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WordPress themes for hairdressers: Download with demo content

Stylish WordPress themes for hairdressers
Stylish WordPress themes for hairdressers

For WordPress web designers, here is a beautiful WordPress block template that has been designed and developed specifically for hairdresser services. This page template can also be adapted to showcase various beauty and wellness services. Do you have a client who offers spa treatments, nail services, makeup artistry, or even holistic wellness guidance? Then adapt this lovely WordPress page template to fit your client’s business focus.

A predesigned hairdresser WordPress block template

For hairdressers who want to try their hand at making their own website there is of course a somewhat time consuming learning process if you have never created a website before. It is, however, not impossible. The first few steps will involve finding a hosting service and downloading WordPress. Add to this a free page builder such as MaxiBlocks, get it here, and the MaxiBlocks theme which will be available from WordPress here.  With this totally free set up you are now able to get going to build your own website. To add this hairdresser home page grab the mini option of the Pro library to get started on building your very own website. Support at MaxiBlocks will also assist. 

For web designers using WordPress and the Gutenberg block editor, this WordPress block template is worth trying out. Grab the open-source MaxiBlocks page builder here to get you started and mid July 2024 the MaxiBlocks full site editing theme will be on check here. 

If you are not using the Gutenberg block editor yet, give it a try with MaxiBlocks. You will be surprised by how helpful it is to get your website built quickly. This combination, Gutenberg and MaxiBlocks, offers a range of easy-to-use tools to build your website and gives you access to the Pro library with a massive collection of templates, patterns, shapes, and icons. It’s a great combination of developer tools that require no coding knowledge and offers pre-made designs to help you create great-looking websites. A huge time saver all around.

A hairdresser WordPress page template

Let’s review this WordPress homepage for a professional hairdressing service. The design is structured to show distinct sections on the page, each serving a specific purpose. It follows a colour scheme that combines white backgrounds with warm accents and black text. Of course, a web designer or hairdresser building his or her own site is not stuck with this colour combination. Use the MaxiBlocks page builder’s style cards to easily change the colours and accents on the page as well as site wide.

Hairdressing is an essential service. Life can get hectic, and between work, family, and social commitments, maintaining hair can become a challenge. A professional hairdressing service can help to make life easier by making this chore go away, whether for a special occasion or everyday maintenance.

Having a website for a professional hairdressing service is as important as having those top-notch styling tools. It’s a digital storefront and a chance to show the world (or at least the local neighbourhood) why this business needs to be called in to achieve hair goals.

That’s where MaxiBlocks comes in! As a web designer with a hairdressing business client, this WordPress page template will help to quickly and efficiently build an online presence for a hair salon.

The top banner for the hairdresser WordPress block template 

Background image: The banner’s background features a dynamic and vibrant image depicting a hairstyling process. Visible is a stylist working on a client’s hair, highlighting the service’s precision and creativity. The lighting in the photo draws the eye to the stylist’s hands, emphasising the craftsmanship involved.

Text overlay: An overlay of a semi-transparent white rectangle that softens the underlying image, providing a clean space for text. The primary message reads “The House of Colour – Look 10 Years Younger!”, set in a large, bold, sans-serif typeface. It’s a strong statement that immediately tells the visitor what the site is about. This particular message depends on the special skills the hairdresser is known for. It could be dreadlocks, styling, hair treatments or colour treatments. The client’s main message will determine the text that needs to be used. Easily replace the text anywhere on the site including banners.

Subtext: Beneath the main text, in a smaller font size, is additional information: “Expert hairdressing services for women and men. Book your appointment today!” This sentence serves as a subheading or tagline that adds more detail about the service, emphasising its expertise and availability for both genders as well to encourage taking action. Again this text can easily be replaced with more appropriate words to suit the client’s brand message..Call to action: An orange button labelled “Book Now” stands out against the white text box, inviting the viewer to take action. The button’s colour is consistent with other warm elements on the page, maintaining the overall colour scheme and drawing attention to the interactive element of the banner.

Customising the top banner

The top banner is the website’s prime real estate – it’s the first thing visitors see. This important section is perfect for a strong message. Here’s how you can customise MaxiBlock’s pre-designed pattern banner to reflect a brand’s message.

