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WordPress getting started: How to make a WordPress website in 2024 (Beginner’s guide)

WordPress Getting Started
WordPress Getting Started

You’ve decided to get into the world of blogging, and WordPress is your platform of choice. It’s a fantastic decision—WordPress powers over 40% of all websites, making it the most popular content management system available. But getting started can feel overwhelming if you’re new to the process.

IntroductionWordPress Getting Started

Brief overview of WordPress

WordPress is a robust content management system (CMS) known for its flexibility, and powerful features. It empowers individuals and businesses to build and manage websites efficiently.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is an open-source CMS that allows users to create various types of websites, including blogs, online stores, and corporate sites. Over 40% of all websites globally utilize WordPress, showcasing its popularity and reliability. and represent two main platforms; the former is a hosted solution, while the latter offers self-hosting capabilities for greater customization.

Why use WordPress?

WordPress provides numerous benefits, making it a top choice for many users. It offers intuitive design, extensive plugin support, and a vast selection of free and premium themes. These features enable users to enhance their websites’ functionality and appearance without needing advanced technical skills. WordPress benefits from a robust community that provides readily available solutions to common problems, further contributing to its appeal.

Importance of having a website in 2024

A website is your digital front door in 2024, opening up a world of possibilities. It’s essential for building trust, reaching more people, and engaging in different ways.

Digital presence
Having a digital presence is a must for everyone now. A well-crafted website is your online hub, showcasing your brand, products, or personal portfolio. Social media is great for drawing a crowd, but your website is where you really shine.

Business opportunities
A WordPress website can unlock a ton of business opportunities. You can set up an online store, sell directly from your site, and boost your marketing efforts. Think content marketing, email campaigns, and SEO—all helping you grab and keep customers.

Personal branding
For personal branding, a website is gold. It’s your online resume, blog, or portfolio, letting you show off your skills, achievements, and experiences. With WordPress and some handy beginner guides, you can create a slick, professional platform just for you.

These points highlight why having a website is so practical and necessary today. Taking the time to learn WordPress can pay off big time, both for your career and personal growth.

Brief overview of WordPress

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a versatile content management system (CMS) used to create and manage websites. It’s known for its user-friendly interface, making it accessible to beginners who want to create a website without extensive coding knowledge. People use WordPress to build blogs, business sites, ecommerce stores, and personal portfolios.

Content Management System (CMS)

A content management system (CMS) like WordPress allows users to manage their website content easily. Think of it as a platform that helps you create, edit, and organize your site’s content, similar to how word processors let you manage documents. Without needing technical skills, you can publish posts, add images, and configure various settings. 

Difference between and

Though they share the same name, and serve different needs and offer varied levels of control.

Hosted vs. self-hosted is a hosted platform, meaning the hosting and maintenance are managed for you. This option simplifies the process, ideal for those who prefer convenience over customization. Conversely, requires you to self-host your site. You need to select a web hosting provider and manage your domain name registration, but this offers greater control over your site’s functionality and appearance.

Pros and cons of each pros:

– Easy to set up with no technical knowledge needed
– Maintenance, security, and updates handled for you cons:

– Limited customization options
– Less control over plugins and themes pros:

– Complete control over your site, including advanced customizations
– Access to a vast library of plugins and themes
– Requires more technical knowledge to set up and maintain
– Responsibility for security, maintenance, and updates falls on you

Understanding these differences helps you make an informed decision based on your needs. This beginner’s guide to WordPress provides an overview to help you get started, whether you’re a business owner, blogger, or someone looking to establish a digital presence in 2024.


Domain name

What is a domain name?

A domain name is the unique address of your WordPress website on the internet. It’s what users type into their browsers to visit your site. For example, “” serves as your online identity. 

How to choose a good domain name

Choosing a good domain name is important for branding and SEO. Here are some tips for Selecting a domain name:

– Keep it short and simple.
– Make it easy to pronounce and spell.
– Use keywords relevant to your niche.
– Avoid numbers and hyphens.
– Check for availability and trademarks.

Consider using domain registrars like Namecheap or Godaddy for domain name registration. These platforms provide tools to help you find and secure the perfect domain name for your site.

WordPress hosting
WordPress hosting

Web hosting

What is web hosting?

Web hosting is the service that stores your website’s files and makes them accessible on the internet. When you create a website, a web hosting provider allocates space on a server for your site. This is essential for maintaining website performance, security, and uptime.

