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Free WordPress page builder for educators and students

MaxiBlocks template library

MaxiBlocks is an open source page builder

WordPress – Gutenberg block editor – MaxiBlocks page builder – MaxiBlocks designer library

This is an all-in-one solution to enable the creation of websites. 

All of this is free to use for educators and students. 

Why would you want to take up this free offer? 

If you are not already teaching the use of WordPress at your school or college you might consider adding this CMS (content management system) to your preferred tools for the web for use by your design and computer science classes.

WordPress is the world’s most popular website builder and content management system, trusted by over 43% of all websites on the internet, including some of the biggest brands you know.

What makes WordPress so popular? It’s incredibly versatile! You can use it to create almost any kind of website imaginable, from simple blogs and online stores to complex membership sites. Plus, it offers a vast library of free and premium themes and plugins, allowing you to easily customise your website’s design and functionality to perfectly match your needs.

Besides being free WordPress is also beginner-friendly! You don’t need any coding experience to get started. Its user-friendly interface and intuitive setup process make it easy for anyone to build a beautiful and functional website. And there are many educational resources freely available to make learning easy.

Examples of who uses WordPress for their sites.  Important websites such as NASA or The White House are built on WordPress. News sites such as The Times, TechCrunch or CNN blog use WordPress. Entertainers such as Taylor Swift and Katy Perry have WordPress sites or the most popular game Angry Birds is built on WordPress. And let’s not forget commercial sites such as Mercedes Benz. In fact 62% of the top 100 fastest-growing companies in the United States use WordPress.

Add a WordPress page builder and designer library and you get web design careers!

How does the free access to ‘WordPress – Gutenberg block editor – MaxiBlocks page builder – MaxiBlocks designer library’  fit into your students’ future?

It can Provide skills for part-time earnings

This combination of tools, free for students to use, will give students access to the work environment. Whether students wish to earn a part time living to fund future studies, assist with household income or just pay for special hobbies this is an option for them to do just that without interfering in their studies. 


Prepare for a full time career in web design

Of course knowing how to effectively work with WordPress and MaxiBlocks’ page builder can also provide an entry into a full time career in web design. This means students can leave school, college or University with the ability to earn a living.Â