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12 Block enabled WordPress themes: The ultimate guide to block-enabled WordPress websites for every niche

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Exploring block-enabled WordPress themes

Exploring block-enabled WordPress themes

What are block-enabled themes?

Block-enabled themes are, at their core, WordPress themes optimized for the Gutenberg editor.  This editor introduces a block-based approach to content creation.  Imagine each piece of content—text, image, video—as a distinct block that can be individually added, arranged, and styled.  These themes are built specifically for this system, offering users a collection of pre-designed and customizable blocks that seamlessly combine to form a cohesive website.

Advantages of block-enabled themes:

  • Effortless design: Drag and drop blocks to create layouts, without touching a single line of code. Blocks are the building blocks of your pages, and you can style them individually for a unique look.
  • Cohesive style: Blocks ensure a consistent look and feel across your entire site. No matter where you place a block, it will maintain the same style and functionality.
  • Future-proof your website: Block themes are built to keep pace with the latest advancements in WordPress. This means your website will stay modern and functional as WordPress continues to evolve.

The Gutenberg editor

WordPress themes that use patterns
Block templates

Page types across different themes

We’ll explore the unique features and functionalities that make each page type for a website’s success in its respective category.

1) Blogs

Homepage layouts for every blog

  • Grid layout: Perfect for blogs heavy on visuals, this layout displays posts in a grid format. Visitors can quickly scan and choose content that grabs their attention.
  • List layout: This classic blog layout presents posts chronologically, with the newest content at the top. It’s ideal for text-focused blogs.
  • Magazine layout: Combining elements of grid and list layouts, this option features a mix of highlighted posts and standard listings. It’s perfect for blogs with diverse content categories.

All these layouts are easily customizable with blocks, allowing bloggers to tailor their homepage to their audience’s preferences and the blog’s content strategy.

Post formats

Block-enabled themes offer various post formats to suit different content types:

  • Standard posts: The foundation of any blog, these are primarily text-based but can incorporate images and videos.
  • Video posts: Ideal for vloggers and video-focused creators, these formats prioritize video content.
  • Gallery posts: Perfect for showcasing photo essays or product images, allowing for visually engaging content.
  • Audio posts: Cater to podcasts and music bloggers by integrating audio files directly into the post layout.

Themes offer built-in blocks for each format, simplifying the creation process and providing a rich multimedia experience.

Archive pages

  • Date: This could be a monthly archive, yearly archive, or even archive for specific days.
  • Category: If you’ve categorized your blog posts (e.g., recipes, travel, tech), clicking on a category will display an archive page with all posts belonging to that category.
  • Tag: Similar to categories, tags are another way to group related posts. Clicking on a tag will show an archive page with all posts tagged with that term.

Archive pages act like folders in a filing cabinet, keeping your content organized and easily accessible for readers.

Author bios and social sharing

  • Author bios: Blocks for author bios can be added to posts or dedicated author pages, offering readers a glimpse into the writer’s background and other works. This personal touch can enhance reader engagement and foster a sense of community around the blog.
  • Social sharing features: Social media blocks integrate sharing options directly into posts and pages, making it easy for readers to spread the word about their favourite content. Customizable buttons and links encourage social interaction, extending the blog’s reach.
What is a web design WordPress theme
Block theme WordPress

2) E-Commerce

In the competitive world of online retail, e-commerce websites need more than just product listings. They require a specialized set of features that streamline the buying process and create a delightful shopping experience. Let’s explore how these themes cater to the essential needs of any e-commerce website.

Product pages

Product pages are the heart of any online store, showcasing each item like a storefront. 

  • Product descriptions: Create detailed descriptions using text, images, and videos. Blocks allow you to present a comprehensive view of the product, informing customers and building trust.
  • Customizable layouts: Highlight key features, reviews, and related products to give visitors all the information they need for a confident purchase.
  • Engaging product galleries: Showcase products with image sliders, zoom effects, and even 360° views. These features let customers get a closer look, creating confidence in their buying decisions.

Category pages

Category pages organize your online store, helping customers find what they need quickly. Block-enabled themes let you:

  • Customize layouts: Arrange products in grid or list formats, with customizable filters for price, popularity, and new arrivals.
  • Visual appeal: Incorporate banners and headers to highlight promotions or featured categories, making the shopping experience more engaging.
  • Advanced sorting options: Allow customers to sort products based on various criteria, like price or brand, enhancing the site’s usability.

