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A Guide to WordPress Patterns in 2024

Exploring WordPress patterns for website design
Exploring WordPress patterns for website design

Updated 16 August 2024

Key takeaway

WordPress patterns are pre-designed layouts that help you quickly create professional-looking websites. They save time and ensure consistency. This guide covers everything from accessing and customising patterns to creating your own and expanding your pattern library. Learn how to manage patterns effectively and avoid common pitfalls.


Tired of spending hours arranging WordPress blocks just to get your site looking right? WordPress patterns offer a quick solution with pre-made layouts that you can easily customise, helping you achieve a cohesive design in minutes.

A Guide to WordPress Patterns in 2024

Struggling to create a polished, professional-looking WordPress site without hours of manual tweaking? It’s frustrating to spend so much time arranging blocks, only to end up with a layout that feels disjointed or incomplete. The good news is, WordPress patterns can solve this problem by offering pre-designed block layouts that you can easily customise. This means you can achieve a cohesive, stunning design in a fraction of the time, without the headaches.

Introduction to WordPress patterns

WordPress patterns have quickly become an important part of website design within WordPress, making it much simpler to create visually consistent and well-structured pages. A block pattern in WordPress is a pre-arranged group of blocks that can be added to your content with just a click. These patterns include a variety of common design elements, such as headers, galleries, and calls to action, all of which can be customised to match the look and feel of your site.

The introduction of block patterns marks a significant shift in how websites are built on WordPress. Previously, creating a well-designed page required a lot of manual effort—placing individual blocks, adjusting their alignment, and previewing the results to make sure everything looked right. Block patterns remove much of this manual work by offering ready-made layouts that are professionally structured. This not only saves time but also helps those who may not have a strong design background to still achieve a polished look.

One of the major advantages of block patterns is that they simplify the design process. Even if you’re new to WordPress or website design in general, block patterns give you a way to achieve a professional finish without having to worry about the finer details of layout and spacing. This makes it easier for you to experiment with different design elements and find what works best for your site.

It’s also important to distinguish between block patterns and what were previously known as reusable blocks, now called synced patterns. Block patterns are static, meaning once you add them to a page, you can modify them without affecting the original pattern or other instances of it. Synced patterns, on the other hand, are linked—any change made to a synced pattern will be reflected across all instances of that pattern on your site. This is particularly useful for elements that need to remain consistent across multiple pages, such as a custom footer or header.

Understanding how to use both block patterns and synced patterns effectively can greatly improve the process of building and maintaining your WordPress site. Whether you’re starting fresh or enhancing an existing site, these tools help you create consistent, attractive layouts more easily. As you become more comfortable with these features, you’ll find they are a valuable part of your WordPress toolkit, making the task of designing and updating your site simpler and more enjoyable.

How to use WordPress patterns in your site design
How to use WordPress patterns in your site design

Getting started with WordPress block patterns

What are block patterns?

How to access block patterns

To start using block patterns in WordPress, you’ll need to navigate the Block Inserter, which is found within the WordPress editor. The Block Inserter is the tool you use to add any type of block to your content, and it includes a dedicated section for patterns. When you open the Block Inserter, you’ll see two main tabs related to patterns: the Patterns tab and the Synced Patterns tab.

The Patterns tab is where you’ll find all the standard block patterns available for use. These patterns are static, meaning that once you insert them into a page or post, you can edit them freely without affecting the original pattern or any other instances of it on your site. This is ideal for sections of your site that you want to personalise.

The Synced Patterns tab, on the other hand, includes patterns that are linked across your site. When you update a synced pattern, the changes are automatically applied wherever that pattern is used. This feature is particularly useful for elements like headers or footers that you want to remain consistent across multiple pages.

wordpress cta patterns
Top WordPress patterns for enhancing your website

Using pre-made block patterns

Adding block patterns to your pages and posts

To start using block patterns in your WordPress pages or posts, you simply need to access the Block Inserter. Open the WordPress editor, and click on the “+” icon, usually found at the top left corner. This will open a menu where you can choose from a variety of blocks. Navigate to the “Patterns” tab to browse the available block patterns. Once you’ve found the pattern you want to use, you can insert it into your page or post by clicking on it. The pattern will automatically appear at the location of your cursor. If you prefer a more hands-on approach, many patterns also support drag-and-drop functionality, allowing you to position them exactly where you want.

