more real and engaging, which helps further connect potential customers to your existing happy clients.

4. Success Metrics

Where applicable, include specific data or metrics that highlight the success stories. Concrete numbers, like increased sales or improved efficiency, lend credibility and weight to testimonials.

5. Video Testimonials

Adding video testimonials increases engagement. Videos allow potential clients to see and hear real customers, creating a more powerful connection. They offer a dynamic, captivating format to deliver impactful messages.

6. Industry Relevance

Include testimonials from recognisable industry figures or organisations related to your field. This reinforces credibility and can influence potential clients looking to associate with recognised names in the industry.

7. Diverse Stories

Share a variety of stories across different demographics, showcasing how your product or service benefits a wide range of users. Diversity in testimonials makes your brand appear more inclusive and adaptable.

8. Pain Point Resolution

Highlight testimonials that specifically address and resolve common pain points faced by customers. This approach resonates with potential clients experiencing similar issues, showcasing your product as a viable solution.

9. “Before and After” Scenarios

Offer transformational testimonials that show the “before and after” results. Illustrating the change your product or service has facilitated can provide a compelling narrative that resonates with potential customers.

10. Consistency Over Time

Share long-term customer testimonials that highlight continued satisfaction and consistent results over time. Consistent feedback over an extended period builds trust and supports claims of reliability and ongoing value.

10 Content Ideas to Include in Your Website Testimonial Section

1. Feature Story

Tell the complete story of a customer’s journey with your brand. Feature in-depth narratives from initial struggles to successful outcomes, showcasing the full spectrum of benefits your service provides.

2. Infographics

Create infographics summarising key success stories. These visually engaging tools present complex data simply and attractively, making the testimonials easy to digest.

3. Interactive Elements

Incorporate clickable elements, like a “View Case Study” button, within each testimonial. This urges users to explore detailed stories, boosting engagement and interest.

4. Authentic Client Voices

Focus on the authentic voice of each testimonial. Authenticity builds trust and connection, so allow the unique experiences and tones of your clients to shine through.

5. Testimonials by Product/Service

Organise testimonials according to specific products or services. This setup helps potential customers find relevant feedback quickly and aligns testimonials with their particular interests.

6. Seasonal Campaign Testimonials

Highlight feedback from specific promotional campaigns or seasonal initiatives. Showcasing successes from targeted marketing efforts demonstrates adaptability and effectiveness.

7. Behind-the-Scenes Features

Offer peeks into the processes behind achieving testimonial-worthy results. Sharing behind-the-scenes content enhances transparency and builds client trust.

8. Collaborations and Partnerships

Include testimonials from collaborations or partnerships, which lend credibility and show your brand’s network and influence within the industry.

9. Custom Hashtags

Invite users to contribute to a custom hashtag on social media, generating user testimonials. This interactive idea increases reach and engagement while providing authentic customer feedback.

10. Regular Updates

Keep the section dynamic with regular updates of new testimonials. This approach reflects growth and keeps the content fresh and relevant to visitors.


What is a website testimonial? A website testimonial is a written statement that endorses a product, service, or company from a satisfied client. It’s typically featured on a company’s website to build credibility and attract new clients.

What is an example of a testimonial? An example of a testimonial could be a client sharing how a WordPress website builder transformed their online store, increasing traffic and sales dramatically.

How to get testimonials for your website? To gather website testimonials, request feedback from happy clients post-purchase or post-project, offer incentives for sharing experiences, or utilise email campaigns for collecting feedback.

How do you write an online testimonial? When writing an online testimonial, be genuine and specific about the experience, highlight positive impacts, and keep your message short and focused.

How to write a testimony example? A testimony example should clearly express personal experiences with evidence of the benefit, such as, “Using [service], I saw a 50% increase in sales in just three months.”

What should I include in a testimonial? Compelling testimonials include elements like client details, specific products or services used, quantifiable results, and a personal tone.


Now’s the time to transform your WordPress website design with a testimonial section that uses a stunning three-column layout. By integrating high-contrast elements and interactive features, you don’t just enhance user engagement but also effectively share the voices of your satisfied clients. Ready to create a lasting impression? Implement this powerful testimonial section and watch your client relationships flourish. Explore more about crafting the perfect site with AI website builder options and beyond.

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