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How do I add a WordPress site icon (favicon)?

WordPress site icon
WordPress site icon

How to add a WordPress site icon: A favicon

You might not think about that little icon in your browser tab, but it actually does a couple of things:

Makes your website memorable: Imagine your favicon as a tiny logo for your site. It helps people remember you when they have a bunch of tabs open, like recognizing a friend in a crowd.

Helps people navigate: A favicon acts like a little visual bookmark, reminding people where they are on your site. It also just makes your site look more polished and put together.

Looks professional: Having a favicon shows you care about the details. It’s like putting on a nice outfit for a meeting – it makes a good impression.

More than just decoration: That tiny image isn’t just there to look pretty. It helps people remember you, navigate your site easily and see you as a professional website.

Small icons, big difference: Why those tiny website pictures matter

The little icon you see next to your website’s name? That’s called a favicon, think of it like a name tag in a crowded room. A cool and unique favicon can help you stand out and get noticed. It should also match the colours and style of your website, so everything feels connected.  In short, that tiny icon is a way to build your brand online and make a good first impression.

Memorable examples, measurable effect

Google’s G symbol: Simplicity is key. Google’s instantly recognizable, multi-coloured “G” strengthens brand presence across all services and promotes user familiarity.

Apple’s apple symbol: The bitten apple needs no introduction. It’s simple, memorable and undeniably Apple, emphasizing the company’s sleek, minimalist design on all interfaces.

Amazon’s A symbol: A for Amazon? Not quite. The favicon cleverly combines the signature arrow smile with a simple “A” that sums up the brand identity and commitment to customer satisfaction – a message that is reflected in bookmarks and tabs.

These examples show how a well-designed favicon increases the recognition value of a brand and makes it stand out.

Same tiny icon everywhere = stronger brand!

Imagine you see your friend’s cool hat everywhere – at school, the park, even online.  That repetition makes you remember them more, right?  The same goes for your website’s favicon!  Having that same little icon on your website, app, and social media profiles helps people instantly recognize your brand, no matter where they see it.  This consistency builds trust and makes people like you more.  It’s like a tiny way to connect everything you do online and leave a lasting impression.

The mobile-first world: A brand experience

This consistency helps people recognize your brand instantly, no matter if they’re on your website or your app.  It’s like having a matching outfit for both – polished and put-together.

The bottom line: Tiny icons, big branding

They serve as visual anchors that increase recognition, solidify online identity and ensure consistency across different platforms. Through strategic design and the implementation of a well-designed favicon, brands can harness the power of this icon to significantly influence their digital branding strategy.
They serve as visual anchors that increase recognition, solidify online identity and ensure consistency across different platforms. Through strategic design and the implementation of a well-designed favicon, brands can harness the power of this icon to significantly influence their digital branding strategy.

WordPress favicon
WordPress favicon

Your guide to website icon design

Don’t let the tiny size fool you! Your website’s icon, the favicon, is part of your brand.  Everyone sees it on their bookmarks, browser tabs, and even phones. Here are some tips to make your little icon stand out:

Design principles for a powerful favicon:

Tips for unforgettable favicons:

Increase awareness: Incorporate elements from your logo or initials. Think of the bird from Twitter or the ghost from Snapchat – instantly recognizable mini versions of your logos.

Colour with purpose: Opt for a unique colour scheme that sets you apart from the competition. Consider bright, contrasting colours that draw attention without clashing with your website look and feel.

Device and resolution friendly: Your favicon should look sharp on any device, from desktops to smartphones. Design and test multiple sizes (16×16, 32×32, 192×192 and 512×512 pixels) to ensure the favicon remains sharp and clear everywhere.

Tools and resources to help you create your masterpiece:

WordPress Dashicons

The technical side of tiny icons: Optimize your website icon for success

Your website icon may be small, but its technical setup has a big impact. To ensure your favicon works flawlessly on all devices and platforms, we need to get to grips with the finer details.

Finding the perfect size and format:

Optimising for speed and quality:

Fast is fantastic: Your favicon’s file size impacts your website’s loading speed. Use tools like TinyPNG or ImageOptim to shrink the file size without sacrificing quality. A fast-loading site keeps users happy and boosts SEO.

High-res: The world of high-definition screens demands high-resolution icons to avoid dreaded pixelation. A crisp, clear favicon conveys professionalism and enhances user engagement.

Sharpening up your site icon:

Compression: Tools like TinyPNG or ImageOptim are your compression heroes, reducing file size without compromising quality.

Format: PNG is your usual go-to, but consider ICO if you need to bundle multiple sizes.

Vector: Whenever possible, design your favicon as a vector graphic (SVG format). Vector graphics scale beautifully to any size without losing clarity.

Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3!

A flawless favicon experience across browsers and devices is key. Here’s how to test:

Browser: Services like BrowserStack or LambdaTest let you see how your favicon appears in popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. Check rendering in both tab bars and bookmark lists.

Device: See how your icon looks on various devices, especially mobile phones and tablets, where icons might be used differently (e.g., home screen bookmarks). Tools like Adobe XD’s device preview feature can be helpful.

Operating System: Be aware that different operating systems (Windows, macOS, iOS, Android) might display icons slightly differently. Check system bookmarks and home screens.

