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What is WordPress?

WordPress Site Editor patterns
WordPress website creation

Key takeaways:

  • WordPress, a free, open-source content management system, has evolved from a blogging platform to a comprehensive solution for various website types.
  • With a significant market share, WordPress powers over 40% of websites, offering extensive customization through 58,000+ plugins and 8,000+ themes.
  • Users can choose between for full control and customization or for a more managed, user-friendly experience.
  • The platform’s ease of use, flexibility, and strong community support make it a top choice for both beginners and professionals.

What is WordPress website creation?

WordPress website creation involves using the WordPress content management system to build, customize, and manage a website. This process is facilitated by WordPress’s user-friendly design, extensive plugin ecosystem, and themes, allowing for the creation of anything from simple blogs to complex websites without needing to code.

What is WordPress?: Open-source powerhouse

A brief history

Born in 2003, WordPress has Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little to thank for its creation. It stemmed from their desire for a refined and well-structured publishing system built with PHP and MySQL, all accessible under the GPL license. Initially intended for bloggers, WordPress has blossomed into a comprehensive CMS capable of powering diverse websites, far exceeding its blogging roots.

WordPress: Taking the web by storm

Here’s a look at WordPress’s impressive reach and impact:

Choosing your WordPress path: Self-hosted (.org) vs. hosted (.com)

WordPress offers two main avenues for creating your website: and Understanding the distinction is essential before diving in. The self-reliant route

  • Self-hosted: With, you download the software for free and install it on your own web server. This grants you maximum flexibility and control.
  • Tailored websites: Build anything from basic blogs to intricate websites.
  • Customization galore: You have complete control over your site, allowing you to install themes, plugins, and even modify the code to fit your vision.
  • The responsibility factor: Remember, managing your own hosting and security is part of the deal. The user-friendly option

In a nutshell:

  • Go for if you crave complete control, customization freedom, and the ability to build complex websites. Be prepared to manage your own hosting.
  • Choose if you prioritize ease of use, a user-friendly interface, and don’t mind limitations on customization in exchange for a hassle-free experience.
Changing website colours with FSE
Modern Gutenberg WordPress

Core features of WordPress

WordPress is here to turn those website-wishes into reality.  But what makes it tick? Let’s dive into the core features that have made WordPress the king of the content management castle!

Forget code, unleash creativity: Core features of WordPress

Imagine creating a stunning website without needing to write a single line of code. That’s the magic of WordPress!

Here’s a peek under the hood to see what makes WordPress so user-friendly:

Themes and customization

Supercharge your site: The power of plugins and user management

WordPress doesn’t stop at ease of use and flexibility – it’s also incredibly extensible! Imagine adding superpowers to your website – that’s what plugins do.

Plugin power: The WordPress Plugin Directory holds a treasure trove of over 58,000 plugins, letting you enhance your website in almost any way imaginable.  Want to integrate your social media for seamless sharing? You guessed it – there’s a plugin!

But what if you want to allow others to help manage your website? WordPress has you covered there too!

Teamwork makes the dream work: WordPress allows you to create multiple user accounts, each with specific roles and permissions. Imagine assigning the “Editor” role to a friend to help you manage content, or giving an “Author” role to a colleague to contribute blog posts.

Media management

  • Media library: WordPress includes a built-in media library where users can upload and manage media elements like images, videos, and audio files. Users can easily insert media into posts and pages, and perform basic editing functions directly within the dashboard.
  • File optimization: Tools and plugins are available to optimize media files for faster loading times, improving site performance and user experience.

Multilingual support

  • Language options: WordPress itself is available in more than 50 languages, and themes and plugins can also be translated, making it accessible to a global audience.
  • Translation plugins: For websites that need to serve content in multiple languages, various translation plugins are available that allow site owners to create multilingual websites easily.

These core features underscore WordPress’s status as a comprehensive, adaptable platform suitable for creating and managing virtually any type of website. Its extensive customization options, coupled with its powerful CMS capabilities, make WordPress an ideal choice for users ranging from novices to experienced developers.

WordPress Site Editor navigation template parts footers
WordPress pattern library

The heartbeat of WordPress: Its thriving community

WordPress isn’t just a powerful platform – it’s backed by a passionate and supportive community! This global network brings together a diverse range of individuals, from web design enthusiasts to seasoned developers, all united by their love for WordPress.

