Mastering Gutenberg blocks: A comprehensive list and guide for WordPress 

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Mastering Gutenberg blocks_ A comprehensive list and guide for WordPress
Advanced Gutenberg techniques

Key takeaways:

  • Gutenberg blocks: The backbone of the WordPress Gutenberg editor, enabling easy, flexible content creation.
  • Wide Range: A vast array of blocks for various content types enhances customization and design.
  • Customization: Blocks offer diverse settings for detailed customization, allowing unique webpage designs.
  • Advanced techniques: Incorporating advanced blocks and custom HTML expands creative possibilities beyond basics.

Unlock the full potential of your WordPress site with Gutenberg blocks, the essential tools for crafting dynamic, responsive content with ease and precision.

What are Gutenberg Blocks in WordPress?

Gutenberg Blocks are the core elements of the WordPress Gutenberg editor, designed to simplify content creation. They allow users to add, customize, and arrange multimedia content with ease, offering a user-friendly interface for building diverse and engaging web pages. From basic text and images to advanced functionalities like galleries and buttons, Gutenberg Blocks provide a comprehensive set of tools for website design and content management.

Getting started with blocks

Blocks: The core of Gutenberg

Understanding blocks: 

Definition and purpose of Gutenberg blocks:

Types of blocks:

Adding a Gutenberg Block:

Customising Gutenberg blocks:

What are Gutenberg blocks
Advanced Gutenberg techniques

What are Gutenberg blocks?

What are blocks?
Advanced Gutenberg techniques

FAQs for Gutenberg Blocks

What are Gutenberg Blocks in WordPress?

How do I add a new Block in Gutenberg?

Click the “+” (plus) icon inside the editor to open the block library. Choose the block you want to add from the list or search for a specific block by typing its name.

Can I customize the style of a Block?

Yes, most blocks come with their own set of customization options which can be found in the right sidebar when a block is selected. Options can include color, typography, spacing, and more.

Is it possible to reuse a Block in Gutenberg?

Yes, you can save any block as a “Reusable Block” to easily insert it into other posts or pages. Just select the block, click on the three dots in the toolbar, and choose ‘Add to Reusable Blocks.’

How do I move Blocks up or down in my post?

Each block has a toolbar with up and down arrow buttons that allow you to move the block relative to others in your post or page.

Can Blocks be nested inside other Blocks?

Yes, certain blocks like the “Group” block or “Columns” block are designed to contain other blocks within them.

What is a Group Block?

A Group Block allows you to group multiple blocks together as one unit, making it easier to style and move them collectively.

How do I convert a classic post or page to Gutenberg Blocks?

Edit the post or page, then click on the “Convert to Blocks” option within the Classic Block to convert its content into Gutenberg Blocks.

Are Gutenberg Blocks mobile responsive?

Yes, blocks are designed to be responsive. However, the actual responsiveness may depend on the theme you are using.

Can I add custom CSS to a Block?

Yes, you can add custom CSS to most blocks via the “Advanced” section in the block settings located in the right sidebar.

How do I create a custom block pattern?

What’s the difference between a Block and a Widget in Gutenberg?

Blocks are used within the post and page editor to build content, while Widgets are used in your website’s sidebars or widget-ready areas.

Can I edit the HTML of a Block?

Yes, many blocks allow you to edit their HTML directly. Click on the block, then select “Edit as HTML” from the options menu.

How do I add a video Block in Gutenberg?

Use the “Video” block found in the block library. You can upload a video file, insert from a URL, or select a video from your media library.

What is a Cover Block?

A Cover Block allows you to add an image or video with text overlay. It’s perfect for headers or sections with a call to action.

How can I add a table in Gutenberg?

Use the “Table” block. You can specify the number of rows and columns upon insertion and then fill in the table’s content.

What is a Block Pattern?

Block Patterns are pre-designed collections of blocks. They offer complex layouts with minimal effort and can be found in the block library.

Can I undo changes in Gutenberg?

Yes, the editor has undo and redo buttons in the toolbar, allowing you to reverse or reapply recent changes.

How do I make a block full-width or wide width?

Select the block and look for the width options in the block toolbar or sidebar settings. Not all themes support wide and full-width alignments.

Where can I find more blocks to use?

More reading

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.