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Mastering Gutenberg blocks: Tips & tricks

Mastering Gutenberg blocks tips & tricks
Mastering Gutenberg blocks tips & tricks

Key takeaways:

  • Lightweight blocks enhance site performance and user engagement.
  • The Gutenberg editor, integrated into WordPress, allows for easy post creation and customization without coding knowledge.
  • Block customization, including styles, alignment, and typography, empowers users to create visually appealing layouts.
  • Troubleshooting common block issues ensures a smooth editing experience.

Gutenberg Blocks are transforming WordPress web design, making content creation more intuitive and visually engaging.

What is a Gutenberg block in WordPress?

A Gutenberg block in WordPress is a fundamental element used for building and customizing content within the block editor, introduced in WordPress 5.0. Each block, from text and images to buttons and galleries, can be individually added, arranged, and styled to create complex layouts and media-rich pages without needing to code.

Getting started with Gutenberg blocks

To begin using Gutenberg Blocks, no separate installation is necessary, as the editor is already part of WordPress. For those looking to explore further, the Gutenberg plugin can be added via the “Plugins” section in the WordPress dashboard. This plugin offers the latest features and improvements, providing an enhanced block-editing experience. Starting a new post or page with Gutenberg involves selecting the “+ Add Block” option and choosing from a wide array of blocks to add content and design your page effortlessly.

Customizing and troubleshooting Gutenberg blocks

Customization of Gutenberg blocks is straightforward, with options for changing styles, alignments, colours, and typography to fit your design needs. For any issues that arise, such as broken blocks or compatibility problems, updating WordPress and your themes/plugins, checking for conflicts, and using the block troubleshooting mode are effective strategies. Additionally, third-party plugins can offer more advanced block features and customizations.

Exploring further with Gutenberg

The Gutenberg project is continuously evolving, with resources like the Gutenberg Handbook and community forums available for learning and troubleshooting. Whether you’re creating a blog, an online store, or a custom website, Gutenberg blocks provide the tools you need to design effectively and efficiently.

Gutenberg Blocks can transform the way you create content in the WordPress editor

Why switch to lightweight Gutenberg blocks?

Getting started with Gutenberg blocks - for beginners
Getting started with Gutenberg blocks – for beginners

Getting started with Gutenberg blocks – for beginners

Installing and downloading the Gutenberg plugin

Creating a new post with Gutenberg blocks – mini tutorial

The transition from the classical editor to Gutenberg
Understanding the Gutenberg editor interface

Understanding the Gutenberg editor interface

Customizing Gutenberg blocks
Customizing Gutenberg blocks

Customizing Gutenberg blocks

Using the block template editor for blogs and more
Using the block template editor for blogs and more

Using the block template editor for blogs and more

Creating reusable blocks
While creating individual reusable blocks in Gutenberg offers flexibility, WordPress block patterns take it a step further. Think of them as pre-configured sets of reusable blocks that not only streamline content creation but also ensure consistent layouts and styles across your website. Simply select the desired pattern from the library, customize it with your content, and watch your pages come together effortlessly. Plus, any changes made to the original pattern update all instances of it throughout your site, saving you time and ensuring consistency.

Info on layout options

  • Default: The default layout displays blocks stacked vertically, one after another, creating a traditional content flow.
  • Columns: You can use the Columns block to create multi-column layouts. Choose the number of columns you want, and then add other blocks within each column to create a more structured and visually appealing design.
  • Group: The Group block allows you to group multiple blocks together. This is useful when you want to apply a specific style or formatting to a set of blocks as a whole.
What is the difference between default and full-width layouts_
What is the difference between default and full-width layouts_

What is the difference between default and full-width layouts?

In the WordPress editor, the default and full-width layouts refer to two block arrangement options. The default page layout follows a traditional structure, while the full-width layout offers more visually dynamic designs with a wider canvas.

  • Default layout: The default layout refers to the standard arrangement where each block occupies the full width of the content area. Blocks are stacked vertically, one after another, creating a traditional content flow. In the default layout, the content width is typically limited to a specific width defined by the theme or container.
  • Full-width layout: The full-width layout, on the other hand, allows blocks to span the full width of the browser window, extending beyond the content area defined by the theme or container. This layout option provides a more expansive and visually impactful presentation by utilizing the entire width of the screen. It eliminates any horizontal margins or restrictions, allowing blocks to occupy the full available width.

It’s important to note that the availability of full-width layouts may depend on the specific theme you’re using. Some themes offer built-in support for full-width layouts, while others may require additional customization or the use of specific block plugins to enable this layout option.

