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What is a WordPress blocks template?

WordPress blocks template
WordPress blocks template

Blocks templates in WordPress are pre-designed layouts made up of multiple blocks, which you can use to build and arrange content on your website. These templates help you design consistent and attractive pages without the hassle of building each element from the ground up. Whether you’re putting together a blog post, an online store, or a portfolio, blocks templates simplify the process and ensure your site looks polished and professional.

WordPress blocks template terminology

Before diving deeper, it’s important to understand some key terms related to blocks templates:

The basic units of content in WordPress, such as paragraphs, images, and buttons.

Block patterns
Groups of blocks arranged in a specific layout, which can be reused across different pages.

The overall structure of a page, including the arrangement of blocks and patterns.

Pre-designed layouts that can be applied to pages and posts, consisting of multiple blocks and patterns.

The difference between blocks, patterns, layouts, and templates

What is a starter site?

A starter site is a pre-configured website that includes blocks templates, patterns, and layouts tailored for a specific type of website. For instance, a starter site for a blog might include templates for blog posts, archive pages, and author bios. These starter sites help users get their websites up and running quickly without having to build everything from scratch.

WordPress block patterns cloud
WordPress block patterns cloud

What are the parts of a WordPress template?

WordPress block patterns
WordPress block patterns

Getting access to blocks templates

through the block editor, or from third-party developers like MaxiBlocks. MaxiBlocks offers a variety of high-quality blocks templates designed to help you create stunning websites with ease.

Understanding blocks template hierarchy

Blocks template hierarchy refers to the order in which templates are applied to pages and posts. WordPress follows a specific order to determine which template to use, starting with the most specific (such as a custom template for a single post) and moving to more general templates (like the default page template).

Extending a theme’s blocks templates

You can extend a theme’s blocks templates by adding custom blocks, patterns, and layouts. This allows you to tailor the templates to better suit your needs. MaxiBlocks provides a wide range of Gutenberg block styles and Gutenberg block patterns that you can use to enhance your theme’s templates.

Using blocks templates

Using blocks templates in WordPress is simple. When creating a new page or post, you can select from available templates to quickly apply a pre-designed layout. This saves time and ensures consistency across your website. MaxiBlocks offers an extensive library of WordPress blocks templates that you can use to kickstart your design process.

Talk about MaxiBlocks

MaxiBlocks is a powerful tool that offers some of the best WordPress block themes. It provides a wide variety of block themes and templates designed to make web design easy and efficient. With MaxiBlocks, you have access to an extensive collection of web design page blocks, patterns, and templates that can be customised to fit any website. Whether you’re building a blog, an e-commerce site, or a portfolio, MaxiBlocks has the tools you need to create a professional and visually appealing website.

Block WordPress themes
Block WordPress themes

Benefits of WordPress block themes

WordPress block themes offer several benefits that can greatly improve your website’s functionality and user experience.

Modern visual editing

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Accessibility for all

WordPress theme pattern
WordPress theme pattern

Creativity and innovation

Block themes provide a flexible framework where you can experiment with different designs and layouts. This encourages creativity and innovation, allowing you to create unique websites that stand out.

Tip: Explore different block patterns and templates to spark your creativity.

Do: Customize blocks to fit your brand’s style and message.

Don’t: Stick to default settings; personalize your site to make it unique.

Modern efficiency

WordPress theme shapes
WordPress theme shapes

Improved performance and speed

Block themes often use cleaner, more efficient code, leading to faster load times. A faster website not only provides a better user experience but also ranks higher in search engine results.

Tip: Optimize your images and use a caching plugin to enhance site speed.

Do: Regularly test your site’s performance using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights.

Don’t: Use too many heavy plugins that can slow down your site.

Enhanced editing options

Block themes give you more tools and features to customize your site exactly how you want it. From adjusting the layout to tweaking the design elements, you have a wide range of options to make your site look and function perfectly.

Tip: Use the custom CSS option to further personalize your blocks.

Do: Explore the block settings thoroughly to unlock all customization options.

Don’t: Ignore the customization options; they can significantly enhance your site’s appearance.

Better creation experience

The intuitive design of block themes makes building your site more enjoyable and less frustrating. The ability to see changes in real-time and the ease of use contribute to a smoother creation process.

Tip: Familiarize yourself with the block editor interface to make the most of its features.

Do: Utilize pre-designed templates to kickstart your design process.

Don’t: Get overwhelmed by the options; start simple and build complexity gradually.

