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The Ultimate Guide to WordPress Website Creation: 45 Essential Facts You Need to Know

WordPress website creation
WordPress website creation

Creating a website can be a daunting task, but with WordPress, it becomes a manageable and even enjoyable process. This guide explores 45 essential facts about WordPress website creation, each offering valuable insights into how to make the most of this powerful platform. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, these facts will help you understand the capabilities of WordPress and how it can meet your specific needs.

Open-source platform

WordPress is an open-source platform, which means it’s free to use and customise. This allows anyone, regardless of budget, to engage in WordPress website creation without incurring hefty costs. The open-source nature also encourages a collaborative community that continuously improves the platform, making it a robust and reliable choice for website creation.

Because it’s open-source, WordPress enjoys contributions from developers all around the world. This collective effort leads to constant enhancements and new features, ensuring the platform remains cutting-edge. Users benefit from this ever-evolving tool without having to pay a penny, making it accessible to everyone interested in WordPress website creation.

WordPress as a market leader

WordPress powers over 40% of all websites on the internet. This widespread adoption speaks volumes about its reliability, flexibility, and the robust features it offers for WordPress website creation. Whether you’re building a simple blog or a complex e-commerce site, WordPress has the capabilities to meet your needs.

The fact that so many sites rely on WordPress is a testament to its effectiveness. It’s trusted by millions of users, from small businesses to large enterprises. This wide use also means there are plenty of resources, tutorials, and community support available to help you with your WordPress website creation journey.

User-friendly interface for WordPress website creation

The user-friendly interface of WordPress makes it accessible to people of all technical levels. Even if you’re a beginner with no prior experience, you can start creating and managing your website with ease. The dashboard is intuitive, and the layout is straightforward, so you won’t feel overwhelmed during your WordPress website creation process.

WordPress is designed to be simple yet powerful. It strikes a balance between offering comprehensive features and being easy to use. This user-friendliness is a major reason why so many people choose WordPress for their website creation needs.

Extensive theme library for WordPress website creation

WordPress offers thousands of free and premium themes. These themes cater to various industries and purposes, providing a solid foundation for any WordPress website creation project. You can find a theme that fits your vision, whether you’re creating a portfolio, a business site, or an online store.

Themes are a great starting point because they give your site a professional look right out of the box. You can customise them to fit your brand’s identity, ensuring your website stands out. The extensive theme library means you’ll never be short of options for your WordPress website creation.

Plugin ecosystem supporting WordPress website creation

There are over 58,000 plugins available in the WordPress repository. These plugins extend the functionality of WordPress, allowing you to add features like SEO tools, contact forms, and e-commerce capabilities to your site. Whatever you need, there’s likely a plugin that can help with your WordPress website creation.

Plugins make it easy to add advanced features to your site without needing to know how to code. They are simple to install and configure, which means you can add functionalities to your site in just a few clicks. This ecosystem of plugins is one of the strongest aspects of WordPress website creation.

SEO-friendly structure for WordPress website creation

WordPress is known for its SEO-friendly structure. It allows you to easily optimise your content with plugins like Yoast SEO, helping your website rank higher in search engine results. Good SEO practices are built into the platform, which gives you a head start in making your WordPress website creation visible to your audience.

Being SEO-friendly means that WordPress helps you with important aspects like creating clean URLs, managing meta descriptions, and ensuring your site loads quickly. All these factors contribute to better search engine rankings, driving more traffic to your WordPress website creation.

Customisable designs in WordPress website creation

WordPress website creation offers high customisability. You can tailor your site’s appearance and functionality to match your brand or personal style using themes, plugins, and custom code. This flexibility allows you to create a website that truly reflects your vision.

Customisation is one of the biggest strengths of WordPress website creation. You’re not locked into any one way of doing things; you can change the look and feel of your site as much as you want. This ability to customise makes WordPress a favourite among users who want their site to stand out.

