
WordPress pattern: Pricing Table Dark PTD-PRO-30

Our full menu

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Build like a pro

Transform your pricing display with our modern pricing tables

Are you looking to enhance your WordPress website‘s pricing display? Discover how a well-crafted pricing table can not only look great but also communicate your offerings effectively.

Original design overview

Our pricing table boasts a sleek, modern layout organized in a grid format. It neatly showcases options side by side, seamlessly guiding your viewers’ attention to help your customers compare and choose their preferred pricing solution.

1. Layout analysis

  • Overall structure: Featuring a grid layout, the table is organized into two primary columns presenting pricing options side by side for easy comparison.
  • Rows and columns: With six rows and twelve cells, each column displays detailed offerings, simplifying decision-making for your users.
  • Arrangement: The symmetrical design creates a balanced visual experience, facilitating a clear left-right flow so customers find what they need quickly.
  • Unusual choices: Alternating alignment captures attention, inviting users to quickly consider differences between pricing options.

2. Elements and features

  • Visible elements: Each cell presents crucial information, including a header (likely the product or service name), a brief description, and the price, all under the enticing title “Our full menu.”
  • Interactive elements: While maintaining simplicity, adding interactive elements like buttons or forms could boost user engagement.
  • Typography: The use of modern, bold fonts for titles and a more subtle typeface for descriptions ensures readability and establishes visual hierarchy.
  • Icons and graphical elements: Despite the absence of icons, the strategic layout provides implicit visual guides that effectively delineate sections.
  • Images and borders: The clean design, devoid of images, employs sharp edges with no rounded corners or shadows to concentrate focus on the content.

3. Unique design aspects

  • Standout design choices: The striking contrast of dark backgrounds with bright text enhances visibility, creating a modern aesthetic that resonates with users.
  • Hover effects/animations: While the current design lacks animations, subtle hover effects could enhance user interaction and engagement.
  • Responsive design elements: This simple grid adapts easily to various screen sizes, ensuring your pricing info is accessible on any device.
  • Accessibility considerations: High contrast aids readability, contributing to accessibility, though alt text for images would enhance inclusivity.

4. Overall design style

  • Design style: Modern and minimalist, this pricing table emphasises clarity and effective communication of information.
  • Visual hierarchy: Prominent headings guide users’ attention, naturally leading the reader from titles to pricing and descriptions.
  • White space and balance: Thoughtful use of white space between rows heightens legibility, ensuring an uncluttered table easy on the eyes.

Use cases for pricing tables in WordPress

1. E-commerce product menus

Display your product ranges with clear pricing for potential customers. Pricing tables simplify comparison, encouraging informed purchasing decisions, and enhancing the AI website builder experience on your WordPress site.

2. SaaS subscription plans

Showcase different service tiers for software platforms. Highlight features of each plan, providing insight into what customers get at various price levels, aiding in choosing the best match for their needs.

3. Service packages

For businesses offering tiered services, pricing tables allow easy presentation of what each package includes. Clear visibility into services at each level helps clients decide which package suits them best.

4. Online course offerings

If you host or sell courses, pricing tables can illustrate each course’s content, benefits, and pricing, aiding in choosing the right course for potential learners looking to expand skills.

5. Membership options

Pricing tables delineate membership tiers, clearly displaying benefits, prices, and promotions, encouraging potential members to join.

6. Event tickets

For events with different ticket types or tiers, pricing tables simplify displaying key details and urging quick purchasing decisions.

7. Comparison page

Offering potential buyers a side-by-side comparison of your products versus others bolsters confidence in your offering, promoting purchases.

8. Real estate listings

Real estate agencies can employ pricing tables to showcase different property offerings, enhancing transparency via detailed feature-pricing presentations.

9. Fitness class schedules

Gyms and studios can utilise pricing tables to display class schedules, pricing, and packages, facilitating smooth signup processes for clients.

10. Hotel room rates

By displaying room types, features, and prices, hotels can help potential guests make informed booking decisions effectively through pricing tables.

Content ideas for pricing tables

1. Feature highlights

Include bold headlines or graphics showcasing key features of the product or service to draw customer attention and provide succinct information.

2. Customer reviews

Adding snippets of customer testimonials below pricing tables can foster trust and sway potential buyers, enhancing your argument for choosing your offerings.

3. Discount details

Apply clear visuals displaying ongoing promotions or discounts, encouraging potential customers to act fast and purchase your offerings.

4. FAQ section

Address common questions under or near the pricing tables to pre-empt buyer hesitancy, streamlining customer decision-making effectively.

5. Comparison chart

Utilise additional columns comparing competing products adds context, reinforcing why your offerings stand out, thus aiding buyer persuasion.

6. User demographics

Including demographic details about who uses each plan guides users towards selections aligning with their requirements and preferences.

7. Success stories

Incorporate brief success stories with individual offerings, enhancing customer trust and prompting purchase decisions, supporting the narrative delivered by the pricing table.

8. Customisation options

List customisable features aligned with product tiers, attracting buyers by suggesting unique tailoring to individual needs, driving higher engagement and purchase rates.

9. Payment options

Detail advantages of various payment methods, leading to hassle-free transactions, guided by vividly displayed associated benefits that suit customer convenience.

10. Risk-free trial invites

Market trial options with a visual hook, urging customers to explore options risk-free, underlying confidence in your service or product.


Our pricing table delivers a modern, minimalist approach to showcasing your offerings. Packed with enticing design elements and an intuitive layout, it’s the perfect addition to showcase products, revolutionising how potential customers interact with your site. Enhance your WordPress website design and wordpress website builder experience, or delve into [Elementor Alternatives]( for more flexibility.

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