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Use a WordPress icon library with your WordPress theme to easily add web icons

WordPress Icon Library
SVG Icons library

Updated: 27 June 2024

Key takeaways: WordPress icon library

  • SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) icons and shapes offer clarity and scalability for web design, ideal for various screen sizes.
  • MaxiBlocks icons available for customization. Template Library includes a Maxi SVG library with over 14,000 icons, enhancing design flexibility.
  • SVG icons enhance user experience through visually appealing and functional web elements.
  • Effective use of SVG shapes includes geometric patterns, interactive features, and data representation.

Introduction to SVG icons and shapes

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) utilize XML for creating images that remain clear at any size, making them perfect for responsive web design. Their versatility allows for dynamic and interactive elements, enhancing user engagement.

What are SVG icons and how do they enhance web design?

SVG icons are vector-based images that improve web design through scalability, smaller file sizes, and interactive capabilities. They serve both functional and decorative purposes, enhancing navigation, social media engagement, and overall aesthetics.

Incorporating the MaxiBlocks SVG library in web design

The MaxiBlocks Template Library presents the Maxi SVG library, offering over 13,000 icons for creative and polished web designs. These icons can be customized in colour and size, supporting stroke line and filled shapes preferences, facilitating a wide range of design needs.

Using SVG Icons and shapes effectively

SVG icons and shapes can be utilized across various website sections, such as headers, services, product pages, and footers, to visually communicate information and guide user interactions. Key considerations include maintaining visual balance and ensuring icons complement the content.

Introduction to SVG Icons and Shapes

Scalable Vector Graphics, or SVG, utilizes XML to make vector-based pictures composed of two dimensions and can be a great way to add icons to your widgets. Unlike raster-style images like JPEGs or PNGs which rely on pixels to form their structure, SVGs use math equations for the lines, contours, and colours generating them. This allows them to be sized up or down without any loss of clarity, a quality that makes them an ideal choice for web design when pictures should look great on different device sizes.

SVG icons and shapes are the perfect elements for web design because of their scalability and versatility. Designers love how they can be resized, coloured, and altered with CSS. SVG images can be used to You can create a lot of different features on a website using a plugin like MaxiBlocks. Not only functional elements like buttons and navigation but also decorative pieces that help direct the user’s attention.

Incorporating SVG icons and shapes into web design has a range of benefits. They are resolution-independent, which means these images look impeccable on any screen size, from tiny mobile devices to massive desktop monitors. In addition, they usually have smaller file sizes compared to raster images, resulting in faster website loading times. Furthermore, SVGs can be used for interactive and animated features, allowing for dynamic designs that will captivate your audience.

Examples of common SVG icons used in web design

SVG icons are widely used in web design due to their scalability, flexibility, and small file size. Here are some examples of common SVG icons used in web design:

  • Navigation icons: These include menu icons (often represented by three horizontal lines, also known as a “hamburger” icon), arrow icons for pagination or dropdown menus, and home icons for returning to the homepage.
  • Social media icons: SVG icons for platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube are commonly used in headers, footers, or sidebars to link to a company or individual’s social media profiles.
  • Interactive icons: These include play buttons for videos, pause and skip buttons for audio or video content, and plus or minus icons for expandable content sections.
  • E-commerce icons: Shopping carts, credit card logos, and icons representing different shipping options are commonly used on e-commerce websites.
  • Utility icons: These include search icons (often a magnifying glass), user profile icons (often a silhouette of a person), and settings or gear icons.
  • Accessibility icons: Icons such as a wheelchair symbol for accessibility options, or an “Aa” icon for changing font size, are used to improve website accessibility.
  • Informational icons: These include question mark icons for help sections, bell icons for notifications, and “i” icons for additional information.

Understanding SVG shapes

SVG shapes are vector graphics that can be scaled to any size without compromising quality. They are programmatically accessible, allowing manipulation through JavaScript and CSS.

SVG shapes include:

  • Rectangles (<rect>): These are defined by their position (using the x and y attributes to set the top-left corner), as well as their width and height.
  • Circles (<circle>): Circles are defined by the coordinates of their centre (cx and cy) and their radius (r); these parameters look something like icon configurations.
  • Ellipses (<ellipse>): Similar to circles but can have different horizontal and vertical radii (defined by rx and ry).
  • Lines (<line>): Lines are defined by the coordinates of their start (x1 and y1) and endpoints (x2 and y2). You can use an icon to visually mark these points.
  • Polylines (<polyline>): These are a series of connected lines. The points are specified as a list of coordinates.
  • Polygons (<polygon>): Similar to polylines, but the start and end points are the same, forming a closed shape.
  • Paths (<path>): The most flexible shape, capable of creating complex curves and shapes defined by a series of commands.

