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How to choose the perfect colour scheme for your WordPress site

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Free themes for your WordPress site

Understand your brand and audience

Before selecting colours, think about your brand and who your audience is. Your colour scheme should match your brand’s personality and the feelings you want to evoke. For instance, a financial institution might benefit from trustworthy blues and greys, which can convey professionalism and reliability. On the other hand, a children’s toy store might use bright, playful colours like yellow and orange to appear fun and energetic.

Consider cultural differences too. Colours can mean different things in different cultures. Ensure your colours resonate well with your target demographic. For example, while white might symbolize purity in some cultures, it can represent mourning in others.

Learn the basics of colour theory

A basic understanding of colour theory can help you create a balanced and appealing colour scheme. Here are some tips:

Use primary colours (red, blue, yellow) as your base, and mix them to create secondary colours (like purple from red and blue).

Tertiary colours are made by mixing a primary colour with a secondary colour, offering more nuanced choices.

Complementary colours, like red and green, are opposite each other on the colour wheel and provide high contrast, making elements stand out.

Analogous colours, such as blue, blue-green, and green, are next to each other on the colour wheel and create a harmonious look.

Applying these principles, you can balance your site’s colour scheme to avoid clashing and ensure a visually pleasing experience.

Optimizing your WordPress site
Optimizing your WordPress site

Consider colour psychology

Colours can influence how people feel and behave. Here are some common associations:

Red often creates excitement and urgency, making it suitable for call-to-action buttons or sale banners.

Blue can convey trust and calm, perfect for corporate or medical websites.

Green is linked to growth and health, ideal for eco-friendly or wellness brands.

Yellow suggests happiness and optimism, great for attracting attention and creating a friendly vibe.

Purple is associated with luxury and creativity, making it suitable for brands in the fashion or design industries.

Orange denotes enthusiasm and energy, good for promoting activities or events.

Black offers sophistication and power, fitting for high-end products or services.

White signifies cleanliness and simplicity, excellent for minimalist designs or health-related sites.

Match the emotions and messages you want to convey with appropriate colours to create the desired impact.

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Use online tools for inspiration

Several online tools can help you find and create colour schemes:

Adobe Color allows you to experiment with and save custom colour schemes, making it easier to see how different combinations work.

Coolors generates colour palettes and lets you explore popular schemes, providing a starting point for your design.

Canva offers pre-made colour palettes and tools for creating custom ones, useful for those who need quick and professional-looking combinations.

Color Hunt provides a collection of beautiful, curated colour schemes, offering inspiration when you’re stuck.

Using these tools, you can visualise how different colours will look together and make more informed decisions.

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Test your colour scheme

Once you’ve chosen a colour scheme, test it on your site. Create mockups or use a staging site to see how the colours look in real-world conditions. Pay attention to:

Readability: Ensure that text is easy to read against the background colours. Poor readability can frustrate users and drive them away.

Accessibility: Make sure your colour scheme is accessible to everyone, including those with colour blindness. Tools like WebAIM can help you check for sufficient contrast.

Consistency: Use your colours consistently across your site for a cohesive look. Consistency helps build brand recognition and trust.

Testing your colour scheme in a real environment will help you catch potential issues before your site goes live.

Build like a pro

Get feedback and refine

Additional resources

To learn more about colour theory and psychology, explore resources like Adobe Color and Canva, which offer tools and tutorials to help you experiment with and understand colour schemes better. For accessibility, WebAIM is a great resource. Keep learning and exploring to ensure your WordPress site looks and performs its best.

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FAQ: WordPress website design

What are WordPress block themes?

WordPress block themes are designed for use with the Gutenberg block editor, allowing users to customize every aspect of their site using blocks. These themes support features like dark mode for better visual comfort. 10 WordPress themes.

How do open-source website builders contribute to WordPress design trends?

Open-source builders like the Gutenberg editor provide customizable and flexible design tools, making website creation accessible and encouraging creativity. Page builders for WordPress.

Can AI and machine learning be integrated with WordPress website builders?

Yes, some WordPress builders now integrate AI and machine learning to offer personalized user experiences, such as smart content recommendations and AI-driven chatbots. Modern web design.

What is full site editing in WordPress?

Full site editing allows for comprehensive control over a site’s design, including headers, footers, and global styles, directly within the Gutenberg editor. This feature enhances flexibility and design consistency. Custom layouts in WordPress.

Why is mobile-first design important for WordPress sites?

With increasing mobile internet usage, mobile-first design ensures better accessibility and user experience on mobile devices, which is crucial for modern web design. Responsive design with WordPress.

How can I optimize user experience in WordPress?

Optimizing user experience involves improving site speed, navigation, and accessibility. This includes using responsive design, clean layouts, and interactive elements. Optimizing user experience.

What role does typography play in web design?

Typography is essential in web design for readability and aesthetics. Choosing the right fonts and sizes enhances user engagement and site appeal. Typography in web design.

How do you get started with WordPress website design?

Starting with WordPress website design involves choosing a theme, customizing your site with the Gutenberg editor, and optimizing for responsiveness and user experience. WordPress website design getting started.

What makes a successful WordPress site?

A successful WordPress site is well-designed, user-friendly, and optimized for performance. Case studies can provide insights into best practices and effective strategies. Successful WordPress website designs.

What basic steps are involved in setting up a WordPress site?

Setting up a WordPress site involves installing WordPress, selecting and installing themes and plugins, and configuring settings for optimal performance and security. WordPress site.

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.


Kyra Pieterse


Kyra is the co-founder and creative lead of MaxiBlocks, an open-source page builder for WordPress Gutenberg.

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