Which is the best website builder in WordPress?

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Website builder in WordPress
Website builder in WordPress

WordPress website builders are plugins designed to simplify WordPress website creation. They operate on a straightforward system where you can drag and drop various elements, much like arranging blocks. These builders come equipped with pre-designed layouts known as WordPress Templates. These templates serve as a foundation for your site, offering diverse styles tailored to different types of websites.

WordPress page builders allow extensive customization. You can select different colours, fonts, and layouts to make your website uniquely yours. Some builders offer additional features such as ensuring your site looks great on mobile devices, allowing custom code, and integrating with other tools. In essence, WordPress page builders enable anyone to create a website. They streamline the process, letting you focus on your content and audience.

Key features of WordPress page builders

WordPress website builders are packed with features that make website creation in WordPress straightforward. Here are some key aspects:

Drag-and-drop interface
This feature allows you to move elements around your page effortlessly. You can add, remove, or rearrange sections as needed.

Pre-designed templates
These ready-to-use designs can be applied to your website. They come in various styles and can be customized to meet your needs.

Customization options
You can modify the look and feel of your site by adjusting colours, fonts, and layouts. This helps create a unique website that reflects your brand.

Integration capabilities
Some builders let you connect with other tools and platforms, enhancing your site’s functionality.

Custom CSS
For those who want more control over their site’s design, some builders allow you to add your own CSS code.

WordPress theme
WordPress theme

Why choose a WordPress page builder?

Opting for a WordPress page builder can significantly ease the website creation process. Here’s why:

No coding required
You don’t need to be a coding expert to create a beautiful website.

Freedom of design
With numerous templates and customization options, you can design a site that’s uniquely yours.

Quick launch
The ease and speed of using WordPress page builders mean you can have your site live much faster than with traditional methods.

These builders are a cost-effective way to get a professional-looking website without the high costs of hiring developers.

Community support
There are many forums, tutorials, and resources where users share tips, experiences, and solutions to common issues.

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Advantages and limitations of page builders

WordPress page builders have their benefits and drawbacks. Here’s a look at both:

Using WordPress and its associated website builders comes with several advantages. Firstly, ease of use is a major benefit. You don’t need to know how to code; you can simply drag and drop elements to create your site. This makes it accessible to beginners and those who are not technically inclined. Additionally, the speed of development is impressive. With pre-designed templates, you can quickly put together a professional-looking website without starting from scratch. This saves a lot of time compared to traditional web development methods.

Another significant advantage is cost-effectiveness. Using WordPress and its builders is much more affordable than hiring professional developers. You can get a functional, attractive website up and running without breaking the bank. Flexibility is also a strong point, as there are numerous design options available. You can customise your site to match your vision and brand. Maintenance is straightforward as well. Making updates and changes is easy, ensuring your website stays current and functional without too much hassle.

However, there are some limitations to consider. Performance can sometimes be an issue because the additional code generated by builders can slow down your site. There’s also the matter of limited customisation. While builders offer many design options, they are not as flexible as coding a site from scratch, which might limit what you can achieve. Dependency on the builder is another drawback. If you decide to remove the builder, it can cause issues with your site, possibly leading to a need for significant rework.

Code quality is another concern. The auto-generated code by builders isn’t always clean or efficient, which can affect site performance and maintenance. Lastly, there’s a learning curve involved. While builders are designed to be user-friendly, it still takes time to learn all the features and get the most out of them. This can be a hurdle for those who want to get their site up and running quickly.

Discover 2000+ WordPress Block Patterns
Discover 2000+ WordPress Block Patterns

MaxiBlocks a free WordPress Website Builder

MaxiBlocks is a modern website builder in WordPress that works seamlessly with Gutenberg, the standard content editor in WordPress. Unlike Elementor and Divi, MaxiBlocks is completely free, though you can buy extra templates if you wish.

MaxiBlocks is a fantastic choice because it’s free and open-source, meaning all features are available without any cost, making it accessible to everyone. It’s also user-friendly, with an intuitive block system that allows you to add elements like text, images, testimonials, and pricing tables without needing coding knowledge.

Another great thing about MaxiBlocks is its customization options. You can change colours, fonts, and layouts to create a website that truly reflects your brand or personal style. Plus, it ensures that your website looks great on 4k screens, tablets, and mobiles.

MaxiBlocks comes with an extensive design library that includes over 13,000 free SVG icons and shapes. This offers a wide range of templates and styles to choose from. Unlike many other builders, MaxiBlocks has no restrictions—there are no locked blocks, domain limits, or license keys, giving you complete freedom to create as many sites as you want.

Some common questions people ask about MaxiBlocks include how to use it with Gutenberg, what the best free templates are, how to create responsive designs, whether it can integrate with WooCommerce, and how to customize layouts.

Build like a pro


Elementor is one of the most popular WordPress page builders. It’s known for its drag-and-drop interface and a wide range of features. Elementor is a good choice because its drag-and-drop editor makes it easy to create custom layouts. It offers numerous widgets, including forms, sliders, and testimonials, which can help you add more functionality to your website. The theme builder feature lets you customize your entire site, including headers and footers. Elementor also integrates well with WooCommerce, making it a solid choice for e-commerce websites.

The pre-designed templates in Elementor can help speed up the design process, which is a big plus if you’re looking to get your site up and running quickly. People often want to know how to use Elementor’s drag-and-drop editor, what the best Elementor templates are, how to integrate WooCommerce, how to use the theme builder, and if Elementor can be used with any WordPress theme.


