
WordPress pattern: Pricing Table Dark PTD-PRO-08

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet con sectetuer adipiscing elit

  • Vestibulum felis quis tortor
  • Ut aliquam sollicitudin leo
  • Cras iaculis ultricies nulla



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet con sectetuer adipiscing elit

  • Vestibulum felis quis tortor
  • Ut aliquam sollicitudin leo
  • Cras iaculis ultricies nulla

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Aliquam tincidunt mauris



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet con sectetuer adipiscing elit

  • Vestibulum felis quis tortor
  • Ut aliquam sollicitudin leo
  • Cras iaculis ultricies nulla

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Aliquam tincidunt mauris

Vivamus vestibulum

Praesent placerat risus


Build like a pro

Discover Our Engaging Pricing Table Design

Our pricing table is meticulously crafted to help you effectively present your services and attract the perfect customers. With a modern and minimalist layout, it showcases three distinctive pricing plans: Starter, Professional, and Advanced, displayed side-by-side to facilitate easy comparison.

Layout Analysis

  • Overall Structure: Our multi-column design organizes the three pricing plans in an organized and visually appealing manner.
  • Arrangement: Each plan is presented in its own column, with ample rows detailing pricing and features to guide your customers.
  • Asymmetry: With a symmetrical layout, the varying content within each column adds a dynamic flair, capturing attention.

Element and Feature Description

  • Visible Elements:
    • Headers: Each pricing plan is clearly labeled with a header, making it instantly identifiable.
    • Text Blocks: Descriptive text detailing the features helps users understand what they get.
    • Pricing: Clear price points ($22, $48, $99) stand out beneath each plan name for easy accessibility.
  • Interactive Elements:
    • Buttons: Each section features a prominent “Get started” button, encouraging user engagement and action.
  • Typography: Bold headers and clear text ensure information is easily digestible, creating a user-friendly experience.
  • Icons and Graphical Elements: Unique icons for each plan header enhance visual differentiation and convey key information at a glance.
  • Image Borders and Orientation: Consistent icon sizes maintain a tidy appearance.

Unique Design Aspects

  • Standout Choices: Icons for each pricing tier serve as a quick visual reference, streamlining the decision-making process.
  • Hover Effects/Animations: Although no specific hover effects are noted, the interactive design of the buttons invites user clicks.
  • Responsive Design: The layout adjusts seamlessly for mobile users, stacking vertically to maintain accessibility on any device.
  • Accessibility Considerations: High contrast between text and background improves readability, making it user-friendly for everyone.

Overall Design Style

  • Design Style Category: This sleek, modern approach emphasises clarity and practicality, perfect for highlighting your offerings.
  • Visual Hierarchy: Key decision factors, like plan names and prices, rise to prominence, naturally guiding potential customers.
  • Use of White Space: Well-placed white space enhances visual balance and supports the reading experience.

Use Cases for Pricing Tables in WordPress

1. SaaS Subscription Services

Pricing tables brilliantly present different subscription levels for WordPress websites. Compare features like user limitations, support options, and data storage across various price points. This straightforward presentation simplifies customer decisions, encouraging commitment to higher-tier plans for enhanced benefits.

2. E-commerce Product Packages

Showcase product bundles or tiered packages using pricing tables. Here, customers visually assess value differences, including discounts. This method effectively boosts sales, as clear information guides purchasing decisions without overwhelming users with unnecessary details.

3. Membership or Club Fees

Offer potential members a structured and easy understanding of membership levels and associated benefits. Align different membership levels with exclusive offers or services, making it simple for customers to select the plan that best suits their needs and maximise their experience.

4. Hosting Plans

Highlight the specifications of different hosting plans. Important features such as storage, bandwidth, and other resources should stand out. This strategy simplifies customer choices, enhancing satisfaction by ensuring they get precisely what they need at the right budget level.

5. Marketing Automation Services

Demonstrate the tiered features of marketing automation software with pricing tables, enhancing customer understanding. Clearly list the capabilities of each pricing level to guide businesses towards plans that align with their specific growth goals and marketing strategies.

6. Consulting or Freelance Services

Convert complex service offerings into understandable pricing structures. Present service packages, hourly rates, or project rates side by side, allowing potential clients to compare and choose the option that aligns with their specific project needs or budget.

7. Gym or Fitness Memberships

Encourage new memberships by displaying different plans, benefits, and promotional offers. Highlight facilities and perks available with each plan, such as personal training sessions or access to exclusive classes, to attract fitness enthusiasts to higher membership levels.

8. Online Courses or Workshops

Simplify pricing for educational offerings by breaking down course packages for potential students. Ensure visibility of course benefits, additional materials, and duration to aid decisions and boost enrolment by presenting clear value propositions.

9. Event Ticketing

Present different ticket types with pricing tables for clarity in event planning. Highlight features like seating options, perks, or add-ons included with each ticket type, encouraging customers to explore and purchase comprehensive packages.

10. Digital Products and Downloads

Utilise pricing tables to compare various digital goods, such as eBooks, templates, or software. Detailed features and prices encourage informed purchasing decisions, ensuring transparency and fostering trust with potential buyers.

Content Ideas for Pricing Tables

1. Clear Feature Lists

List key features for each pricing tier to help potential customers understand what they’ll get. Identify the benefits and unique offerings at each level, simplifying the decision-making process and fostering confidence in clients choosing the right plan.

2. Plan Comparisons

Offer side-by-side comparisons of different features in each plan. By doing this, customers easily discern value differences, aiding their purchasing choices without overwhelming them with excessive, potentially irrelevant information.

3. Visual Icons

Use icons to convey essential features quickly. Icons help illustrate each plan’s unique offerings, enhancing the visual appeal and improving user experience by guiding them swiftly toward understanding the distinctions between options.

4. Customer Testimonials

Include short testimonials or user experiences relevant to each pricing tier. Real-world experiences help build trust in the service, influencing potential buyers by highlighting the tangible benefits enjoyed by other satisfied customers.

5. Discounts and Special Offers

Draw attention to special promotions or limited-time discounts. This feature can create a sense of urgency, motivating potential customers to take action and grab discounted rates before they expire, enhancing conversion rates.

6. User Limits

Clarify limitations on users or licenses per plan, setting clear expectations. Customers benefit from knowing participant restrictions upfront, aligning their needs with cost-effective solutions without future surprises or disappointments.

7. Money-Back Guarantees

Reassure customers with risk-free purchasing options. Display guarantees clearly to address concerns potential buyers may have, giving them peace of mind and encouraging them to proceed with their payment choices confidently.

8. Access to Support

Describe support levels available for each plan. Whether it’s email, chat, or 24/7 support, showcasing commitment to customer care increases perceived value, showing subscribers how important their experience is to you.

9. Plan Recommendations

Add suggestions for customer scenarios to aid plan selection. Highlight typical customer profiles for each tier, guiding choices based on common needs and helping visitors quickly identify which plan best fits their requirements.

10. FAQs

Address common questions directly within the pricing table page. This approach improves clarity, resolves doubts quickly, and empowers customers, leading to informed, confident purchase decisions without them searching elsewhere for answers.


Our pricing table is more than just a display-it’s a strategic tool designed to boost engagement and drive conversions. With elements like headers, pricing, and icons enhancing visual appeal, and features including responsive WordPress website design ensuring accessibility, your services shine through effortlessly. Leverage this engaging layout to elevate your offerings on your wordpress website builder and reap the benefits. If you’re interested in exploring Elementor alternatives and other insightful approaches, visit our page for more creative solutions!

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