Types of web hosting

There are various types of web hosting options available, each suited for different needs:

Shared hosting
In shared hosting, multiple websites share the same server resources. It’s cost-effective and ideal for beginners or small websites.

VPS hosting
Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting offers more resources and control by partitioning a physical server into virtual servers. Suitable for medium-sized websites requiring better performance and flexibility.

Dedicated hosting
Dedicated hosting assigns an entire server to your website. It provides maximum performance, control, and security, making it perfect for large websites with high traffic.

Managed WordPress hosting
Specifically tailored for WordPress websites, this hosting includes specialized features like automatic updates, enhanced security, and optimized performance. It’s ideal for users who want a hassle-free experience.

When setting up your WordPress website, selecting the right web hosting provider is essential for ensuring optimal performance and scalability.

Choosing a domain name

Selecting the right domain name for establishing your WordPress website. It serves as your online address, so it needs to be both memorable and relevant to your niche.

Tips for selecting a domain name

Keep it short and memorable
Short domain names are easier for visitors to remember and type. Aim for 6-14 characters if possible. For example, if your business is called “Sunny Flower Shop,” a domain like “” is concise and catchy.

Avoid numbers and hyphens
Numbers and hyphens can confuse people. They might not know if they should type the number as a digit or a word. For example, “” might be misremembered as “”

Use keywords If possible
Including keywords in your domain name can improve your SEO. If you sell handmade jewelry, a domain name like “” can help your site rank higher in search results.

Domain name registration

Recommended domain registrars
Several reliable domain registrars offer competitive pricing and additional features like privacy protection. Popular choices include namecheap, godaddy, and Bluehost. These registrars also provide options for domain name management and DNS settings.

Checking domain availability
Before you commit to a domain name, verify its availability. Most domain registrars offer a search tool to check if the desired domain is taken. If it is, they often suggest alternative options. If you’re set on a specific name, you might consider buying the domain from its current owner, but this can be costly.

A well-chosen domain name sets the foundation for your WordPress website, contributing to both user experience and SEO.

WordPress Getting Started

Setting up your WordPress site

Logging into the WordPress dashboard
Setting up your WordPress website begins with logging into the WordPress dashboard. This section will guide you through accessing the login page and using your credentials to log in.

Accessing the login page
To access the WordPress login page, type your domain name followed by /wp-admin in your browser’s address bar. For example, if your domain name is, navigate to This URL brings you to the login page where you’ll manage your Content Management System (CMS). It’s essential to bookmark this URL for quick access in the future.

Using your credentials to log in
Once you’ve reached the login page, enter the username and password you created during the installation process. If you’re using a hosting provider like Bluehost, you might have set these credentials up through their portal. After entering your login details, click the “Log In” button to access your WordPress dashboard. This dashboard is your central hub for managing all aspects of your website.

Configuring basic settings
Configuring basic settings for the optimal performance of your WordPress website. This process involves setting up your site title and tagline, adjusting the timezone, and configuring permalinks.

Site title and tagline
From the WordPress dashboard, navigate to Settings > General. Here, you’ll find fields to input your site title and tagline. The site title is the name of your website, which often appears in various places like the homepage and the SEO description. The tagline is a short description or slogan for your site. You can leave the tagline blank if it doesn’t apply. Properly configuring these fields enhances your website’s visibility in search results.

Setting the timezone
Correctly setting your timezone helps accurate time-stamping for your posts and events. In the same Settings > General section, find the Timezone dropdown menu. Select the appropriate timezone for your location. This setting is important for scheduling posts and other time-sensitive content.

Configuring permalinks
Permalinks are the urls that point to your individual blog posts and pages. To configure them, go to Settings > Permalinks. By default, WordPress uses a URL structure that includes the date. For better SEO and readability, select the Post name option. This setting changes your urls to include the post title, making them more user-friendly and optimized for search engines.

By following these steps, you’ll have a solid foundation for your WordPress website. This “beginner’s guide to WordPress” covers essential initial configurations, ensuring your site is well-prepared for further customization and content creation.

WordPress blocks themes
WordPress blocks themes

Customizing your WordPress theme

Using the WordPress customizer
The WordPress Customizer offers a way to adjust your website’s look and feel. Utilize this tool to see changes in real-time.

Accessing the customizer
Access the Customizer by navigating to Appearance then Customize in your WordPress dashboard. This section provides various customization options specifically for your active theme.

