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10 ways to get started with WordPress development

WordPress development tools and resources
WordPress development tools and resources

WordPress is one of the most popular platforms for building websites, and getting into WordPress development can open up many opportunities. Whether you’re looking to build your own website or start a career in web development, understanding how WordPress works is essential. In this guide, we’ll cover ten practical ways to get started with WordPress development, breaking down the basics and providing you with the knowledge you need to begin.

Understanding WordPress basics

To get started, it’s important to know what WordPress is and what it’s used for. WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that powers millions of websites around the world. It’s versatile, allowing you to create anything from blogs to e-commerce sites. There are two versions of WordPress: and is a hosted service that handles most of the technical details for you, while is self-hosted, giving you more control and flexibility. Choosing the right version depends on your needs and how much control you want over your site.

Setting up your local development environment

Before diving into development, it’s helpful to set up a local environment where you can experiment without affecting a live website. A local development environment lets you run WordPress on your own computer. There are several tools available for this, such as MAMP, WAMP, XAMPP, and Local by Flywheel. Installing one of these tools is straightforward and usually involves downloading the software and following the setup instructions. Once installed, you can create a local server to host your WordPress site.

Best practices for WordPress development
Best practices for WordPress development

Learning the WordPress file structure

Understanding the WordPress file structure is fundamental to development. WordPress consists of a series of directories and files that work together to deliver your website’s content. Key files include wp-config.php, which contains your site’s configuration settings, and folders like wp-content, where your themes and plugins reside. Getting familiar with these files helps you understand how WordPress operates and how you can customise it to suit your needs.

Mastering HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

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Exploring PHP and MySQL

PHP and MySQL are at the core of WordPress. PHP is the scripting language that powers WordPress, while MySQL is the database management system it uses. Learning PHP and MySQL will allow you to build custom features and manage data effectively. Start with the basics of PHP syntax and MySQL queries, and gradually explore how these technologies are used within WordPress. Simple examples, like creating a custom template or querying the database, can be very helpful in understanding these concepts.

Exploring WordPress themes

Themes control the appearance of your WordPress site. To get started, you can install and activate pre-made themes, but understanding how themes work will let you create your own custom designs. A typical WordPress theme includes template files, a stylesheet (style.css), and a functions file (functions.php). You can customise themes further by creating child themes, which let you make changes without altering the original theme’s code.

Understanding WordPress plugins

Plugins extend the functionality of WordPress. There are thousands of plugins available that can add features like contact forms, SEO tools, and e-commerce capabilities. Installing and activating plugins is easy, but creating your own plugins allows you to add unique features tailored to your site’s needs. Start with simple plugins to understand the basics, and gradually move on to more complex ones.

Guide to WordPress development
Guide to WordPress development

Getting familiar with the WordPress dashboard

The WordPress dashboard is your control centre for managing your site. It includes sections for posts, pages, media, appearance, plugins, and settings. Spending time navigating the dashboard and learning what each section does will help you manage your content and site settings more efficiently. The dashboard is designed to be user-friendly, but exploring it in detail will make you more confident in using WordPress.

Introduction to WordPress hooks: actions and filters

Hooks are an important part of WordPress development, allowing you to modify or add functionality without changing the core code. There are two types of hooks: actions and filters. Actions let you execute code at specific points, while filters let you modify data before it’s displayed. Understanding and using hooks can greatly enhance your ability to customise WordPress. Look for examples and tutorials that show how to implement hooks in your projects.

Version control with Git

Version control is a must for any developer, and Git is one of the most popular tools for this. Git helps you track changes, manage versions, and collaborate with others. Setting up a Git repository for your WordPress project involves installing Git, creating a repository, and committing your code. Using GitHub or another online service to host your repository makes it easier to share your work and collaborate with others.

Build like a pro

Joining the WordPress community

Being part of the WordPress community can be very beneficial. There are many ways to get involved, such as participating in forums, attending meetups, and joining WordCamps. Contributing to WordPress core or helping others in the community can also improve your skills and knowledge. Staying connected with the community keeps you updated with the latest news and developments in WordPress.

Starting with WordPress development involves learning about the platform, setting up your environment, mastering key technologies, and getting involved with the community. By following these steps, you’ll build a strong foundation for developing with WordPress. Remember, practice and persistence are important, so keep experimenting and learning as you go.

Additional resources

To further your learning, explore recommended books, websites, and tutorials that cover WordPress development in more detail. The official WordPress documentation is also a valuable resource that can provide you with comprehensive information and support as you continue your journey.

Basics of WordPress development
Basics of WordPress development

FAQ: WordPress Development

What is WordPress development? 

WordPress development involves creating and customizing websites using the WordPress platform, including building themes, plugins, and custom functionalities. For more details, visit WordPress Development.