E-commerce ready for WordPress website creation

With plugins like WooCommerce, WordPress can transform into a fully functional e-commerce platform. This allows you to sell products and services directly from your website. You can manage inventory, process payments, and handle shipping all within your WordPress website creation.

WooCommerce is incredibly powerful yet easy to use. It integrates seamlessly with WordPress, giving you a smooth e-commerce experience. This makes WordPress an excellent choice for anyone looking to start an online store through WordPress website creation.

WordPress theme

Multisite capability in WordPress website creation

WordPress supports multisite functionality, enabling you to run multiple websites from a single WordPress installation. This is particularly useful for businesses and organisations that manage several websites. It simplifies management and makes it easier to control multiple sites within your WordPress website creation.

Multisite allows you to share themes and plugins across all your sites, which saves time and effort. It also centralises your administration tasks, making it more efficient to update and maintain your network of websites.

Regular updates in WordPress website creation

The WordPress community regularly updates the core software to improve security, add new features, and fix bugs. Keeping your WordPress site updated ensures it remains secure and performs optimally. These updates are essential for maintaining the integrity and functionality of your WordPress website creation.

Regular updates also mean that WordPress stays current with the latest web technologies and trends. This continuous improvement ensures that your WordPress website creation can leverage new features and capabilities as they become available.

Strong community support for WordPress website creation

WordPress has a large and active community of developers, designers, and users who contribute to forums, tutorials, and plugins. This community support makes troubleshooting and learning much easier. If you ever run into a problem during your WordPress website creation, chances are someone else has already solved it and shared the solution.

The community is a valuable resource for anyone involved in WordPress website creation. From detailed documentation to user forums, you’ll find plenty of help available. This support network is one of the reasons WordPress is so popular.

Easy content management in WordPress website creation

Originally designed as a blogging platform, WordPress excels at content management. Its intuitive editor makes it easy to create, edit, and organise content. Whether you’re writing blog posts, adding pages, or managing media, WordPress makes the process straightforward.

Content management is a breeze with WordPress. The editor is user-friendly, and the platform offers a range of tools to help you keep your content organised. This ease of use is why many people choose WordPress for their content-heavy websites during their WordPress website creation.

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Multilingual support in WordPress website creation

WordPress supports multiple languages, and there are numerous plugins available to create multilingual websites. This makes it ideal for global businesses and diverse audiences. You can easily translate your content and reach a wider audience through your WordPress website creation.

Creating a multilingual site with WordPress is simple. Plugins like WPML or Polylang allow you to manage translations and display content in multiple languages. This feature is essential for businesses looking to expand their reach internationally with their WordPress website creation.

Gutenberg editor in WordPress website creation

The Gutenberg editor allows for block-based content creation. This modern approach simplifies the process of designing pages and posts by breaking them down into individual blocks that can be easily manipulated. It offers a more flexible and visual way to build your WordPress website creation.

Gutenberg makes it easier to create complex layouts without needing to know how to code. You can drag and drop blocks, rearrange them, and customise their appearance. This editor represents a significant improvement in the WordPress content creation experience.

Page builders enhancing WordPress website creation

Popular page builder plugins like Elementor and WPBakery enhance WordPress website creation by providing drag-and-drop functionality. This makes it easy to design complex layouts without coding. Page builders offer a visual way to build your site, making the process more intuitive.

With page builders, you can create custom layouts by simply dragging elements onto the page. These tools are perfect for users who want to create a unique design without hiring a developer. They expand the design possibilities of WordPress website creation.

Media management in WordPress website creation

WordPress offers a robust media library for managing images, videos, and other media files. You can easily upload, edit, and organise your media to keep your content visually appealing. The media library is a powerful tool for anyone looking to create a rich, multimedia website during their WordPress website creation.

Managing media in WordPress is straightforward. The interface is user-friendly, and you can add metadata to your files to keep them organised. This feature ensures that your website looks professional and engaging.