Real-time preview of changes
The Customizer enables a real-time preview of adjustments before publishing. This live preview creates accuracy and helps visualize changes instantly.

Adding a custom logo
A customized logo enhances your website’s branding. Use the Customizer to easily upload your logo.

Uploading and setting a logo
To upload your logo, go to the Site Identity section within the Customizer. Use the “Select logo” button to choose an image from your media library or upload a new one. Make sure the logo fits your theme’s recommended dimensions for optimal display.

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Customizing colours, fonts, and layout

Themes offer varied customization options for colours, fonts, and layout. These options improve your site’s aesthetics and user experience.

Theme-specific options
Many themes include specific settings to modify colours and fonts. These settings are usually found under the colours and Typography sections within the Customizer. Experiment with various combinations to match your brand identity.

Using custom CSS
For more advanced modifications, use custom CSS. Navigate to the Additional CSS section in the Customizer to input your custom styles. This method offers greater control over individual elements and layouts without altering the theme’s core code.

Each of these steps will help personalize your WordPress website, making it unique and aligned with your brand’s ethos. By leveraging these tools, even beginners can create a professional and visually appealing website without needing to know how to code.

WordPress plugins
WordPress plugins

Installing essential plugins

What are WordPress plugins?

WordPress themes
WordPress themes

Creating content

Difference between posts and pages
WordPress websites come with two primary content types: posts and pages. Posts are part of the blogging functionality. They appear in reverse chronological order, displaying newer items first. Pages, on the other hand, are designed for static, one-off content like the About or Contact pages. 

Blog posts vs. static pages
Blog posts are ideal for timely updates, industry news, or personal journal entries. They are dynamic and encourage reader engagement through comments. In contrast, static pages don’t change frequently and are best suited for foundational content. For example, you might use a page for your site’s home, about, and contact sections.

How to create and publish a post
Creating and publishing a post on WordPress isn’t complicated. You’ll start by logging into the WordPress dashboard. From there, navigate to Posts > Add New. This action takes you to the WordPress editor, where you can craft your content.

Using the WordPress editor
The WordPress editor is intuitive. Start by adding a title, followed by your main content in the text area below. This editor supports both classic and block editing. For new users, block editing offers a modular approach, allowing you to add different content blocks like paragraphs, headings, images, and videos.

Adding text, images, and media
To make your posts engaging, add text, images, and other media. For text, click on the ‘Add Block’ button and select ‘Paragraph’. To insert images, use the ‘Image’ block and upload your desired photo or select one from the media library. Embedding videos is also straightforward—select the ‘Video’ block and either upload your file or insert a URL from platforms like youtube.

WordPress templates
WordPress templates

How to create and publish a page

Just like creating a post, setting up a page starts from the WordPress dashboard. Navigate to Pages > Add New. This takes you to the WordPress editor, similar to the post-creation process. Here, you’ll add your title and content, tailored to the page’s purpose.

Setting up important pages (e.g., About, Contact)
Certain pages are essential for any WordPress website. The About page tells visitors who you are and what your site is about. Use this page to highlight your mission and purpose. The Contact page provides a way for visitors to get in touch with you. Typically, this page includes a form, your email address, and possibly physical address details.

For each page, utilize the appropriate blocks to add relevant content. For instance, on the Contact page, you can use a ‘Form’ block to create a simple contact form. When you’re ready, click the ‘Publish’ button to make these pages live.

Organizing your content

Organizing content on a WordPress website involves using categories and tags to make navigation easier. These elements help structure your site and improve user experience.

Categories vs. tags
Categories and tags serve different functions. Categories group your posts into main topics, while tags highlight specific details.

Hierarchical structure vs. Flat taxonomy
Categories use a hierarchical structure, allowing for parent and child categories. This helps to create a structured flow of content. Tags, on the other hand, are part of a flat taxonomy, meaning they don’t have parent-child relationships. Tags allow users to find related content easily without a defined hierarchy.

Creating and managing categories
Categories are essential for organizing and managing content on a beginner’s guide to WordPress.

Adding new categories
To add a new category, go to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Posts, then Categories. Input the category name and an optional description. Click Add New Category. Repeat to add more categories.

Assigning posts to categories
To assign posts to categories, go to Posts and select the post you want to edit. In the Categories box on the right, check the appropriate category. This helps users find related posts within the same topic.

