
Website template: Handyman Page HANDP-PRO-01

Call us for a free consultation

Get your to-do list done

Beauty in simplicity

We are fully licensed and insured

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Available 24/7

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Emergency services

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Free estimates

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Customer satisfaction

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We offer a wide range of handyman services to meet your needs

We are a team of experienced and reliable handymen who are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality services possible.


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Name Surname

We offer a wide range of handyman services at affordable prices

Contact us today to get a free estimate on your next handyman project


Handy work


Task master


Your handyman


Repair pro

Schedule a service now

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How to customise the MaxiBlocks WordPress handyman homepage template

The MaxiBlocks handyman homepage template is designed to help your business establish an online presence with professionalism, simplicity, and a touch of personality. It’s ideal for home repair services, contractors, or anyone offering handyman services. Let’s explore how you can make this layout your own, section by section.

Hero section: attract visitors instantly

The hero section of this template features a clear and strong headline, “Call us for a free consultation”, with the subheading “Get your to-do list done”. Accompanying this is an image of a smiling handyman in a workshop, creating a welcoming and trustworthy first impression.

  • Images: The image in the hero section is essential to building trust. Consider using an image that represents you or your team.
  • CTA Button: A prominent arrow symbol serves as the call-to-action (CTA), encouraging users to get in touch easily.

Customisation tips for the hero section:

  1. Replace the image with one that features your team in action, creating a personal connection.
  2. Update the headline to reflect a special offer, e.g., “Get a Free Quote Today”.
  3. Adjust the CTA to include more information—such as “Get your free estimate now”.
  4. Add a background colour that matches your brand’s aesthetic to make the text stand out.
  5. Include an introductory video in the background to show the work process.
  6. Adjust the font to better reflect your brand—whether more formal or more playful.
  7. Experiment with animation effects for the CTA to catch attention.
  8. Update the text to include an incentive, like “Free consultation for first-time customers!”
  9. Use the WordPress block theme tutorial to learn how to create new styles for the hero section.
  10. Make sure the CTA button is mobile-optimised for easy tapping on phones.

“We are fully licensed and insured” section: establish credibility

This section reassures visitors by highlighting the business credentials—”We are fully licensed and insured”. It includes an image of a worker cutting materials, with a few bullet points outlining key benefits such as “Available 24/7” and “Emergency services”.

  • Icons: The icons are used to add visual interest to each feature, making the information more digestible.
  • Layout: A two-column structure balances text and image, ensuring it’s easy to read.

Customisation tips for the credibility section:

  1. Update the image to something that represents a unique aspect of your services.
  2. Add a customer testimonial alongside to build more credibility.
  3. Use the WordPress icon library to replace icons with ones that better match your brand style.
  4. Consider animating the icons to make the features stand out.
  5. Update the text to mention any awards or recognitions.
  6. Make the icons clickable for further explanation about each feature.
  7. Include a “Learn More” link below the section that directs visitors to a dedicated services page.
  8. Add a slight gradient to the background for more visual interest.
  9. Consider adding a “Watch Our Team in Action” link to boost engagement.
  10. Experiment with changing the layout—try switching the image and text positions to see what resonates more with your visitors.

Services overview section: highlight your range of services

The services overview section features the headline “We offer a wide range of handyman services to meet your needs”. It includes three main services presented as cards, each with an icon—Carpentry, Plumbing, and Electrical—and additional smaller icons for other services.

  • Design: The grid design is clear and helps visitors immediately understand your offerings.
  • Content: Each service card is accompanied by a brief description, adding context.

Customisation tips for the services section:

  1. Replace service icons with custom ones that fit your brand using the WordPress icon library.
  2. Update service descriptions to emphasise what makes your services different, e.g., “Guaranteed same-day repairs!”
  3. Make each service card clickable, linking to a dedicated page for more details.
  4. Use images of completed projects for a more personal touch.
  5. Highlight the most popular services by adding a “Most Popular” badge.
  6. Adjust the colour scheme to make each service visually distinctive.
  7. Add hover effects to make service cards interactive.
  8. Experiment with adding a video thumbnail to explain services.
  9. Introduce a customer review below each service for added social proof.
  10. Use Maxi Blocks pattern templates to find additional patterns to add to this section.

Testimonial section: build trust with social proof

A simple testimonial section features a customer review alongside a star rating. It’s designed to reassure visitors that others have had positive experiences with your services.

  • Content: The section centres on a testimonial quote, with a customer photo and a five-star rating.
  • Design: This section breaks up the rest of the content with an authentic customer story.

Customisation tips for the testimonial section:

  1. Include rotating testimonials to showcase more customer feedback.
  2. Replace customer quotes with video testimonials.
  3. Add a “Read More” link to a detailed testimonial page.
  4. Use a different background colour to make this section stand out.
  5. Highlight a notable client or large project within the testimonial.
  6. Include customer ratings for individual services.
  7. Use real customer images for a genuine connection.
  8. Add a quote from the business owner for a personal touch.
  9. Create a slideshow format to fit more testimonials in less space.
  10. Add a “Join Our Happy Customers” CTA below the testimonials to drive engagement.

CTA banner: drive conversions

The “Schedule a service now” call-to-action banner appears towards the end of the page. The design features a bold black background and a prominent button to grab attention.

Customisation tips for the CTA banner:

  1. Change the background to a brand-related image for more visual appeal.
  2. Update the CTA text to add urgency, like “Book Today for a Discount!”
  3. Add a small description below to provide context for the CTA.
  4. Include a subtle animation for the button to draw more clicks.
  5. Test different colours for the button to see which converts better.
  6. Include a countdown timer for any ongoing promotions.
  7. Add a trust badge below the button for reassurance.
  8. Ensure the CTA is optimised for mobile visitors.
  9. Include a customer testimonial snippet alongside the CTA for more credibility.
  10. Experiment with font size and weight to make the CTA more impactful.

Footer section: provide useful links

The footer includes contact details, quick links, and social media icons, designed to help visitors find key information quickly.

  • Icons: Social media icons provide easy access to your platforms.
  • Content: Includes standard legal links and navigation, with contact information clearly visible.

Customisation tips for the footer section:

  1. Add a newsletter subscription form.
  2. Include a quick link to your “About Us” page.
  3. Use unique icons that match your brand’s style.
  4. Add operating hours for easy reference.
  5. Include a “Leave Us a Review” link.
  6. Add a call-out box for upcoming promotions.
  7. Incorporate a site map for easier navigation.
  8. Highlight key services in the footer links.
  9. Update footer colours to match the website’s theme.
  10. Include a link to a “Get a Free Quote” page.

Who can use this template?

This handyman homepage template can be effectively used by a variety of service providers, such as:

Make it your own

Whether you’re a WordPress website designer or a small business owner, the MaxiBlocks handyman homepage template is versatile and easy to customise to fit your needs. Be sure to explore the WordPress block templates and use Gutenberg blocks to tailor each section perfectly.

Get started now with Maxi Blocks pattern templates to add your personal flair to this handyman homepage and create a website that not only looks great but also converts visitors into clients.

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