This can help customers find their desired products.


Turning browsers into buyers relies heavily on a smooth shopping cart and checkout process. Block-enabled themes help by:

  • Simple checkout: Create a user-friendly checkout process with customizable blocks for payment information, shipping options, and order summaries.
  • Shopping cart: Offer customers options to update quantities, remove items, or continue shopping, all within a clean and intuitive interface.
  • Security assurances: Integrate blocks for security badges and encryption notices, reassuring customers that their transactions are safe.

These can reduce cart abandonment rates and boost overall sales.

Building loyalty with customer accounts

Customer accounts personalize the shopping experience, allowing users to manage orders, track shipments, and save preferences. Block-enabled themes enable:

  • Personalized dashboards: Design dashboards where customers can view recent orders, manage shipping addresses, and update payment methods.
  • Order history and tracking: Allow customers to review past purchases and track the status of current shipments.
  • Wishlist integration: Enable customers to save products for future purchases, keeping them engaged with your store.

These personalized touches make shopping more convenient, encouraging repeat business and building customer loyalty.

How to install a WordPress theme
Block compatible WordPress themes

3) Portfolio

Portfolio grid layouts

  • Customizable grids: Use blocks to create dynamic grid layouts that can be tailored to fit any style of work, from photography to graphic design. These grids can be adjusted to display projects in various sizes and proportions, highlighting particular pieces.
  • Hover effects: Implement hover effects on portfolio items for a more interactive experience. This can include overlays with project titles or brief descriptions, enticing visitors to click through for more details.
  • Filtering options: Add categorization and filtering options to allow visitors to sort portfolio items by type, date, or theme. This feature enhances the user experience by making it easier to find specific works.

Case study pages

  • Detailed project descriptions: Give comprehensive case study pages using blocks to detail the project’s scope, the challenges faced, and the solutions provided. This narrative approach helps potential clients understand your problem-solving skills.
  • Image and video galleries: Integrate galleries to showcase the project’s development stages, final outputs, and behind-the-scenes looks. These visual elements are crucial for storytelling and demonstrating the project’s impact.
  • Testimonials and client feedback: Include blocks for client testimonials or press mentions. This social proof can significantly bolster your credibility and attract new business.

About the artist/designer page

  • Personal biography: Use a combination of text and image blocks to tell your story. Highlight your background, inspirations, and artistic philosophy to connect with site visitors on a personal level.
  • Skills and services: Outline the services you offer and your areas of expertise. This information helps potential clients understand what you bring to the table.
  • Achievements and exhibitions: Display awards, recognitions, and past exhibitions or projects to establish your credentials and experience.

Contact forms

  • Custom forms: Create customized contact forms with blocks, allowing potential clients to reach out to you directly. These forms can be tailored to request specific information, such as project type, budget, and timelines.
  • Location and availability: Include a map block to show your location and details about your availability for projects or collaborations. This information is particularly useful for local clients and opportunities.
  • Social media links: Incorporate blocks for social media links, making it easy for visitors to follow you on various platforms. This expands your reach and facilitates engagement with a broader audience.
Choosing the perfect WordPress themes for your business
WordPress block templates

4) Landing pages

Landing pages are targeted web pages designed to achieve a specific goal, like generating leads, promoting a product, or driving sales. To be successful, they need to be clear, concise, and persuasive. Here are the key elements that make a landing page effective:

1. Hero section with a compelling call to action (CTA):  This is the first thing visitors see, so it needs to grab their attention and communicate the value proposition of your offer.  A strong hero section typically includes:

  • Powerful headline: Briefly explain the benefits visitors will gain by taking action.
  • Engaging visual: Use an image or video that captures attention and reflects your brand.
  • Clear CTA button: Tell visitors what you want them to do, like “Download Now,” “Sign Up Today,” or “Learn More.”

2. Feature sections:  Display the benefits and features of your offering.  Use clear and concise language, bullet points, and visuals to highlight what makes your product or service unique and valuable.