Using tags effectively
Tags enhance the user experience by linking related content across different categories.

Adding and managing tags
To add tags, edit a post and find the Tags box on the right. Input the tag name and press Add. To manage tags, navigate to Posts, then Tags in the WordPress dashboard. This keeps your content organized and helps users find specific topics easily.

Using categories and tags effectively simplifies navigation and makes your content more accessible to users.

WordPress navigation menus
WordPress navigation menus

Adding media

Uploading and inserting images
High-quality images enrich the visual appeal of any WordPress website. Here’s a simple guide to uploading and inserting them into posts and pages.

Using the media library
To upload images, navigate to the Media Library via the WordPress dashboard. Click “Add New” to drag and drop files or select images from your computer. The Media Library stores all uploaded files, making it easy to reuse images across different posts and pages.

Adding images to posts and pages
Inserting images into posts or pages is just as easy. While editing a post or page, click the “Add Media” button, select an image from the Media Library, and click “Insert into post.” Image alignment, size, and alt text can be adjusted using the settings on the right panel. 

Embedding videos
Videos increase engagement and add a dynamic element to a website. WordPress supports multiple ways to embed videos.

Using embed codes
To embed videos, use embed codes from platforms like YouTube or Vimeo. Copy the code from the video platform, switch to the text editor in WordPress, and paste the embed code where the video should appear. This method is efficient and allows for precise placement of video content.

Supported video platforms
WordPress supports various video platforms, including YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, and Facebook Video. Embedding videos from these platforms follows the same straightforward process.

Creating image galleries
For showcasing multiple images, creating an image gallery is the perfect solution. WordPress offers built-in features to create stunning galleries.

Using the gallery feature
To create a gallery, click on the “Add Media” button in the post or page editor, then select “Create Gallery.” Choose multiple images from the Media Library and insert them as a gallery. WordPress allows various gallery settings, such as columns and links, to customize the display according to preferences. This feature helps in organizing images attractively, enhancing the visual storytelling of the content.

WordPress settings
WordPress settings

Managing users

Adding and managing users is key for collaborative WordPress sites. Here’s a simple guide to creating new user accounts and editing user profiles.

Creating new user accounts
–  Go to the Users section in the WordPress dashboard.
–  Click on Add New.
–  Provide the necessary information, such as username, email, first name, and last name.
–  Assign a role to the new user based on the level of access you want to provide.
–  Click Add New User to complete the process.

Following these steps so that your WordPress website is managed efficiently, with each user having appropriate access and responsibilities.

Editing user profiles
–  Navigate to the Users section in the WordPress dashboard.
–  Click on the username of the user whose profile you want to edit.
–  Update the profile information, including personal details, contact info, and biographical info if needed.
–  Adjust user roles and permissions if required.
–  Click Update User to save the changes.

Properly managing user profiles keeps information current and roles accurately assigned, enhancing site security and effective content management.

Configuring site settings

Site title, tagline, email address
Setting the right Site Title and Tagline is essential for branding your WordPress website. Navigate to Settings > General. Here’s how to do it:

–  Site title: Enter the title you want displayed on the homepage and browser tab.
–  Tagline: Create a brief description or leave it blank if unnecessary.
–  Admin email address: Verify the email address where WordPress will send notifications.

Ensuring these fields are accurate enhances both user experience and SEO.

WordPress Domain name registration
WordPress Domain name registration

Writing, reading, and discussion settings

Default post category and format
Streamline content creation by configuring the Default Post Category and Post Format

Go to settings > writing.
Under Default Post Category, select the primary category for all new posts. This is handy if you consistently publish similar content.
Choose a Default Post Format, such as standard, gallery, or video, based on what suits your site best.

Homepage settings
Go to settings > reading.
Select A static page for Your homepage displays.
Choose a page for the homepage.

Creating a static homepage allows you to present key information upfront instead of listing recent posts. This is particularly beneficial for business and portfolio sites.

Comment Settings
Effectively managing comments is for maintaining site quality

:Head to Settings > Discussion.
Enable or disable comments on new posts by default.
Configure options for comment moderation. Set rules for approving comments and receive notifications for moderation activities.

Controlling comments helps prevent spam and keeps discussions relevant.


Customizing URL structure
Optimizing permalinks enhances SEO and user experience. Navigate to Settings > Permalinks. Select a common setting, like Post name, which makes urls more readable and search-engine friendly. Custom structures can include category or post ids for simplicity for better indexing. Proper permalink configuration is fundamental for effective site structure and navigation.

