
WordPress pattern: Pricing Table Dark PTD-01

A magical and revolutionary device at an unbelievable price

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec odio.


$22 / Monthly

  • Vestibulum felis quis tortor
  • Ut aliquam sollicitudin leo
  • Cras iaculis ultricies nulla
  • Vivamus vestibulum
  • Fusce pellentesque
  • Cras iaculis ultricies


$35 / Monthly

  • Vestibulum felis quis tortor
  • Ut aliquam sollicitudin leo
  • Cras iaculis ultricies nulla
  • Vivamus vestibulum
  • Fusce pellentesque
  • Cras iaculis ultricies


$76 / Monthly

  • Vestibulum felis quis tortor
  • Ut aliquam sollicitudin leo
  • Cras iaculis ultricies nulla
  • Vivamus vestibulum
  • Fusce pellentesque
  • Cras iaculis ultricies

Build like a pro

Elevate your pricing strategy with our stunning pricing table

Transform how you offer your pricing options with our beautifully crafted pricing table. Designed with a modern and minimalist approach, it is perfect for enhancing your WordPress website‘s user experience.

Original design overview

Our pricing table showcases a multi-column format with three distinct tiers-Basic, Standard, and Advanced-lined up horizontally. The Standard tier stands out with a vibrant orange background, creating visual contrast that steers potential clients towards decision-making.

Key features

Layout analysis

  • Overall structure: Displays three competitive pricing options side by side for easy comparison.
  • Asymmetrical choices: The standout Standard tier with its bright background effectively captures attention.

Element and feature description

  • Clear headers: Each column clearly indicates its pricing tier (Basic, Standard, Advanced) for quick recognition.
  • Transparent pricing: Monthly pricing ($22, $35, $76) is prominently displayed for effective communication.
  • Engaging text blocks: The Standard tier provides detailed insights to potential customers.
  • Call-to-action buttons: “Purchase Now” buttons drive immediate engagement and conversions.

Unique design aspects

  • Attention-grabbing emphasis: The bright orange background of the Standard tier commands visibility.
  • Interactive elements: Buttons likely feature hover effects for enhanced engagement.
  • Responsive design: Optimized for smaller screens, ensuring a seamless user experience across devices.
  • Accessibility focus: High contrast between text and backgrounds boosts readability, making it accessible to all.

Overall design style

  • Modern aesthetic: The table features bold contrasts and a clean layout, fitting perfectly into any WordPress website design.
  • Effective visual hierarchy: Pricing is accentuated, guiding users’ attention to critical details.
  • Balanced composition: Ample white space prevents clutter, enhancing clarity.

Use cases for pricing tables in WordPress

Subscription services

Whether it’s a streaming platform or an online magazine, using a pricing table helps present various subscription tiers effortlessly. Highlighting different plans with distinct colour schemes can guide potential subscribers in making informed choices.

Software licensing

For companies processing software sales, pricing tables clarify the distinctions between single-user licenses and enterprise packages. This transparency assists customers in understanding what each tier offers, leading to informed purchasing decisions.

Club memberships

Gyms, country clubs, and sports centres can use pricing tables to feature membership options. By outlining benefits available at each level, clubs simplify prospects’ choices and encourage enrolments.

Event ticketing

From concerts to conferences, event organisers can use pricing tables to display ticket options. It allows attendees to easily spot benefits for early-bird or VIP tickets versus standard admission.

Web hosting services

Displaying hosting plans through a pricing table can clarify the ISP’s offers, from basic packages for small sites to advanced options for businesses. This transparency can enhance customer trust and understanding.

Online courses

Educators and e-learning platforms can benefit from pricing tables to display course fees. Such tables are useful in visibly differentiating between individual modules and full courses.

Product bundles

Retailers offering product bundles can employ pricing tables to compare bundle savings against individual purchases, enhancing perceived value and up-sell potential.

Service packages

Consultants and freelancers can showcase their service packages with pricing tables. This clarity aids potential clients in selecting services that fit their needs and budget.

Donation tiers

Charitable sites can use pricing tables to suggest donation levels. This makes it easy for donors to choose a contribution amount and understand the impact of their generosity.

SaaS offerings

Software as a service (SaaS) companies can differentiate their service levels using pricing tables. Highlighted features in each plan encourage users to select the package best aligning with their needs.

Different ways to lay out pricing tables

Vertical alignment

Stacking pricing options vertically is ideal for mobile-friendly WordPress websites. This design ensures easy readability on smaller screens, making it a practical choice for tech-savvy users.

Toggled comparison

Allow users to toggle between monthly and annual billing within the table. This dynamic approach provides clarity on long-term savings and encourages higher upfront commitments.

Feature matrix

A feature matrix format compares available features side-by-side for each package. This empowers consumers to evaluate offerings based on specific requirements.

Animated sliders

Incorporating sliders that change displayed content on user action adds interactivity while keeping customers engaged, perfect for showcasing dynamic content.

Floating call-to-action

Keeping call-to-action buttons fixed while users scroll through pricing details ensures availability at users’ fingertips, enhancing the likelihood of conversions.

Clear separation with tabs

Using tabs to separate pricing levels provides clarity and keeps users from feeling overwhelmed by information overload, ensuring a neat and structured display.

Grid layout

Grid layouts offer a neat and tidy approach, enabling users to see multiple options at once without moving between screens. This enhances understanding and ease of decision-making.

Horizontal scrolling

Adopting a horizontal scroll allows extensive details within each package without cluttering the website layout, offering a comprehensive solution while preserving design aesthetics.

Drop-down expansion

Enabling drop-down expansions for additional details in each tier saves space and lets users engage only with the content that interests them.

Recommended badge

Applying a “Recommended” badge to the middle-tier catches users’ eyes, steering them toward a well-suited choice without dismissing other available options.


Our modern pricing table design not only highlights usability but also maximises visual appeal, making it a must-have for WordPress website design. With features aimed at engaging users and the standout Standard tier, your WordPress site will not only look professional but also see increased user engagement and conversions.

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