REST API in WordPress website creation

The WordPress REST API allows developers to interact with the platform programmatically. This enables the integration of WordPress with other applications and services. The REST API opens up a world of possibilities for custom functionality and advanced features in WordPress website creation.

With the REST API, you can create custom apps that interact with your WordPress site. This makes WordPress a flexible platform for developers who need to build bespoke solutions. It extends the capabilities of WordPress beyond just a content management system.

WordPress theme

Accessibility in WordPress website creation

Many WordPress themes and plugins are designed with accessibility in mind. This ensures that your website is usable by people with disabilities, complying with web accessibility standards. An accessible website is important for reaching all users and providing a positive experience during your WordPress website creation.

Accessibility features include screen reader support, keyboard navigation, and contrast adjustments. Ensuring your site is accessible means you are inclusive and considerate of all users, which can improve your site’s reputation and user engagement.

Backup solutions for WordPress website creation

Numerous plugins are available for backing up your WordPress site. Regular backups are essential for protecting your data and ensuring you can recover your site in case of an emergency. Plugins like UpdraftPlus and BackupBuddy make this process easy and reliable.

Having a backup solution in place gives you peace of mind. If something goes wrong, you can restore your site quickly and minimise downtime. This is a critical aspect of WordPress website creation that shouldn’t be overlooked.

Performance optimisation in WordPress website creation

Plugins like W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache help optimise your website’s performance. Faster load times improve user experience and contribute to better search engine rankings. Performance optimisation ensures your WordPress website creation runs smoothly and efficiently.

Caching plugins store static versions of your site, reducing the load on your server and speeding up page load times. This can significantly improve the user experience, especially for visitors on slower connections.

Analytics integration in WordPress website creation

WordPress can easily integrate with analytics tools like Google Analytics. This allows you to track visitor behaviour, measure performance, and make data-driven decisions to improve your site. Analytics integration is vital for understanding your audience and refining your strategy during WordPress website creation.

By connecting your site to Google Analytics, you can see detailed reports on how visitors interact with your content. This information helps you identify what’s working and what needs improvement, guiding your future efforts in WordPress website creation.

Custom post types in WordPress website creation

Developers can create custom post types in WordPress, allowing for unique content layouts and structures. This flexibility is useful for creating specialised content beyond standard posts and pages. Custom post types expand the possibilities of what you can build with WordPress website creation.

For example, you might create a custom post type for products, portfolio items, or events. This allows you to organise and display different types of content in a way that makes sense for your site. It’s a powerful feature for creating tailored solutions.

Widgets enhancing WordPress website creation

WordPress widgets allow you to add various features and content areas to your website’s sidebar, footer, and other widget-ready areas. This enhances the functionality and user experience of your WordPress website creation. Widgets are easy to use and can be customised to fit your needs.

Common widgets include search bars, recent posts, and social media links. They add useful features to your site without needing to write any code. This makes it simple to enhance your site’s interactivity and usability.

Build like a pro

Introduction: WordPress Getting Started

You’ve decided to dive into the world of blogging, and WordPress is your platform of choice. It’s a fantastic decision—WordPress powers over 40% of all websites, making it the most popular content management system available. But getting started can feel overwhelming if you’re new to the process.

WordPress theme

Child themes in WordPress website creation

Child themes allow developers to customise themes without losing changes when the parent theme is updated. This is a best practice for maintaining customisations safely. Using a child theme ensures your modifications are preserved and your WordPress website creation remains secure.

When you create a child theme, you can make changes to the design and functionality without affecting the original theme files. This way, you can update the parent theme without worrying about losing your customisations.

Custom fields in WordPress website creation

The Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin lets you add custom fields to posts, pages, and custom post types. This provides additional flexibility for managing and displaying content. Custom fields can be used to add extra information to your content, making it more dynamic during WordPress website creation.

For instance, you might add custom fields for product specifications, author bios, or event details. This feature allows you to create more detailed and engaging content, tailored to your specific needs.