Here’s what makes the WordPress community so special:

  • Expertise: The community fosters knowledge sharing, with experienced users offering guidance and support to those just starting out.
  • Open-source spirit: This means the platform is constantly evolving thanks to the contributions of this dedicated community. Developers collaborate and share code, ensuring WordPress stays at the forefront of website building technology.
  • Events and support: The WordPress community thrives on connection. From local meetups to global conferences (known as WordCamps), there are numerous opportunities to connect with fellow WordPress enthusiasts, learn from experts, and share your own experiences.

Giving back to the platform you love: Contributions and volunteerism

One of the most remarkable aspects of WordPress is its open-source nature. This means it’s not just a powerful tool, it’s a collaborative effort!

Here’s how you can become part of this incredible community:

  • Open source power:  WordPress thrives on the dedication of its volunteer developers, designers, and other passionate individuals. Contributions come in all shapes and sizes – writing code, designing themes, creating documentation, offering support to fellow users, translating the platform into new languages, and even managing online communities.
  • Find your niche:  The Make WordPress website acts as the central hub for these community contributors. Here, you’ll find dedicated teams focusing on various aspects of the project, from core development and themes to plugins, mobile optimization, accessibility features, and more.  No matter your skillset, there’s a team waiting to welcome you!

WordCamps and local Meetups

  • WordCamps: WordCamps are locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They are informal, community-organized events put together by WordPress users. Everyone from casual users to core developers participates, shares ideas, and gets to know each other. WordCamps happen all over the world, offering opportunities to learn, share knowledge, and contribute to WordPress.
  • Local Meetups: In addition to WordCamps, there are thousands of local WordPress meetup groups meeting regularly in cities all over the world. These meetups are smaller, more frequent gatherings where WordPress users can come together to learn from each other, discuss challenges, and network.

Support forums and documentation

Support forums: The WordPress Support Forums are a valuable resource for getting help with WordPress. The forums are staffed by volunteer moderators and experienced WordPress users who offer their expertise to assist with everything from technical issues to theme and plugin recommendations.

Documentation: The WordPress Codex and the newer WordPress Developer Resources provide comprehensive documentation of WordPress’s features, functions, and APIs. These resources are invaluable for both beginners learning how to use WordPress and developers seeking to extend the platform’s capabilities.

The WordPress community is central to the platform’s success, fostering an environment of collaboration, learning, and mutual support. Whether through contributions to the software, participation in events, or providing help in forums, the community ensures that WordPress continues to grow and evolve in response to the needs of its users.

What is WordPress?
WordPress blocks library

Launching your WordPress dream: A step-by-step guide

The prospect of building your website with WordPress can be thrilling, no matter your vision – a captivating blog, a professional business platform, or a stunning online portfolio.  Understanding the foundational steps, from picking the right WordPress version to customizing your site, is key to a smooth launch.  Here’s a comprehensive guide to equip you for this exciting journey:

Securing your digital space: Domain name and hosting

Bringing your site to life: Installing WordPress

  • Choose a hosting plan: Select a plan that aligns with your budget and website’s needs.
  • One-click installation (preferred): Many hosts offer this effortless option. Look for the WordPress installation option within your hosting control panel.
  • Manual installation: If one-click isn’t available, download WordPress from and follow their installation instructions.

Taking the helm: Exploring your WordPress dashboard

The WordPress dashboard is your website’s command center.   Familiarize yourself with its layout for smooth navigation.

Weaving your story: Crafting pages, posts, and engaging content

  • Pages: Create informative pages like “About Us” or “Contact” to provide essential details about your website and brand.
  • Posts: Blog posts are excellent platforms to share your expertise, tell stories, and connect with your audience. Learn how to craft captivating content to keep visitors engaged.

Finding your design aesthetic: Themes and customization

Expanding functionality: The power of plugins

Think of plugins as superpowers for your website! From SEO optimization and social media integration to contact forms and e-commerce features, there’s likely a plugin to fulfill almost any need.  Research and install plugins that enhance your website’s functionality.

Maintaining your masterpiece: Updates and security

Regular updates to WordPress core, themes, and plugins are crucial.  These updates ensure your website stays secure, functions optimally, and benefits from the latest features.

