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What are WordPress Dashicons?

WordPress dashicons
WordPress dashicons

Section 1: Understanding WordPress Dashicons

The role of Dashicons in the WordPress 

WordPress dashicons
WordPress dashicons

Section 2: The Dashicons library

Exploring the library

Dashicons have a ton of different icons, so pretty much everything in the admin area can have its own picture. This makes it easier for people to get what’s going on and move around the site.

Examples of commonly used Dashicons

  • Dashicon-admin-appearance: Represents the Appearance section of the admin menu.
  • Dashicon-edit: Used to indicate the edit functionality for various content types.
  • Dashicon-media-library: Represents the Media Library within the admin area.
  • Dashicon-menu: Used for menu-related functionalities.
  • Dashicon-plus: Represents the “add” function for new posts, pages, or other content types.

Categories of Dashicons

For easier navigation and identification, the Dashicons are divided into specific categories. Some of the main categories are:

  • Post formats: Icons for different post formats such as standard, sidebar and gallery.
  • Media: Icons for media types such as images, audio and video.
  • Other: Icons for more general functions such as location, search and clock.
  • Administration menu: Icons for different areas of the administration menu such as settings, plugins and users.

These categories help people quickly spot the icons they need based on what they’re doing. This tidy setup makes using the WordPress admin area a lot smoother and more user-friendly.

WordPress dashicons
WordPress dashicons

Section 3: How to use Dashicons in WordPress

Best practices for using Dashicons

WordPress dashicons
WordPress dashicons

Section 4: Customizing and extending Dashicons

Design the icon: Use vector design software such as Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape to create your customized icon. Make sure the design matches the overall style and size (usually 16×16 pixels) of the existing Dashicons.

Convert to font: Several online tools and resources can convert your SVG icon design into a font format compatible with WordPress. Some popular options include Icomoon ( and Font Squirrel (

Integration: Once converted, integrate your custom font into your theme or plugin using CSS. This involves defining the font family, including the font file, and specifying the icon class name for usage within your HTML.

Tools and resources for designing custom icons

Here are some helpful resources for designing custom icons that complement the style of Dashicons:

Case studies or examples of extended Dashicons in action

Free WordPress shapes and masks
MaxiBlocks WordPress dashicons

Section 5: The future of Dashicons in WordPress

Dashicons and Gutenberg

  • Focus on blocks: Gutenberg utilizes a block-based interface, where functionality is represented by block types and icons.
  • Limited need for dashicons: While some Dashicons are still used for specific actions within the editor, the overall reliance has decreased.

Transition towards new icon libraries

The future outlook

  • Admin menu and settings: Dashicons will likely remain the primary icon set for the admin menu and various settings sections due to their familiarity and established usage.
  • Theme and plugin development: Looking ahead, developers can keep using Dashicons in their themes and plugins to improve how things feel and work in the admin area of WordPress.

How do I add free WordPress icons to my site?

How do I add WordPress icons to my menu?

  • Think about adding Dashicons to your WordPress theme or plugin projects to make the admin area more user-friendly.
  • Explore innovative ways to utilize Dashicons alongside custom icons or alternative icon libraries like WP Icons.
  • Share your thoughts and experiences with Dashicons in the WordPress community forums. What are some creative ways you’ve used Dashicons in your projects?

Additional resources:

Dashicons library reference:

WordPress Block Editor Handbook:

WordPress developer resources: