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The WordPress pattern library – 20 different Gutenberg template parts

WordPress Getting Started
WordPress Getting Started

The concept of Gutenberg template parts in WordPress is used to organise and structure a theme by breaking it down into smaller, reusable sections. These parts can be included in one or more templates to manage content and design efficiently. Here are twenty different types of Gutenberg template parts that can improve your website’s structure and functionality, incorporating best practices and the latest developments in Gutenberg blocks and templates.

Overview of Gutenberg template parts

Gutenberg template parts allow theme developers to create reusable sections that can be used across various templates. This approach helps avoid code repetition and simplifies theme development. Using the best WordPress block themes, you can effectively incorporate these template parts to improve your site’s design and functionality.


The header is the top section of a page, typically containing the site title, logo, and navigation. It is important for branding and easy navigation. Using a well-designed header template part ensures consistency across your site and makes navigation straightforward for visitors. Headers can be customised using block themes and incorporated into various templates using the Gutenberg block template.


The footer is the bottom section of a page, usually containing copyright information, social media links, and other secondary content. It helps provide additional information and links. With Gutenberg block styles, you can create engaging footers that add value and improve user experience. Footers are an essential component of WordPress block templates, making them reusable across different pages.

Hero section

The hero section is a prominent part at the top of a page, often featuring a large image or video and a call-to-action. It grabs visitors’ attention and conveys the main message. Utilising Gutenberg block patterns, you can design dynamic hero sections that draw visitors in. Hero sections are a vital part of block themes WordPress, allowing for creative and impactful designs.

WordPress templates
WordPress templates

Hero image

A hero image template part includes overlay text, making it perfect for impactful visuals that need a bit of explanation. This can be incorporated into your Gutenberg templates to improve visual appeal and deliver key messages effectively. Using Gutenberg block library resources, you can find various hero image styles to suit your needs.

Hero video

A hero video template part also includes overlay text, allowing for dynamic content presentation. This is ideal for showcasing product features, promotional content, or storytelling. Integrating hero videos using Gutenberg templates WordPress ensures your site remains modern and engaging.

Call-to-action (CTA) section

This section is designed to prompt users to take a specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase. Effective use of web design page blocks can make CTAs more compelling and increase conversion rates. CTAs are an essential component of the best WordPress block themes.

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Features section

Highlight key features or benefits of a product or service with this section. It helps communicate value to potential customers. Using Gutenberg block patterns, you can design features sections that are visually appealing and informative. Features sections are integral to block themes, helping to highlight what sets your offerings apart.

Testimonials section

Showcase customer testimonials or reviews to build trust and credibility. This section can be designed using Gutenberg block styles to match the overall theme of your site. Testimonials sections are a significant part of block theme WordPress, improving your site’s trustworthiness.

Team members section

Display information about team members, including photos, names, and roles, to personalise your site. This can be achieved using block themes WordPress, making it easy to introduce your team professionally. Team member sections can be integrated into various templates, ensuring consistency.

Pricing table

A pricing table template part displays pricing information in a table format, making it easy for visitors to compare plans. Using Gutenberg block templates, you can create clear and attractive pricing tables that help visitors make informed decisions. Pricing tables are a key feature of WordPress block templates, often used in business and e-commerce sites.

FAQ section

Provide answers to frequently asked questions in this section to help visitors find information quickly. FAQs can be designed using Gutenberg templates free, offering a simple yet effective way to improve user experience. FAQ sections are an essential part of the Gutenberg template library.

WordPress theme
WordPress theme

Blog posts section

Display a list of blog posts to keep your audience engaged with fresh content. Using WordPress block patterns, you can create a visually appealing blog posts section that encourages visitors to explore more of your content. This section is vital for content-heavy websites and can be integrated using Gutenberg WordPress.

Portfolio section

Showcase a portfolio of projects or work, demonstrating your capabilities and past successes. Portfolio sections can be crafted using block template parts to create an impressive display of your work. This is particularly useful for creative professionals and agencies using block themes.