Divi, developed by Elegant Themes, is another popular WordPress page builder known for its powerful visual editor and flexibility. Divi’s visual builder allows you to make design changes in real-time, which is very handy. It offers a wide range of custom modules for adding various content elements to your site. You can manage your entire site’s design with global elements and styles, making it easier to maintain a consistent look and feel. Divi also includes built-in split testing, which can help you optimize your pages. The pre-made layouts available in Divi are a great starting point for any website. Questions people commonly have about Divi include how to use the visual builder, what the best Divi modules are, how to create global styles, whether it can integrate with WooCommerce, and how to use the split testing feature.

Each of these WordPress page builders has its strengths. MaxiBlocks stands out for its modern integration with Gutenberg and completely free access to all features. Elementor and Divi offer robust tools and flexibility but may require a paid subscription for full access. Your choice will depend on your specific needs, budget, and preference for ease of use and customization. For more insights on WordPress website design, WordPress Templates, and various WordPress website builders, refer to the articles linked throughout this guide.

Design with 2000+ ready-to-use block combinations & 13,000+ SVG icons
Design with 2000+ ready-to-use block combinations & 13,000+ SVG icons

FAQs: Which is the best website builder in WordPress?

What is the best WordPress page builder?

The best website builder in WordPress depends on your needs. MaxiBlocks is great for those looking for a free and open-source option that works with Gutenberg. Elementor and Divi are popular for their robust features and flexibility, though they may require paid subscriptions for full access.

Do I need coding skills to use a WordPress page builder?

Can I use a WordPress page builder for e-commerce?

Yes, many website builder in WordPress, including Elementor and Divi, integrate well with WooCommerce, allowing you to create and manage e-commerce websites.

Are there any free WordPress page builders?

What are the limitations of using a WordPress page builder?

Limitations of using a WordPress page builder include potential performance issues due to additional code, limited customisation compared to coding from scratch, dependency on the builder, and a learning curve to fully utilise all features.

Can I switch page builders after creating my website?

Switching page builders can be challenging and may cause issues with your site. It’s best to choose a builder that you plan to stick with long-term to avoid complications.

What is a website builder in WordPress?

A website builder in WordPress is a tool or plugin that allows users to create and customize websites using a drag-and-drop interface. This simplifies the website creation process, enabling users to design their sites without needing to write code. Popular website builders in WordPress include Elementor, Beaver Builder, and MaxiBlocks.

How do I choose the best website builder in WordPress?

To choose the best website builder in WordPress, consider factors such as ease of use, customization options, available templates, and customer support. Look for builders that offer a wide range of features and are compatible with your theme and other plugins. MaxiBlocks is a highly recommended website builder in WordPress for its extensive template library and user-friendly interface.

Can I use a website builder in WordPress with any theme?

Yes, you can use a website builder in WordPress with most themes. However, it’s important to ensure compatibility between the builder and your chosen theme. Some themes are specifically designed to work seamlessly with certain website builders in WordPress, providing a more integrated and smooth design experience.

Do I need coding knowledge to use a website builder in WordPress?

No, you do not need coding knowledge to use a website builder in WordPress. These builders are designed to be user-friendly, allowing you to create and customize your website using a drag-and-drop interface. This makes it accessible for beginners and those without technical skills.

What are the advantages of using a website builder in WordPress?

Using a website builder in WordPress offers several advantages, including ease of use, faster website creation, and extensive customization options. It allows you to design professional-looking websites without coding, offers pre-designed templates, and provides various tools to enhance functionality and design. Website builders in WordPress, like MaxiBlocks, streamline the web design process.

How do I install a website builder in WordPress?

To install a website builder in WordPress, log in to your WordPress Dashboard, navigate to Plugins > Add New, and search for the website builder you want to install. Click Install Now and then Activate. Once activated, you can start using the website builder in WordPress to design and customize your site.

Are there free website builders in WordPress?

Yes, there are free website builders in WordPress available, offering basic features and functionalities to help you create a website. Some popular free website builders include Elementor, SiteOrigin Page Builder, and MaxiBlocks. These free versions often provide essential tools, while premium versions offer more advanced features.

Can I switch website builders in WordPress?

Yes, you can switch website builders in WordPress, but it may require some adjustments to your site’s design and layout. Switching builders might affect how your content is displayed, so it’s important to backup your site before making any changes. Consider the compatibility and features of the new builder before switching.

What features should I look for in a website builder in WordPress?

When selecting a website builder in WordPress, look for features such as a drag-and-drop editor, a variety of pre-designed templates, responsive design options, customization tools, and integration with other plugins. A good website builder in WordPress, like MaxiBlocks, should offer flexibility and ease of use to create a professional website.

How do website builders in WordPress improve website design?

Website builders in WordPress improve website design by offering a user-friendly interface and a range of design tools that simplify the creation process. They provide pre-designed templates and blocks that can be easily customized, allowing users to build visually appealing and functional websites without needing design expertise. Website builders in WordPress enhance creativity and efficiency in web design.

WordPress itself

Official Website
wordpress.org – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex
codex.wordpress.org/Main_Page – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory 
wordpress.org/themes – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.



Kyra Pieterse


Kyra is the co-founder and creative lead of MaxiBlocks, an open-source page builder for WordPress Gutenberg.

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