Real-World: Don’t underestimate the power of manual testing. Open your site on various real devices and ask friends or colleagues for feedback on the icon’s appearance.

If you keep these technical considerations in mind, optimize your favicon and test it thoroughly.

Add the icon of your website:

Go to the customizer: Log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Appearance > Customize. This will open the customization panel for your website.

Find site identity: Look for the “Site Identity” section, which is usually located at the top. It may vary slightly depending on the theme. Click on it to expand it.

Upload your favicon: You should see an option labelled “Site Icon” or similar. Click on the “Select site icon” button.

Select from library: If you have already uploaded a pre-made icon to your media library, select it from there.

Upload from computer: If not, click “Upload files” and then “Select files” to upload your favicon from your computer.

Pro tip: Use a 512×512 pixel PNG or ICO image for optimal display across devices.

Crop and preview (optional): You may see an option to crop the image. If you have previously defined the size of your symbol, cropping shouldn’t be necessary. Simply click on “Crop image” if necessary.

See your masterpiece: After uploading, your favicon will be displayed in the live preview window on the left. Scroll through different pages to see how it looks in different contexts.

Make it official: Are you happy with how it looks? Click the “Publish” button at the top of the Customizer to publish your changes to your website.

Troubleshooting tips:

Missing icon? Clear your browser cache and refresh it. Check if your theme or plugins are overriding the settings.

Resolution? Make sure your uploaded image is a high-quality PNG or ICO file with 512×512 pixels. Upload it again if necessary.

Cropping? Make sure your image is exactly 512×512 pixels before you upload it. Non-square images can cause cropping problems.

Browser? Test your icon in different browsers. If a browser doesn’t work, convert your PNG icon to an ICO format for better compatibility.

Online shopping free WordPress icons
Online shopping free WordPress icons

Best practices for site icon maintenance

Maintaining your website icon is just as important as its original design and implementation. Regular updates and reviews will ensure that your favicon continues to serve its purpose. Here are the best ways to keep your site icon fresh and functional:

Update your site icon regularly

Reflect changes: As your brand is redesigned or its colours and logos are updated, your site icon should be updated accordingly to maintain consistency across all touchpoints.

Seasonal updates: Consider temporary updates to your site icon for holidays or special occasions to engage your audience in a fun way.

Monitor display in different browsers and on different devices

Compatibility testing: Regularly test how your website icon looks on new browsers and devices to ensure compatibility and visibility. Browser and device manufacturers update their software frequently, which can affect the display of your icon.

Resolution and scaling: Make sure your icon displays clearly on high-resolution devices by providing a version that is the right size.

Interaction with your audience

Feedback for visibility and recognition: Ask your audience directly via surveys or social media about their perception of your website icon. Use this feedback to make necessary adjustments to improve recognition and visibility.

Having a favicon shows you care about the details, just like keeping your desk organized. It makes your website look polished and professional, which is a great first impression.

Additional resources

To further assist you in your site icon journey, here are links to recommended tools and resources:

Design tools:

Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator for professional-grade design.

Canva for easy-to-use templates and design elements.

Figma for collaborative design projects.

Tutorials and guides:

Creating a Favicon – W3C’s guide on favicon creation.

RealFaviconGenerator for generating cross-platform favicons with ease.

A great website icon is a small detail that makes a big difference.

free WordPress shapes and masks
Free WordPress shapes and masks

FAQs: A favicon, short for “favorite icon”

What is a favicon and why is it important?

A favicon, short for “favorite icon,” is a small, iconic image that represents your website in browser tabs, bookmark lists, and on mobile devices. It’s important because it helps with brand recognition, makes your website more memorable among many open tabs, enhances professionalism, and contributes to a polished and cohesive online presence.

What is the WordPress icon?

The WordPress icon typically refers to WordPress’s logo. If you’re interested in the significance of its colors and design, check out more on WordPress icon colour theory.

Where can I find icons for WordPress?

For a variety of icons suitable for WordPress use, you can explore options at Icons for WordPress.

How do I use icons in WordPress?

To learn how to integrate icons effectively in your WordPress site, visit Icons in WordPress.

What are WordPress Dashicons?

For information about the official icon font of the WordPress admin and how to use it, see WordPress Dashicons.

Are there free WordPress icons available?

Yes, there are free icons available for WordPress. Find out more at Free WordPress SVG icons.

Where can I get free WordPress icons for business?

For free business-related icons, visit Free WordPress icons for business.

Can I use emojis in WordPress?

Yes, you can use emojis on your site. Learn how to add them by visiting How to add emojis to your website.

What icons are good for WordPress e-commerce Sites?

To enhance your e-commerce site with appropriate icons, check out WordPress icons for ecommerce.

How do I add social media icons to my WordPress site?

For integrating social media icons on your WordPress site, visit Social media icons WordPress.

What is a WordPress services icon?

For icons that represent various WordPress-related services, see WordPress services icon.

Can I use custom free WordPress icons on my site?

How do I change the size of WordPress icons?

What icon should I use for hospitality in WordPress?

To find suitable icons for hospitality services on WordPress, visit Hospitality WordPress icon.

These FAQs and their links should help you navigate the world of icons in WordPress, whether you’re looking to enhance your site’s design or improve user experience.

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.