How do I set up a local development environment for WordPress? 

To set up a local development environment, you can use tools like XAMPP, Local by Flywheel, or MAMP to create a local server on your computer where you can install and develop WordPress. Detailed instructions can be found in A Beginner’s Guide to Getting Started with WordPress Development.

What are the essential tools for WordPress development? 

Essential tools include a local server environment (such as XAMPP or Local by Flywheel), a code editor (like Visual Studio Code), and version control systems like Git. For more information, see Top 10 Must-Have Plugins for WordPress Developers.

How can I create a custom WordPress theme? 

To create a custom WordPress theme, set up a theme directory, create essential files (like style.css and functions.php), and design the theme using HTML, CSS, and PHP. Learn more about creating custom themes in Understanding WordPress Themes: How to Create Your Own Custom Theme.

What is a child theme and how do I create one? 

A child theme allows you to modify an existing theme without altering the original code. To create a child theme, set up a new theme directory, add a style.css file with appropriate headers, and enqueue the parent theme’s stylesheet. For detailed instructions, visit Custom WordPress Design.

How do I start developing WordPress plugins? 

To start developing WordPress plugins, create a new plugin directory and a main PHP file, define plugin headers, and use WordPress hooks and functions to add functionality. For more information, see WordPress Development.

What are WordPress hooks and how do they work? 

WordPress hooks allow you to insert custom code into WordPress at specific points during execution. There are action hooks (for performing tasks) and filter hooks (for modifying data). Learn more about hooks in WordPress Development.

How can I ensure my WordPress site is secure during development? 

Ensure security by following best practices such as keeping WordPress core, themes, and plugins updated, using strong passwords, and implementing security plugins. For further guidance, visit WordPress Development.

What is the best way to manage WordPress site performance? 

Manage performance by optimizing images, using caching plugins, and following best practices for efficient code. Tools like WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache can help. For more tips on performance, see Optimizing User Experience.

How do I debug issues in WordPress development? 

Debug issues by enabling debugging in WordPress (via wp-config.php), using debugging plugins, and checking error logs. For more information, visit WordPress Development.

What are some best practices for WordPress theme development? 

Best practices include following WordPress coding standards, ensuring themes are responsive, and maintaining compatibility with WordPress updates. For a detailed guide, see Custom WordPress Design.

How can I use page builders in WordPress development? 

Page builders like MaxiBlocks or WPBakery provide drag-and-drop functionality to design pages visually without coding. Learn more about page builders at Page Builders for WordPress.

What are custom post types and how can I use them? 

Custom post types allow you to create content types beyond standard posts and pages, such as portfolios or testimonials. Register custom post types using register_post_type(). For more details, see Custom WordPress Design.

How can I optimize a WordPress site for mobile devices? 

Optimize for mobile by using responsive design techniques, including fluid grids and flexible images, and testing the site across various devices. For more tips, visit Responsive Design with WordPress.

What are WordPress theme frameworks and should I use one? 

Theme frameworks provide a base for theme development with pre-built functionalities and design structures, helping to speed up development and ensure best practices. For more on frameworks, check Modern Web Design.

How can I manage multiple WordPress sites efficiently? 

Use tools like ManageWP or InfiniteWP to handle updates, backups, and monitoring for multiple WordPress sites from a single dashboard. For additional information, see WordPress Development.

What is the role of REST API in WordPress development? 

The REST API allows for creating, reading, updating, and deleting WordPress content via HTTP requests, enabling integration with external applications and services. Learn more about REST API in WordPress Development.

How do I implement custom fields in WordPress? 

Custom fields add additional metadata to posts and pages. Use plugins like Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) or code them manually with add_meta_box() and get_post_meta(). For more information, check Custom WordPress Design.

What are some common WordPress development pitfalls to avoid? 

Common pitfalls include not adhering to WordPress coding standards, neglecting security practices, and failing to test across multiple devices and browsers. For a comprehensive guide, visit WordPress Development.

How do I stay updated with WordPress development trends and best practices? 

Stay updated by following WordPress blogs, joining developer communities, and participating in WordPress-related conferences and webinars. For insights into trends, check Modern Web Design.

What is the importance of user experience (UX) in WordPress development? 

UX is crucial for creating websites that are user-friendly, engaging, and meet visitor needs, leading to improved satisfaction and higher engagement. For more on UX, see Optimizing User Experience.

How do I use version control with WordPress development? 

Use version control systems like Git to track changes, collaborate with others, and manage different versions of your codebase. For tips on using Git with WordPress, see Top 10 Must-Have Plugins for WordPress Developers.

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.


Kyra Pieterse


Kyra is the co-founder and creative lead of MaxiBlocks, an open-source page builder for WordPress Gutenberg.

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