Crafting an engaging homepage with MaxiBlocks: a WordPress template walkthrough

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WordPress block themes
Craftsman WordPress template

Tired of WordPress block themes that blend into the background?

Crafting a MaxiBlocks WordPress homepage template involves creating a visually appealing and functional design that captures visitors’ attention from the moment they land on the page. Here’s a breakdown of how each section can be structured and implemented using WordPress and the MaxiBlocks plugin, ensuring every title follows the sentence case guideline for a consistent and professional look.

Big bold hero with a fullscreen image 

The homepage opens with a striking full-screen hero image that sets the tone for the website. This section includes two prominently placed call-to-action (CTA) buttons. Social media icons are subtly positioned, allowing users to connect on various platforms easily.

Intro section with text and video

Following the hero section, the intro section provides a brief overview of the brand, its mission, or the individual’s background. Accompanied by a compelling video, this section offers a deeper insight into the craft and the people behind it, making the connection with visitors more personal and engaging.

Services section showing woodworking, metalwork, and pottery

This section showcases the range of services or crafts offered. Each service is represented visually, with accompanying descriptions. Interesting hover effects on each service block reveal more information or examples of work, adding an interactive element that encourages exploration.

Portfolio section

The portfolio section is a visually rich display of completed projects, allowing visitors to see the breadth and quality of work. This section benefits from MaxiBlocks’ capabilities, enabling beautiful galleries that come to life with interesting hover effects, providing details or anecdotes about each project when hovered over.

Full-screen call to action with a background image and call to action

A full-screen CTA section serves as a powerful nudge for visitors to take action, such as booking a consultation or viewing the online store. Set against a captivating background image that reflects the craft’s essence, this CTA aims to convert visitors into customers or clients.

Blog section

A dedicated blog section highlights recent posts or articles, offering insights, tips, or news related to the craft. This section not only educates and engages visitors but also helps in SEO efforts by keeping the content fresh and relevant. The interesting hover effects here can reveal the post’s summary or key takeaways.


The footer wraps up the homepage, providing essential information such as contact details, navigation links, and legal information. It’s designed for ease of use, ensuring visitors can find what they’re looking for quickly. The inclusion of a newsletter signup form or social media links encourages ongoing engagement.

Implementation notes
Craftman wordpress template
Craftsman WordPress theme

10 Top-notch resources to master WordPress in 2024 

WordPress, the world’s most popular content management system, empowers you to create stunning websites and blogs without needing to be a coding whiz. But with so many resources available, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Fear not, fellow wordsmiths! Here’s a curated list of 10 exceptional resources to propel your WordPress journey:

Dive into the world of WordPress and unlock its potential with these exceptional resources:

  • WordPress Codex: The official guide, packed with documentation, tutorials, and FAQs:
  • Watch video tutorials, workshops, and interviews with WordPress experts:
  • WPBeginner: Beginner-friendly tutorials, guides, and troubleshooting tips:
  • Elegant Themes Blog: Articles, tutorials, and case studies for design-conscious users:
  • SitePoint Learn: In-depth courses and tutorials, covering basic setup to advanced development: [[invalid URL removed]]
  • LinkedIn Learning: High-quality WordPress courses taught by industry
  • WPMU DEV: Documentation, tutorials, and plugins for multisite WordPress setups:
  • Yoast Academy: Learn SEO best practices and optimize your website with Yoast’s courses:

FAQs for “WordPress block themes”

What is a WordPress block theme?

A WordPress block theme is a type of theme that uses the WordPress block editor, also known as Gutenberg, to create and manage content. It allows users to build websites with a drag-and-drop interface using various content blocks.

How do I install a WordPress block theme?

To install a WordPress block theme, go to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Appearance > Themes, and click on “Add New”. Search for the block theme you want, click “Install”, and then “Activate”.

Can I customise a WordPress block theme?

Yes, you can customise a WordPress block theme. The block editor allows you to modify the layout, add or remove blocks, change colours, fonts, and other design elements to suit your preferences.

Are WordPress block themes free?

Many WordPress block themes are available for free in the WordPress theme repository. However, some premium block themes offer additional features and support for a fee.

How do I update a WordPress block theme?

To update a WordPress block theme, go to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Appearance > Themes, and check if an update is available for your active theme. If an update is available, click “Update Now” to install the latest version.

What are the benefits of using a WordPress block theme?

The benefits of using a WordPress block theme include a more flexible and intuitive design process, the ability to create complex layouts without coding, and improved consistency across your website’s design.

Can I use plugins with a WordPress block theme?

Yes, you can use plugins with a WordPress block theme. Most plugins are compatible with block themes and can enhance your website’s functionality by adding new blocks or extending existing ones.

How do I switch to a WordPress block theme?

To switch to a WordPress block theme, go to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Appearance > Themes, click “Add New”, and select the block theme you want to use. Click “Install” and then “Activate”. Be sure to preview the theme before activating it to ensure it meets your needs.

What is the difference between a WordPress block theme and a classic theme?

The main difference between a WordPress block theme and a classic theme is the way they handle content creation and layout. Block themes use the Gutenberg block editor for a more visual and flexible design process, while classic themes rely on the older editor and customizer for layout and content management.

Are WordPress block themes mobile-friendly?

Yes, most WordPress block themes are designed to be responsive and mobile-friendly. This means they will adjust and look good on various screen sizes, including smartphones and tablets. Always check the theme’s description and demo to ensure it meets your mobile responsiveness needs.

How do I find a good WordPress block theme?

To find a good WordPress block theme, start by browsing the WordPress theme repository and filter by features such as block editor support, responsiveness, and ratings. You can also look for reviews and recommendations from trusted WordPress blogs and forums.

Can I create my own WordPress block theme?

Yes, you can create your own WordPress block theme if you have knowledge of WordPress development. You will need to create theme files, define block templates, and use the block editor to design your theme’s layout. There are also tools and frameworks available to help you get started with block theme development.

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.