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10 must-try WordPress block patterns for your site

WordPress block pattern
WordPress block pattern

WordPress block patterns have improved how we design and manage WordPress sites. These patterns let you create interesting layouts quickly and easily, without needing to code. This guide will introduce you to ten practical block patterns that you can use on your WordPress site. These patterns are perfect for anyone looking to improve their site’s look and functionality, and we’ll show you how to get started with them using MaxiBlocks.

What are WordPress block patterns?

WordPress block patterns are pre-designed layouts made up of multiple blocks. They differ from individual blocks and reusable blocks by providing a complete design that you can insert into your pages or posts with a single click. This makes them incredibly useful for creating consistent, attractive designs across your site. Using block patterns can save you time and effort, making your design process smoother and more efficient.

How to add and use block patterns in WordPress

To add and use block patterns in WordPress, start by accessing the block pattern library within the WordPress editor. You can find a variety of patterns to suit different needs. If you need more options, consider installing block pattern plugins like MaxiBlocks. Once you have chosen a pattern, you can insert it into your page or post and customise it to fit your design. Adjusting colours, fonts, and images within the pattern to create a unique look for your site.

Top 10 must-try WordPress block patterns

Hero section with call-to-action 
The hero section with a call-to-action is perfect for grabbing visitors’ attention as soon as they land on your site. This pattern typically includes a full-width background image, overlay text, and a prominent button. You can use this to highlight important information or encourage users to take a specific action. After inserting the pattern, you can update the text, button, and background to match your branding.

Design tip: Use high-quality, visually appealing background images and compelling text to make the hero section more engaging.

Testimonials slider 
The testimonials slider is ideal for showcasing client feedback and building trust with your audience. This pattern features a carousel of client testimonials, complete with text and images. It helps add social proof to your site, making it more credible.

Design tip: Include photos of clients along with their testimonials to add a personal touch.

WordPress icon block pattern
WordPress icon block pattern

Services or feature grid

The services grid is a versatile pattern that lets you display your services or features in a clean, organised layout. Each service or feature is presented in a grid format with icons and text, making it easy for visitors to understand what you offer. Customise the icons and text to suit your needs, and use this pattern to clearly communicate your offerings.

Design tip: Use consistent and visually appealing icons to represent each service, and keep the descriptions concise and clear.

Image gallery with lightbox 
An image gallery with a lightbox is perfect for showcasing photos in a stylish and interactive way. This pattern displays images in a grid, and clicking on any image opens it in a larger view, thanks to the lightbox functionality. It’s great for photographers, artists, or anyone who wants to highlight visual content. Insert the pattern and add your images to create a visually appealing gallery.

Design tip: Ensure the images are high-resolution and well-composed to create a professional and engaging gallery.

Pricing table 
The pricing table pattern helps you present your pricing plans or packages in an easy-to-read format. It typically includes columns for different plans, with details about features and prices. This makes it simple for potential customers to compare options and choose the best one. Customise the columns and text to reflect your offerings.

Design tip: Highlight the most popular or recommended plan to guide visitors towards a particular option, and use contrasting colours to differentiate between plans.

Team members section 
Showcasing your team can add a personal touch to your site. The team members section pattern includes photos and bios for your team members, with options for adding social media links. This pattern is ideal for businesses that want to highlight the people behind the scenes. Add your team members’ details and photos to personalise this section. 

Design tip: Use professional photos and include brief but engaging bios that highlight each team member’s expertise and role.

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Blog posts grid 
The blog posts grid pattern is excellent for displaying recent blog posts in a visually appealing layout. Each post is presented with an image, title, and excerpt, making it easy for visitors to find and read your news. Use this pattern to keep your blog section organised and engaging. 

Design tip: Use eye-catching images and compelling excerpts to draw readers in, and make sure the grid layout is clean and easy to navigate.

Contact form with map 
Including a contact form with a map is a great way to provide visitors with an easy way to reach you while also showing your location. This pattern combines a contact form with an embedded Google Map. It’s useful for businesses with physical locations. Customise the form fields and map location to match your details. 

