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WordPress’ new Gutenberg Editor

Full-site editing
Full site editing

Introducing the Gutenberg Editor

Brief history

The project was announced by WordPress in 2017 to modernise the editing experience. It was developed to provide a more user-friendly and flexible content editor. enhancements. It has now become the default editor in WordPress, marking a significant milestone in the platform’s evolution.

Gutenberg default patterns
Gutenberg patterns

Why was Gutenberg introduced?

The need for a new editor in WordPress

The traditional Classic Editor in WordPress served its purpose for many years. As web design trends evolved and user expectations increased, it became apparent that a more modern and user-friendly editor was necessary. The Classic Editor lacked the flexibility and intuitive interface required to keep up with the changing landscape of website design.

Advantages in terms of usability and flexibility

It was introduced to address the limitations of the Classic Editor and provide a more advanced editing experience. It brings several advantages in terms of usability and flexibility.

Simplifies the content creation process by using blocks. Blocks can be manipulated, rearranged, and customised. It enhances the editing experience by providing a more intuitive interface. Users can focus on individual blocks without being overwhelmed by the entire page.

This block-based approach improves efficiency. And it enables a more consistent editing experience across different devices and screen sizes. It facilitates the integration of various media types and third-party block addons, making it more versatile and adaptable to different content needs. 

The Gutenberg project website

Blocks at the core

How blocks work and their benefits

Blocks in the new editor work like building blocks, allowing users to assemble and arrange content in a visual and intuitive manner. Here are the key benefits of using blocks:

The modular nature of blocks enhances the editing process, offering flexibility, customization, and efficient content reuse. 

Key features and functionalities of the new WordPress editor

  • Inline text formatting: Provides a user-friendly interface for applying basic formatting to text, such as bold, italics, headings, and bullet lists, directly within the block editor.
  • Media integration: Easily insert images, videos, and audio files into your content using the media blocks. You can upload media files from your computer or choose from the media library.
  • Reusable blocks: Enable the creation of reusable blocks, which are custom block configurations that can be saved and used across multiple posts and pages.
  • Collaboration and multilingual support: It provides seamless collaboration features, allowing multiple users to work on the same content simultaneously. It also offers built-in support for creating multilingual content using plugins like WPML or Polylang.
What is WordPress' new Gutenberg Editor
The modern editing experience

Gutenberg vs. Classic Editor

In this section, we’ll compare Gutenberg and the Classic Editor, discussing their differences, pros, and cons.


It is the modern and default editor in WordPress, introduced with the aim of revolutionising content creation. Here are the key aspects of it:

Pros of Gutenberg

  • Enhanced visual editing: It offers a more intuitive and visual editing experience, allowing users to see a real-time preview of their content as they create it.
  • Flexible block system: It utilises a block-based approach, enabling users to easily arrange and customise individual content elements. This provides greater control over the layout and design of web pages.
  • Modern and future-proof: As the default editor in WordPress, Gutenberg is actively developed and maintained, ensuring compatibility and support for future updates and enhancements.

Cons of Gutenberg

Classic Editor

The Classic Editor is the predecessor to the new WordPress editor and provides a more traditional editing experience in WordPress. Here’s an overview of the Classic Editor

Pros of Classic Editor

  • Familiar interface: The Classic Editor provides a familiar interface for users who are accustomed to the traditional WordPress editing experience.
  • Widespread plugin compatibility: The Classic Editor has been around for a long time, and most WordPress plugins and themes are built with compatibility for it, ensuring a seamless experience with existing tools.

Cons of Classic Editor

Gutenberg and the Classic Editor offer different editing experiences in WordPress. new WordPress editor brings enhanced visual editing, a flexible block system, and extensibility, while the Classic Editor provides a familiar interface and widespread plugin compatibility. Users should consider their specific needs, familiarity, and compatibility requirements when choosing between the two editors. 

  • Limited flexibility: The Classic Editor lacks the flexibility and customization options offered by the block-based system.
  • Visual limitations: With the Classic Editor, users need to switch between the editing and preview modes to see the final appearance of their content.
  • Long-term viability: As WordPress continues to evolve, the Classic Editor may receive less development focus and support.

Noteworthy features

These features include reusable blocks, block patterns, full-site editing, theme styles, and collaborative editing.

Reusable blocks

One standout feature is the ability to create and use reusable blocks. Reusable blocks allow you to save a custom block configuration and reuse it across multiple posts or pages. This feature saves time and effort by enabling you to maintain consistency and easily replicate complex layouts or content structures.

Block patterns

The new WordPress editor introduces block patterns, which are predefined block layouts that can be easily inserted into your content. Patterns provide ready-made designs and configurations for common content structures such as hero sections, testimonials, pricing tables, or feature boxes. Using block patterns makes it convenient to create visually appealing and engaging content without starting from scratch.

Full-site editing

Full-site editing allows you to customise your entire website, including headers, footers, sidebars, and other global elements, using the block-based approach..