User roles in WordPress website creation

WordPress has built-in user roles and permissions, allowing you to control what different users can do on your site. This is particularly useful for multi-author blogs and collaborative websites. You can assign roles like editor, author, and contributor to manage access and capabilities during WordPress website creation.

User roles help you manage your site’s content and security effectively. You can delegate tasks and responsibilities while ensuring that sensitive areas of your site are protected. This makes collaboration easier and more organised during WordPress website creation.

Import/export tools for WordPress website creation

WordPress includes tools for importing and exporting content between different installations. This makes it easier to migrate your site or create backups of your content. These tools are straightforward and help you manage your data efficiently during WordPress website creation.

Whether you’re moving your site to a new host or creating a backup, the import/export tools in WordPress make the process simple. You can easily transfer your content and settings, ensuring your site remains intact.

Custom menus in WordPress website creation

You can create custom navigation menus in WordPress. This allows you to organise your site’s structure and improve navigation for your visitors. Custom menus are easy to set up and can be tailored to fit your site’s layout during WordPress website creation.

A well-organised menu helps visitors find what they’re looking for quickly. You can include links to important pages, categories, and external sites. This improves the overall user experience and keeps your site easy to navigate during WordPress website creation.

Shortcodes in WordPress website creation

Shortcodes in WordPress allow you to embed complex features into posts and pages with simple code snippets. This can include things like galleries, forms, and custom content. Shortcodes make it easy to add advanced functionality without needing to write extensive code during WordPress website creation.

For example, you might use a shortcode to insert a contact form or display recent posts. These small pieces of code are incredibly powerful and versatile, allowing you to enhance your site’s capabilities with minimal effort during WordPress website creation.

Template hierarchy in WordPress website creation

WordPress uses a template hierarchy system to determine which template file to use for displaying content. This system allows for extensive customisation of how your site’s pages and posts are rendered. Understanding the template hierarchy helps you create more tailored designs during website creation.

The template hierarchy ensures that WordPress can select the correct template based on the context, such as the type of content or the category. This structure gives you control over the look and feel of every part of your site during WordPress website creation.

Version control in WordPress website creation

Community events for WordPress website creation

The WordPress community organises events like WordCamps and local meetups worldwide. These events are great opportunities for learning, networking, and contributing to the WordPress project. Attending these events can help you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in website creation.

WordCamps and meetups bring together users, developers, and enthusiasts. They offer workshops, presentations, and networking opportunities, making them valuable for anyone involved in website creation.

Developer-friendly WordPress website creation

WordPress has extensive documentation and a large number of hooks and filters for customisation. This makes it a developer-friendly platform for building custom features and integrations. Developers appreciate the flexibility and control WordPress provides for website creation.

Whether you’re building custom themes, plugins, or integrations, WordPress offers the tools you need. The detailed documentation and active developer community make it easy to find support and resources during website creation.

Third-party integrations in website creation

WordPress integrates with numerous third-party services like email marketing tools, CRMs, and social media platforms. This enhances the functionality and reach of your website. Integrating these services can help you manage your site more effectively during website creation.

For example, you can connect your site to Mailchimp for email marketing or Salesforce for customer relationship management. These integrations expand your site’s capabilities and streamline your workflows during WordPress website creation.

WordPress has mobile apps for iOS and Android, allowing you to manage your site on the go. This is particularly useful for updating content and moderating comments from your mobile device. The mobile apps ensure you can keep your site up-to-date no matter where you are during website creation.

With the mobile app, you can create and edit posts, upload media, and manage comments. This flexibility allows you to stay connected to your site and respond quickly to your audience during website creation.

CLI tools for website creation

WP-CLI is a command-line tool for managing WordPress installations. It provides a fast and efficient way to perform administrative tasks without using the web interface. WP-CLI is a favourite among developers for its speed and power in WordPress website creation.