Blocks for everything

Build like a pro

Code-free editing

Block themes allow you to create and manage your site without writing any HTML or CSS. This is especially beneficial for users who are not familiar with coding, as it simplifies the website building process.

Tip: Use the block settings to customize your site without touching the code.

Do: Take advantage of the visual editor to design your site.

Don’t: Worry about not knowing how to code; block themes are designed for code-free editing.

Pre-designed block patterns

Pre-designed block patterns can save you time by providing ready-made layouts that you can customize to fit your needs. These patterns help you quickly set up common sections of your site, such as headers, footers, and call-to-action areas.

Tip: Use block patterns as a starting point and customize them to match your branding.

Do: Explore the available patterns to see which ones fit your needs.

Don’t: Use block patterns as-is; customize them to make your site unique.

WordPress theme pattern call to action
WordPress theme pattern call to action

Accessibility features

Block themes come with built-in accessibility features, ensuring that your site can be used by everyone, including those with disabilities. These features help you create a more inclusive website.

Tip: Use accessible colour schemes and fonts to improve readability.

Do: Regularly test your site with accessibility tools to ensure it meets standards.

Don’t: Ignore accessibility guidelines; they are important for all users.

Improved response times

Dynamic design capabilities

Using fewer plugins

Future-proof your website

Block themes adopt the latest technologies and standards in web design, keeping your site relevant and up-to-date. This future-proofing means your site can easily adapt to new trends and updates in the WordPress ecosystem.

Tip: Stay informed about updates and new features in block themes.

Do: Regularly update your theme to take advantage of new improvements.

Don’t: Stick with outdated themes; upgrading provides better performance and security.

WordPress theme pattern features
WordPress theme pattern features

How to find an e-commerce WordPress block theme

WordPress theme
WordPress theme

FAQs on WordPress blocks template

What are WordPress block themes?

How do I style Gutenberg blocks?

How do you customize Gutenberg blocks?

Which is better, ACF or Gutenberg blocks?

Is Gutenberg the future of WordPress?

What is the Gutenberg styling API?

The Gutenberg styling API allows developers to define custom styles for blocks. It provides a way to add consistent styles across different blocks, ensuring a cohesive look and feel for your website.

How does the Gutenberg block styles API work?

The Gutenberg block styles API lets you register custom styles for blocks, which can then be applied through the block editor. This makes it easy to maintain a consistent design throughout your site.

How to create additional block styles for the Gutenberg list block?

You can create additional block styles for the Gutenberg list block by registering them in your theme’s functions.php file. This involves using the registerBlockStyle function to define the new styles.

What are custom block styles?

Custom block styles are predefined styles that you can apply to blocks to change their appearance. These styles can be registered by theme or plugin developers and provide a quick way to apply consistent styling to blocks.

What are the main benefits of using block themes in WordPress?

How can I customize a single block theme to fit my website’s branding?

You can customize a single block theme by adjusting its global settings for colors, fonts, and layouts. Use the block editor to tweak individual blocks and ensure your site’s design aligns with your brand identity.

What is the difference between a blocks template and a regular template in WordPress?

How do you apply custom Gutenberg block styles to enhance your WordPress site’s appearance?

What are some creative uses for Gutenberg block patterns in modern web design?

Which block themes in WordPress are best for e-commerce websites?

How can WordPress block patterns streamline the web design process for beginners?

WordPress block patterns streamline the web design process by providing ready-made layouts that beginners can easily insert into their pages. This reduces the need for extensive design skills and speeds up the creation of professional-looking pages.

What are the key features to look for in a block theme for WordPress?

How can WordPress blocks templates improve the efficiency of website development?

What makes a WordPress block theme different from traditional WordPress themes?

How can Gutenberg templates be used to create consistent layouts across a WordPress site?

What are the advantages of using a WordPress pattern library for web designers?

What are the best practices for creating reusable Gutenberg templates in WordPress?

How can the Gutenberg template library help in rapidly developing WordPress websites?

What are the top considerations when choosing the best WordPress block theme for your site?

How do web design page blocks improve the modularity and flexibility of website layouts?

What trends are emerging in WordPress block themes for 2024?

How has the introduction of block themes influenced modern WordPress website design?

The introduction of block themes has influenced modern WordPress website design by making it more accessible and flexible. With block themes, users can create complex layouts and designs without needing advanced technical skills, leading to more innovative and user-friendly websites.

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.


Kyra Pieterse


Kyra is the co-founder and creative lead of MaxiBlocks, an open-source page builder for WordPress Gutenberg.

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