3. Social proof:  Testimonials, reviews, logos of trusted brands, and case studies add credibility to your claims and build trust with visitors.  Potential customers are more likely to convert if they see others have had positive experiences.

4. Contact forms or lead capture elements:  Make it easy for visitors to take action.  Include a clear and concise form where they can provide their contact information or express their interest in your offer.

With these key elements, you can create landing pages that effectively capture attention, generate leads, and achieve your desired conversion goals.

Boosting your SEO with WordPress themes
Gutenberg template library

5) Service sites

Service websites need to showcase expertise, build trust, and convert visitors into paying clients. Here’s how to achieve that with key website elements:

1. Service detail pages:

  • Clearly define your services: Dedicate individual pages to each service you offer. Explain what the service entails, the benefits it provides, and the target audience it serves. Use clear language and avoid jargon.
  • Showcase your process: Walk potential clients through the typical process of working with you. This builds trust and sets expectations.

2. Pricing tables:

  • Transparent pricing: Make pricing clear and easy to understand. Use well-designed pricing tables that outline different service packages, their key features, and associated costs.
  • Offer flexible options: Consider offering a variety of packages or tiered pricing structures to cater to different budgets and project needs.

3. Booking/appointment pages:

  • Booking: Allow clients to easily schedule appointments or consultations directly through your website. Use a user-friendly booking system that integrates with your calendar.
  • Offer multiple options: Provide flexibility by offering different booking methods, such as online forms, phone calls, or email inquiries.

4. Testimonials and team member bios:

  • Social proof with testimonials: Showcase positive feedback from past clients through testimonials and reviews. This builds trust and demonstrates the value you deliver.
  • Highlight expertise with team bios: Introduce your team members with bios that showcase their experience, skills, and qualifications. This personalizes your service and positions you as a trusted authority.

Convert visitors into paying clients by building trust, transparency, and a sense of ease in the service booking process.

Choosing a theme
WordPress block pattern directory

6) Travel sites

Travel websites should inspire and inform users to plan their dream vacations. Here are the key elements to create a travel website that captures and converts into paying customers:

1. Destination guides:

  • Become the local expert: Offer in-depth destination guides that cover must-see sights, hidden gems, cultural experiences, and local recommendations. Cater to diverse interests and travel styles.
  • Visually captivating content: Complement informative text with high-quality photos and videos that transport users to the destination.

2. Booking engines:

  • Booking: Integrate user-friendly booking engines for tours, accommodations, and activities. Allow travellers to compare options, filter by preferences, and book directly through the website.
  • Real-time availability and pricing: Ensure accurate and up-to-date information on availability and pricing to build trust and streamline the booking process.

3. Travel blog sections:

  • Share your travel expertise: Maintain a blog section with travel stories, destination tips, and insider knowledge.
  • Seasonal and themed content: Keep your content fresh and relevant with seasonal updates, travel trends, and themed pieces that cater to specific interests (e.g., adventure travel, family vacations, culinary experiences).

4. User-generated content:

  • Reviews and ratings: Allow users to leave reviews and ratings for destinations, accommodations, and tours. This social proof builds trust and helps potential travellers make informed decisions.
  • Curate user-generated photos and videos: Showcase user-generated photos and videos alongside professional content. This adds authenticity and allows travellers to see the destination through the eyes of fellow adventurers.

Travel websites can create an immersive and informative online experience, inspiring users, simplifying planning, and ultimately converting them into explorers.

WordPress full-site editing is only available in block themes
WordPress block theme

7) Trade

Trade websites need to be functional and cater to the specific needs of industry professionals. Here are the key ingredients to create a website that drives conversions:

1. Comprehensive catalog pages:

  • Detailed product and service listings: Showcase your offerings with clear and informative product pages. Include high-quality images, technical specifications, pricing options, and relevant downloadable resources (e.g., brochures, data sheets).
  • Advanced search and filtering: Implement robust search and filtering functionalities to allow buyers to easily find what they need based on specific criteria (e.g., product category, application, technical specifications).

2. Quote request forms:

  • Simplify order inquiries: Make it easy for potential customers to request quotes for your products or services. Offer user-friendly forms that capture essential information and streamline the buying process.
  • Multiple contact options: Provide various ways for customers to reach you, such as phone numbers, email addresses, and live chat options.