Theme styles and global styles

It introduced theme styles and global styles, allowing themes to define default styles for blocks and providing users with a consistent visual experience. These styles provide predefined styling options for various block types, ensuring a cohesive look and feel across your content. 

Collaborative editing

It enhances collaboration by enabling multiple users to work on the same content simultaneously. Users can see real-time changes made by others and collaborate seamlessly, enhancing productivity and streamlining the content creation process.

These new features, including reusable blocks, patterns, full-site editing, theme styles, and collaborative editing, offer users valuable benefits in terms of flexibility, efficiency, and creative possibilities when building and managing websites. By exploring and leveraging these features, users can enhance their overall editing experience and unlock the potential for creating visually appealing and engaging content. These features provide practical tools that empower users to customise their website designs, streamline collaborative efforts, and optimize their content creation process.

Block-compatible themes
Block themes

How Gutenberg affects themes and plugins

Its introduction brought significant changes to the WordPress ecosystem, including its impact on themes and plugins. Here’s a brief overview of how it interacts with themes and plugins:

Content compatibility:

new WordPress editor is designed to seamlessly work with both new and existing themes and plugins. It doesn’t automatically break or disable the functionality of your existing content when you switch to the editor. Your content created with the Classic Editor will still be editable and displayed correctly in Gutenberg.

Block integration:

It utilises a block-based approach for content creation. Themes and plugins can extend new WordPress editor functionality by providing custom blocks tailored to specific purposes or integrating their existing features as blocks. This integration allows users to access additional functionalities within the editor.

Block-compatible themes and plugins:

To fully leverage Gutenberg’s capabilities, themes and plugins can be developed to be “block-compatible.” Here’s what it means:

Block-compatible themes:

Block-compatible themes are specifically designed to work seamlessly with the editor. These themes often provide pre-styled blocks and patterns that align with their design aesthetics, making it easier for users to create visually cohesive and consistent content. Block-compatible themes may also offer customization options for block styles and layouts.

Block-compatible plugins:

Block-compatible plugins extend the functionality by introducing additional blocks or integrating their existing features into blocks. These plugins allow users to enhance their content with specialised elements, such as advanced layouts, e-commerce functionality, social media integrations, or custom content blocks. Block-compatible plugins integrate smoothly into the editor, providing an expanded range of options for content creation.

By using block-compatible themes and plugins, users can maximise the potential of the editor, unlocking a wide range of design and functionality possibilities. 

Gutenberg interacts with themes and plugins by providing compatibility with existing content and allowing the integration of custom blocks. Block-compatible themes and plugins enhance the experience by providing additional design options, patterns, and specialised functionalities. 

Common concerns and Solutions

As with any significant change, the introduction of the new WordPress editor raised concerns and questions among WordPress users. Here are some common concerns and their corresponding solutions:

1. Compatibility issues

ConcernWill my existing content and plugins work with Gutenberg?
Solution: Gutenberg is designed to maintain compatibility with existing content created in the Classic Editor. Most plugins and themes have also been updated to ensure compatibility with Gutenberg. However, it’s recommended to check for compatibility information and update your plugins and themes to the latest versions.

2. Learning curve

Concern: Will I need to learn a new editor? Will it be difficult to transition from the Classic Editor?
Solution: While there might be a learning curve when transitioning, its intuitive block-based approach simplifies the content creation process. Familiarising yourself with the editor and exploring its features and functionalities will help you adapt quickly. 

3. Customisation options

Concern: Can I customise the appearance of blocks to match my website’s design?
Solution: Gutenberg provides various customization options. You can modify styles, alignments, colours, and backgrounds to match your website’s design aesthetic. Additionally, block-compatible themes often offer additional customization options for styling and layout, ensuring a cohesive visual experience.

4. Plugin and theme support

Concern: Will all my favourite plugins and themes be compatible?
Solution: The majority of popular plugins and themes have been updated to ensure compatibility with Gutenberg. However, it’s advisable to check with plugin and theme developers for compatibility information. Additionally, selecting block-compatible themes and plugins ensures smooth integration and optimal functionality with Gutenberg.

5. Classic Editor availability

Concern: Can I still use the Classic Editor if I prefer it?
Solution: While the default editor in WordPress, you have the option to install the Classic Editor plugin, which allows you to continue using the Classic Editor interface if desired. 

Addressing these common concerns and implementing the corresponding solutions can help ease the transition to Gutenberg and ensure a positive experience with the block editor. The new WordPress editor brings significant advancements to content creation in WordPress, and by familiarising yourself with its features, exploring customization options, and ensuring plugin and theme compatibility, you can leverage Gutenberg’s potential to create dynamic and engaging websites.

Further resources

To learn more about its features, here are some useful resources:

WordPress plugin: Stay up to date with the latest version of the plugin and explore its features directly on the plugin directory

Gutenberg Times: An online publication dedicated to news, tutorials, and insights about Gutenberg and the block editor. Visit Gutenberg Times website support forum: Engage with the WordPress community, ask questions, and find solutions to common issues related to Gutenberg. Visit WordPress’ support forum

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.