In “configuring WordPress settings,” these steps help your site’s setup be efficient and user-friendly. Following this “beginner’s guide to WordPress” not only prepares your site for visitors but also establishes a strong foundation for SEO.

Securing your WordPress site
Securing your WordPress site

Securing your WordPress site

Importance of security
Securing your WordPress website because without proper security measures, your site’s data, user information, and overall credibility are at risk.

Common security threats
Several common security threats target WordPress websites:

–  Malware: Malicious software can infect your site, compromising data and user information.
–  Brute force attacks: Automated scripts try numerous password combinations to gain unauthorized access.
–  SQL injections: Attackers exploit vulnerabilities in your database to manipulate and retrieve information.
–  Cross-site scripting (XSS): Malicious scripts are injected into your site’s content, affecting users.

Build like a pro

Tips for securing your site

Using strong passwords
Safeguarding your WordPress website is paramount, and using robust, unique passwords is a crucial step in this process. Crafting passwords that incorporate a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters is essential. Steer clear of easily guessable passwords, such as “password123,” as they offer little protection against unauthorized access.

Installing security plugins
Enhance your site’s security by installing reputable security plugins:

–  Wordfence security: Offers malware scans, firewall protection, and login security.
  WP defender: Provides malware scanning, firewall settings, and vulnerability reports.

Regular updates
Keep your WordPress site updated. Regular updates patch security flaws and improve overall functionality. Core WordPress files, themes, and plugins are always up to date to prevent potential security risks.

By following these security tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of vulnerabilities on your WordPress website.

Optimizing your WordPress site

Optimizing your WordPress site

Improving site speed
A fast-loading WordPress website enhances user experience and can improve search engine rankings. Implementing the following tools and techniques helps optimize site speed effectively.

Caching plugins
Caching plugins store a static version of your site to reduce the server load and speed up page delivery. WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache are popular choices. These plugins create cached copies of your web pages, decreasing load times and enhancing performance. After installing a caching plugin, configure the settings for optimal caching and improved site speed.

Image optimization tools
Large images can slow down your site. Using image optimization tools compresses images without compromising quality. Optimole and Smush are excellent plugins for this purpose. These tools automatically optimize images upon upload, reducing their file size and improving page load times.

SEO best practices
Search engine optimization (SEO) is for increasing visibility and driving traffic to your WordPress website. Implementing the following best practices can enhance your site’s SEO performance.

Keyword research
Keyword research helps identify terms that potential visitors use to find content like yours. Tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs assist in finding relevant keywords with high search volumes and low competition. Focus on incorporating these keywords naturally into your content to improve search engine rankings.

WordPress theme files

On-page SEO techniques

Backing up your WordPress site

Importance of backups
Backing up data is crucial for protecting valuable information from loss or damage. Here are the key reasons why data backups are so important.

Prevent data loss from hardware failures, human errors, cyber attacks, and natural disasters. Having a backup means you always have a plan B.

Recommended backup solutions
There are several effective methods to back up your WordPress site. Integrated tools and plugins simplify the process, making it accessible even for beginners.

Backup plugins and services
Several backup plugins can automate the backup process:

–  Snapshot pro simplifies with scheduled backups, ensuring you won’t forget to back up your data.
–  Backupbuddy offers comprehensive features like complete site backups, scheduled backups, and remote storage.
–  Updraftplus provides easy restores, and multiple cloud store options like Dropbox and Google Drive.

Your WordPress host might also offer its own backup tool. Always check if this is included in your web hosting package, as it can be a convenient option to manage all site maintenance tasks in one place.

MaxiBlocks WordPress plugin
MaxiBlocks WordPress plugin

Launching your site

Maintaining your WordPress site

Regular updates
Keep your WordPress website updated. Regular updates for optimal performance and security by fixing bugs and vulnerabilities.

WordPress core updates
WordPress core updates are essential for maintaining a stable and secure site. New versions come with security patches, performance improvements, and new features. The dashboard notifies me of these updates, making it easy to keep my site current.

Theme and plugin updates
Updating themes and plugins is just as important as updating the core. Outdated themes and plugins can cause compatibility issues and security risks. I log into my dashboard weekly to check for and install updates.

Regular backups
Regular backups protect against data loss. They make it possible to restore my site if something goes wrong.