3. Industry-specific tools:

  • Add value beyond products: Offer industry-specific tools and resources that demonstrate your expertise and add value for potential buyers. This could include measurement converters, technical calculators, or downloadable industry white papers.
  • Interactive content and calculators: Incorporate interactive tools like product configurators or cost calculators to enhance user engagement.

4. Building trust and credibility:

  • Testimonials and case studies: Showcase positive client testimonials and case studies that highlight successful partnerships and the benefits you deliver. Build trust and establish yourself as a reliable industry partner.
  • Certification pages: Display any relevant industry certifications or accreditations to demonstrate your commitment to quality and expertise. This reinforces trust and positions you as a leader in your field.

Trade websites can become powerful business tools that attract qualified leads and convert interest into successful transactions.

WordPress full site editing theme
WordPress block templates

8) Agency

Agency websites can be a powerful marketing tool, showcasing expertise, building trust, and turning visitors into clients. Here are some ideas to create an agency website that converts:

1. Compelling portfolio showcases:

  • Highlight your best work: Dedicate a prominent section to showcase your agency’s best work. Include high-quality visuals, clear project descriptions, and quantifiable results to demonstrate the impact you’ve delivered for past clients.
  • Cater to diverse needs: Curate your portfolio to showcase your expertise across different services and industries.

2. In-depth case studies and project highlights:

  • Go beyond the portfolio: Show successful projects with detailed case studies. Explain the challenges faced, strategies implemented, and the positive outcomes achieved for clients.
  • Data-driven results: Back up your stories with data and metrics whenever possible. Showcase the positive impact your work has had on clients’ businesses (e.g., increased sales, improved brand awareness).

3. Building trust with team member profiles:

  • Put a face to the name: Feature individual profiles for your team members. Highlight their expertise, experience, and achievements to build trust and showcase the talent behind your agency.
  • Humanize your agency: Showcase team member bios with a personal touch. Include photos, snippets of their personality, and even links to their social media profiles (if appropriate).

4. Clear Service Overview and Contact Pages:

  • Articulate your value proposition: Clearly outline the services you offer and the value you deliver to clients. Use concise language and avoid industry jargon.
  • Multiple contact options: Make it easy for potential clients to reach you. Include prominent calls to action, a contact form, your email address, and phone number.
The future of web design A WordPress full site editing theme
Block compatible WordPress themes

9) Corporate

Corporate websites serve a role in establishing transparency and trust with various stakeholders. Here are the key elements to create a website that informs investors, showcases leadership, and attracts top talent:

1. Investor relations pages:

  • Financial transparency: Dedicate a section to investor relations, providing clear and up-to-date financial information. Include annual reports, quarterly filings, press releases related to financial performance, and shareholder information.
  • Investor events and webcasts: Announce upcoming investor events and webcasts where investors can learn more about the company’s strategy and financial outlook.

2. Corporate governance and team leadership:

  • Highlighting leadership: Showcase your corporate governance structure and leadership team. Include biographies of board members and key executives, highlighting their experience and qualifications.
  • Demonstrating commitment: Communicate the company’s commitment to ethical practices, social responsibility, and environmental sustainability.

3. Comprehensive press release archives:

  • Sharing your story: Maintain a readily accessible archive of press releases, keeping stakeholders informed about company news, product launches, partnerships, and major announcements.
  • Categorization and search functionality: Organize press releases by category and date, and implement a search function for easy access to specific information.

4. Attracting top talent:

  • Career opportunities section: Dedicate a section to showcasing career opportunities within the company. Provide detailed job descriptions, benefits information, and a user-friendly application process.
  • Employee testimonials: Incorporate employee testimonials to showcase the company culture and the value of working for the organization.
Block compatible themes
WordPress block templates

10) Magazine

Magazine websites need to be engaging, informative, and visually compelling to compete for reader attention. Here are the key elements to create a website that captures the essence of your magazine and fosters a loyal online readership:

1. Captivating featured stories sections:

  • Highlight top content: Feature your most engaging and impactful stories prominently on the homepage and throughout the website. Use captivating visuals, headlines, and short excerpts to entice readers and drive traffic to your best content.
  • Curate fresh content regularly: Update featured stories frequently to keep readers engaged and coming back for more.