Common SVG shapes used in web design include geometric shapes, complex paths for logos and icons, and circles and rectangles for buttons.

  • Designers often use SVG shapes, such as rectangles, circles, ellipses, and polygons to create visual interest. For instance, a series of SVG circles could make an intriguing bubbly backdrop, while rectangular figures can form a grid or even a mosaic pattern.
  • Round and boxy shapes for clickable items: SVG circles and rectangles are commonly used to craft interactive features on web pages. You could say, employ an SVG rectangle to create a button with an uncommon form. Alternatively, you might use an SVG circle to make a rounded play button for a video.
  • Lines and polylines in SVG for graphs and charts: SVGs are popularly employed to make graphs and charts, as they are resolution-independent. This means that the visualization of data remains crisp and precise at any size or level of magnification, making it an optimal choice for data representation.

Introducing the Maxi SVG library

MaxiBlocks Template Library includes the Maxi SVG library, a fantastic feature for WordPress enthusiasts who are looking for an icon plugin. This plugin gives users access to over 13,000 designer icons and 100 style cards to choose from when creating their web pages. The variety of filled icons, line icons, and shape SVG included in this resource will undoubtedly enhance the web design process.

You can search through the extensive SVG icons library to find the perfect icons for your website and give it a polished appearance. 

How to use SVG icons and shapes in web design with the MaxiBlocks SVG library

At MaxiBlocks, we understand that working with SVGs might be puzzling at times. To clear matters up, we would like to explain the distinction between SVGs using stroke lines and those utilizing filled shapes.

SVGs with a stroke line have an outline that outlines the image, usually as a thin line. This is good for putting emphasis on certain parts of the picture or to create a more definite shape.

SVGs with filled shapes do not possess any borders. The shape is completely covered in a single colour or pattern instead. This can be useful when creating solid objects such as icons and buttons, as well as complex figures made out of multiple shapes and colours.

Filled icons

For our filled icons, you can easily adjust the stroke and fill colours to fit the look of your website. To switch up the colouring, select the icon you’d like to modify and use the colour picker to choose your desired shades. You can change the stroke and fill hues separately, for extra customisation. Apart from this, you also have the ability to alter the stroke width of your filled icons using a plugin like MaxiBlocks. When you want to emphasise a line or create a unique design, simply select the icon and then adjust the stroke width in the options panel.

To add an SVG icon to your MaxiBlocks page, simply click on the “Add Block” button and choose the “SVG Icon Maxi” block from the available options. Once selected, click on the “Insert” button to insert the icon onto your page.

Line icons

Line SVG icons offer a simple yet sophisticated design, with an emphasis on line width and negative space. To personalise them, you can adjust the line widths and colours, as well as add hover effects to create an interactive feel. This is perfect for websites which strive for minimalism and neatness, making it easier to add icons without clutter.


You can easily alter the colour of the icons from the toolbar. If your icon has a stroke line, you will find an additional option to adjust it. All the settings are located in the sidebar settings.

If you want to turn any text in the Text Maxi block into a list, particularly an unordered one, you may add custom icons to it. Highlight the Text Maxi block, make sure it is an unordered list, then go to the sidebar and enable “List options”.

For “style”, pick “custom” and afterwards select the source of your icons. You can set it as “Icon” and decide from thousands of our predesigned SVG images.

