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Are there any free WordPress icons available specifically for business websites?

Key takeaways

  • MaxiBlocks offers over 13,400 free SVG icons, enhancing WordPress web design.
  • Icons are fully customisable for colours, lines, and fills.
  • MaxiBlocks icons improve website navigation, usability, and visual appeal.
  • Suitable for various industries, from finance to technology.
  • MaxiBlocks is free and easy to use, enhancing the overall user experience.

How to get more icons in WordPress?

To get more icons in WordPress, use plugins like MaxiBlocks, Font Awesome, and Iconify, which provide extensive icon libraries. You can also upload custom SVG files, use icon packs from theme builders like Elementor and Divi, or download icons from free online resources such as Flaticon and Google Material Icons.

MaxiBlocks icon library: Web design with over 13,000 customizable SVG icons

Customised for businesses, made for WordPress:

MaxiBlocks has a diverse library for different industries and applications. Whether you’re in finance, technology, communications or social media, there are icons perfectly tailored to the needs of your website.

  • Navigation: Lost visitors are a thing of the past with clear and recognizable icons. Imagine a home icon for your homepage or an envelope for your contact page. These visual cues guide users through your website and make it easy for them to find what they’re looking for, especially on mobile devices.
  • Information quickly: Icons are ideal for communicating complex ideas or concepts quickly and efficiently. This applies to websites where space is limited. A chart icon can immediately inform users about data visualizations, while a light bulb icon can represent ideas or insights. 
  • Usability: They simplify the user interface and make it intuitive and easy to navigate. Think of a shopping cart icon for your e-commerce website. These visual guides make for a smoother and more enjoyable experience that keeps visitors engaged and encourages further exploration.
  • Brand identity: Icons can be a powerful tool to reinforce your brand identity. When you use a consistent style and theme for your icons, they become recognizable markers that reinforce your brand presence in the minds of your target audience.
  • Visual appeal:  Let’s face it, text-heavy content can get boring. Icons add visual flair, break things up and make your website more interesting. Not only does this improve the overall aesthetic, but it also keeps users visually stimulated and interested.
Free WordPress icons for business
free WordPress icons for business

Effective use of business icons

Types of business icons and their use cases

Communication symbols: For contact sections, they visually indicate the available communication methods. Email icons indicate direct contact or newsletter signup, chat icons offer immediate support, and phone icons indicate a direct line for inquiries.

Financial symbols: Currency icons and credit card logos in the pricing and payments sections provide clear information about accepted payment methods and financial transactions, promoting transparency and trust.

Technology and software icons: Icons for cloud computing, mobile technology and app development effectively represent technology services, making tech offerings more understandable and appealing to visitors.

Marketing and social media icons: Social platform logos, SEO and marketing strategy icons on digital marketing services pages help brands showcase their online presence and expertise.Icons for logistics and services: Icons such as delivery trucks, globes and service bells are essential to illustrate shipping options, global services and customer support availability.

Calendar and clock free wordpress icons
Calendar and clock free WordPress icons for business

Expanding the use of free WordPress icons for business

Social media icons

Application: To link to a company’s social media profiles, encouraging engagement and following across platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Arrow icons

Application: For navigation cues, indicating scrolling or to draw attention to important features or calls to action on a website.

Data visualization icons

Pie charts, bar graphs, line graphs: To represent data visually, making complex information understandable at a glance.

Application: For annual reports, market analysis, and infographics on business websites.

Documentation and reporting icons

Checklist, signed contract, notepad, article symbol: Symbols of organization, agreements, and content creation.

Application: Useful in sections detailing services, blog categorization, or downloadable resources like white papers and case studies.

Financial icons

Banknotes, bank buildings, wallets, growth graphs, currency symbols and financing symbols: Represent various aspects of finance and monetary transactions.

Use: For financial services websites, pricing pages and investment sections to illustrate financial concepts and transactions.

Workspace icons

Desk and chair, mood board, briefcase: Denotes office environment and work culture.

Application: Perfect for depicting the equipment of co-working spaces or the corporate culture on career sites.

Office supplies icons

Books, calculators, scissors, file folders, stamps: symbols for office supplies and administrative tasks.

Application: Excellent for office supply stores or digital work tools to identify categories or functions.

Mission and achievement icons

Mission and strategy symbols, trophy, rocket launch: Reflect corporate goals, successes and innovations.

Application: Suitable for “About us” pages, to represent company milestones or services for start-ups.

Support WordPress icons free
Acupuncture WordPress theme

Security and trust icons

Sign/lock/test mark: Reference to safety measures, certifications and reliability.

Application: Best placed near security guarantees, privacy policies or trust seals on e-commerce websites.

Communication icons

Email envelope, chat bubble/headset, life ring/support agent avatar/heart: Facilitate communication channels and support services.

Application: For contact sections that provide direct links to customer service or help resources.

Additional icons

Financial Free WordPress icons
Financial Free WordPress icons

FAQs free WordPress icons for business

Is there a cost to using MaxiBlocks?

No, MaxiBlocks is completely free to use. This makes it an accessible option for businesses looking to enhance their website’s design and functionality without additional expenses.

Which types of businesses can benefit from using MaxiBlocks free WordPress icons for business?

How do MaxiBlocks free WordPress icons for business contribute to a site’s usability?

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