By following these steps and delving deeper into the resources available, you’ll be well on your way to crafting a fantastic website with WordPress! Remember, the journey is as exciting as the destination, so have fun exploring the possibilities!

Tips and tricks for maximizing creativity with free WordPress page builders
WordPress blocks library

Building your website with WordPress

Planning your website’s structure

  • Define your purpose: Clearly define the purpose of your website, whether it’s for blogging, showcasing a portfolio, running an e-commerce store, or for a business.
  • Map out your site: Sketch a rough structure of your site, including the main sections and pages you plan to have. Consider your navigation menu, categories, and any special features you’ll need.
  • Consider your audience: This will influence your content, design, and functionality.

Creating pages and posts

  • Pages vs. posts: Understand the difference between pages (static content) and posts (dynamic, blog content). Use pages for information like “About Us,” “Services,” and “Contact,” and posts for blog articles, news, or updates.
  • Adding content: In the WordPress dashboard, toggle open “Pages” > “Add New” to create new pages, and “Posts” > “Add New” for blog posts. Utilize the Gutenberg editor to add and format your content with blocks.

Customizing appearance with themes

  • Selecting a theme: Choose a theme that aligns with your website’s purpose. There are thousands of free and premium themes available.
  • Customizing your theme: Consistency in design helps improve user experience.

Enhancing functionality with plugins

Identifying needs: Determine what additional functionality your website requires. This could be anything from contact forms and SEO tools to social sharing and security enhancements.Installing plugins: Search for plugins directly in your WordPress dashboard under “Plugins” > “Add New.” Install and activate.

SEO optimization best practices

Keyword research: Conduct keyword research to understand how your target audience searches for your content, products, or services.SEO plugins: Utilize SEO plugins like Yoast SEO or All in One SEO Pack to optimize your site’s titles, meta descriptions, and content for your chosen keywords.Content quality: Informative, and answers the questions your audience may have. Use headings, subheadings, and lists to improve readability.

Security and maintenance tips

  • Keep WordPress updated: Regularly update your WordPress core, themes, and plugins to the latest versions to secure your site from vulnerabilities.
  • Backups: Implement a backup solution to save your website’s content and settings regularly. Many plugins and hosting services offer automated backup solutions.
  • Security plugins: Install security plugins like Wordfence or Sucuri to protect your website from malware, brute force attacks, and other security threats.
  • Performance monitoring: Use plugins like WP Rocket or tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to monitor and improve your website’s loading speed.
WordPress web development
WordPress web development

WordPress development

Theme development basics

  • Understanding theme structure: A WordPress theme consists of a set of files (PHP, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) that define the appearance and layout of a website.
  • Theme development: To start developing a theme, you can begin with _underscores (_s) as a base, a starter theme designed to give you a head start.
  • Theme customization: Themes can be customized using actions and filters, custom widgets, and the Customizer API for live-previewing changes. Understanding the Theme Hierarchy is crucial for determining which template files to modify or create for specific pages.

Plugin development Basics

  • Plugin structure: A WordPress plugin is a piece of software that adds new functionality or extends existing functionality on a WordPress website.
  • Creating a plugin: Start by creating a new directory in the wp-content/plugins folder and a main PHP file with a header comment that WordPress recognizes as a plugin. Use WordPress hooks (actions and filters) to interact with the WordPress core.
  • Best practices: Ensure your plugin is secure, follows WordPress coding standards, and does not conflict with themes or other plugins. Utilize existing WordPress functions and classes where possible, and consider the impact on site performance.

Customizing WordPress through code (hooks and filters)

  • Hooks and filters: Hooks (actions and filters) is for allowing developers to modify or add functionality without altering core files. Execute code at specific points during execution, while filters allow you to modify data before it’s sent to the database or the browser.
  • Usage examples: Adding custom functions to functions.php in a theme or a plugin file can significantly alter how WordPress behaves. For instance, you can customize the login page, modify admin menus, add custom post types, or alter query results.

