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How to get started in Web design with a WordPress blocks theme and patterns

WordPress block themes for your business website
Block enabled WordPress themes

1. Understand the key concepts of visual web design

Balance and alignment

  • Balance is about distributing elements on a page so that no section feels overly heavy or light. Think of it as the visual weight of elements. Balance can be symmetrical (mirror image) or asymmetrical (different elements of equal visual weight).
  • Alignment ensures that every item on the page is connected, either visually or structurally. Proper alignment creates a cleaner, more organized layout that contributes to a site’s navigability.

Application in WordPress

Taking control with padding and margin

  • Padding: Adds space between the content and its border. This creates breathing room for text and images within the block.
  • Margin: Adds space between the block and surrounding elements on the page. This helps separate your block from other content.

Achieving consistency:

Standardize padding and margin on every side (top, bottom, left, and right) to create a tidy and proportionate layout.

Finding the settings:

They are found within the block’s settings panel in the block editor. Look for options labeled “Padding” or “Margin” and adjust the values to achieve your desired spacing.

Contrast and colour theory

Visual hierarchy

Visual hierarchy is the art of arranging elements on a page to guide the user’s eye and communicate importance. It’s like a visual roadmap, leading visitors through your content in a clear and engaging way. Here’s how to master this concept within the WordPress block editor:

Building order with blocks:

The block editor empowers you to create a clear hierarchy through the very structure of your content.

  • Headings:  Utilize different heading sizes (H1, H2, H3) to establish a hierarchy of information.  H1 headings should be the largest and most prominent, denoting the main topic of the page.  Subsequent headings should decrease in size as they delve deeper into subtopics.
  • Textual:  Employ a mix of text block sizes to visually differentiate content sections.  Larger text blocks can indicate key points, while smaller blocks might be used for supporting details or calls to action.
  • Imagery:  Intersperse text with strategically placed images.  Larger, high-quality images often draw the eye first, making them ideal for highlighting important content or showcasing hero products.

Pre-built hierarchy


Once you establish a visual hierarchy for a specific page or section, consider applying it throughout your website. This creates a sense of familiarity and guides users intuitively through the content on all your pages.

Behind the scenes: The development process of WordPress block themes
Block templates

2. Know the basics of HTML

HTML (Hypertext markup language) is what all web pages are built. It provides the basic structure of sites, which is then enhanced and manipulated by CSS and JavaScript. For WordPress users, a basic understanding of HTML can be incredibly powerful. While WordPress does a lot of the heavy lifting, knowledge of HTML allows for more nuanced customization and troubleshooting.

Structure of an HTML Document

An HTML document is structured between the <html> tags and consists of two main parts: the head (<head>) and the body (<body>). The head contains meta-information about the document, 

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Your Page Title</title>
    <h1>This is a Heading</h1>
    <p>This is a paragraph.</p>

Common tags and their uses

  • Headings (<h1> to <h6>): Define headings, with <h1> being the highest (or most important) level and <h6> the lowest.
  • Paragraphs (<p>): Define paragraphs of text.
  • Links (<a href=”URL”>): Create hyperlinks to other pages or resources.
  • Lists: Can be ordered (<ol>) or unordered (<ul>), with list items (<li>) as the content.
  • Images (<img src=”image_path” alt=”image description”>): Embed images in the document.

Integrating HTML with WordPress

  • Custom HTML block: WordPress offers a “Custom HTML” block within the block editor, allowing you to insert your HTML code directly into your post or page.
  • Widget areas: Many themes provide widget areas that can be customized with HTML to add content like social media links, custom lists, or even custom scripts.
  • Theme and plugin files: For more advanced customizations, you might edit theme or plugin files directly (always use a child theme for this to avoid losing changes on updates).

Best practices:

  • Always validate your HTML using a validator tool to ensure there are no errors that could affect your site’s appearance or functionality.
  • When editing theme files, ensure you have a backup and understand the structure of WordPress theme files to avoid breaking your site.