2. Well-organized category-specific news pages:

  • Categorical navigation: Organize your content into clear categories that reflect your magazine’s focus areas. This allows readers to easily find topics of interest.
  • Subcategories for deeper dives: Consider implementing subcategories within each main category to provide further refinement and cater to more specific interests within your audience.

3. Encouraging loyalty with subscriptions and memberships:

  • Offer exclusive content: Provide tiered subscription or membership options that grant access to exclusive content, such as in-depth analysis, bonus articles, or ad-free experiences.
  • Value-added benefits: Consider offering additional benefits with subscriptions, like access to member forums, discounts on merchandise, or invitations to special events.

4. Social media integration:

  • Share buttons for easy dissemination: Integrate social media sharing buttons prominently throughout your website. This allows readers to easily share your content with their networks, expanding your reach and audience engagement.
  • Social media presence: Maintain active social media profiles that connect with your audience, promote your latest stories, and encourage conversation around your content.

Attracts readers and positions the publication as a trusted source of information and insightful content.

MaxiBlock based full site editing theme
MaxiBlocks WordPress theme

11) Educational

Educational websites are a bridge between institutions and prospective students, faculty, and the broader community. Here are the key elements to create a website that attracts learners, showcases expertise, and fosters a vibrant online community:

1. Comprehensive course catalogues and descriptions:

  • Detailed course listings: Provide a clear and searchable course catalogue. Include detailed descriptions for each course, outlining objectives, learning outcomes, instructors, schedules, and any prerequisites.
  • Interactive features: Consider incorporating interactive features like sample syllabi, video introductions from instructors, or student reviews to enhance course exploration.

2. Connecting with faculty and staff:

  • Faculty and staff directories: Maintain a directory of faculty and staff. Include photos, biographies, areas of expertise, contact information, and links to publications or research profiles.
  • Humanizing the institution: Showcase faculty achievements and research areas to highlight the intellectual depth of the institution.

3. Enrollment process:

  • Accessible enrollment and application forms: Offer user-friendly online enrollment and application forms that simplify the admissions process for prospective students.
  • Clear instructions and deadlines: Provide clear instructions and deadlines for applications, financial aid, and other enrollment steps.

4. Keeping everyone informed:

  • Up-to-date event calendars: Maintain a regularly updated events calendar showcasing upcoming lectures, workshops, student activities, and other campus events.
  • News and announcement sections: Dedicate a section to news announcements, keeping students, faculty, staff, and the community informed about important updates, policy changes, and institutional achievements.

Educational websites can become a valuable resource centre, fostering a sense of community, and attracting a diverse range of learners and educators.

Essential WordPress block themes you need
Block-enabled WordPress themes

12) Non-Profit

Non-profit websites help raise awareness, secure donations and attract volunteers for a worthy cause. Here are the key elements to create a website that inspires action, builds trust, and fosters a strong community:

1. Compelling donation pages:

  • Clear call to action: Make donating easy with prominent and user-friendly donation pages. Clearly explain how donations will be used and the impact they will have.
  • Multiple donation options: Offer various donation options to cater to different giving capacities. This could include one-time donations, recurring monthly donations, and tribute gifts in honour or memory of loved ones.

2. Engaging event calendars and registration forms:

  • Showcase upcoming events: Maintain a visually appealing calendar highlighting upcoming fundraising events, volunteer opportunities, awareness campaigns, and community gatherings.
  • Registration forms: Integrate user-friendly online registration forms for events, allowing participants to sign up quickly and efficiently.

3. Volunteers:

  • Volunteer sign-up forms: Simplify the volunteer process with clear and accessible volunteer sign-up forms. Highlight the different volunteer opportunities available and how they contribute to the organization’s mission.
  • Volunteer testimonials: Showcase testimonials from existing volunteers to share their positive experiences and inspire others to get involved.

4. Building transparency with Impact reports and success stories:

  • Demonstrate impact: Dedicate a section to showcasing the impact of your organization’s work. Use compelling data visualizations, infographics, and success stories to demonstrate how donations and volunteer efforts translate to positive change.
  • Regular updates: Provide regular updates on ongoing projects and initiatives, keeping donors and supporters informed about the tangible results of their contributions.

Build a strong community of supporters who are invested in the organization’s success.