Here’s what you’ll see:

Image: The background image is a dynamic scene – think of it as a hairstyling transformation. Show a stylist in action, creating beautiful hairstyles. Of course it is up to the web designer to decide on what image to use and perhaps the client has a range of excellent quality images to choose from unusual as that might be. However, in the hairdressing business images tend to be available quite readily. 

Main headline: “The House of Colour – Look 10 Years Younger.” It’s clear and concise, leaving no room for doubt about the hairdressing services. As mentioned above this text can easily be replaced with a more appropriate message if the client requires this.

Subheading: “Expert hairdressing services for women and men. Book your appointment today!” This tagline dives deeper, emphasising the service’s benefits and inviting customers to book.

Call to action: There is a bright orange button that reads “Book Now.” This entices viewers to explore the services further.

Customising the hero pattern

As already mentioned above, changes can be made easily or not at all. This all depends on what resonates with the client, or for hairdressers creating their own site, what they are comfortable with. The important point is that the text needs to reflect the service. Here are some tips:

Image is everything: Choose a photo that reflects the brand’s quality. Think of happy clients with stylish hair, showcasing the expertise and creativity of the stylists.

Text that converts: Edit the text to showcase the unique value proposition. What sets this business apart from the competition? Highlight special skills or services like balayage, precision cuts, or colour corrections.

Call to action: Keep the orange button for consistency, but change the text to something more action-oriented like “Get Your New Look!” or “Schedule Your Appointment Today!”

Modern WordPress themes for hairdressers
Modern WordPress themes for hairdressers

The service features section

Images: Each image acts as a visual representation of the corresponding hairdressing service. They need to be high-quality photographs that showcase the outcomes of the services, such as stylish haircuts, vibrant highlights, hair treatment such as straightening hair or adding dreadlocks and/or smooth blow-dries. The images are framed with a clean white border, giving the layout a neat and organised appearance.

Captions: Directly beneath each image are captions that are concise yet informative. They serve as titles for the services depicted above them, including “Cut & Blow Dry,” “Highlights,” and “Full Colour.” These captions are presented in a bold and legible typeface, making it easy for visitors to quickly identify the variety of services available. They also provide an opportunity to insert keywords to assist with SEO.

Layout: The six images are divided into two rows of three, creating a symmetrical grid that is easy to navigate visually. This layout is not only aesthetically pleasing but also implies a comprehensive range of services. Of course the view in responsive mode, that is for phone screens for instance, will resize itself to ensure easy viewing. MaxiBlocks has six responsive settings. This means that every screen size will be accommodated. 

Colour scheme: The colours in the photographs are natural and indicative of stylish, well-maintained hair, which aligns with the company’s branding message. The neutral background of the images ensures that the text captions stand out, enhancing readability.

Customising the service features

The “Services” section is where the hairdressing business can be shown to demonstrate its exceptional offerings.

Imagine a gallery dedicated to the art of hair:

Images: Each image represents the expertise the company has. Think stunning haircuts, vibrant colour treatments, and sleek blow-dries. High-quality photos with interesting and attractive models are key – they’ll leave no doubt about the amazing results that the stylists deliver. Let’s also not forget the silver hair group. A special mention can be made with images regarding cutting and colour treating hair for seniors whose hair tends to thin as they get older. 

Captions: Under each image sits a clear and concise caption that identifies the services on offer. Classic examples include “Cut & Blow Dry,” “Highlights,” and “Full Colour.”

A grid: The six images are arranged in a neat 3×2 grid – easy on the eyes and easy to navigate. It not only looks sharp but also subtly conveys the comprehensive range of services.

Customising the service features section

Know your audience: Structure the plans to attract different customer segments. Maybe a basic “Quick Trim” for busy professionals or a comprehensive “Special Occasion” package for those needing a complete makeover. The designer could also add a special category for haircuts for kids and teenagers. Not many hair salons make mention of this service even though in most cases they would cut any child’s hair willingly.

Feature focus: Edit the feature list to reflect the services on offer. Highlight specialties like “Balayage Highlights” or “Keratin Treatments.”