This foundational knowledge is for anyone looking to take their WordPress skills to the next level.

The future of web design: Exploring WordPress block themes
Block WordPress theme

3. Understand CSS

While HTML provides the foundation of your website, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is the language that brings it to life. Imagine HTML as the skeleton of your house, and CSS as the paint, furniture, and overall design that transforms it into a beautiful living space.

The Building Blocks of CSS:

  • Selectors: These identify the specific HTML elements you want to style. For example, the p selector targets all paragraphs on your site.
  • Properties: These define the styles you want to apply, like colour, font-size, background-colour, and more.
  • Values: These determine the actual settings for those properties. So, to make your paragraphs blue, you’d use the colour property with a blue value.

Here’s an example putting it all together:

p {
colour: blue;
font-size: 16px;

This code ensures all paragraphs on your site are displayed in blue text with a font size of 16 pixels.

Layout and design

CSS empowers you to control the layout and spacing of your website’s elements.  Each HTML element acts like a box with distinct areas:

  • Content: Where text or images reside.
  • Padding: Space between the content and its border.
  • Border: Surrounds the content and padding.
  • Margin: Space outside the border, separating elements.

By manipulating these areas, you can achieve a well-structured and visually appealing layout.

Taking control in WordPress:

WordPress offers multiple ways to integrate custom CSS:

  • Built-in customizer: Access this through Appearance → Customize → Additional CSS. Here, you can add CSS rules and see a live preview of the changes you make. This is a great option for beginners.
  • Child theme: For more advanced customization, consider creating a child theme. This inherits styles from a parent theme but allows you to modify or add your own CSS without affecting the parent theme during updates.
  • Plugins: Several plugins cater to adding custom CSS to your WordPress site. These can be especially helpful if you’re not comfortable creating a child theme.

Best practices:

  • Always use a child theme or a custom CSS plugin to avoid losing your customizations when the parent theme updates.
  • Include comments in your CSS code to explain its purpose. This makes it easier for you or others to understand and modify the code in the future.

his skillset is valuable for any web designer working with WordPress.

Getting started with WordPress block themes
Block enabled WordPress themes

4. Learn the Foundation of UX Design

UX (User Experience) design focuses on the overall feel of the experience, aiming to make websites not just functional but also enjoyable and intuitive to use. For WordPress users, understanding the principles of UX design useful in creating websites that cater to their audience’s needs and preferences.

Understanding your users

  • User research: Uncover your users’ wants and needs. This can involve analyzing visitor data, using plugins to track user interaction, or even gathering feedback through surveys or contact forms. 
  • Personas: Develop fictional characters based on your research. These personas represent different user types who might visit your site. By understanding their goals and expectations, you can tailor your website’s design to resonate with them.

Navigation and content

  • Navigation: A well-structured navigation menu is your website’s roadmap. Visitors should be able to find what they need intuitively. WordPress offers tools to manage and customize menus, including creating mega menus (think supersized drop-down menus) through plugins, or adjusting menu layouts in theme settings.
  • Content strategy: Plan, create, and deliver high-quality content that aligns with your users’ expectations. Think of content as the information and experiences you offer your visitors. WordPress’s robust system of categories, tags, and custom post types allows you to organize your content effectively. Additionally, plugins like Yoast SEO can help you optimize your content for both search engines and human visitors.

Choosing the right theme

  • Theme selection: Your WordPress theme significantly impacts UX. Choose a theme that’s not only visually appealing but also user-friendly, responsive (meaning it adapts to different screen sizes), and accessible (meaning it’s usable by everyone, regardless of ability). Many themes offer customization options to adjust layouts, colours, and fonts without needing to write code.
  • Theme customization for enhanced UX: Go beyond aesthetics! Customize your theme to improve usability. This could involve optimizing loading times, ensuring mobile responsiveness, and making your site accessible to users with disabilities. 