Design tip: Ensure the contact form is simple and straightforward, asking only for essential information to make it user-friendly.

Feature list with icons 
A feature list with icons is perfect for highlighting the benefits or key points of your products or services. This pattern uses icons and text to make the information easy to scan and understand. It’s a versatile pattern that can be used on any page to draw attention to important features.

Design tip: Use clear and recognisable icons, and keep the text brief and to the point to maintain clarity and impact.

Newsletter signup section 
Encouraging visitors to sign up for your newsletter is easier with a dedicated signup section. This pattern includes a form for collecting email addresses and often integrates with email marketing services. Use this to grow your mailing list and keep visitors engaged with your updates. 

Design tip: Offer an incentive for signing up, such as a discount or free resource, and make the signup process quick and simple.

Tips for customising block patterns

To make the most of WordPress block patterns, you can personalise them to match your brand. Adjust colours, fonts, and images within the patterns to create a cohesive look. Adding custom CSS can further improve your designs. Once you’ve created the perfect layout, save your customised block patterns for future use, making your design process more efficient. WordPress block patterns are a powerful tool for improving the design and functionality of your WordPress site. These ten must-try patterns offer a range of options to help you create beautiful, effective pages quickly. Experiment with these patterns to see how they can improve your site, and visit MaxiBlocks for more design resources and tips.

WordPress call to action block pattern
WordPress call to action block pattern

10 Tips for using WordPress block patterns with a block template

1. Start with a clear layout plan

Before diving into using WordPress block patterns, have a clear idea of the layout you want to achieve. Sketch a basic layout or use a wireframe to visualise the structure of your page. This will help you select the right block patterns and arrange them effectively.

2. Use consistent styling

Ensure that the block patterns you choose follow a consistent style throughout your website. This includes using matching colours, fonts, and spacing. Consistency is key to creating a professional and cohesive look. Tools like MaxiBlocks can help maintain uniformity across different block patterns.

3. Customise block patterns to fit your needs

Don’t just use block patterns as they are. Customise them to better fit your content and branding. Adjust text, images, and other elements within the block patterns to match your website’s identity. This personalisation can make a big difference in how your site looks and feels.

4. Combine multiple block patterns

Mix and match different WordPress block patterns to create unique and engaging layouts. Combining patterns for headers, footers, testimonials, and call-to-action sections can result in a dynamic and interactive page. Experiment with various combinations to see what works best for your content.

5. Save customised patterns for reuse 

If you find yourself using the same customised block patterns repeatedly, save them for future use. WordPress allows you to save your customised patterns, making it easy to reuse them on other pages or posts. This can save time and ensure consistency across your site.

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6. Utilise the WordPress pattern library

Explore the WordPress pattern library to discover a wide range of pre-designed block patterns. This library is continually updated with new patterns, providing you with fresh ideas and layouts to use. The MaxiBlocks pattern library is also a valuable resource for finding high-quality patterns.

7. Optimise for mobile

Ensure that your block patterns are responsive and look good on all devices. Test your designs on various screen sizes to make sure they adapt well. Many WordPress block patterns are designed to be responsive, but it’s always a good idea to double-check and make adjustments if needed.

8. Use block patterns for content variety

Block patterns can add variety to your content, making it more engaging for visitors. Use different patterns for sections like hero images, galleries, team member profiles, and more. This variety can keep your pages interesting and visually appealing.

9. Keep an eye on performance

While using multiple block patterns can enhance your site’s design, be mindful of performance. Ensure that your pages load quickly by optimising images and minimising the use of heavy elements. 

10. Experiment and iterate

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different block patterns and layouts. The flexibility of WordPress allows you to easily try new designs and make adjustments. Regularly review and iterate on your designs to keep your website fresh and up-to-date. By following these tips, you can effectively use WordPress block patterns with a block template to create a visually appealing and well-structured website. MaxiBlocks and other tools can further enhance your design capabilities, helping you build a site that stands out.