The power of price: Consider offering limited-time discounts or introductory offers to entice new customers.

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The call to action (CTA) section

Background image: There is a background photograph showing hands carefully styling hair. The photo communicates attention to detail and personal touch, which can be associated with the meticulous care the company provides in its services.

Text content: Above the image, there’s a strong call to action that reads, “Get a New Look Today!” This directive is clear, concise, and designed to be action-oriented. It’s coupled with a reassuring follow-up statement, “Experience our top-notch hairdressing services and walk out looking fabulous.” This offers a promise of quality and customer satisfaction.

Design elements: The text is superimposed on the image with a degree of transparency that allows the photograph to be visible while maintaining the readability of the text. This layering of text over the image is a common web design technique that combines visual appeal with information.

Button: Beneath the text, there is a button labelled “Book Now” that stands out in orange and is consistent with the website’s colour theme. The button is likely intended to take users to a more detailed page where they can fill out information to book an appointment.

Typography: The CTA text uses a larger, bold typeface for the main instruction “Get a New Look Today,” which is intended to draw attention and encourage action. The supplementary guarantee is in a smaller size but still prominent enough to be immediately noticeable. The choice of a sans-serif font contributes to the modern and user-friendly vibe of the page.Colour scheme: The text and button feature the website’s signature warm accent, which acts as a visual cue to attract the user’s eyes and encourage them to take action.

Responsive WordPress themes for hairdressers
Responsive WordPress themes for hairdressers

Designing a compelling call to action

The “Call to Action” section is a golden opportunity to turn website visitors into potential customers!

A picture’s worth a thousand styles:

Background image:
The background image sets the scene perfectly – a close-up of meticulous hands styling hair. It subtly communicates the attention to detail that is brought to every service.

Words that convert: The text is clear and action-oriented: “Get a New Look Today!” It’s a no-brainer offer, and the follow-up message is strong: “Experience our top-notch hairdressing services and walk out looking fabulous.”

Design decisions: The text is layered over the image, creating visual interest while ensuring readability. Plus, the orange button (“Book Now”) pops against the background, making it hard to miss.

Font fundamentals: The typography is spot-on! The main CTA is larger and bold, grabbing attention. The guarantee text is smaller, but still clear. The sans-serif font adds a modern and approachable feel.

Customising the call to action

Present an offer that’s hard to refuse: “Get a New Look Today!” is good, but consider adding a special sweetener like “First Appointment Discount” or “Free Consultation.”

Speak their language: Go beyond “Experience our top-notch hairdressing services.” Personalise the message! Highlight what the ideal customer might be most concerned about. For example, mention “Expert Colour Correction” if clients often come for colour fixes.

Make it clear, concise, and packed with value: By showcasing the fantastic hairdressing service and offering a compelling reason to book, potential customers are more likely to take action.

Build like a pro

The footer

Colour scheme: The vibrant accent colour provides a strong visual anchor for the page, reinforcing the brand’s colour identity and ensuring that the footer grabs attention. The text and icons within the footer are white, creating a stark and readable contrast against the accent backdrop.

Menu links: The footer contains a straightforward menu with white text links titled “About,” “Services,” “Team,” and “Contact.” These are intended to provide quick navigation to other parts of the website. The choice of links is a focus on company information, the scope of work, team details, and contact information.

Social media icons: To the right, there are social media icons for platforms like Facebook, Twitter/X, and Instagram. These icons are minimalist and white, maintaining the clean design and ensuring that they are easily recognisable against the accent background.

Design elements: The footer design is minimal, which helps in not overwhelming the user with information at the bottom of the page. There’s a fine white line just above the footer that acts as a separator from the content above. Additionally, each menu link has ample spacing around it, which contributes to the uncluttered look and makes each element distinctly clickable.

Typography: The font used for the menu links is simple and sans-serif, which aligns with the modern aesthetic of the entire website. The font size is smaller than the main content but large enough to be legible against the accent background.

Company information: There’s a small copyright notice at the bottom left corner, featuring the company name and the year, indicating legal ownership of the website content.