Best practices for continued success

  • Usability testing: Regularly test your website’s UX. You can do this informally with friends and family, or leverage usability testing tools and services.
  • Stay informed: Keep up-to-date with the latest UX trends and best practices. However, remember to prioritize what works for your specific audience and goals.
  • Analytics: Use analytics tools like Google Analytics (integrated through plugins or directly) to monitor how users interact with your site. This data can help you identify areas for improvement and ensure your website continuously delights your visitors.

Focusing on user research, navigation, content strategy, and smart theme selection and customization will lead to a website that keeps your audience happy and coming back for more.

Mastering WordPress block themes
Block themes WordPress

5. Familiarize yourself with UI design

UI (User Interface) design in WordPress encompasses the visual and interactive elements that users engage with on a website. It’s about making the user’s interaction as simple and efficient as possible, focusing on the look and feel, the presentation, and the interactivity of the web product. Here’s how you can dive into UI design within the WordPress ecosystem:

Essential UI elements:

  • Buttons: These call to action buttons are your website’s workhorses, guiding users to take specific actions. The block editor empowers you to add and customize buttons, adjusting size, colour, and text to integrate with your site’s design.
  • Forms: Forms are for collecting user information, whether it’s capturing feedback or processing orders. Plugins like Contact Form 7 or WPForms make creating and customizing forms a breeze. 
  • Navigation Menus: A well-designed navigation menu is like a roadmap for your website, helping users find what they need quickly. WordPress offers extensive options for menus, including placement on your site and even creating mega menus with plugins for a more comprehensive navigation structure.
  • Cohesive design: Maintain a consistent look and feel across all your pages. This includes using a uniform colour scheme, font styles, and button designs. WordPress themes often provide global settings for these elements, making it easy to achieve consistency throughout your site.
  • Clear text: Your website’s text should be easy to read and understand. Pay close attention to font choice, size, line spacing, and colour contrast. The block editor allows you to adjust these aspects for each block, giving you granular control over readability.
Best Practices Checklist:
  • User-centric design: Always prioritize the user journey. Each UI element should contribute to a seamless experience, guiding users intuitively through your website.
  • Responsive design: Test your website on various devices and screen sizes. A responsive UI design ensures accessibility for all users, regardless of the device they’re using.

UI design principles within WordPress, you can craft websites that are not only visually appealing but also functional and user-friendly.

The best free WordPress block themes
WordPress pattern library

6. Understand the basics of creating layouts

Effective website layouts are the foundation for a positive user experience. They guide visitors through your content in a clear and engaging way.  Here’s how to master layout creation within WordPress:

Grid systems and Flexbox

  • Grid systems: Imagine your website layout as a grid, similar to a game of tic-tac-toe. Grid systems divide your page into rows and columns, providing a framework for placing elements in a structured and aligned manner. This ensures consistency across different pages and simplifies the design process. Many WordPress themes are built on grid systems, and plugins offer visual interfaces to design custom grids without needing to write code.
  • Flexbox: Think of Flexbox as an even more flexible way to arrange elements within a container. It excels at distributing space and aligning items, even when their sizes are unknown. This is particularly useful for creating complex layouts that adapt and respond well to different screen sizes. While directly manipulating Flexbox might require custom CSS, many WordPress themes and plugins leverage its power under the hood, making it easier for you to achieve responsive layouts.
Responsive design

Responsive design means your site automatically adjusts its layout to look good on any device, from desktops to smartphones. This is achieved through techniques like:

  • Fluid grids: Grids that adapt their column widths based on the screen size.
  • Flexible images: Images that resize proportionally to fit the available space.
  • Media queries: Special CSS media queries allow you to apply different styles based on the device’s characteristics, such as screen width or orientation. While you can add custom media queries, many themes already include responsive design functionalities.
Testing and optimization:
  • Testing tools: Utilize tools like Chrome Developer Tools to test your website’s responsiveness across various devices.
  • Mobile optimization plugins: Plugins like WPtouch can help further optimize your site for mobile devices, although many modern WordPress themes are inherently responsive.
Blocks and full Site editing (FSE):