Exploring the WordPress block pattern directory

The WordPress block pattern directory is a rich resource where you can find a wide array of pre-made patterns. To explore this directory, you can go to the WordPress website and search for block patterns or access it directly through your WordPress dashboard. Once there, you can filter patterns by category, such as headers, galleries, or call-to-action sections. This helps narrow down your choices to the patterns that best fit your needs. When selecting patterns, it’s a good idea to consider how they align with your site’s overall design and functionality. Look for patterns that complement your existing content and enhance the user experience.

Using theme-based block patterns

Many WordPress themes, including popular ones like MaxiBlocks, come with their own set of block patterns. These patterns are often tailored to match the theme’s style and functionality, making them an excellent starting point for building cohesive and visually appealing pages. To use these theme-based patterns, you can access them the same way you would any other block pattern—through the Block Inserter in the WordPress editor. Integrating these patterns with your custom design is straightforward. You can customise the colours, fonts, and layout of the patterns to match your branding, ensuring that the final design is both unique and aligned with your overall website aesthetics.

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Customizing WordPress Patterns

Editing existing block patterns

Customising patterns to match your site’s branding

Matching WordPress patterns to your site’s branding involves adjusting various design elements to reflect your brand’s colours, fonts, and overall aesthetic. Start by selecting a block pattern that closely resembles your desired layout. Once it’s inserted into your page, you can begin customising it.

Change the colours to match your brand’s palette by selecting individual blocks within the pattern and adjusting the colour settings. Most blocks will allow you to change background colours, text colours, and even border colours. For fonts, you can adjust the typeface, size, and weight to ensure consistency with your brand’s typography guidelines. Additionally, consider the spacing and alignment of elements within the pattern to ensure that the overall design feels cohesive with the rest of your site. This process helps maintain a consistent visual identity across all pages of your website.

Top WordPress patterns for enhancing your website
Top WordPress patterns for enhancing your website

Creating your own block patterns

Build like a pro

Advanced block pattern management in MaxiBlocks

Managing block patterns in the site editor

Creating your own block patterns

Guide to WordPress patterns: Design tips and tricks
Guide to WordPress patterns: Design tips and tricks

Best practices for using WordPress patterns

Design tips for effective use of patterns

Common pitfalls and how to avoid them

Even with the best tools, there are some common pitfalls that can arise when using block patterns, particularly when it comes to compatibility and site performance.

Issues with pattern compatibility can occur if you’re using WordPress patterns from different sources or mixing patterns with different design philosophies. To avoid this, try to stick with patterns that are designed to work well together, or make sure to customise them in a way that maintains a cohesive look across your site. If a pattern isn’t fitting well within your existing design framework, don’t hesitate to adjust it or choose another that better aligns with your overall aesthetic.

Tips for maintaining site performance when using multiple patterns are also important to keep in mind. While patterns can greatly enhance your design, overloading your pages with too many can slow down your site, leading to a poor user experience. To maintain optimal performance, be selective with the patterns you use—only include those that serve a clear purpose. Additionally, optimise images and media within patterns to reduce load times, and make use of caching plugins where possible.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your use of block WordPress patterns in MaxiBlocks enhances both the visual appeal and functionality of your website, while also keeping your site running smoothly across all devices.

Examples of popular WordPress patterns for web design
Examples of popular WordPress patterns for web design

Expanding your block pattern library

Finding more patterns online

To further enhance your website’s design, expanding your block pattern library beyond the default offerings in MaxiBlocks can be very beneficial. There are several popular third-party pattern libraries available online that provide a wealth of additional options.

One of the most well-known sources is the WordPress Block Pattern Directory, which offers a wide variety of patterns created by the WordPress community. This directory is constantly updated with new WordPress patterns, ranging from simple layouts to more complex design elements. Another excellent source is MaxiBlocks’ own template and pattern library, which provides patterns specifically designed to integrate seamlessly with the MaxiBlocks plugin.