REST API and application development

  • WordPress REST API: The REST API enables the development of applications that can interact with a WordPress site. It provides endpoints for accessing WordPress data (posts, pages, custom post types) and performing operations (create, read, update, delete) in JSON format.
  • Application development: Developers can use the REST API to build headless WordPress sites, mobile apps, or integrate WordPress with other systems. This decouples the frontend from the WordPress backend, allowing for more flexible and modern web architectures.

Developer resources and tools

  • Official documentation: The WordPress Developer Handbook is an invaluable resource, offering comprehensive guides on theme and plugin development, coding standards, and the REST API.
  • Development tools: Tools like Local by Flywheel for local development, Code Sniffer for adhering to coding standards, Query Monitor for debugging, and Git for version control are essential for efficient WordPress development.
  • Community support: Participate in WordPress forums, Stack Exchange, and Slack channels to learn from and contribute to the community.

WordPress development opens up endless possibilities for customization and innovation. Whether you’re building themes, plugins, or applications, a deep understanding of WordPress core, coding standards, and best practices will ensure your projects are successful, secure, and performant.

Choose the perfect WordPress templates for your website
WordPress case studies

Case studies and success stories

The versatility and robustness of WordPress as a content management system are demonstrated by the wide variety of websites it powers, from small blogs and business pages to large news portals and e-commerce platforms. Below, we explore notable WordPress-powered websites, insights from their owners and developers, and an analysis of successful e-commerce stores built with WordPress.

Overview of notable WordPress-powered websites

  • The New Yorker: A leading example in the publishing industry, The New Yorker’s website is powered by WordPress, showcasing its capability to handle high traffic and provide a seamless user experience while maintaining a sophisticated design.
  • Sony Music: Representing the entertainment industry, Sony Music’s website utilizes WordPress to manage content and artist profiles, demonstrating WordPress’s flexibility for media-rich sites.
  • TechCrunch: As a prominent technology news portal, TechCrunch leverages WordPress for its publishing needs, illustrating the platform’s reliability and scalability for high-traffic situations.
  • Mercedes-Benz: This luxury car brand’s official website showcases WordPress’s ability to create a high-end, engaging online presence for global brands.
  • University of Washington: Educational institutions like the University of Washington use WordPress for its ease of content management and flexibility, serving a broad audience with various needs.

Interviews with website owners and developers

Interviews with the brains behind successful WordPress sites often reveal a common theme: the choice of WordPress is largely due to its flexibility, ease of use, and large support community. Key takeaways include:

  • Ease of content management: Non-technical staff appreciate the straightforward content management process, allowing them to update the site without IT help.
  • Customization and scalability: Developers highlight WordPress’s extensive plugin ecosystem and theme options as crucial for tailoring sites to specific needs while ensuring they can scale with growing traffic and content.
  • Community support: The vast WordPress community is a valuable resource for troubleshooting, tips, and best practices, ensuring continuous improvement and innovation.

Successful E-commerce stores on WordPress

Notable successes often share several strategies:

The future of WordPress

Here’s what to expect and the trends influencing its trajectory.

Upcoming features and updates

  • Full site editing (FSE): WordPress is moving towards a more intuitive site-building experience with Full Site Editing, allowing users to customize all aspects of their sites using blocks.
  • Performance improvements: As web performance becomes increasingly crucial for SEO and user experience, WordPress is focusing on making the core software faster and more efficient, including better handling of images and scripts.
  • Greater integration with modern web technologies: Expect WordPress to integrate more deeply with technologies like headless CMS architectures, React, and other JavaScript frameworks, offering developers more flexibility in building dynamic, app-like experiences.

Trends in web development and CMS

  • Headless and decoupled CMS: The trend towards using WordPress as a headless CMS, where the front end is separated from the backend content management system, is expected to grow.
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning: AI and ML are becoming more integrated into web development for personalization, content generation, and data analysis. WordPress plugins and themes may increasingly incorporate AI to offer smarter features and automation.
  • Sustainability in web design: As awareness of digital carbon footprints increases, there’s a growing trend towards creating more energy-efficient websites. WordPress themes and plugins focusing on sustainability, through optimized performance and reduced resource usage, are likely to gain popularity.
  • Supporting the ecosystem: Through initiatives like Five for the Future, where organizations are encouraged to contribute five percent of their resources to WordPress development, WordPress will continue to support and nurture its ecosystem of developers, designers, and content creators.

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.