When it comes to layout, the editor shines with:

WordPress blocks theme
WordPress blocks templates

7. Learn about typography

Typography is the foundation of a website’s voice. Here’s your guide to typography in WordPress:

Understanding font types:

  • Serif fonts: These traditional fonts have small decorative strokes at the end of letters (think Times New Roman). They convey a sense of formality and are ideal for large blocks of text, as they’re believed to improve readability in print.
  • Sans-serif fonts: These modern fonts lack the decorative strokes, making them clean and contemporary (think Arial). They excel in digital environments like websites and blogs, where clear on-screen readability is paramount.
  • Display fonts: For grabbing attention in headlines, logos, and other prominent areas, display fonts offer a wide variety of styles. 

Web fonts and performance:

  • Font selection: Balance aesthetics with performance. Heavy fonts can slow down your website, impacting SEO and user experience.

Customizing fonts in WordPress:

  • Theme customizer: Many themes offer a user-friendly interface within the theme customizer. Here, you can change fonts for headings, body text, and other elements without needing to code.
  • Plugins: Plugins like Easy Google Fonts or Use Any Font empower you with more extensive customization. These plugins often allow uploading custom fonts and assigning them to specific areas of your site directly from the WordPress admin panel.
  • CSS: For ultimate control, you can modify your theme’s CSS code. This approach requires basic CSS knowledge and might involve adding custom font files and defining font families in your stylesheet.

Best practices for success:

  • Readability first: Always prioritize clear and easy-to-read fonts, especially for body text. Ensure adequate contrast between text and background colours.
  • Visual hierarchy: Use different fonts or styles to create a hierarchy, guiding users through your content with visual cues. For example, use larger or bolder fonts for headings.
  • Consistency: Maintain a consistent font style throughout your website to establish a cohesive brand identity.

Typography is more than just aesthetics.  It’s about clear communication and engaging your audience. 

Building a fully responsive website with WordPress block themes
WordPress block templates

8. Put your knowledge into action and build something

Now that you’ve grasped the fundamental principles of web design through WordPress, it’s time to solidify your knowledge and refine your skills. The most effective way to achieve this? Building a WordPress website from the ground up.

Choosing your project:

Iterate and refine:

  • Gather feedback: Share your website with friends, family, or online communities to solicit feedback. Use their insights to identify areas for improvement, such as the site’s navigation, mobile responsiveness, or content clarity.
  • Website analytics: Install Google Analytics or utilize WordPress plugins to track visitor behavior on your site. Analyzing this data provides valuable insights into user interaction with your site, popular pages, and areas for improvement.
  • Continuous improvement: Based on feedback and analytics, make iterative improvements to your site. This could involve redesigning elements, enhancing the content, or optimizing the site’s performance.

Best practices for success:

  • Start modestly: Begin with a simpler project to avoid feeling overwhelmed. You can always expand and add more features as your comfort level increases.
  • Document your journey: Keeping a record of your decisions, challenges, and solutions is incredibly valuable for future projects. It also serves as a reflective tool to measure your learning progress.
  • Embrace continuous learning: Web design and WordPress are constantly evolving. Stay updated on the latest trends, tools, and best practices by following relevant blogs, forums, and online courses.

Each project you complete not only strengthens your portfolio but also builds your confidence and hones your skills as a WordPress web designer.

WordPress block themes vs. traditional themes
WordPress block pattern directory

9. Finding a mentor

Finding a mentor when building a WordPress website can be incredibly beneficial, especially if you’re new to web design or WordPress itself. Here are several reasons why securing a mentor can enhance your website building experience and outcome:

Here where you may find a mentor

  • WordPress communities and forums: Online platforms like the WordPress Support Forum, WPBeginner, or specific WordPress groups on LinkedIn and Facebook are excellent places to connect with experienced WordPress users and developers. Participate in discussions and don’t hesitate to ask for guidance.
  • Meetups and WordCamps: Attending local WordPress meetups or WordCamps can provide networking opportunities to meet potential mentors in person. These events are great for learning new things about WordPress and meeting people who are eager to share their knowledge.
  • Social media groups: Twitter, LinkedIn, and Reddit have active WordPress communities. Join these groups, follow influential WordPress developers, and engage in conversations. Twitter, in particular, has a very active WordPress community where you can connect with experts.