When incorporating third-party patterns into your site, it’s important to do so safely. Ensuring compatibility is key—before integrating a new pattern, check that it aligns with your existing design and doesn’t conflict with your site’s overall style or functionality. Always back up your site before adding new WordPress patterns, especially if they come from less established sources. This precaution helps prevent potential issues that could disrupt your site.

Sharing and importing patterns

If you’ve created a block pattern that you’re particularly proud of, sharing it with the WordPress community is a great way to contribute to the wider ecosystem. To submit a pattern, you can use the WordPress Block Pattern Directory’s submission process. First, you’ll need to ensure your pattern meets the directory’s guidelines, which typically include rules about design quality and code cleanliness. Once ready, you can submit your pattern for review. If accepted, your pattern will be made available for others to use, helping to grow the library of available resources.

Importing WordPress patterns from external sources is also straightforward. If you’ve found a pattern online that you want to use, you can usually import it into MaxiBlocks by copying the pattern’s code and pasting it into the Custom HTML block in the WordPress editor. Alternatively, some pattern providers offer direct import options, where you can download a pattern file and upload it directly into your site’s pattern library.

By exploring these external resources and sharing your own creations, you can greatly expand the variety and richness of block patterns available on your site, enabling more dynamic and customised web designs.

Block patterns are a powerful tool in modern WordPress design, offering both beginners and advanced users a way to quickly build complex, visually appealing layouts. They simplify the design process and help maintain consistency across your site. As you become more comfortable with using block patterns, don’t hesitate to experiment with creating your own custom patterns. This not only saves time but also allows you to develop a unique style that aligns perfectly with your brand. The possibilities are vast, so explore and enjoy the creative freedom that block patterns provide.

Effective WordPress patterns for creating unique layouts
Effective WordPress patterns for creating unique layouts

FAQs about creating an acupuncture website with MaxiBlocks and a pre-made theme

How can I add a new pattern to my WordPress site?

To add a new design, navigate to the ‘Patterns’ tab in the Gutenberg editor. Here, you can browse and select from various options are available in the directory. Once you find one you like, simply click to add it to your page or post.

Does the privacy policy of my site get affected by using WordPress patterns?

Using WordPress patterns does not directly affect your site’s privacy policy. However, if it includes external content or links, you should ensure it aligns with your privacy policy guidelines.

Where can I find WordPress patterns that match my theme’s style?

In the Gutenberg editor, go to the ‘Patterns’ tab where you can search for them. Use the search function to find the ones that complement your theme’s aesthetic. Some themes also offer their custom collection.

How do developers contribute to the Gutenberg directory?

Developers can contribute by creating and submitting to the directory. They can use the provided tools to build and preview before submission.

Are there any examples of how WordPress patterns can enhance my website’s layout?

Yes, our blog features multiple examples showcasing how different types that can be utilized to enhance your site’s layout and functionality. 

Can I follow any WordPress pattern updates on Twitter?

Absolutely! You can follow our official Twitter account where we share updates, new releases, and tips for Gutenberg users and developers.

Is there a way to preview how a WordPress pattern will look before applying it?

Yes, when you select a pattern from the ‘Patterns’ tab in Gutenberg, it shows a preview. This allows you to see how it will look in your post or page before you apply it.

Can I customize the background of a WordPress pattern?

Many allow customization, including changing the background. You can select it and use the block settings to modify colors, images, or other background elements.

How do I apply and modify blocks within a pattern?

After adding a it to your page, you can click on individual blocks within the pattern to modify them. Each block can be customized, moved, or deleted according to your needs.

How do blocks and patterns work together in Gutenberg?

Patterns in Gutenberg are essentially collections of blocks arranged in a specific layout. You can add them to your page, and then work with individual blocks within those for detailed customization.

What should I name my custom pattern for easy identification?

When creating give it a unique and descriptive name. This makes it easier to find and reuse in your site.

Where can I find more information and support for using WordPress patterns?

For detailed information and support, visit the support forums. Here, you can find documentation, community discussions, and answers to common questions.

Can I leave comments or feedback on specific WordPress patterns?

While the directory itself might not have a direct mechanism for comments, you can often leave feedback or comments in related forums or on the blog posts where these are discussed.

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.


Kyra Pieterse


Kyra is the co-founder and creative lead of MaxiBlocks, an open-source page builder for WordPress Gutenberg.

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