Section 3: Choosing the right theme for your needs

Key Considerations

  • Performance:  A website’s speed is crucial for user experience and search engine ranking. Choose a theme that is lightweight and optimized for fast loading times. Look for themes that use clean code and avoid unnecessary bloatware.
  • SEO (Search engine optimization):  Attract organic traffic by ensuring your theme is SEO-friendly. Look for themes that follow best practices for code structure, meta descriptions, and image optimization.
  • Mobile responsiveness: Your website should adapt to different screen sizes, ensuring good viewing experiences on desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Theme support and updates

Evaluating themes

  • Explore theme demos: Most themes offer demo versions that showcase their features and design aesthetics. Use these demos to get a feel for the theme’s functionality and layout options.
  • Read user reviews: User reviews offer valuable insights into the theme’s user-friendliness, performance, and support quality. Look for themes with positive reviews and a good track record.
  • Research the developer: Choose themes from reputable developers known for creating high-quality and well-maintained themes. Check the developer’s website for their portfolio and support policies.

The future is bright: Block themes and WordPress advancements

WordPress block templates
WordPress block templates

12) Non-Profit

What exactly are block-enabled WordPress themes?

Block-enabled themes are WordPress themes specifically designed to leverage the Gutenberg editor. They allow for easy customization using blocks, which are individual pieces of content such as text, images, and videos.

Why should I choose a block-enabled theme for my WordPress site?

Are block-enabled WordPress themes suitable for beginners?

Yes, they are particularly user-friendly for beginners due to their drag-and-drop functionality, making website building accessible without coding knowledge.

Can I use block-enabled WordPress themes for an eCommerce site?

Absolutely. Many block-enabled WordPress themes are fully compatible with WooCommerce and other eCommerce plugins, offering specialized blocks for product listings, shopping carts, and checkouts.

How do block-enabled WordPress themes stay up to date with WordPress updates?

Do block-enabled WordPress themes work with all WordPress plugins?

While block-enabled WordPress themes generally work well with most plugins, compatibility issues can occasionally arise, especially with older plugins not optimized for Gutenberg. It’s always best to test and verify.

How can I customize block templates within a block-enabled WordPress theme?

Are there block-enabled WordPress themes that cater to specific industries or niches?

What should I look for when choosing a block-enabled WordPress theme?

Consider factors like speed, SEO optimization, mobile responsiveness, support and documentation, and specific features relevant to your site’s needs.

Can block-enabled WordPress themes improve my site’s performance?

Many block-enabled WordPress themes are optimized for speed and performance, minimizing bloat and ensuring your site loads quickly.

How do block-enabled WordPress themes handle responsive design?

These WordPress themes are built with responsiveness in mind, using blocks that automatically adjust to fit various screen sizes and devices.

What is the best way to evaluate a block-enabled theme before purchasing?

Review the WordPress theme demo, check user ratings and reviews, explore the theme’s support and documentation, and ensure it meets your specific design and functionality requirements.

Can I switch from another theme to a block-enabled WordPress theme without losing my content?

Yes, but while your content will remain intact, you may need to reconfigure some elements to take full advantage of the new theme’s block capabilities.

How often do I need to update my block-enabled WordPress theme?

Are there any resources for learning how to use block-enabled WordPress themes effectively?

Can block-enabled WordPress themes be customized with CSS?

Yes, even though block-enabled WordPress themes are designed for ease of use within the Gutenberg editor, they can still be customized further with custom CSS for more advanced styling.

Do block-enabled themes support multilingual websites?

Many block-enabled themes are translation-ready and compatible with multilingual plugins, making it easier to create websites in multiple languages.

How can I add social sharing features to my block-enabled theme?

Use the Gutenberg editor’s social blocks or install social sharing plugins that integrate well with your theme to add social media buttons.

What’s the difference between free and premium block-enabled themes?

Premium themes often offer more features, customization options, dedicated support, and regular updates compared to free themes, which might be more basic and have limited support.

Where can I find block-enabled themes for my WordPress website?

You can browse the WordPress theme directory, as well as marketplaces and theme shops that specialize in block-enabled themes. Always ensure you choose reputable sources to avoid issues with support and updates. For additional information, click here WordPress block templates

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.