Collaborate and learn

  • Share your projects: Don’t be shy about sharing your work with your mentor and peers for feedback. Constructive criticism is invaluable for growth. Use platforms like GitHub or a personal blog to showcase your projects.
  • Work on projects together: If possible, work on a project with your mentor. This hands-on experience is incredibly beneficial. It allows you to learn best practices and gain insights into efficient project workflows and problem-solving strategies.

Expand your network

  • Engage with the community: Active participation in the WordPress community can lead to natural mentorship opportunities. Contribute to forums, comment on blogs, and attend webinars to increase your visibility and connect with potential mentors.
  • Volunteer for open source projects: Contributing to open-source projects like WordPress itself can expose you to experienced contributors who can offer mentorship. It’s also a great way to give back to the community and improve your skills.
The beginner's toolbox: Essential WordPress block themes you need
Gutenberg template library

FAQ section for readers interested in getting started with web design using WordPress blocks

What are WordPress block patterns?

Block patterns are pre-designed groups of blocks that make up layouts you can add to your posts or pages, speeding up the design process and ensuring consistency.

How do I access block patterns in WordPress?

In the WordPress editor, click on the “+” (Add Block) button, then switch to the Patterns tab to browse and insert available patterns.

Can I customize WordPress block patterns?

Yes, after inserting a pattern into your page, you can customize its individual blocks, such as changing text, images, colors, and alignment.

What’s a WordPress blocks theme?

How important is understanding visual design for WordPress?

Understanding visual design principles like balance, contrast, and color theory is crucial for creating visually appealing websites that offer a good user experience.

What’s the difference between margin and padding in block settings?

Margin controls the space outside a block’s boundary, while padding is the space between the content and the boundary inside a block.

Why is color contrast important in web design?

High color contrast improves readability and accessibility, ensuring that all users, including those with visual impairments, can navigate your website easily.

How can I create a visual hierarchy in WordPress?

Use different sizes for headings and paragraphs, and incorporate images and blocks strategically to guide visitors’ attention through your content.

Do I need to know HTML to use WordPress?

While not necessary for basic use, knowing HTML can enhance your ability to customize and troubleshoot your site beyond what the visual editor offers.

Can CSS improve my WordPress site’s design?

Absolutely. CSS allows you to style and layout your website with precision, from changing fonts and colors to adjusting spacing and alignment.

What is UX design, and why is it important for WordPress sites?

UX design focuses on the overall user experience, making sure your site is user-friendly, intuitive, and enjoyable to navigate, which is key to retaining visitors.

How does UI design differ from UX in WordPress?

UI (User Interface) design deals with the visual design elements users interact with, while UX (User Experience) focuses on the overall feel and navigability of the site.

What are some best practices for WordPress site layouts?

Use grid systems for alignment, ensure your design is responsive for all devices, and utilize blocks effectively to create structured and engaging layouts.

How can typography impact my WordPress site?

Good typography enhances readability, establishes visual hierarchy, and contributes to the site’s mood and brand identity.

Where can I find fonts for my WordPress site?

What’s the best way to learn web design with WordPress?

Start by building projects like blogs, portfolios, or small business websites, and use online resources, tutorials, and community forums to learn and seek feedback.

Can I build a responsive website with WordPress?

How do I keep up with web design trends for WordPress?

Follow WordPress and web design blogs, join WordPress communities, and attend WordCamps to stay informed about the latest trends and best practices.

What plugins can help with web design in WordPress?

Plugins like Elementor, Beaver Builder, and WPBakery Page Builder can extend the block editor’s capabilities for more complex designs.

How can I make my WordPress site more accessible?

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.