Contact information section

Display contact details, such as address, phone number, and email, making it easy for visitors to get in touch. This section can be designed using Gutenberg block library resources to match your site’s style. Contact information sections are a staple of WordPress block theme designs.

Social media links section

Provide links to your social media profiles, encouraging visitors to connect with you on various platforms. Using Gutenberg block templates, you can create stylish social media links sections that blend with your site. These sections are essential for building your online presence.

Newsletter signup section

Allow users to sign up for a newsletter, helping you build your email list and keep in touch with your audience. This section can be designed using Gutenberg templates free, making it easy to encourage signups. Newsletter signup sections are important for maintaining engagement with your audience.

Search bar

A search bar template part makes it easy for visitors to find specific content on your site. Integrating search bars using Gutenberg WordPress ensures they are functional and visually appealing. Search bars are a vital part of user-friendly web design.

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Breadcrumb navigation

Breadcrumb navigation helps users understand their location within your site and navigate back to previous pages easily. Using Gutenberg block styles, you can create effective breadcrumb navigation that improves user experience. Breadcrumbs are essential for complex websites with multiple pages.


A sidebar template part is often used for secondary content or widgets, providing additional navigation or information. Sidebars can be designed using Gutenberg block patterns to fit into your site. They are useful for displaying related content, ads, or links.

Error 404 page

A custom 404 error page template part helps guide visitors who land on a non-existent page, improving the user experience. Using Gutenberg template parts, you can create informative and engaging 404 pages that keep visitors on your site. Custom 404 pages are an essential aspect of maintaining a professional and user-friendly website. Using Gutenberg template parts in WordPress can significantly improve the efficiency of theme development and website maintenance. By incorporating these reusable sections into your design, you can create a more organised and user-friendly website. Explore the WordPress pattern library to discover more Gutenberg template parts and improve your website design. Start building your dream website with the best resources available today.

Gutenberg template
Gutenberg template

FAQs on Gutenberg templates and MaxiBlocks: The best WordPress block theme you can use for free

What is a Gutenberg template?

How do Gutenberg templates differ from Gutenberg block patterns?

While Gutenberg templates provide a complete page layout, Gutenberg block patterns are smaller, reusable sections that can be inserted into your posts or pages. Templates offer a comprehensive starting point for designing a page, whereas patterns are used for creating specific sections within a page.

What makes MaxiBlocks the best WordPress block theme for using Gutenberg templates?

MaxiBlocks excels in offering a wide range of Gutenberg templates and block patterns, making it easy to create professional and engaging websites. Its user-friendly interface and extensive customization options ensure that you can tailor your site to meet your specific needs.

How do I install and activate MaxiBlocks on my WordPress site?

To install MaxiBlocks, go to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to “Themes” under “Appearance,” click on “Add New,” search for MaxiBlocks, and click “Install.” Once installed, click “Activate” to start using it. MaxiBlocks is widely recognized as the best WordPress block theme for its ease of installation and use.

Can I customize Gutenberg templates in MaxiBlocks without knowing how to code?

Yes, MaxiBlocks is designed to be user-friendly and does not require coding knowledge. You can customize your site using the Gutenberg editor, block patterns, and style cards, all within an intuitive interface. This ease of customization is a key reason why MaxiBlocks is the best WordPress block theme for users of all skill levels.

What are the benefits of using Gutenberg templates in MaxiBlocks?

Using Gutenberg templates in MaxiBlocks offers numerous advantages, including a user-friendly interface, extensive customization options, support for various templates and patterns, and access to a wide range of pre-designed layouts from the WordPress pattern library. These benefits make MaxiBlocks the best WordPress block theme for a wide range of applications.

How do I use Gutenberg templates with MaxiBlocks for my WordPress site?

MaxiBlocks provides a variety of Gutenberg templates that you can use to create different page layouts. To use these templates, navigate to the template library within your WordPress dashboard, select a template, and customize it to fit your needs. This functionality makes MaxiBlocks the best WordPress block theme for template-based site creation.

