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How can you effectively use over 13,000+ free WordPress icons?

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Key takeaways:

MaxiBlocks advantages:

  • Extensive free WordPress SVG icons library (13,000+ icons)
  • SVG format for crisp visuals across all screen sizes
  • Faster loading times compared to raster images
  • Customizable (resize, change colours, adapt to dark mode)
  • Drag-and-drop functionality and live previews

Using MaxiBlocks effectively:

  • Align icons with your website’s purpose and target audience.
  • Prioritize clarity and recognizability.
  • Utilize colour strategically to enhance communication and branding.
  • Leverage placement for optimal user experience (e.g., CTAs near product listings).
  • Maintain consistency in style and size for a polished look.

Icon categories covered in the guide:

  • Animals (diverse categories like pets, wildlife, farming)
  • Data Visualization (charts and graphs)
  • Document Management (icons for categorization and download)
  • Finance (illustrating financial concepts)
  • Office Environment
  • Startup
  • Stationery
  • Team
  • Shopping (guiding users through the purchase journey)
  • Trust & Support (building customer confidence)

Additionally, the guide goes into specific icon usage examples, including:

  • Trust icons (shield, lock, checkmark) near security statements
  • Review icons (speech bubble, star, thumbs up) for testimonials
  • Shopping cart icon on every purchasable product page
  • Delivery truck icon to represent shipping options
  • Mail envelope icon for contact information and newsletters
  • Phone icons for initiating calls (clickable on mobile)
  • Arrow icons for directional guidance and CTAs

This comprehensive guide will show users the potential of MaxiBlocks icons and the visual communication and user experience of their website.

Sharper, faster, better: Improve your website with SVGs and MaxiBlocks

Gone are the days of pixelated icons and sluggish websites. Scalable vector graphics (SVGs) have changed the way we design for the web. They offer razor-sharp images that adapt to any screen size, from smartphones to high-resolution displays.

What are the benefits of using SVG icons in WordPress?

SVGs with MaxiBlocks

MaxiBlocks makes it easy:

  • Cloud library: Access the extensive MaxiBlocks icon library directly in your design interface. Launch it from within the SVG icon block so you no longer need to search external sources.

Tailored to your vision:

  • Colour control: Adjust the fill colour of each icon to match the branding of your website or specific areas. Create visual harmony and strengthen your brand identity.
  • Hover effects for interactivity: Bring your icons to life with customizable hover effects. Change the hover colour and line thickness to create subtle animations that increase user activity and provide visual cues to interactive elements.
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Herb free WordPress icons

Beauty meets functionality

Customization of the icons for a unique look

Forget off-the-shelf designs! MaxiBlocks makes it easy to personalise the branding of your website. Customise colours, sizes and line styles to achieve a consistent look and feel that reflects your brand’s unique personality.

WordPress integration – no coding required!

Icons for animal lovers and nature enthusiasts

Business website icons

Online shopping icons

Trust icons

Using trust symbols such as shields, locks and check marks near security guarantees or privacy statements can reinforce the feeling of security and privacy on your website. They build trust with visitors and reassure them that their data will be handled with care.

Icons for reviews and ratings

Including speech bubbles, stars or thumbs-up icons next to testimonials or customer reviews highlights positive experiences and gives users the ability to make informed decisions based on reviews.

Live chat and support icons

A live chat icon, such as a speech bubble or headset, signals to users that help is immediately available, as perceived by customer service. Similarly, support icons such as life rings or avatars of support staff in the “Contact Us” section or FAQs emphasise the message that help is always within reach.

E-mail and newsletter icons

Calendar and clock icons

Symbols for timetables and deadlines

Schedule icons can clarify lesson plans, conference agendas or rosters and ensure that users know where to find detailed schedule information. Deadline icons, represented with icons such as ⚠️, are invaluable in drawing attention to important deadlines for applications, competitions or promotions and conveying a sense of urgency.

Hourglass symbol

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free WordPress shapes and masks

Designing WordPress icons with MaxiBlocks: A practical guide

MaxiBlocks provides a wide range of SVG symbols and shapes that can enhance the design of your WordPress website. This guide will explore practical ways to use MaxiBlocks to bring your website to life.

SVG Icons: Guiding your users

SVG shapes: Adding creativity and function

1. Geometric patterns:

If you’re tired of plain backgrounds, you can use the artistic potential of SVG shapes to create one-of-a-kind and visually captivating geometric patterns. These patterns can be used as backgrounds for your website or to highlight specific sections, giving your site a modern and distinctive look that reinforces your brand identity.

2. Shape masks:

  • Think outside the box: Free yourself from the limitations of squares and rectangles. With shape masks, you can apply all kinds of shapes – circles, stars, blobs, speech bubbles, custom outlines – to your content. This opens doors for creative expression and unique visual storytelling.
  • Transforming effects: Use shape masks to create captivating effects. Imagine text peeking through a speech bubble, a product image presented in a circle, or a video playing inside a custom polygon. These effects attract the attention of your visitors and make your website something very special.

Improved engagement:

  • Interactive experiences: Combine shape masks with hover effects to create interactive elements. When users hover over masked content, it can display additional information, trigger animations or change colour. This level of interactivity keeps visitors engaged and exploring your website.
  • Focus and clarity: Shape masks can be used to draw users’ attention to specific areas of your content. By hiding irrelevant parts of an image or video, you can highlight key elements and ensure your message is clear and impactful.

3. Custom data visualization:

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Cafe free WordPress icons

FAQs free WordPress SVG icons

What is MaxiBlocks?

Are free WordPress icons SEO-friendly?

How do I use WordPress icons in my theme?