With WP-CLI, you can update plugins, manage users, and perform other tasks directly from the command line. This tool simplifies your workflow and makes managing your WordPress site more efficient during WordPress website creation.

Scalability of website creation

WordPress can handle websites of all sizes, from small blogs to large enterprise sites with millions of visitors. Its scalability makes it a reliable choice for businesses of any size. As your site grows, WordPress can grow with you during your website creation.

Scalability is important for sites that expect to expand over time. WordPress’s robust architecture ensures it can handle increased traffic and content without sacrificing performance during WordPress website creation.

Security plugins in WordPress website creation

There are many security plugins available for WordPress, such as Wordfence and Sucuri. These plugins help protect your site from malicious attacks and vulnerabilities. Security plugins are essential for keeping your site safe and secure during WordPress website creation.

By installing a security plugin, you can monitor your site for threats, block malicious traffic, and keep your data secure. These tools provide peace of mind and help you protect your investment during website creation.

Custom error pages in website creation

You can design custom error pages in WordPress to match your site’s branding. This improves user experience by providing helpful information when users encounter errors. Custom error pages keep your site looking professional even when things go wrong during website creation.

A well-designed error page can guide users back to the main site or provide additional resources. This ensures that visitors have a positive experience, even if they land on an error page during WordPress website creation.

Design flexibility in website creation

WordPress offers immense design flexibility. You can use themes, page builders, and custom code to create a site that perfectly fits your vision and needs. This flexibility is one of the reasons WordPress is so popular for website creation.

Whether you want a minimalist blog or a feature-rich business site, WordPress can accommodate your needs. The ability to customise every aspect of your site ensures you can create a unique and engaging online presence during website creation.

Interactive elements in website creation

WordPress supports the addition of interactive elements like sliders, carousels, and pop-ups. These elements can engage users and make your site more dynamic. Interactive features enhance the user experience and keep visitors on your site longer during WordPress website creation.

Adding interactive elements is easy with WordPress. You can use plugins or custom code to create engaging features that draw users in and encourage them to explore your site further during WordPress website creation.

Gutenberg blocks in WordPress website creation

Gutenberg introduces a block-based approach to content creation, making it easier to design and layout pages. This modern editor simplifies the process of building complex page structures. Gutenberg blocks provide a more flexible and visual way to create content during WordPress website creation.

With Gutenberg, you can add, rearrange, and customise blocks to build your pages. This approach makes it easier to create visually appealing layouts without needing to write code during WordPress website creation.

Regular security updates in WordPress website creation

WordPress regularly releases security updates to address vulnerabilities. Keeping your site updated with these patches is essential for maintaining its security. Regular updates protect your site from threats and ensure it remains safe for visitors during WordPress website creation.

By staying up-to-date with the latest security releases, you can protect your site from hackers and malware. This proactive approach helps you avoid potential security issues and keep your data secure during WordPress website creation.

Community-driven development in WordPress website creation

WordPress is developed and maintained by a community of volunteers. This collaborative effort ensures the platform evolves to meet the needs of its users. The community-driven development model keeps WordPress innovative and responsive to feedback during WordPress website creation.

Contributing to WordPress is open to everyone, and many people get involved in improving the platform. This collective effort means WordPress benefits from a wide range of perspectives and expertise during WordPress website creation.

No licensing fees for WordPress website creation

As an open-source platform, WordPress does not require any licensing fees. This makes it an affordable choice for website creation, especially for startups and small businesses. You can create a professional website without incurring significant costs during WordPress website creation.

The absence of licensing fees means you can allocate your budget to other areas, such as marketing or content creation. This affordability makes WordPress accessible to everyone, regardless of budget during WordPress website creation.

These sections highlight the many benefits and features that make WordPress a popular choice for website creation. Its flexibility, customisability, and strong community support make it an excellent platform for building any type of website during WordPress website creation.

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.


Kyra Pieterse


Kyra is the co-founder and creative lead of MaxiBlocks, an open-source page builder for WordPress Gutenberg.

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