What are some examples of Gutenberg template parts I can use with MaxiBlocks?

Some examples of Gutenberg template parts you can use with MaxiBlocks include headers, footers, hero sections, call-to-action sections, feature sections, testimonials, team member sections, pricing tables, FAQ sections, blog post sections, portfolio sections, contact information sections, social media links, newsletter signup sections, search bars, breadcrumb navigation, sidebars, and custom 404 error pages.

How can I find more Gutenberg templates and patterns for my site?

You can explore the WordPress pattern library to discover a wide range of Gutenberg templates and patterns created by the WordPress community. MaxiBlocks also offers an extensive collection of templates and patterns to enhance your site’s design and functionality.

What is the Gutenberg template library?

The Gutenberg template library is a collection of pre-designed page layouts and sections that you can use to build your WordPress site. It provides a variety of templates for different purposes, such as landing pages, contact pages, and blog posts, making it easy to create professional-looking designs quickly.

How do style cards in MaxiBlocks work with Gutenberg templates?

Style cards in MaxiBlocks allow you to quickly customize your website’s appearance by changing colours, fonts, links, and hover effects site-wide. Applying a style card ensures consistency across your entire site, which is important for maintaining a professional appearance. This feature makes MaxiBlocks the best WordPress block theme for design flexibility.

Can I save customized Gutenberg templates for future use in MaxiBlocks?

Yes, MaxiBlocks allows you to save your customized Gutenberg templates and patterns for future use. This makes it easy to maintain consistency across your site and reuse designs that work well for your content.

What makes MaxiBlocks a top choice for different types of websites?

MaxiBlocks is suitable for various types of websites, including blogs, corporate sites, e-commerce stores, portfolios, and more. Its flexibility, range of templates, and customization options make it a versatile tool for any project, reinforcing its status as the best WordPress block theme.

Is MaxiBlocks free to use?

Yes, MaxiBlocks is a free WordPress block theme, making it accessible to anyone looking to create a professional and engaging website without any cost. Its value as a free tool further cements its reputation as the best WordPress block theme.

How does MaxiBlocks enhance workflow efficiency for web designers?

MaxiBlocks enhances workflow efficiency by offering a comprehensive library of pattern templates, customizable style cards, responsive design options, and clean code for faster loading times. These features make it easier for web designers to create beautiful and functional websites quickly, reinforcing MaxiBlocks’ status as the best WordPress block theme.

Can I integrate Gutenberg block styles with MaxiBlocks?

Yes, MaxiBlocks integrates seamlessly with Gutenberg block styles, allowing you to customize the design of your blog or website easily. This integration helps you create a unique look that stands out, making MaxiBlocks the best WordPress block theme for design customization.

How do I start building my website with MaxiBlocks and Gutenberg templates?

To start building your website with MaxiBlocks and Gutenberg templates, download and install the theme from the official WordPress theme repository. Explore the pattern templates, customize them using the Gutenberg editor and style cards, and launch your site once you are satisfied with the design. For more detailed guidance, visit the MaxiBlocks website.

What are the key features of MaxiBlocks for blogging?

MaxiBlocks offers key features for blogging, including support for Gutenberg block styles and patterns, full site editing capabilities, and access to the WordPress pattern library. These features make it easy to create a well-organized and user-friendly blog, making MaxiBlocks the best WordPress block theme for bloggers.

Where can I find more information and resources on MaxiBlocks and Gutenberg templates?

You can visit the MaxiBlocks website to explore more about its features, download the theme, and access various resources to help you get started. For detailed guides and tips, you can also refer to the links provided in the article for specific topics like Gutenberg block styles, block patterns, and templates. These resources highlight why MaxiBlocks is considered the best WordPress block theme.

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.


Kyra Pieterse


Kyra is the co-founder and creative lead of MaxiBlocks, an open-source page builder for WordPress Gutenberg.

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