WordPress grid block pattern
WordPress grid block pattern

FAQs for WordPress block patterns and how to fix them

What are WordPress block patterns?

WordPress block patterns are pre-designed layouts consisting of multiple blocks. They allow users to quickly insert and customise these layouts within their posts and pages, making it easier to create consistent and visually appealing designs without starting from scratch.

How do I add block patterns in WordPress?

To add block patterns in WordPress, navigate to the block editor and click the “+” button to open the block inserter. Switch to the “Patterns” tab and browse through the available patterns. Click on a pattern to insert it into your page or post. You can further customise it to fit your needs.

Why are my block patterns not showing up?

If your block patterns are not showing up, it might be due to a theme or plugin conflict. Ensure that you are using a compatible block theme and that your plugins are up to date. Check the WordPress block pattern settings in the editor to make sure they are enabled.

How can I customise block patterns in WordPress?

Customising block patterns is straightforward. After inserting a pattern, you can edit the individual blocks within it. Change text, images, colours, and other settings directly in the block editor to match your site’s branding and style.

What should I do if my block patterns are not saving?

If your WordPress block patterns are not saving, it might be due to a JavaScript error or a conflict with another plugin. Check your browser’s console for errors and try disabling other plugins to identify the cause. Ensure that your WordPress installation and all plugins are up to date.

Can I create my own block patterns in WordPress?

Yes, you can create your own block patterns in WordPress. Design your layout using blocks in the editor, then select the blocks you want to save as a pattern. Click on the three-dot menu in the block toolbar, select “Add to Reusable blocks,” and then manage it in the block settings.

How do I use block patterns from the WordPress pattern library?

To use block patterns from the WordPress pattern library, open the block inserter, switch to the “Patterns” tab, and browse the available patterns. Click on the desired pattern to insert it into your page or post. You can then customise the pattern as needed.

Why is my block pattern not responsive?

If a WordPress block pattern is not responsive, it may be due to the blocks within the pattern not being set up for responsiveness. Check the settings for each block, especially those involving images and columns, to ensure they adapt to different screen sizes. You might need to add custom CSS to enhance responsiveness.

How can I fix alignment issues in block patterns?

Alignment issues in WordPress block patterns can be fixed by adjusting the settings for each block. Use the alignment options in the block toolbar or add custom CSS to achieve the desired layout. Test your design on different devices to ensure consistent alignment.

What should I do if my block pattern images are not displaying correctly?

How do I ensure my block patterns maintain consistent styling?

To maintain consistent styling for your block patterns, use the global styles settings in the block editor. Set your colours, fonts, and spacing globally to ensure all block patterns follow the same design principles. This will help create a cohesive look across your website.

Can I use block patterns from third-party plugins?

Yes, you can use WordPress block patterns from third-party plugins like MaxiBlocks. These plugins offer additional patterns and design options that can enhance your site. Install the plugin, and the new block patterns will be available in the block inserter under the “Patterns” tab.

How do I troubleshoot block pattern conflicts with themes?

If you experience conflicts between block patterns and your theme, try switching to a default WordPress theme to see if the issue persists. Check for updates to your theme and plugins, and consult the support forums or documentation for solutions. Deactivating plugins one by one can help identify the source of the conflict.

Why are my custom block patterns not appearing in the editor?

If your custom block patterns are not appearing in the editor, make sure they are correctly registered in your theme or plugin code. Verify that the pattern code is properly formatted and that there are no syntax errors. Clear your browser cache and refresh the editor to see the patterns.

How do I remove unwanted block patterns?

To remove unwanted block patterns, you can unregister them in your theme or plugin code. Use the unregister_block_pattern function to remove specific patterns by their name. This helps keep your block inserter clean and organised, showing only the patterns you need.

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.


Kyra Pieterse


Kyra is the co-founder and creative lead of MaxiBlocks, an open-source page builder for WordPress Gutenberg.

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