Monitoring site performance and security
Monitoring performance and security keeps my site running smoothly. It helps identify and fix issues before they become major problems.

Using analytics tools
Analytics tools provide insights into visitor behaviour and site performance. Google Analytics, for instance, helps me understand what content performs best and where visitors come from, optimizing user experience and strategy.

Security audits
Running regular security audits using tools like Ahrefs Webmaster Tools helps identify vulnerabilities. These tools scan for issues like broken links, missing metadata, and slow loading speeds. Security plugins add extra layers of protection by constantly monitoring my site.

By following these steps, I keep my WordPress site secure, updated, and high-performing, ensuring a smooth user experience and robust online presence.

WordPress home pages
WordPress home pages

Troubleshooting common issues

When you’re managing a WordPress website, encountering common issues can be frustrating. Knowing how to fix them so the site runs smoothly and provides a good user experience.

Common WordPress errors and how to fix them

Error 404, white screen of death, etc.
Error 404 occurs when a user tries to access a page that doesn’t exist. This often happens due to broken links or incorrect URL structures. To fix it, I recommend updating your URL settings under the Permalinks section in the WordPress dashboard. If the issue persists, use a plugin to redirect broken links to functional pages.

The White Screen of Death (WSOD) indicates a PHP error or memory limit issues. Deactivate all plugins by renaming the plugins folder through FTP. If your site returns to normal, reactivate each plugin one by one to identify the culprit. Increasing your website’s PHP memory limit by editing the wp-config.php file can also resolve this issue.

Where to find help and support

WordPress forums
If troubleshooting common issues yourself doesn’t work, I turn to the official WordPress forums. These forums offer assistance from both experienced developers and fellow WordPress users. Search for your specific problem or post a new query if needed. Take advantage of the extensive knowledge base available here.

Professional support services
For more complex issues, I might consider professional support services. Many providers offer managed WordPress hosting with dedicated support, making it easier to resolve any problems. Additionally, hiring a WordPress developer to address specific issues provides expert insights and effective resolutions.

By following these steps and utilizing available resources, you can efficiently troubleshoot and resolve common WordPress issues.

MaxiBlocks plugin settings

Resources for further learning

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

How do I select a domain name for my WordPress site?

Choose a domain name that’s easy to remember, relevant to your content, and preferably includes keywords related to your topic. Use domain name generators if you need inspiration and check availability with domain registrars.

How do I handle Error 404 on WordPress?

To fix a 404 error, first, check your permalink settings under Settings > Permalinks, and try resetting them. If the issue persists, consider checking for broken links or missing content and updating your urls accordingly.

What causes the WordPress white screen of death?

The White Screen of Death typically results from a PHP error or a memory limit issue. To troubleshoot, increase your PHP memory limit, disable all plugins, and switch to a default theme to identify the culprit.

How can I organize content on my WordPress site?

Use categories and tags to organize your content effectively. Categories are for broad topics, while tags serve as specific descriptors. These tools help improve site navigation and SEO.

Where can I find WordPress tutorials for beginners?

You can find excellent tutorials on platforms like WPbeginner, WordPress Tavern, and the official WordPress Codex. Additionally, consider enrolling in online courses available on Udemy and Coursera for structured learning.

How do I add media to my WordPress posts?

To add media, go to your post editor and click the “Add Media” button. You can upload images, videos, or audio files from your computer or select existing media from your Media Library.

What steps should I take to enhance my WordPress site’s security?

To enhance security, always update WordPress core, themes, and plugins. Use strong passwords, implement two-factor authentication, and consider installing security plugins like Wordfence or Sucuri for added protection.

How do I seek help for complex WordPress issues?

For complex issues, seek assistance from WordPress forums or consider hiring professional support services. You can also explore troubleshooting guides and community advice from reputable WordPress blogs.

What are user roles in WordPress, and how do I manage them?

WordPress user roles include Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, and Subscriber. Manage these roles under Users > All Users, where you can assign different capabilities based on the responsibilities needed for each role.

How can I continue learning about WordPress after mastering the basics?

Continue learning through resources like the WordPress Codex, follow popular WordPress blogs, join community forums, and take advanced courses on platforms like Udemy and Coursera to deepen your understanding and capabilities.

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.


Kyra Pieterse


Kyra is the co-founder and creative lead of MaxiBlocks, an open-source page builder for WordPress Gutenberg.

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