Customizing your sidebar with Gutenberg blocks
Customizing your sidebar with Gutenberg blocks

Customizing your sidebar with Gutenberg blocks

To customize your sidebar you can follow these steps:

  • Access the widgets area: In your WordPress dashboard, go to “Appearance” and then “Widgets”. This is where you can manage and customize the widgets in your sidebar.
  • Add a Gutenberg block widget: Look for the “Gutenberg Block” widget and drag it to the desired sidebar area. This widget allows you to insert Gutenberg blocks directly into your sidebar.
  • Select a block: Once you have added the Gutenberg Block widget to the sidebar, click on it to select the block you want to insert. You can choose from various pre-designed options or create a custom design using the Gutenberg editor.
  • Customize the block: After selecting it you can customize it by adding content, adjusting settings, and configuring the layout and appearance.
  • Save and preview: Once you are satisfied with the customization of the design, save the changes in the widget area. Preview your website to see how the customized sidebar block appears on the live site.

Common issues with Gutenberg blocks

Troubleshooting common errors in Gutenberg blocks
Troubleshooting common errors in Gutenberg blocks

Troubleshooting common errors in Gutenberg blocks

If your blocks aren’t displaying correctly or appear broken, it might be because of conflicts with other plugins or themes, outdated versions of the Gutenberg plugin, or incorrect block settings. To troubleshoot these errors, you can try deactivating other plugins temporarily and updating to the latest version of the Gutenberg plugin. Additionally, checking the block settings might help in ensuring that they are configured correctly for optimal performance.

How to fix broken Gutenberg blocks

Here are a few steps you can take to try and fix issues

  • Update WordPress, themes, and plugins: Ensure that your WordPress installation, theme, and plugins are all up to date. Sometimes, outdated versions can cause compatibility issues. Updating to the latest versions can often resolve such problems.
  • Disable conflicting plugins: Temporarily deactivate any plugins that may be causing conflicts with Gutenberg blocks. This can help identify if a specific plugin is causing the issue. If the problem is resolved after deactivating a particular plugin, you may need to seek an alternative or contact the plugin developer for support.
  • Check theme compatibility: Verify if your current theme is fully compatible with Gutenberg blocks. Some themes may require updates or specific configurations to work seamlessly with the editor. Contact your theme provider for guidance or consider switching to a Gutenberg-ready theme.
  • Clear cache and refresh: Clear your browser cache and refresh the page to ensure you’re viewing the latest changes. Sometimes, cached data can interfere with the rendering of Gutenberg blocks and cause them to appear broken. Clearing the cache helps ensure you’re seeing the most up-to-date version of your content.
  • Use the Block Troubleshooting mode: Gutenberg offers an Editor Troubleshooting mode that helps identify and resolve issues with blocks. You can enable this mode by installing the Gutenberg plugin and navigating to the Troubleshooting tab in the WordPress dashboard. This mode disables all plugins and uses a default theme, allowing you to isolate and troubleshoot block-related problems.
  • Contact support: If you’ve tried the above steps and the issue persists, it may be necessary to reach out to the Gutenberg support team or the relevant plugin or theme developers. They can provide specific guidance and assistance based on your unique situation.

Remember to always back up your website before making any changes or updates to ensure you can revert to a previous working state if needed.

Here are some helpful resources for learning and exploring WordPress Gutenberg
Here are some helpful resources for learning and exploring WordPress Gutenberg

Here are some helpful resources for learning and exploring WordPress Gutenberg

  1. Gutenberg Handbook: The official Gutenberg Handbook is a comprehensive guide provided by It covers everything from getting started with Gutenberg to advanced topics and block development.
  2. Gutenberg Plugin: The Gutenberg Plugin is the official plugin developed by that brings the latest version of Gutenberg to your WordPress site. It allows you to experience and test new features before they are officially released.
  3. Gutenberg Times: Gutenberg Times is a dedicated website that provides news, tutorials, and resources related to the Gutenberg editor. It covers the latest updates, tips, and techniques to help you make the most out of Gutenberg.
  4. Gutenberg Hub: Gutenberg Hub is an online resource hub that offers a collection of Gutenberg blocks, plugins, themes, and tutorials. It provides a curated list of resources to enhance your Gutenberg experience.
  5. WordPress Support Forums: The WordPress Support Forums are a community-driven platform where you can ask questions, seek help, and find solutions related to Gutenberg. It’s a place to connect with other WordPress users and experts who can assist you with any Gutenberg-related queries.

Remember to always refer to official documentation and trusted sources when exploring Gutenberg to ensure accurate and up-to-date information. Join the Facebook, Twitter and Youtube channels to stay up to date. Further reading could be on JSON, FSE and dynamic blocks on the latest version of WordPress.

Blocks are compatible with all major page builders, making it easy for users to incorporate them into their website design.

What is a Gutenberg block?

Gutenberg blocks are the building blocks of the WordPress Gutenberg editor, used by default in WordPress 5.0 and later versions. Each block represents a different type of content or functionality that can be customized and combined to create unique layouts and designs without coding skills.

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.