Enhancing your website design with SVG icons

  • Feature lists: When displaying a list of features or services, incorporating SVG icons next to each item can make it more engaging and visually appealing. These graphics stand for each feature and grant users an instantaneous understanding of the meaning or purpose of it. For instance, having an image of a shopping cart near an e-commerce feature and a speech bubble icon close to a messaging tool can make the meanings obvious at a glance.
  • Offset headings and sections: Adding SVG icons beside titles or divisions can help capture attention and break up huge swaths of text. Utilizing relevant icons to the material can build a visual hierarchy and show users what to focus on. This approach works well when making landing pages or highlighting key points. For example, using a magnifying glass icon next to a header about search features will quickly communicate its purpose.
  • Storytelling – Use an icon to easily visualize important parts of your narrative: SVG icons can be used to illustrate a story or take users on a guided tour. By using icons that signify each step or action, you will create an interactive experience for your users. For example, if you have a sequence of icons depicting the user’s journey, from signing up to completing a task, it will help them understand what steps they need to do and what they can expect.
  • Menu navigation: The hamburger icon (three horizontal lines stacked together) is a popular choice for representing a menu when designing mobile and responsive platforms. When clicked or tapped, the user can access a hidden navigation panel with additional options. This simple, identifiable icon assists users in understanding its purpose while conserving space on the screen.
  • Social media sharing: Icons that signify well-known social media sites (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) are routinely used in order to give users the ability to post their content on their preferred networks. By making use of familiar symbols, individuals can quickly recognize popular social media sites and comprehend the task associated with each logo on a WordPress plugin.
  • Download or save: The arrow icon pointing downwards is a popular symbol that suggests to the user that files or content can be saved or downloaded. The simple icon helps users identify the actions they need to take, such as saving an image or downloading a PDF document with ease.
  • Search functionality: The magnifying glass icon is often used to signify a search function. When placed in the search box, this icon helps users understand that they can enter words or phrases to look for what they need.
  • Email or contact: A common visual to represent email or contact functions is the image of an envelope. You can use an icon from popular collections for consistency. Placing this symbol near a “Contact Us” page or an email field helps users recognize how they can get in touch and stimulates them to take action.
  • Play/pause in multimedia: Multi-media content can be controlled by a range of icons that are widely recognized, such as the play button, pause button or speaker icon. These symbols help people understand how to start and stop audio or video playback on a website.
  • Navigation arrows: The left and right arrows are commonly used in galleries or sliders to show that users can browse through a set of images or content. By including these symbols, it becomes easier for people to take a look at the material since they know they can go forward or back.
  • Attract attention: Icons are useful to draw attention to special elements or activities on a website. Placing an eye-catching icon next to a limited-time offer or an action button will grab users’ focus and inspire them to act.
  • Understand the meaning: Symbols can communicate a message and give visual cues that help people comprehend the purpose or usage of particular components. For example, a “thumbs-up” icon you want may indicate affirmative action or endorsement, while a “trash can” symbol could represent discarding or getting rid of something.
  • Save visual space: Using symbols instead of words can be a great way to save space in situations where there is limited room on the screen. Icons with straightforward meanings allow designers to pass on information without needing too much room, making them ideal for a WordPress site. This kind of approach is often used in mobile apps or stripped-back designs. We’ll be using minimalist icons for cleaner interfaces.
  • Make a connection with the user: Using symbols may help build a bond with customers or speak to them on a deeper level; consider using an awesome plugin to streamline this process. For instance, using heart icons for “favourites” and “likes” can stir up positive vibes and motivate people to interact more with the material or features.
MaxiBlocks SVG icons

Strategic placement of SVG icons on your website can greatly enhance the user experience and improve the visual appeal

Here’s how you can effectively position SVG icons in various sections of your website:

  • Header section: The header section of your website is usually one of the most visible, and it commonly features your logo, navigation bar, and key branding components. Think about using a well-structured and recognizable SVG symbol as your logo to have an impressive visual effect. You can also utilize SVG icons next to menu items to provide visual hints for dissimilar pages or sections; try an awesome plugin for better results. As an example, a shopping cart image can be used to depict the shopping cart or checkout page.
  • Services section: In this area, you can leverage SVG icons to graphically illustrate each and every service or feature your company offers. Put the graphics beside the corresponding service explanations or titles to create a visually attractive and educational display. For example, a wrench icon can symbolize technical support, a paintbrush icon can represent design services and a globe icon can mean international services.
  • Product page: Product pages can be designed with strategic icons to emphasize important features, advantages, or activities linked to the item. For instance, use icons to depict product details (e.g., screen size, battery life), essential functions (e.g., camera, connectivity options), user actions (e.g., add to cart, share), or integrate vector icons into your WordPress site. Placing symbols close to each item or attribute can make it simpler and more visually appealing for readers to grasp the details.
  • Footer section: The footer area of a webpage often contains significant connections, contact information, and icons for social media. Utilizing SVG images for the social media buttons can make them more attractive and recognizable, especially if you use the free plugin for WordPress. In addition to that, symbols can represent contact details such as email address, phone number, or exact location, allowing users to easily identify and interact with these aspects.

Use WordPress icon library

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WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.