
Website template: Home Page Pro HEP-PRO-01


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How to build a killer home page with MaxiBlocks

Alright, let’s be real—you want a home page that grabs people by the eyeballs, keeps ’em interested, and nudges them to take action. Whether it’s buying your stuff, signing up, or just sticking around to see what you’re all about. MaxiBlocks can help you put together a home page that’s anything but boring. Here’s how you can build a home page that actually gets results, using MaxiBlocks and a bit of personality.

1. Header and navigation menu

  • Component: WordPress navigation menus
  • Description: First impressions matter, and your header’s the place to make one. It’s the top bit that keeps your brand in plain sight. We’re talking a sticky header with your logo on the left, menu on the right, maybe even a cheeky call-to-action button. Keeps it simple, easy to click, and no fuss for anyone browsing on their phone.
  • Design tip: Keep the navigation simple—five or six menu items tops. Too many options and folks will feel like they’re trying to pick a movie on a Friday night.

2. Hero section

  • Component: Website hero
  • Description: Hit ’em straight away. A hero section that tells visitors who you are, what you do, and why they should care. Throw in a big image, a snappy headline, and a button. Keep it simple but impactful—make ’em curious enough to scroll down.
  • Design tip: Use a high-quality image that speaks to your brand, and keep the clutter out—make that headline sing.

3. Headline section

  • Component: Headline
  • Description: Now’s the time to flex. This is where you hit them with the big idea—that one-liner that explains why you’re worth their time. Keep it clear, keep it bold, and make sure they get it in one go.
  • Design tip: Make it punchy—ten words or less. If your headline sounds like something your mate would say, you’re on the right track.

4. Animated number counter

  • Component: Animated number counter
  • Description: Numbers get people excited, especially when they show off your wins. Got loads of happy customers? Years in the biz? Let those numbers roll with an animated counter. It’s proof you know what you’re doing.
  • Design tip: Limit the counters to three or four—too many and it starts looking like a maths exam.

5. Icon features section

  • Component: Website icons / WordPress icons
  • Description: Break down why you’re awesome. Use icons to show off your key features or services. People love to skim, and icons with short blurbs make it easy to get the gist.
  • Design tip: Pick icons that fit the vibe—keep ’em consistent and make sure they match your overall style.

6. Content section

  • Component: Content pattern
  • Description: Time to get into the details. This section gives visitors the full story of what you’re offering. Use MaxiBlocks to mix up the text with images so it’s easy on the eyes.
  • Design tip: Break up big paragraphs with headings, bullet points, and images. No one likes reading walls of text—keep it light.

7. Call to action

  • Component: Call to action examples
  • Description: Got their attention? Great—now tell ’em what to do. Whether it’s signing up, buying something, or getting in touch, make that button big, bold, and too tempting to ignore. ‘Get Started,’ ‘Join Us,’ ‘Learn More.’ You know the drill.
  • Design tip: Make the buttons pop with contrasting colours—it’s got to stand out, not blend in.

8. Testimonials

  • Component: Testimonials design
  • Description: Let your happy customers do the talking. Real names, real faces, real stories. A good testimonial is like a friend’s recommendation—people trust it. ‘These folks love us, maybe you will too.’
  • Design tip: Faces matter—use photos of real people to create that connection and build trust.

9. Logo showcase

  • Component: Logo pattern
  • Description: Been featured somewhere cool? Worked with big names? Show it off here. Adding logos of familiar brands builds instant trust. It’s like a quick nod of credibility.
  • Design tip: Keep the logos looking sharp—either all colour or all greyscale to avoid a hot mess.

10. Pricing table

  • Component: Pricing table
  • Description: People wanna know the price, so give it to them straight. A clean pricing table with your options laid out simply. Highlight the best value deal, and make sure the call-to-action button is right there.
  • Design tip: Make your most popular plan stand out—make it bigger or slap on a ‘Recommended’ label.

11. Team section

  • Component: Website team
  • Description: People want to know who they’re dealing with, so show your team some love. Pictures, names, and a bit about what they do. Makes your biz look more human and less like a faceless corporation.
  • Design tip: Skip the boring headshots—candid, relaxed photos make your team seem more approachable.

12. Blog preview

  • Component: WordPress blog
  • Description: Got a blog? You should. Use this section to show off the latest posts—keep the page fresh and let people know what’s going on.
  • Design tip: Use eye-catching featured images for each post—it makes the section pop and invites people to read more.

13. Email subscription

  • Component: Email subscribe
  • Description: Get those emails! Stick a form on the page and offer a little something in return—a discount, a freebie, whatever works. Build that mailing list and keep the convo going.
  • Design tip: Keep it simple—ask for just an email (maybe a first name too). No one wants to fill in a questionnaire.

14. Contact form

  • Component: WordPress contact form
  • Description: Make it easy for people to reach out. A simple form with name, email, and a message box should do it. Don’t overcomplicate it—people don’t wanna jump through hoops.
  • Design tip: Put the contact form where it’s easy to spot—footer or a dedicated contact section works best.

15. Accordion FAQ

  • Component: WordPress accordion
  • Description: Got questions that everyone asks? Stick ’em in an accordion FAQ section. Keeps things tidy, but anyone curious can find what they need without scrolling forever.
  • Design tip: Write your questions in a casual, easy-to-understand way. Make it sound like a real convo, not a textbook.

16. WooCommerce products

  • Component: WooCommerce
  • Description: Selling something? Feature your top products here—good images, clear prices, and a button that makes buying a breeze.
  • Design tip: Use crisp product images with clean backgrounds—no distractions, just the product.

17. Image gallery

  • Component: Website images
  • Description: Show, don’t tell. An image gallery with high-quality pics of your product, work, or team in action. People like to see the goods, so make it count.
  • Design tip: Use a lightbox feature—lets people click on an image to see it larger without bouncing off the page.

18. Footer

  • Component: Website footer
  • Description: Wrap it up with a solid footer. Include important links, contact info, and social media buttons. Add a quick sign-up form too—grab those last-minute emails.
  • Design tip: Keep it consistent across all pages—it’s like a safety net for visitors who scroll all the way down.

19. 404 error page (optional)

  • Component: 404 page
  • Description: Mistakes happen. A good 404 page helps people find their way back instead of hitting a dead end. Keep it light, maybe add a joke, and throw in a link back to the home page.
  • Design tip: Add a search bar or popular links so visitors don’t just give up and leave.

20. Blog hero section (for blog page)

  • Component: Block patterns blog hero
  • Description: If you’ve got a separate blog page, start it off with a hero section that highlights your best content. The aim is to grab interest and keep ’em scrolling.
  • Design tip: Use a strong image and a headline that piques curiosity—give people a reason to dive in.

Final thoughts

A solid home page is about making people feel something—trust, curiosity, excitement. Keep it simple, make the buttons obvious, and use MaxiBlocks to pull it all together without overcomplicating things.

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