Layout: The footer is divided into two main sections: one for the menu links and one for the social media links. This division is logical, as users commonly look for navigation options and social media links in a website’s footer.

Accessibility: The footer follows web accessibility standards with its high-contrast colour scheme, making the information accessible to users with visual impairments.

Highlighting unique selling points

The “Unique Selling Points” section is a chance to shout from the rooftops (metaphorically, of course) about what makes this hairdressing service the best choice for customers!

Icons: Four simple yet powerful icons represent the unique features. Think scissors for “Precision Cuts” or a thin hair colouring brush for “Expert Colouring.”

Descriptions: Under each icon, a short and sweet description explains what makes that feature fantastic. Think “Transformative Cuts for Every Style.”

Grid: The icons and descriptions are neatly arranged in a row, making it easy for visitors to scan and discover all the amazing things on offer.

Customising the unique selling points

Unique selling what?: Start by identifying what truly sets the service apart. Highlight special skills or services like “Balayage Experts” or “Sustainable Products.”

Icons that pop: MaxiBlocks’ extensive SVG icon library of over 14,000 makes it easy to swap out icons that might not be exactly what the client likes. Easily swap out the icons and choose ones that perfectly represent the company’s special services.

Words that wow: Edit the descriptions to be clear, concise, and benefit-oriented! Instead of just “Precision Cuts,” consider “Transformative Cuts for Every Style.”

Final thoughts

This WordPress themes for hairdressers is a beautiful start to building a website for a hair salon. It will also be of benefit when discussing the pricing of the project with the client as the designer is able to already demonstrate a designed page without having to lift a finger. It’s totally pre-made. For a hairdresser building his or her own website this could initially be the entire website. 

Further pages can be added at a later stage and as the hairdresser learns more web design skills. Additional features such as a booking plugin can be added as well as a contact form, a pricing page and a more expansive about page if the salon has a range of stylists. Either way WordPress themes for hairdressers can really make the job of designing a website for a hairdresser a much quick and easier process.

Elegant WordPress themes for hairdressers
Elegant WordPress themes for hairdressers

FAQs for WordPress themes for hairdressers

What is MaxiBlocks?

MaxiBlocks is a powerful, free WordPress plugin that allows you to create stunning web pages using an intuitive block system. It integrates seamlessly with the Gutenberg editor, offering a range of customizable blocks to enhance your website design.

Can I use MaxiBlocks to build a professional website for my business?

Yes, MaxiBlocks offers a variety of templates suitable for different types of businesses. For example, you can use the WP Block Templates Business Homepage to create a professional business website.

Does MaxiBlocks offer templates for creative professionals like photographers and designers?

Absolutely. There are specific templates tailored for creative professionals. For instance, the Maxiblocks Photographer Template is perfect for photographers, and the Interior Design Maxiblocks Dark Theme Template is great for designers.

How can I create a website for my acupuncture clinic using MaxiBlocks?

You can use the Acupuncture Website Template provided by MaxiBlocks to quickly set up a professional and aesthetically pleasing website for your acupuncture clinic.

Is there a template available for a barbershop website?

Yes, you can use the Barber Homepage WordPress Block Themes to create a stylish and functional website for your barbershop.

Can I find templates suitable for architectural firms on MaxiBlocks?

Definitely. MaxiBlocks offers several templates designed for architectural firms, such as the Architectural WordPress Block Templates and the Open Source Website Builder Architectural Template.

Are there templates for event websites, like concerts?

Yes, you can use the Concert WordPress Template to create an engaging website for concerts and other events.

How can I create a responsive and modern website for my interior design business?

The Interior Design Maxiblocks Dark Theme Template is an excellent choice for creating a modern and responsive website for your interior design business.

Can I build a personal blog using MaxiBlocks?

Yes, MaxiBlocks is very versatile and you can use the Studio Website with the Maxiblocks Template to create a personal blog that is both stylish and functional.

Is there a template for a crafting or DIY website?

Yes, the Craftsman Home Page Template is ideal for creating a website focused on crafts, DIY projects, or any other creative hobbies.

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.


Kyra Pieterse


Kyra is the co-founder and creative lead of MaxiBlocks, an open-source page builder for WordPress Gutenberg.

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